&!.' I----'- fcw '-', t i-v; ...,, - aawwtsws - fr'J V tin s -?JSBr'": . KVTiSS--. -y.- $-.' P&S A JtfZl'. . 'a3"-V, . -"- i- -r..;; iWi;' "c - - V ? fa'taaSkjatiutrtZr i1 ft '$ .:w T'i VHiS- - , a v Y ' C- ' Vj 'M rfwz. GREAT CLOSNG OUT vnLli $14,000.00 , Worth of Merchandise to be sold ..-., , beginning SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th, 1909. continuing 'till entire stock is sold The greatest slaughtering of prices ever heard of in the history of Hemingford and Box Butte County. We are going out of business and in order to move this stock in the shortest possible time w have marked every article in this store at prices that will stagger humanity. This will be the greatest opportunity ever offered the people in this county to supply themselves with Clothing, Shoes, Under wear, Dry Goods, Groceries, Notions, etc. at remarkably low prices. Below we qoute you a few prices, as time and space will not premit we can only quote a few of the many bargains to be had in this store. LADIE'S UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Ladie's Fine Fleeced Union Suits 98c. Fleeccd-lined Vests 48c. " " Pants 48c. Jersey Ribbed Corset Covers 29c. Ribbed-top Hose, per pair 19c. " Black Lisle Hose, per pair 38c. Misses Hose from 9c to. 3.8c pair. MEN'S AND BOY'S UNDERWEAR AND SWEATERS. Fleeced-lincd Underwear, per garment 48c. All Wool $1.29 Union Suits, per Suit $1.68 Men's and Boy's Sweater Coats, 48c to $3.68 CALICOES, GINGHAMS AND OUTINGS. All Calicoes at ' 5c per yd. All Outings at , 9c per yd. 15c Ginghams at 9c per yd. 12 l-2c Ginghams at 7c per yd. I Oc Ginghams at 6c per yd. DRESS GOODS. Dress Goods in All Styles and Fabrics, Hen riattas, Mohair, Broadcloth and Serges at ' PRICES FROM 12c to 98c PER YD. MEN'S CLOTHING AND OVERCOATS Suits that sold at $ 1 4.00 now $9.25 " " " " $16.50 now $11.25 . " " ,," ". $22.50 now $16.50 M CLOTHING en's and Boy's Suits in All the Latest Styles BOY'S SUITS. Boy's Suits Boy's Knee Pants from $1.68 to $2.19 from 29c to 68c Blankets ! Blankets ! Blankets ! All Wool Blankets that sold at $6.00 per pair, large ones 12x4 going at Heavy Cotton Blankets 1 1 x4 $3.98 68c. $1.38. $1.68. $1.79. and $1.89 per pair. a .-. ' :.. y Shoes ! Shoes ! Shoes ! 7 In Shoes we carry the Celebrated Mayers Shoes known the World over for their Style, Fit and Finish Men's Shoes in all sizes from . $1.19 to $2.98 per pair Ladie's Shoes from ,".'...- 98c to $2.29 per pair .. r"f:iv:y .r. ii I ';. Groceries, Flour, Salt. Our line of Groceries is complete and we can supply you at the lowest possible price. Salt in 1401b. sacks, per sk. 95c. Salt in 100 lb. sacks, per sk. 75c. Rock Salt per cwt., 75c, 85c. Remember the date, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th, Oome early while our stock is complete. This is a bonafide Closing Out Sale. Everything must go. STORE FIXTURES FOR SALE. " 'sJ"fL"l' i " BARGE BROTHER' Hemingford, Nebraska. u