" ' w"" ''"'-K-'MMHHHMJIllilWinLVMnMi i s Hf: w :sj - sW ' 2T 'A V J" -- J' ' ' ,Jr V J HEfHNGFORD HERALD. HEMINGFOKD, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NED., OCT. 7, I909. DELINQUENT TAX LIST Jwciccocic HILLS ADDITION, & SNlCDflKISR'S Hemfngford Happenings. with Alec Murhead went to Omaha cattle. Mrs. Ike Woods' daughter is here on a visit. Julia Fostrotn went to Alliance to the fair. The new lunch counter has heen closed up. C. A. Burlew went to Lincoln on a business trip. Ira Phillips and wife w'ent to Al iiance to the fain Chas. Bushnell went to Omaha with Ben Johnson's cattle. Dr. Eikncr, wife and daughter, Juno, went to Alliance to the fair. Mrs. Davison and Miss Susie came home for a few days last week. A baby boy came last week to bright en the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Shindlcr. Sain Grass, Lloyd Watson and Shir ley went to Idaho with a car of goods. There will be a box social here in the new opera house next Friday night, Oct. 8. Mrs. Hugh Petre, who has been vis iting at her old home, returned last Friday. Rev. Godfrey and his brother J. M. Godfrey of Washington were here Monday. Fred Melic had a young horse cut so badly in the wire that it was necessary to kill it- Dick and Frank Berin have been en joying a visit with their brother from Chicago. Mrs. B. E. Johnson went to Alliance to meet her mother, who has been east on a visit. Born To Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tay lor, a boy, Friday. All concerned do ing nicely. Dr. Willis from Marsland was called in consultation with Dr- Little for John Hickey. Roily Johnson and one of the Mc Clusky boys went to Pierre, S. D., last Monday. Mrs. Elmer Roland went to McCook to see her sister, Mrs. Olday, before going to, Idaho. Elmer Roland went to Alliance with a grader and is going to grade some in that part of the country. The dance given here Friday night by the Odd Fellows was well attended and seemed to be enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. Jones stopped here Monday on their way to their daugh ter's, Mrs. Vinten Murphy, in Sioux county. ' Mrs. Jennie Hughes went home the last of the week, accompanied bv Miss Agnes Moravek, who is going to make a short visit there. Margaret Canfield, who has been staying with her sister, Mrs. Fred Melic, all summer, returned to her home for the winter. C A- William, who was here with Canfield, shipped a car of horses last week and will be back in a week or two after another load. A fine twelve pound girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Brown Saturday. Dr. Little was in attendance, and all concerned are doing nicely. Mrs. Jim Moravek -returned from Buffalo, N. V., where she has been at the hospital with her husband. Mr. Moravek was feeling much better when she left. The death of Mrs. L. Moeller oc curred at 7 a.m. Monday morning, caused from a cancer. Tim funeral was held at the Catholic church at 10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Mr. John Hickey died suddenly of heart failure Friday at 7 p.m. at the home of his brother, Roy Hickey. The funeral was held at the Congregational church Sunday. Mr. Hickey was very well known here and the heartfelt sympathy of all arc extended to the boroaved ones. Will Roland's oldest daughter, who I hns boon in the hospital for sometime, died a week ago Monday. The funeral was held at the Congregational chinch at two o'clock, conducted by Rev. Bur leigh. Mr. Roland and family havo the sympathy of nil in their late be reavement. Notice Is hereby Riven tlint the follow ing lnnils nml lots in llox Dutt county. Nebraska, hnve tRxos unpaid for til 8 year 1308 unil pievlnua yenr. mid so imiOil Of oli tmct or lot will h ofrsml for sfile an shall be nocvMnry to imy tftx on tlio whole tmct or lot Sale will bo held at the onic of the county treasurer in Alllaneo from 0 n. 111. to 4 p. m. on th ilrst Monday In No vcmbcr. yr lf09. Dated nt Alllnnoo, NohmsUft, this first day of October, 100. l'RKD MOLLRlNO, County Treasurer. iW. inje. ApttLet Hlk. Amt I J .... 2 io.f ii of i & 4 r, c.ifi ! 1 1. Hi t C.... 0 7.36 7......... 3 .fill , G 8.00 I 9 & S..,. 6 .Til SNRMCIUmS ADDITION, ot nik. Amt.lUt. 1111c. Amt. 1. 2, 3.... I f.iMS 3 2.05 : ,MtO. ........ 3 l.so Il ......... Curly Notes ORIGINAL Lot. uiii. 1 n I a r 10 3 r W. L. Whitakor is woikmg for O. Bass- ' C J, Ward is having a well drilled. this week. J. A. Wood was a Hcmingford visi tor Thursday. D. E Wallage i3 doing some con tract work at Scottsbluff. Mr. Alcott and Mr. Howard deliver ed sheep at Mitchell last week. Mrs, Fiank Munsell went back to Chicago to make an extended visit. Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Wallage called on Mr. and Mrs. A- E. Haun Wednes day. Mrs. C. H. Henderson, who has been visiting in the eastern part of the state, returned home. In the death of Mr. John Hickey, Friday night, this community lost one of its most esteemed citizens and all join in extending their heartfelt sym pathy to the bereft. Mrs. Ella Hodgkin, who has recent ly located in Sioux county, took two of her grandchildren and went back to her former homo to complete final ar rangements before making this her permanent home. QUAKER VALLEY Quite a number around here attend ed the fair. The cattle men are beginning to put their cattle into winter pastures. Dr. Haworth has been quite sick with gall stones but is better at this untmg. The Jameson brothers have finished their houses and will move into them this week. If this is a sample fall for Nebraska, we must confess it would be hard to beat anywhere. We have as fine gardens, potatoes,' watermelons, wheat, oats, etc., in Quaker Valley as can be found in the state of Nebraska or in any other state. Mrs. Johnson goes to Alliance this week to receive medical treatment, and send their little son to school. It is hard to gather news when neighbors live so far apart and no telephone. How do you folks mauage it? Mr. LeBcck is building a new house. It looks rather suspicious, as he al ready has a house large enough for one. Sunday-school at 10 o'clock; preach ing at 1 1 by Rev. Farley from Ack worth, la., at the home of Mr- Shoff tier. We would like to see everybody there who lives near enough to come. All are welcome. Come, neighbors, and let us worship together and get acquainted and have a social time as well as spiritual. l 0.. 7. l 1 1 2 2 2 S 3 4 4 5 5 5 r. r (i 7 7 7 8 9 8 U SO ft of 13 14.... 9 I0x0 ft w end of 11.... 9 18x140 ft s sUo is,, 9 9 Pt of 13.. TOWN OP , Amt'Lot. jii.75 5.... 1U c Vi 19.00 2.30 17... 21.00,65 ft SS.40 15. i7.r.8'iB 11.7m 19.00 15 12 26.10,16 22 ALLIANCE, lllk. Atnt .... 10 .... 20 20 of 21 XI 21 r.9Q 43,78 15.16 A7i ADDITION. Lot, Illk. 14 1 S... 'J:::: c... 7..., S.... S sW 9... 3.3 20.50 29.20 3C.80 28. 20 7.40 15.15 23 35 S2.10 29.20 S.S5 37.1-0 7 2. SO 23.40 29.20 20... 1.. 2.. 9.. 10.. 14.. lo 10 11 11 14 16 17 18 19 19 19 19 19 1 & 21 13 14 15 16 & s 17 ...... 16 17 1 14 Lot 6 of 6. .. . 17.C5 13 3 4 5 7 14 1... 4... ... 5 6 12 13 6 7 O t 1.55 23 40 3.75 29.20 E 37.75 32.10 51.05 13.10 17.55 14.C5 11.75 3.05 23.40 11.75 of 16. of 17. it 32 33 23 23 Of n3 21 25 25 26 26 26 5& 27 27 2S 28 2S 28 2S 2' 2S 28 29 29 29 29 30 30 30 29.20 114.40 144.40 5S.5Q 23.35 42JS 14.65 17.86 4,55 36.45 75.75 13.25 14.66 3.00 29.20 17.C5 , 37.90 14.65 29.20 72.80 87.36 72.S0 7.40 11.75 43 70 1U.30 10.30 14.65 14.6.1 14.65 7.40 17.55 1.55 14.65 7.40 RSDDISI1I 'M. inn, 2. pt ofia 1 Pt Vif 11 & WYOMING AVKNUB ADDITION, Lot. lllk. Amt. 5. 6. 7. S. 9. 10.... 2 .90 II 2 2.W, io. in, 17. IS. 19, 20 2 .90 10 & 11... 3 ,50 Atnt. 3.76 Ut. Illk. Amt. 13. 14, 15 .10. 17. 18 3 2.10 l6, 20, 21, 22 3 1.75 6, 7, 8.... C .50 1 HILL'S ADDITION. Lot. 1111c. AmLIJ-ot. Dlk. Amt. 2 2 .3617 6 .20 SOUTH LAWN ADDITION. Lot. lllk. Amt.lLot. nik. Amt. 15 3 .20116 3 1.4(3 pose 3W U w ..) .... Ne y, Township 25, Raiira 48. Sac. Atnt 1 ii.?ft in K . . . y .r tw u.... 17 s.n w .... 18 7.6 Nw Vi.... 19 7.M U Of HU tf 19 3.DJ go V, 22 14.06 Bw U.... 23 13.75 25 16.76 Dec f't nf h D M U. Pt of 11 14 or Pt m . n n 8M. L X X lt of bo M Vi of tvw Pt nf of mU.K Ijiko Prficlunt Nw U.... 26 N U 39 Nw ft 20 So U 29 Township 36. RntiRO 48. 66. 3?( 96 De5c 8eo. Amt N U of n w H.... SO aii ..:.... 31 N'O IS 32 Nw ?i.... 32 Sw .... 32 S H 84 W $4 of n o U (nt) 35 9.50 .no 9.60 20.06 28.S61 Dom, Sco. re w of 11 V U of 11 o (pt) 35 IH of nw U.?5.V:r an I'l of 8W 35 Trnols of SHU of 35-25-48. Dcsc. Boo. Atnt, IH of trnot 2 Trnct Pt of 8 no .6( Dcsa Soc 'i Of 80 (1 30 (X3t. 1.... O 1.!'.' 3 6.... 6.... 3.... 6.... 6.... 5.... 6..,. 6.... FIRST ADDITION TO ALLIANCE. Lot. 1 2 2 3 ot 13 14 3 SH13IUDAN Rlk. Atnt. . . . Q 6.30 1.00 1.05 1.05 1.55 26.30 i.r.S 1.55 l.0 1.20 1.55 2.30 13.20 11 n N N P P P P S K U U ADDITION. I,ot. lillc. 50x140 ft of Pt 3 W IH 3 W Pt 3 W I..- W 8 100 ft of 1 In .... 60x140 ft of I In Amt. 8.10 4.6C 2 90 2 01 23.40 X 2.30 Y Y S u of 5.. Y Immmim J. NDDRASICA ADDITION. Lot. 100 ft of 1. 8 y of 1.. 3 60 ft of NW of 1 N 60 ft of NW of 1 lllk. A A Amt. 4,25 9.60 .45 1.76 Lot. 2......... Pt of 5.... N nf 3.. 50x140 ft Of 4 Dlk. II II L Dlk. Atnt. Lot. Ulk. Amt. 11 21.90 5 7 10.30 1 30.50 4 8 10.60 2 17.55 9 8 11.00 2 23 35 1 10 11.76 2 17.5518 20 7.401 3 23.35 16 15 13.20 3 23.35 13 20 11.75 7 ll.CSl BOX RUTTIO PRECINCT. Township 27, Rnngo 47. SDCOND ADDITION TO Lot. Dlk. 2 1 B 12 ft of 4 N Amt. 23.40 V, of 6.. 3 6 1 4 5.... J4 5.... Vi 5.... COUNTY Lot. G I J 3 0 f5 ft of 9.. !0 & 21.... 10vl40 ft of Lot. of IS it, ll.Uli d , 21.90 4 , 23.40 6 , 23.40 6 , 23.40 n SO ft Of 2.30 8 2.30 10 2.30111 9 7.40. 6 10 4.60 7 10 36.50' S 10 26.30, 1 11 23.35 5 11 ALLIANCE, Dlk. Amt. 8 23.35 23.35 167.15 7 40 7.40 66.55 17.65 9.95 9.95 26.30 3.00 21.90 2.30 17.65 Dose. i O V4 . Nw tt... N of nw Vi,oVi. Vw ..... ::: No 3w Spc 10 13 14 17 21 23 Amt. 7.35 8.65 10.96 5.80 5.S0 7.35 Dese. nu it . . . . . N u, bo M No hi . . . . NG I. No .Sw No Seo, 23 24 25 25 26 28 29 Ocsc 5W hi. SW i. So Vi. Nw U. Township 27, Rango 48. ADDITION TO ALLIANCE. Dlk. Amt.lLot. Dlk. Amt 2 14.55! 54 2 2.30 S 50 ft of 2 10.S5I 64 17.55, N 60 ft of 17.55 36.45 43.75 19 10 II IS N 50 ft of 64 II 50 ft of 55.. E 100 ft of 69 62 V 6 nf C3 Gu, ui . Lot. 6.. Marriages Bakek-Wiute At the M- E. par sonage, Sept. 30, igog, J. Roy Baker and Miss Ella B. White, both of Ger ing, Nebr., Rev. J. L. Vallow officiat ing. Hesseltine-Henderson At the M. E. parsonage, Saturday, Oct. 2, 1909, at high noon, Jesse G, Hesseltine and Miss Elizabeth Henderson, both of Curly, Nebr.. Rev. J. L. Vallow officiating. The Old Reliable Hardware, Harness and Implement Firm In order to make room for new goods will make special prices on Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons Agent for the well known Deering Hay Tools and Harvesters and J. I, Case Threshing Machines. In HARNESS My motto: "How Good; Not, How Cheap." Anton Uhmig 1 EMINGFORD, NEBR. r... 7.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 15.. 17.. IS.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. 7.. 9.. 4.. 6.. 6.. SECOND Ik. 1 1 ....... 1 1 3 3 3 3 3 3 ::::::: I 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 1 10 3 N hi of 5. 20.15 17 55 17.566S 2.S0I7L' 1.90 76 SO :$T, 8) I COUNTY ADDITION. Amt.lLot. Dlk. 3.001 6 9 14.65 S . of 6. 3 00 S 5U ft of 1 3.00 60x140 ft Of 32.10 1' S 00 W hi 20.45 S t of 5.. 3.C0 N m of Se 21.90, of hlk 14. l'J.OO'N 50 ft Of 101. S7, W $ of 3 30 hlk lo ... 17.55 W ft of W 2 65 hi at hlk 2.05 lfi 2.65 JO ft of W 20.30 V- of hlk 3.00 IS 2.30 15 5 ft of W 2.301 V- of hlk 2.30' lS 2.30 122.10 ft of 7.40 .85 23.35 2.30 17.65 14.65 23.40 21.95 21.96 40.S5 17.65 1 2 8 11 N 14 of no , hi, w- hi. 13 3 h of se W 13 No Vi 14 Sec. Atnt A- sw Vi. 14 7.05 8.7P 13.85 8.76 17.30 3.60 11 00 8.75 Dose. See. So hi 15 No hi 22 No U 23 Nw hi 23 Sw Vi 23 N hi of n o Ai.... 24 S hi of (i T4 25 Dcsc. Nw ., soV4 Township 25, Rnnfjo 47. Sec Amt iriesc. Soc. ,. 15 10.45JE V6 23 18 O.OS.So hi 21 22 10.151 Dcrc. 3w VI.-. n hi & e A... Township 26, Ranco 47. Sec . 21 3 . 25 , 28 Amt 7.65 25.101 7.20 D08C. Nw VI 2 Nw 3 Sw V 3 9 11 11 11 12 13.20 17 55 13.20 .50 8.85 16.10 W V6 of I Ik la... 132 9 ft of SE of hlk 15 A?tt. 17.53 17.66 1.20 13.20 0.05 10.30 1.65 1.90 10.30 8.85 1.55 .6.90 6.00 WYOMING ADDITION. Lot. Blk. Amt.lLot. Dlk. Atnt. 2 2 1.55 1 U 14.C5 3 2 1.551 5 9 2.30 6 6 1.E5 1 11 2.30 6 5 1.90 2 II 29.20 5 0 11.75 3 11 3.15 6 6 17.55i 4 11 23.40 6 7 I.661 3 14 17.53 C 7 19.00 4. 14 17.65 SOUTH ALLIANCE. Lot. Dlk. Amt. Lot. Dlk. Amt. 4 1 197.05 3., 3 3.05 7 1 5.90 9 3 .60 8 1 .5510 3 .50 14 1 EOOlll 3 2.01 15 1 4.35, 5 4 6.65 16 1 27.00 6 4 .50 9 2 165 11... 1 14.CC 10 2 12.3612 4 4.60 13 2 lOOOilS 4 .4( II 2 128.40 Pi 4 .4(1 15 2 67.2010 4 4.11 IC 2 7.1SI FIRST ADDITION to SOUTH ALLI ANCE. Lot. Dlk. Amt. Lot. Dlk. Amt. 3 5 1926 6..., 8 22.41 4 6 11.55 G 8 .40 7 5 5.S6 7 8 5.SC 8 5 17.0S S 8 8.3C 11 5 12.2S 10 8 6.0C 12 5 7.85 6 9 2.01 16 6 10.35 All Of hlk.. 10 29.61 11 C .40 5 11 10C 3 , 7 9.30 0 11 4.0 7 7 6.00 J & 5 12 7.81 8 7 63.06 6, 12 4.0 16, 7 .40 7 12 4.0( DUNCAN'S NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE TRACTS. Lot. Dllc Amt. Lot. Dlk. Amt IH of trnot 0 4.26 S 25 ft of 230 ft truct 7 7.35 Tract ... 18 .21 IH 7 .SOTmct ..... 19 1.6 Tract 16 1.6D 247 ft trnot 24 4.7( FOREST SUR-ADD1TION TO DUNCAN'S NORTH SIDE RESIDENCE TRACTS. Lot. Dlk. Amt.lLot. Dlk. Amt 7, 8, 9, 10. 1, 2, 3. 4. 5, 11. 12.... 1 2 70 6. 7, 8, 9. 4, 6. 6.... 2 20.80 11 3 4.21 1. 2, 3, 9, 12 3 .71 10, 11, 12 2 38510 3 8.41 WALNUT HILL ADDITION CONSISTS OF TRACTS 13 AND 14, FIRST ADDITION TO DUNCAN'S N. S, llUKlUKWUtt MUIAVJIS. 3o 4 Township 20, 'RanBO 48 Desc. Sec. Amt 3v H 1 7.08 W V..v... 4 5o Vi..... 5 1: hi of S Sec. 1 33 33 1.20 1.20 1.56 1.20 1,20 Amt. 12.50 18.70 1.90 2.80 Amt. 7.35 21.65 9.75 7.40 7.35 6.80 6.80 Amt. 6.90 7.05 7.05 7.05 7.05 3.C0 3.60 Amt. 20.10 12.15 Amt. 7.20 11.35 7.65 23.0(1 11.60 w U.... 7 No hi 9 N ', 10 VV hi & s Desc. Seo. e hi.... 15 Nw U.... 17 So hi 17 Nw V4 . . . . 23 3 60ISU- Vi.... 23 N , n hi of se hi 25 EVfc. BWVi. 26 11.60 17.30 DOYD PRECINCT. Township 25 Rnngo 47. Dose. Sec, No Vi ... 6 Sw hi.... 8 E hi of BO U 12 So Vi 20 Nw Vi 22 Sw 4 of n o V4.nV4. so i of no i .. 24 Amt 8.60 9.0C 3.00 11.85 9.06 Dose. Sec. 4 So Vi 11 Nw i. of bw Vi... 13 Nw Vi-.-. 19 NW hi or s w Vi .... 26 No Vi of b w Vi . n hi of se hi 27 N V4 & w H of sw Vi 23 All 29 NoVi w hi & re of n w Vi. no 'v 01 BW 'imo. Soo. N hi of n- o U .... 25 3 Vi of no Vi. b hi of nw Vi & se Vi . 26 Sw Vi.... 27 Nw Vi .... 29 Ne 14 . 31 13.201 Township 21, Rnnso 47. Desc. Seo. of o Vi 30 No Vi. no Vi of nw 32 Amt. 8 10 3.30 1.16 7.66 .80 2.03 2.?6 29.9i i. n hi & so U Nw, s of no l4. n Vi Ai SO Vi Of sw i. n V4 & 80 hi of Be . 33 N v. ,t se of ne hi. n i ft s H of n w Vi. sw Vi. & n hi of so U 34 Sw Vi 35 Amt. 36.60 11.60 13.90 10.05 10.05 26.55 2C.6S Amt. 1.90 7.60 6.36 7.35 7.60 Amt. 20.65 29.60 7.3C 17.00 2.65 DORSEY PRECINCT, TownBhlp 28. Rnngo 19. "efc Sec. E of no, w, fo 33 All 31 Amt, 39.10 46.SC Dcsc. Sec. Amt ?... in .vi) MV ....... o .oy S of sw, ne 22 13.50 IV 25 17.30 W 32 34.35 Township 2S. Rnngo 50. Desc. Son. Amt.lDesc Sec. Amt, 30 18 305 Township 27, Rnngo 49. Dose. Sec Amt inesc. Soc. Amt N 3 ll.ORNe 5 17.9C Sw 3 O.SOlPt of so of No 4 17.SQ! bw ..... 7 6.10 Nw 4 12.00 Nw 21 17.95 Dose. No 4 of b w i , n V4 & bo U Of 80 V4 1 Nw Vi.... 2 H TV t N Vi 11 LIDERTY TRECINCT. TownBhlp 26, Rnngo 61. Sec, Amt. 4.76 4.75 4.30 8.05 Dobc. Soc. Nn Vi.... 13 So V4 19 iNW Vi.... ZJ No Vii sw Vi ...... 25 So H 36 Township 26, Iango 61. Desc. Sec. Amt. So VI 1 2.25 NW hi..,. B Z.KO No Vi 10 1.85 Dcbc Sen. Nw H.... 12 Sw V4... 13 Dobp. W M No NW Vi .... No..... Nw Vi .... So U..... Nw li.... Hi:::: Township 26, Rango 62. Nw Ne Nw Sec. 1 2 2 2 4 4 7 8 10 11 Amt 6.80 3.45 4.83 14.15 0.70 5.95 6.25 1.00 3.45 3.45 Dcbc So U a V4 of nw '?, n M, of sw Vi Soc. 12 X No Nw Vi S V4 of no VI. n 01 so 18 20 21 21 Amt, 10.36 1.00 8.46 13.10 0.9E afca Amt. 9.53 22.60 C.40 .30 Amt. 11.85 Amt. 4.10 8,45 4.76 4.03 0.10 3.30 Amt. 1.8S 4.1C Amt, 4.4(1 8.10 4 4C 7.11 8.4C " 24 8.0C Township 25, Rnngo 52. Dose. Soc. DeBC. SeC Amt, W hi of n o Vi 0 3.85 S Vi 17 25.00 of no LAWN PRECINCT. TownBhlp 2S, Rnngo 51. Dose. N ..., So 3 N of nw, a of aw.... 13 So 16 No ....... 20 Sec. Atnt. 3 4.55 3.15 1.80 12.10 1.35 Desc. Soc. No of nw, s of nw, nw of sw 21 Nw 22 So ........ 22 Desc. Nw of nw. N of no, n w of nw. Sw Kw of BW Sw, 8 of HO So, a of h w, no of bw E of no.... Nw No, n of n w, no of bo S of nw.. E of nw, o & nw of bo W of nw, Township ! Sec. Atnt .75 2.80 3.05 4.20 15.20 17.30 4 75 3.65 8.75 1.65 17.30 !8, Rnngo 62. Dcsc. Sec. w or sw. a No, BW B of nw or nn 1 0 N of BO.,.. 11 N of bw.. 13 E of no. o I of so.... R W of nw, n nr rv. , 'So N of no. Sw .... Ho IKw IN of nw.. Vi . . I 24 28 31 31 33 33 31 31 34 35 Desc Sw ... No ... Sw ... Sw no. Sw ... No ... So ...'. All W N, so.. Kw .., No ... Nw ... S(- ... N, BO s .... I. 3 3 4 7 8 8 9 10 11 11 12 13 13 14 15 11.35 19.60 6.80 5.80 5.90 6.80 16.95 1135 Of BO SO Of BO.. E of no, no of bo .... Nw No Nw 23 24 25 20 27 27 Township 27, Rnngo 62. Desc. Soc. S of sw, s of bo ., 27 N 28 No 32 AmUDesc. IN 3.45 Nw, se 0.60 Sw 4.65,No, nw,, Sec 33 34 34 35 NONPAREIL PRECINCT. TownBhlp 27, Rungo 49. Dcsc. Sec. Nw U .... 27 Bw .... 27 Amt 14.15 0.60 Desc. S hi Township 27, Rnngo DO. Sec. Amt.lDeBC. See. .. 25 10.70IE hi 26 Township 26, Rnngo 49. nw sw Township 27. Range 60. Dose. See. Amt.inesc. Sec. So 10 6.S0N of so .. 13 N 13 41.55 HEMINQFORD. Lot 1... 2... 3... 4... 5... 6... 6... 6... 7... 8... 9... 10..; 11... 12... 1... Illk. Amt Lot. 12... nik. Amt . 23 1.11 Lot. Dlk. Amt. 2 22 220 5& 6 22 4.25 SUMMIT PLACE ADD. CONSISTS OF TRACTS 25 AND 20. Lot. Dlk. Amt.l N 11 & 12.. ,G0 DUNCAN'S SECOND ADD TO DUN. CAN'S N. S. RES. TRACTS. Lot. Dlk. Amt Pt of 11 & all of 12. 34 .61 7 36 .41 Lot. Dlk. Amt. 1 & nt of 2 33 .50 10 & nt of 11 34 .40 JOHNSON'S ADITION Lot. Dlk. AmULot. Dlk. Amt 0 ii 6..,, l.l&l 6... SIMONSON ADDITION. 6.2 Lot. Dllt- Amt. 1, 2, 10... 1 1 30 8. ....... 1 .26 y x 30 1, 3. 3.... 2 4 25 4. 5,.,.. 2 4.21 Lot 6 6, 7...... o......... 9 .0 Dlk. Amt .3 .u 1.1 .6. 1.3 3 a'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. r, 7 13 14 9 10.. 24 8 10 11 12 10 11 12 13......... 14 5 5 5 5 5 & 6 6 6 G C 6 6 6 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 1? 13 13 13 13 Lot. 16...... 4 .26 .24 .26 17.60 .46j 4 601 .26 .25 .26 .25 10 .26 11. .06 12. .65 13. .65 14. .65 15. .65 19. .66 20. .65121. 3.351 9. .4510. 14.00(10. l.&O.ll. 16 is!:.'!:: 5.00 11.26 1125 2.90 11.2 .46 .46 .46 .45 .45 4.. &.. 6., 16.. Dlk. . 13 , 14 . 14 . 14 . 11 . 14 . 14 . 18 . 18 . 18 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 19 . 20 . 20 . 21 . 21 . 21 . 27 . 27 . 27 . 32 . 32 . 32 . 32 . 32 . 34 Amt 7.0! Amt. .4! .46 .41 .4! .it .41 .41 .8C .SO .8C 3.CC 6.O0 1.1! 1.1! 1 IS 1.5C 6.6! .&( 2.2( 2.K 2.2( 3.51 1.6 .3 .2! 3I .4 .4( .4! 1.2! .1( .11 9.8C .11 7.0! DeBc Pt of Vi & Vi Nw Vi.... E Vi Sw Vi (Vi) Vn U Pt of no All ..... Soc. Amt. No Sw Sw Nw So 2 4 8 9 10 11 15 ..19 ..19 , 20 . 24 2.90 9.30 11.70 9.31 28 No Vi 9.30 Nw Vi 4.20 No . 31.40 Sw Vi 5.40 NwVi 6.25IH w4 6.25, NwVi 11.60 SeVi 10.00I 28 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 35 35 Township 26, Rungo 60. Amt 18 6.40 Township 27, Rnngo 51. Desc. Soc AmtJDrsc Sec All 15 20.40SO 30 E 17 11.60 8 35 Sw 20 7.65) Township 27, Rnngo 62. Soc Amt.lDosc Sec 2 5.80 So. n .... 17 6.90 N, sw .... 18 6,80 Nw 19 6.25 N, bo .... 20 4.85 Sw 20 3.00 W, BO .... 21 5.S08 22 20 OR H of BW, B Amt. 6.10 4.3C 4.91 Amt. ll.CC 27.0C 1.6S 1.1C 1.2C 2.65 4,40 3.90 4.8! 6.SC 6.8C 5.8C 1.6C 4,8! Amt 6.8E C.8C Desc Soc S Vi. no Vi 31 Desc Soc. E Vi of bo A W Vi of so , . No W Amt. 24.70 13.2G &.8G 10.05 6.8C 16.96 11.70 3.90 1.50 1.20 6.90 6.SC 3.4S Amt. 9.00 11.60 3.4S 10.60 Amt. 12.76 Atnt. 8.30 Amt 2.40 2.40 4.55 &2t 5.26 4.76 4.6S 4.5t 4.55 8.6! 8.6! Dews. 1H Peso, Ml . wuiaitT riinctNCT. Towtidilp M, Range 60. Township w, Rnngo 60. ..BT Mfflfr S23a Township 8, Rango 49. Doso- 8v. Amttpea. Seo. NoU .... 2 iS.j&'NwK .... 12 KwVi .... 2 6,08wfc .... 18 Sw C 7.0&1NWU ... 19 IVVi 7 14.46NWU. V4 31 Nv? 11 n.aaswft .... 32 NoM 12 6.70 NwV .... 33 Township 24, Rnngo 49. Desc Sea Amt B Vi of no il .. it. of soU. N Vi BO 01 no & no 01 nw ji Bw Vi or ne Vi, w U A: bo H of nw B Vi oV'sw" ,? , bo Vi 4 E Vi of nw Hi n H of sw Vi 19.60 7.C5 7.6S ' C.7U 11.36 Sec. Dose. No VI 4 N Vi of so h 4 SoVi 12 No Vi. s H of so U 13 Nw Vi, n hi of sw nou I!!!! 14 SeVi 14 N Vi of ne V? 24 S Vi of ne Vi, so Vi 24 N Vi of nw . Vi ..... 24 Amt 3.80 Amt 6.70 0.70 6 70 20.0S 6 80 6 SO Amt. 6.70 3.4S 11.35 9.98 9.9B 8.BS 9.60 3.41 8. 60 3.44J Tho taxcR on tho following lnndn havo boon pnlil, llioroforo they are not sut-Ject to sale. CITYOFALMANCE Original Totrn Lot llloclt 0 10 10 ai 17 20 18 19 2.1 1.1) 22 21 22 1 20 County Addition 3 0 0 Second County Add 3 4 4 4 Wyoming Addition 1 It 2 H First Addition to South AllUnoo 8 Lots all of Rlook 10 A 11 0 II 4 12 R 13 A 12 7 r 12 Shorldnn Addition 5 A Duncans' Add.,Forost Subdivision. 7 8-0-10-11-12 t 1-2-3 7-8B-10-1M2 2 4 Ml 2 1-2-3-1-6 6-7-6 0-11 3 12 3 Httahcook, Hill s and Snodiliors'Add, 2 1 1 0 3 7 e Saodlkor's Addition 16 ii 16 2 17 2 HOX UUTTE PUD-" OINOT Township 27, RangcIS sw hi seo I bw U 2 h M of so H n Vi of no H & w Vi bw U bwH no u nw U nVi of no H n'i 13 13 14 no 23 21 10-ItoB nw U 17-27-47 to H SI-1M47 1W f il-20 47 nw H 2J-28 47 WU1U1IT PRECINCT no H. 4-21-49 H t BW M, s Vi so H 4-2149 n Vi 80 i 4 21-40 KW H 22 21-40 DW ' 24-25-49 LIUDftTYPREUINT w Vi of nw H. n Vi of SW H 7-25-62 S hi 17-25-63 n vi ofnw U An M of ( lMi'ft-53 RUNNING! WATER nliof sw H 2UM7 14 of sw H 8 28-47 no U 16-28 47 HO H 3:-2K-lS NUNP ARIEL PRE- CINOT nw i 4-29-40 se ( 27-2A-49 no 30-20 40 DORSEY PREClNOT n Vi 3-27-49 ne H 4-27-49 80 X 10-27-49 all 14-27-40 WH&IOX 16-27-40 uVtotno W&wM of so H 33-28-49 nil 84 28-40 IIEMINOFOllD Lot llloak 18 17 2-34 29 10-11-12 29 LAWN PREOINOT BW H 2-27-62 no H 3-27 6i sw M 3 27-62 sw H of ne H 4-87-62 sw ii rf BW U 4-28-62 sw U &s M of so U A28-62 BO H it B Vi of sw H & no 'i Of SW 14 0-28 62 nw H 7-28-fti no u. & n Vi of nw U, & no K of so H 8-28 hi w i of nw H, & nw Ji of sw 9-28-S h K of BO U 28-28-63 n W of no i 83-28-69 88 H 34-28-63 SW H 31-28-62 sw H 33 28-63 FRED MOLLHINQ, County Treasurer, llox iiutto County MARSLAND. Desc Sw-i NwVi SVi NwVi NVS, 80 Sec . G . 12 . 12 . 13 . 13 Amt lOesc. 6.95 NwVi 5,6SW1 14.60 Sw-i 7,40 SwVi ?.1U Soc 23 24 28 29 Amt. 5,3! 5.2C 4.1S 6.64 Desc Pt of Pt of s of nw All Ss V4 .. Nw Vi.. Hw Vi.. no -i. W Se Ne Vi. S Vi of i ... Nw Vi- S Vi of Vi. b LAKE PRECINCT. Township 24, Range 48. nw Sec. Amt. ne 'i W Vi Be se 12 12 13 13 14 2.20 10.56 61.10 7.0 7.M 8.66 7. fit 16.10 4.80 9.60 3.95 6.70 sw V, Desc. Sec of so Vi . 19 Ne Vi of n a li 19 Nw U of n wW.. 20 jw Vi 20 3e Vf 20 Sw Vi. N ',: ot se, b Vi of n eVi. 21 Ne U 22 W Vi 29 r. '4 iV 1-1 of nw Vi 30 Pt of nw Vi 30 Amt 6.7! 1.8! 1.8! 6.71 7.6! 113! 7.C! 14.11 15.11 6.71 RUNNING WATER PRECINCT, Township 28, Rnngo 47. rsc. Sec Amt.lDesc. Sec. ?4.JUtevi zo SWVl 21 as 7.60 4.10 nf Hivli of neV4, & su of n w ti NV4 of swU SVi of ne',4. & HVS 01 nwVi ... v. Sel 6 7 10 SeVi U SwVi 12 Noi 15 NwVi .... 15 SwVi 16 C.75 !SW V. Hwli of null . nwVt of 80 Vi -IV4 or so VI .... Hwv K 10.45,NPVi 7.05,NwVi .... 7.0l8Vi. neVi. 7 051 wVi of 7 0S1 BeVi .... 7.03,NViofneVl 7.051 NwVi .... 36 26 27 28 30 30 35 Desc. Sec. SViofnevi. 8Vi of nw-i Township 28, Rnngo 48. SVi Seli Amt. 6 80 11.65 6.80 DBC. NeVi SeVi S'evi NeVi Sec. 12 26 32 35 Amt 4.4C 4.4C C.lf 4.8E 6.8t 9.0C 6.7! 28.1C 2.0! 6.7! Amt. 5.8C 6 8C 6.74 6.8C Jas. Grey, of tho firm of Grey & Guthrie of Alliance, was in town the first of tho week attending to insurance matters, Maralautl is to have a now drug store, work to be commenced in about two weeks. Tho building is to be of steel construction. While L. T. Pool was loading a car the first of the week, his three year old sou, Willie, fell out and broke his col lar bone. Dr. Willis, who attended tho patient, reports he is doing nicely J. F. Mack of Kimball, S. D., is in town visiting his brother, C. F., who has been ill for the past mouth. Mr Mack will remain till l)is brother feels better, when both will go cast on a visit. J.- A. Uurke has moved to the build ing formerly occupied by the Matsland Land Co., the latter taking the store building vacated by Mr. Burke. Mr. Burke is opening up a restaurant in connection with his meat market- Tho new Farman residence is being finished this week. Mr. Trueblood 5f the C. A. Newberry Co., of Alliance was up Tuesday and Wednesday to install the heating apparatus and Fred I Brenuen, the Alliance plumber, will be up about Friday to put in the plumbing. The Farman residence will be quite the finest in .town, being as modern as expense and time can make it SNAKE CREEK PRECINCT. Township 24, Range 51. Amt 15.80 10.45 Desc Sec. EVi of BoVi 10 NVi 14 SVi of swVi, nVi of no of nwVi - 16 SVi of nwV4. & nVi of swVi ... 15 NeVi 21 SeVi 21 SVi of nwVi. Township 25, Rango 62. Desc Sec. Amt.l NwVi .... 21 6.9t Township 24, Rango 52. 11.35 3.00 Sec 21 22 Desc BW Vi . . . NVi. nwVi SwVi .... S ,Vi sw s Vi se.... 23 Nw Vi.,.. 20 N Vi ne Vi n Vi nw jL ...... L 1 3.95 SeVi 31 3.95 SwVi .... 32 Amt 3.91 2.0! 3.91 3.9! 3.9! 3.9! 1.8C l.fef Sec Amt. Desc Sw Vi of nw Vi. n Vi of bw tf. bw i of swVi. Sw4 .... SeU Nw Vi .... SeU TownBlilp 25, Range 61. Desc Sev. Amt.l tvi w..vc.lScJd W Vi of ne V4 .. 32 2.40 1 4.75 6 4.76 8 4.75 25 4.7S 26 4.76 Dose SwVi .. NwVi .. SwU . . SeVi ... 8 wi .. EVi .... Ne Vi . . . SwVi .. Soc. . 25. . 26 . 30 . 32 . 33 . 34 . 35 . 35 Amt 4.7! 4.7! 4.7! 4.7! 4.71 9.31 4.71 4.71 COMING SPORT EVENTS Toronto, Canada, Is talking of erect ing n ?r00,000 rink for hockey and other Ice sports. The Illinois Athletic club of Chicago will hold Its iiuiiunl Marathon run Oct. 2. Tcnpln Experts Jimmy Smith and Alex Dunbar of Now York will go on a tour of the west the latter part of September. Lou Scholes, Sr., has put up a silver cup for tut annual pigeon race, open to nil fanciers of Toronto. It will bo flown toward tho end of September. "Wanganui (Australia) sporting men may offer Sculling Champion Ernest Barry of England $2,500 and expenses If ho will go to New Zealand aud row IMehtml Arnst for tho championship and ?n.000 n side. Tlierf is a movement on foot among lacroHso players to arrange a series of games to bo played at Central park In connection with tho IIudson-Fulton celebration next month lu Now York cltv. . mmsmmaMmmmmmmmmsm