The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 14, 1909, Image 2

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Hurricane Wrecks Southern
, most Florida Gily,
PROPERTY LOSS 82,000,000,
Few People Remain In Homeo, Hun
drds of Which Havo Been Demolished-
Martial Law Proclaimed and
Ou"j3 Patrol Streets Government
Ask'd to Send Troops Immediately.
City a Mass Wreckage. ,
Key West, Fin , Oct. 12. Ah a result
of ths hurricane which struck Hit
Boutham coast or Florldn, Koy Wesi
is n mnss cf wrockngo and the nam
ago to property Is estimated at $2,
000,000. Martial law hns boen vo
claimed by the mayor and the o
V.'sst gunrda aro patrolling the cit
The United States government 1ms
been nskod to dispatch troops hero
without delay. Chaos rolgtiB on every
hand and fow people remnln In their
homos, hundreds or whjch either have
beon totally wrecked or dnmngod.
It Is known that many havo ro
eclvod serious .Injuries, nn.l uncon
firmed reports nro that sovoral lives
havo beon lost. Tho wind had an es
timated volaclty or 100 miles an hour.
While tho hurricane Is tho worst
that Koy West has ovor experienced,
tho locnl weathor forecaster najs that
tho Indications nro that tho wholo
coast of Florida will suffer terribly.
Tho stroots nlong tho water front aro
n mass or wreckage
Brick as well as frnmo buildings
throughout tho city Buffered from tho
fury of tho hurricane, nosldcs tho
Bovornl score of residences either to
tally wrecked or blown from thejr
foundations, nlno factories woro par
tlnlly destroyed. Nos. 1 and 3 of tho
city flro department wcro destroyed
and tho firemen narrowly esenped.
Tho top of the First National bank
was blown oft and postofflcc damaged.
Western Portion of Cuba Devastated
by Tornado.
Havana, Oct. 12 Tho most serious
tornado glnco tho big blow of Oct. 17,
3000, struck Cuba, cnuslng oxton&lvo
dovnstatlan through tLo wholo west
gru portion of tho Island. In the city
of Hnrana many minor buildings woro
blown down or unroofed, almost all
tho trees woro uprooted and fle per
sons woro klllod, one by an electric
Wire, and the othorB by falling build.
lngs. Twonty-flvo persons wore Injured.
Tho greatest damage dono was In the
hnibor, whore foity or fifty llhtera,
Inunches and smnlt tugs waro olther
i sunk or blown ashore. Tho total
dnmngo In Havana and vicinity Is esti
mated at $1,000,000.
Treasure Supposed to Have Been
Burled by Lafltte Washed Out.
Merldn, Mexico, Oct. 12. Tho re
cent sovero storm along tho coast of
Yucatan Is believed to havo uncovorej
from tho beach of Puerto Calostum
tho burled wealth of tho pirate Lafltte,
who died and Is burled in Yucatan.
Soon after tho storm subsided tho
crews of fishing boats bognn picking
up many gold and sllvor ccjns of Eng
llsh and Spanish niako, bearing datos
of tho early part of the last contury.
Thoso coIiib woro scnttored along the
beach. Sovoral thousand dollars has
been collectod.
Two Men Killed and Six Injured at
Fort Riley.
Junction City, Kan , Oct. 12. Two
men were killed and sl Injured on
the Fort Ulloy military reservation by
tho oxplos,lon of a four-Inch gun dur
ing military tosts "e-cant Smith
and Prlvntu Dailels of battory A,
Sixth field artillery, woro klllod. Llou
tenant Ralph M Pumioll of the Sixth
wna perhaps fatally hurt. Five prl
vntos wore slightly injured. Tho ex
plosion, It Is 8a,ld, was duo to n defect
In Uio gun,
Portions of Woman's Body Wrappea
Up In New Bedford Newspape.r.
Tiverton, It I., Oct. 12. Tho find
ing of tho severed logs of a woman In
a dress mitt case in some bushes In
an outlying section of this town
bi ought to U'ht what tho authoiltlcs
aro conv'tjcod Is n case of murder
The dU, ivory of a New Bedrord
newspaper of Sunday's dato with the
lortlolir of tho limbs Is regnrdod as
: tbi most Important clue thus far ob
v falnod as to the murdoror.
" Wright Establishes New Record.
College Park, Md., Oct. 12. In an
yearly morning experimental flight,
Wilbur Wright established a new rec
ord lor matting a circle, making a com
pleto turn In 17 3-5 seconds. It was
estimated that thjs was at an average
speed or thirty-five miles an hour
The diameter of the circle was ap
proximately 250 feet.
Killed In Football Game.
Topaka, Kan., Oct. 11. Joseph M
Walsh, nineteen years old, of Albu
quqrque, died here rrom Injuries re
colvod In n recent football game at St
Mary's college.
Mineral Point Bank Shortage.
Mineral Point, Wis.. Oct. 12. The
First National bank of thjs city has
discovered a shortage of J210.000, due
to alleged forgeries of notes.
Celebration Comes toan End In Col
umns of Flame,
New York, Oct. 11. Farewell to
the Hudson 1'Ulton celebration was
written in flame from Stnlon Island
to Albany. Qonornl Stuart Woodford,
acting ns ngent for President Tnft,
gave tho signal nt which tho boacona
wore flrod and tho combined search
lights or the 1,000,000 candle powor
battery on tho upper Illversldo drivo,
blending in ono bonm, pointed straight
Into tho honvens, a finger of light.
Apart from tho electric display,
tho fireworks and tho oluntnry Illu
minations of dwellers on tho Hudson
rlvor, tho IIudBon Fulton commission
had provided tlijrty six peat cones,
each thirty feet high, packed with the
most brilliant or Inflnmmables. They
burnod six hours with almost no
smoke and each or them Bent up a
sixty-foot column of solid flame.
Danish Explorer Will Dispense With
Dogs in Polar Expedition.
Hamburg, Oct 11. Captain Ronld
Amundsen, the well known Dnnlsh o;
ploror, who is about to start on a
polar expedition, hns decided to try
n remarkable Innovation In tho use of
drnught anlmnls for polar travel. He
will endeavor to mako polar bearB
draw his sledges.
Sometime ago Captain Amundsen
mndo a contract with Carl Hngen
beck, tho famous anlmnl trainer, for
twenty Jce boars, threo years old.
Hagenbcck's men havo been Industri
ously nt work for a month training
benrs, and tho results attained nro
said to protnlso success for them In
polnr work. Tho nnlmnls will bo
shipped to Chrlstlann this wcok,
where thoy will bo takon on board
Captain Amundsen's ship.
Packing Company Settles Oleo Case
for $97,777.50.
Leavenworth, Kan., Oct. 12. The
caso against tho Cudnhy Packing com
pnny for tho violation of tho Internal
revenuo laws by failing to place
stamps of proper denomination on
packages of oleomargarine came to an
end In tho federal court hero by a
compromlso when the packing com
pnny was fined $5,000 and agreed to
pay a back stamp tax of $82,777.50 and
a special tax of $10,000 for agencies,
making tho total of $97,777.50 to bo
paid by tho packing company to the
Plant Will Be Established at Manhat
tan Agricultural College.
Topoka, Kan., Oct. 11. A plant wilt
bo established at tho Manhattan agrl
cultural collogo for tho manufacture
of hog cholorn serum, which will be
sold to tho rarmora at cost. Tho plant
will bo ready for operation In about
six wcoks. Dr. W. B. Njles of the
government agricultural department
will Install it, nsslBtod by Stato Live
Stock Commissioner Mercer and ex
ports at tho college. Tho serum is
mndo by a secrot process which tho
govornmont holds.
Remarkable Achievement of a Torpedo
Boat Destroyer.
Bath, Mo., Oct. 11. Attaining a
speod of 31.85 knots nn hour, tho tor
pedo bont dost! oyer Hold hnd a four
hour run, completing her tests tor
speed and coal and water consumption
and clinching her clnlm to the title ot
tho fastest of Amorlcnn naval vessels.
The Bpood attnlnod by tho Roid puts
her In tho class with tho swiftest
naval craft of tho world.
Reports Wreck, Then Dies.
Kansas City, Oct. 11. Excitement
caused by reporting tho derailment of
tho Missouri Pacific rnst mall train a
fow mllos oast of this city cost the
Ufo of Isaac Davis, station ngont at
Little Blue, Mo, Nobody was injured
by tho derailment, but traffic was do
layod several hours. Davis, who had
been suffering from heart trouble, be
came gioatly pertuibod ovor tho acci
dent. Ho notified the division head
quarters or tho accident and then told
his frlonds ho was 111. Before a phj si
clan arrived, Davis was dead,
St. Charles Celebrates Centennial.
St. Charlos. Mo, Oct. 11. This,
tho flrst cnpltal of Missouri, bogan
tho colobrntlon of Its centennial to
day with an olaborato program of on
tortnlument The stato logUlaturo will
bo calloj to ordor tomonow In the
old weather boaton building, which it
occupied years ago. Six parades have
boen arranged for tho visitors.
Robs Bank and Shoots Policeman.
Luwrence, Kan., Oct. 12. Scores of
armed citizens are searching for Earl
Bullock, nn eighteen-year-old des
porado, who robbed the State bank at
Eudora and later perhaps fatally
wounded Policeman Wilson Prlngle,
who attempted to arrest him at his
mothor's homo hero.
Ferrer Sentenced to Death.
Barcojona, Oct. 12, Francisco Fer
rer, who has boen at trial in this city
on tho charge of having been the prin
clpnl Instigator of the revolutionary
movement, has been sentenced to
death. Ho will be shot tomorrow
night, unloss his sentence is countermanded.
Three Chinese Electrocuted.
Boston, Oct. 12. Throe Chinamen,
Mln Sing, Leoag Gong and Som
Woon, woro electrocuted at the state
prison In Charlestown tnls morning
for the murdor of four of their coun
trymon In a Tong war, in Chinatown,
on the night or Aug. 2, 1007.
Pittsburg How Has the Better
ot the Series.
Jennings' Men Make a Game Rally
Near the End, but Pittsburg Stays
Ahead Wagher Carrion Off Honors
With Four Hits Bush and Dele
hanty Stars for Detroit Summers
Driven From Box In First Inning.
Dotroit, Oct. 12. Pittsburg defeated
Detroit by the score o'r 8 to 0 In one ot
the most spectacular and fiercely con
tested games ovor played In a world's
championship Borles. This gives Pitts
burg the margin of two games to ono
and the National league champions
are correspondingly jubilant. De
trolt, however, showed In tho final In
nings of tho battle that it Is far from
a hopelessly beaten team. Weather
conditions were frightful. Rain fell
frequently during tho nine innings.
Desplto tho wretched weathor, tho at
tendance, 18,277, broke all local rec
ords for tho world's scries.
Pittsburg Jumped Into tho lead Im
mediately by scoring flvo runs In tho
llrst Inning, They batted Summers
out of tho box, aided by somo poor
fielding. Another run in tho second
inning gave Pittsburg a lead of C to 0,
and the gnmo then appeared to the
visitors to bo sare. Detroit, however,
camo to tho foro with ono of the gam
est rallies over made, and scored four
runs In tho seventh Inning, batting
Maddox hard and playing like fiends.
Tho mighty Hans Wagner was" the
star of the game, though ho was forced
to sharo somo of tho stellar honors
with others. Wagner made four hits
and stole four bases.
Bush and Delohnnty woro the bright
stars on the Detroit team In batting.
Scoro by Innings:
Detroit ....00000040 2 G 12 3
Pittsburg ..5 1000000 28 11 2
SummorB, Wlllett, Works and
Schmidt: Maddox and Gibson.
Whole Affair Has Been Referred to
the Chief Executive.
Washington, Oct. 12. Tomorrow
will probably see tho determination of
the question ns to whether Charles
Crane will be asked to resign his re
cently created position of minister to
China or continue his Journey to
China, from which ho was recalled
when ho waB almost in the act of
stopping aboard his Dteamer, by Sec
retaiy of Stato Knox.
It became known that the wholo af
fair has beon rofened to President
Tnft. It 1b assumed alfeo that Mr.
Knox Informed tho president of nil
the mnteilal facts in Mr. Crano's
caso, togother with his own views on
the subject. Indications point in this
direction nnd tho matter Is expected
to remain In status quo pending ad
vices from tho president.
Mr. Crnno declared that nothing had
occurred during tho day to alter his
plans for sailing on tho Korea for
Peking on the 20th and that ho fully
expected to do so.
President's Long Journey Is About
Half Completed.
L03 Angeles, Oct. 12. This morn
ing President Jatt was taken tor an
automobile, rldo to Pasadena and
through tho orange dlstrlctB or River
side. Ho will bo entertained at lunch
eon at Pasadena and at dinner at
RIverbldc. Late tonight he will start
for the east on tho latter half of his
long trip, nnd both In pojut of time
and In mllonge, his jouniey will bo
half comploted.
Tho .president passed In roviow of
tho bchool children and made an ad
dress to them, In which ho sought to
inculcate a losson on patriotism by
catechising them as to the meaning of
tho ling and their idea of the liberty
nvliich it represents.
Dr. Ira Remsen Selected to Name
Commission to Go Over Claims.
Washington, Oct. 12. Tho National
Geographic society, In response to a
proposnl from the Peary Arctic club,
adopted a losoluticn agreeing to join
the American Geographic society and
tho American Museum of Natural His
tory in requesting Dr. Ira Remsen,
president of Iho National Academy of
Sciences, to appoint n commission to
oxnmlno a report on tho Arctic rec
ord of observations and data of Com
mander Robert E. Peary and Dr. Fred
erick A. Cook.
Jilted Artist's Model Ends Life.
Mantes sur Seine, France, Oct. 9.
At tho villa of Daniel Ridgowny
Knight, tho American painter, Ar
mando lisonl, a soventeen-year-ola
girl, renowned throughout tne conn
tryside for her beauty, and who
served Mr. Knight in tho double ca
pacity of domestic nud model, killed
horsolf. After being publicly jilted
at a village ball by her lover, Gustav
Fortune, sho returned to Mr. Knight's
house, took the painter's shotgun and,
placing the banel under her chin,
blow off hor hoad.
Thirty-four Hurt at St. Louis.
St. Louis. Oct. 12. Thirty-four per
sons, most of them women, were in
jured in two street car collisions here
Slippery tracks causod the accldenta
1 1M
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Northwest Corner Box Butte Avenue
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Miss Rose C. Herman
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Louis Skala Sausagemakers
John Herman... ) and Butchers
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Most Up-to-Date
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High-Grade Meats, Fresh and Cured, Fish,
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