The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, October 07, 1909, Image 2

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Pilots Aeroplane High Above
Warships in Hudson River.
Airship Circles Grant's Tomb and Re
turns Safely to Starting Point on
Governor's Island After Remaining
In the Air Thirty-three Minutes and
Thirty-three Seconds Machlno Un
der Perfect Control.
Now York, Oct G. -An neroplano
flashed around tho white dome of
a rant's tomb, then turning graceful!)
In mldnlr, over tho waters of tho Hud
son, shot like a falcon back to Govern
or'a inland, ten mlloa away. Wilbur
Wright or Daytou, 0., thus placed hjs
namo In the rank with Hudson nnd
.Fulton In one of the most spectacular
feats In tho history of aeronautics.
Over tho masses of warships, from
whose decks the hoarse cheers of the
sailors were homo up to him In his
elevated seat, ho flow for twenty miles
ten miles up and ton miles back
remaining In the air for 33 minutes nnd
33 seconds nnd alighting nt tho aero
drome 'without mishap.
During tho flight business wns prac
tically nt n standstill In all that part
of Manhattan from which a view ot
his rcmnrknblo performance was avail
able. Harbor craft Bhrloked thejr ap
plnuso, choer nftor cheer Bwopt up
from tho banks of tho Hudson nud
the lower bay, for tho Dayton nvlator
had "made good," crowning tho avia
tion program of tho Hudson-liUon
colcbratlon with a record.
Moon and Clermont Continue
Voyago Northwards.
Now York, Oct. I. Tho Hudson-Fulton
celebration, aftor n woek of pomp
and pageantry In Now York, baa
moved up tho Hudson nnd for nnothor
week tho cities lying to tho north will
vie with each other In doing honor
to tho memory of tho explorer nnd
tho Inventor The Hnir Moon nnd t! o
Clermont, with their naval oscort,
now at anchor at Poughkeopsjo, will
continue tholr voynge nortnwnnl3,
stopping nt Kingston, CatsklM, Hud
son, Albany nnd Troy, whore olnborntu
locnl colobrntlons have been plnnned,
Some ldoa of tho great crowd that
has paraded this city may bo gained
through nn announcement mndo by
tho management of the Intorborough
Rapid Trnnslt company that 13,000,000
passengors had traveled on tho sub
way and elovnted lines of Manhattan
during tho week.
Governor's Daughter First to Register
at Pierre for Land Drawing.
Pierre, S. D., OcL 5. About 100
wore In Une when tho doors or tho
registration booths wore opened at
midnight. The first to rogistor was
Mlg Vorna Vess, dauhtor of Gov
omor Vowey, tho socond, Miss Flor
ence Pitt, both of this city.
Aberdeen, S. D., Oct. G. Registra
tion at all points In tho opening of
tho Choyenno and Standing Rock In
dian reservations for tho flrst slxtoon
hours Indicates that this will be the
grontest ovont of tho kind In tho his
tory of tho government's distribution
of farm Innds. Returns rocolved nt
tho office of Judgo Wltlen, superin
tendent In this city, show that over
G,000 persons had registered slnco tho
booths wore oponod for tho eighteen
days' session.
Start From St. Louis In Long Dls
tance Contest.
St. IjouIs, Oct 6. With atmosphorlc
conditions almost Ideal, ten balloons
gallon from St. 1-ouls toward the
southeast. Tho passage abovo the
city from tho grounds of the Aoro
club was mndo at a height of 500 feet
Sixty thousand porsons, many cen
tennial week visitors, wero on tho
Aero club grounds.
St. Louis Welcomes 361 Mayors.
St. I.ouls, Oct. 5. Govornor Hnd
ley and Mayor Froderlck Krelsmann
welcomed tho mayors of 3C1 cltlos,
who are to bo tha city's guests dur
ing centennial week. They attended
a welcome mass meeting in tho Col
iseum. Civic Improvement was the
theme discussed.
Calhoun Trial Postponed.
San Francisco, OcL 2. The rlnl
of Patrick Calhoun, on a charge of
having offered a bribe to a supervisor,
was continued until Nov. IB, at the re
quest of tho defense
Ncbraskan ana Family Observe Twenty-fifth
Anniversary at Falrvlew.
Lincoln, Neb., Ort. 2. Mr. nnd Mrs.
W. J. nrynn obseived their twonty
flfth wcddjng anniversary at Fnlr
view, tho house being decorated with
flags nnd flowerB nnd filled with mes
sagos and prosonts from nil parts of
the world.
Their throe children nnd two grand
children were nt homo, nnd tho former
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aided In receiving tho long line ol
neighbors who called to greet them.
Although there was much correspond
enco to bo taken caro of, Mr. Uryan
dropped all business for tho day and
doolcd himself to his family and the
Assistant Indian Commissioner and
Citizens of County to Participate.
Wttlthlll, Nob., Oct. 2. Assistant
Commissioner of Indian Affairs Fred
Abbott has been at the Omaha Indian
agency nenr horo for tho last few
days assisting In organising tho spo
clal board which Is to puss on the
competency of tho Omaha ImUnn tribe
prior to recoivlng iinal patents to nl
lotted land.
Mr. Abbott and the commission will
meet tho citizens of Thurston county
at Walthlll In mnss meeting Monday
and It Is expected that an oxchange
or views will add much to tho policy
which tho commission ,1b now o.ulin
lug. A lnigo attendance Is expectod
from over tho county. Tho future of
1,200 Indians and their holding of
150,000 noroa ot land will' In n gicat
monsuro bo determined by this com
Richard Sneath of Pcndor Killed by
Discharge of Shotgun.
Pcndor, Neb., Oct. 5. Richard
Snenth, aged eighteen jenrs, son of
Rohort Snenth, a prosperous farmer
living west of Ponder, wns Instantly
killed by tho nccldcntnl discharge ol
a shotgun. Young Snenth wns at tne
homo of Petor Closson, Just across the
lino In Wayno county, nnd wns pre
paring to clean tho gun. Ho was look
ing Into the muzzle and pound,lng on
the mirrol when tho charge exploded,
tearing off tho top of his bend. The
coroner of Wayno county, after view
Ing tho body, decided that an Inquest
waB not necessary.
Nebraska Asked to Contribute Corn
Washington, Oct. 1. Tho cnmpalgn
In behalf of tho Mexican flood victims
Is Just beginning. Tho lellef work Is
being continued under tho direction ol
American consuls, nccordlug to a telo-
gram recoiveu at tno state depart
meat from Consul General Hauiut, nt
Monterey. Frost has made Its appear
anco In some of tho strlckon districts
and has Injured tho corn crops, which
have been roducod 50 per cont by it
Mr. llnmin suggests that Nobraska
and tho corn growing stntos each send
a carload of corn in bags.
Cashier Accused of Shortage.
Valentino, Neb.. Oct. 1. Sheriff Ros
soter went up to Verdigris, Nob., nna
arrested William Dillon, cashlor of
tho Kllgore State bank and brough'
him bore to Jail. He Is charged with
using the bank's money. How much
Is not known yet, but It Is sa.ld It
will amount lo several thousand dol
lars. He bad been mart tod 6nly three
dns when ai rested.
Mrs, Wheeler Granted Divorce.
Hastings, Nob., Oct. 5. Mrs. Mattlc
May Wboclor of this city has been
granted a divorce from Frank W
Whcolor, who recently lost in a suit
against Milo Abbott to obtain ?10,00C
damages for alleged alienation of his
wife's affections. Cruelty wns the
ground on which the divorce was gh
Bryan to Visit Northwest.
Llncolu, Neb., Oct. 5. William J
Bryan will stnrt tomorrow on an ex
tended tour of the northwest. Ho will
deliver several addresses In Wyoming
and Montana and will vlsjlt the Seattle
exposition Oct, 12.
Child Accidentally Hanged.
Sutton, Nob., Oct. 1. Tho year and
a half old sou of John Moser, lhlug
north or Sutton, while nt play in 0
carrjngo, fell and caught by tho neck
of bis dross nnd when found ho wnc
Farmer Crushed to Death.
Schuyler, Neb., Oct. 6. J. J. Flala
was crushed to death while assisting
In moving a house down hill on tht
farm of Mr. Michaels, twelve inilef
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northwest of Schuyler.
Forty-two States Represented at Meet
ing of National Alliance.
Cincinnati, Oct. 4. With delegates
representing forty-two states prosont,
tho National Gorman nlllance was
formnlly welcomed to Cincinnati. Dr.
C. J. Huxlmer of Philadelphia, presi
dent of tho nlllnnco, responded.
In his address, President Hnxlmer
said, n part: "Ab devoted citizens of
this country wo hold ourselves soc
ond to nono In dovotlon to tho cnuse
of true temperanco nnd to all that
makes for tho sanctity of tho homo
nnd decency nnd order In tho state,
hut wo nro bitterly opposed to tho
passage of any law that destroys our
right of national liberty. As free peo
ple, wo bollevo wo have tho right to
regulate our lives as wo see fit. Tho
right to drink our wlno and our beor
wo consider as absolute ari nttrlbutf
of human liberty as 4s the right to
buy nny other food.
"The divine right of ench to pur
sue his own good In his own wny
should not be sacrificed to tho fears
and tho.fnnntlclsm of those who re
gard, or pretend to rogard, drink ob a
crime. Wo regard prohibition as an
unrighteous Invasion of our mnnhood
rights nnd of human freedom.
"Tho strongest ploa that can bo put
forward for tho m,lldest form of pro
hibition local option Is that it en
ables a fanatical majority to lord over
a liberal minded people. Lot us hope
that tho spirit of liberty and Amer
ican fair play will soon causo a reac
tion against tho wave of fannticjsm
uint Is now spreading over our land."
Will Show Greatest Year In History of
Agricultural Department.
Washington, Oct. 4. Washington
will boou bo in full swing of tho gov
ernmental work under tho direction
of tho heads of tho departments. Sec
retary of tho Navy Meyer and Secre
tary of Agrlculturo Wilson have al
ready returned nnd Attorney General
Wlckorsbnm nnd Secretary of Com
merce ond Labor Nagel are expected
tomorrow. Tho other members of tho
cnblnct nro out of town.
Secretary Wilson of the department
of ngrlcultme, nftor passing the great
er part of his summer vncntion at bis
Iowa home, is formulating his annual
report. Ho participated ,ln the Irriga
tion congress nt Denver during bis
absence. Ills report will show tin
greatest work over accomplished In n
slnglo year In tho history of tho do
paitmont o" agriculture.
Hannibal Youth Also Seriously Wounds
Man Who Tried to Disarm Him.
Hannibal, Mo., Oct. !. Osxnr Wll
kliibon shot nnd killed his rjlvnl, Ar
thur Dlx, nt tho homo of Miss Clnrn
KJlonbrock, threo miles southwest of
hero, nnd then committed suicide.
Wilkinson, who was nineteen yenrs
old, also seriously woundetf Henry
Hoelschor, sixty yenrs old, who tried
to disarm him. Miss Ellenbrock se
creted In tho house, which
Wilkinson searchod In vain. His body
was lound In a Held, where ho hnd
shot himself In tho head. Hoelschor
is not expected to recover.
Pope Is Again Indisposed.
Homo, Oct. 4. For several days
past, the pope has been sick, but ho
continued to seo visitors, honing to
overcome what ho considered a slight
Indisposition. The symptoms became
aggravated, there being considerable
pain and swelling In tho leg, which In
dicated a recurrence of tho gout. Al
though the nttnek Is slight, tho pope's
doctors havo Insisted upon complete
rest, nnd the audiences have been bus
Drowned While Posing for Picture.
Amesbury, Mass., Oct. 4. While
posing in n canoo to havo their pic
tures taken, Joseph Mnnnhan and his
brother, FroJcrJlck, were cnpslzed and
drowned In Lake Gardner In full view
of Miss Bella Bailey, a joung woman
friend, who was about to snnp shot
them from the shore. Tho young mon
could not swim.
Methodists Commend Grant.
Rockford, 111.. Oct, 2.Robolut!ons
commondlng General Frederick Grant
for leading tho temperanco parade In
Cnlcngo recently was ndopted by the
mlnjsteiial and tho laymon's nssocln
,tlons of the Itoek river conference of
tho Methodibt Episcopal church.
Wealthy Texan Slain by His Son.
Ferris, Tex.. Oct. 4. A. B. Bryant,
aged sixty-one, one of the wealthiest
men In thla part of tho country, wns
killed by Burr Bryant, his son. A
shotgun was the weapon used. They
quarreled over the use of a well on
tho son's property.
Triple Tragedy at Indianapolis.
Indlnnnpolls, Oct. 4. Albert Car
nnlian shot nnd killed his wjfo, fatally
wounded Miss Ida Gaivin and then
killed himself. Carnnhan had been
sopnrated from his wire for five weeks.
Apparently he hnd become InBano.
Eight Killed In Mine Disaster.
Roslyn, Wash., OcL 4. At least
eight men wero killed and three per
haps fatally Injured In a gas oxplo
P,ion in mine No. 4 of the Northwest
ern Improvement company, near here.
Thomas H. Swope Is Dead.
Kansas City, Oct. 4. Thomas H.
Swope, millionaire and philanthropist,
died suddonly at his home hero, fol
lowing a stroke of apoplexy. He was
olghtyono ears old.
Rebels Active In Paraguay.
Washington, Oct. 4. Revolutionists
are active In Paraguay, according to
advices received at the state depart
ment from Minister O'Brien.
Big Price for Cream
The Alliance Creamery is paying 25
cents for cream. 3 t-tf
Conveyancing Blanks.
A full line of Huffman's conveyanc
ing blanks just received at Tho Herald
office. These are up-to-the-minute,
and just what you want for real estate
Carriage and Automobilo Robes.
Plush robes arc now on saio at Geo.
A. Hills' harness shop. 1 will Fell two
patterns (or the price of one. I want
to show you my plush robes, thoy are
tho best you ever saw. Don't buy, hut
como and look, tf
Seed Wheat and Rye
I have a quantity of winter wheat
threshed and also some (all which I
will sell to persons wanting the same
for seed. P. J. Knapp, 8 miles north
west ot Alliance, on place known as
the ''Donovan ranch."
Barn to Rent -
About two blocks from the Hotel Drake,
room for six horses, hay mow and granary.
Inquire at Herald office. Phone 340.
Bargain in Sheet Music
Popular Sheet Music, regular 25 cent
and 3s cent music, during fair ueek at five
cents. MRS. J. T. WIKER, at Bennett
Piano Company's store.
Notice of incorporation of
Mahlan Cattle Company.
Tho nnmo ot Oils Corporation shall bo the
Miihlan Cuttlo Company.
Its principal place nt business sluill bo nl
KlUwortli, Miorlduii County, NubrasUn.
Tho guncrul niituro of tho business to be
transact (Hi ahull bo tho buying nnd selling of
cuttlouml othur II w stock and tho production
or tho nnmo for mnrkct and sulo. Also to pur
chase, hold, soil and mortgage ileal Estate.
Tho amount of Capital Stock authorized Is
$50.000 00, .llvldiil into shares of $100 00 each,
nnd of which at least J15.000 00 shall be paid
luuttha time of commcncliiK business.
The Corporation sluill cominnncu business
on the llrst day of September, l'K)9. and shall
continue for n period of twenty vents unless
Kooncr dissolved by a majority of tlircc-llftb.s
of thustocK.
Tho highest amount of Indebtedness for
which this Corporation shall ho liable at any
one time shall not o.cccd two-thirds of tho
Capital HtocL.
Tho affairs of tho Corporation nhall bo man
nped by a Hoard of Directors consisting ot
threo perhoiiH who shall ho stockholders In
tho CorK) Ion. who shall sero for a term of
one year after the annual meetliiK of the
stockholders or until their successor) in of-ll-o
nru selected. Will O. Comstock,
40-U iKKM, UlUINKlt,
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.i?,T7fr?irT?7,T?vV7?3 Phone 131 i?i??i?T.?1?Jti?itr'rJr?5?irTh,V
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r 7
Best Equipped
Most Up-to-Date
$ Meat Market m
SSHOP OPEN from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. m. Saturday, until 10 p. m. Sun
day, 8 to 10 a. in. tGth and 17th of each month, until 9 p. ni.
Meat will be delivered from 7 a. m. to 6:30 p. m.
Poultry, Etc.
Regular dinner, 35c
Bread, butter, potatoes and too, coffee or milk with Short Order Meals.
Ham 35
Bacon 25
Plain Steak . 35
Shortcuts 40
Sirloin or Tea Bone 50
Porter House 75
Pork Chops 35
Sausage 35
Liver and Bacon .' 35
Veal Cutlets 35
Mutton Chops 35
Hamburger 35
Quarter Chicken 35
Half Chicken 50
Whole Chicken 1.00
Cream, brown or natural Gravy 10
Fish 75
Onions, raw 1...05
Onions, fried 10
Six Fried 35
Twelve Raw 35
Doz Fried co
Stew .
Owing to increase in price on all kinds of provisions, I
find it necessary to make a slight raise in some of my prices,
believing- that they will prove more satisfactory to my patrons
than it would to lower the standard of meals. Hoping that
this will prove satisfactory to all and assuring you that I will
continue to serve the best of meals at the lowest possible
Hereafter no tickets and no book accounts.
and Feed
in connection
t l M l ( ? ! i
X. TXT. X3IE3e3C--3r.
Miss Rose C Herman
Cashier and Bookkeeper
Jos. Skala, - Meat Cutter
Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer
Louis Skala Sausagemakers
John Herman... J and Butchers
Win, C Herman Delivery Boy
fiii iiAi.ife.ii.i.fc.iiiiJLte.iiii.ii.itr
rremium -
Meats, Fresh and cured,
Try our home-made Palace
Attention Given to Phone Orders
Ham and Egg 15
Denver ' 15
Ham .10
Beef or Pork '. 10
Egg 10
Cheese , 10
Buttered Toast 10
Three Egg 25
Two Eggs 20
Extra 2 eggs with all meat orders. .
Hot Cakes , j0
Cake or Doughnuts 05
Pie 5
Short Cake in season 25
Coffee os
Tea 05
Cocoa 10
it it?7 it it il iT
t l fk ! ! .4.
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v vff7 . 'Sir
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