tf'nto nUtorlrnl 8oolty Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA? THURSDAY, OCT, 7, lJ09 NUMBER 43 t THE SAV1NU HABITI Be systematic in your SAVING- and in time it will become a HABIT. It is easy to spend money, so easy that the SPENDING- HABIT is acquired S S before the SAYINGS HABIT. Stop and make an allowance for necessary S expenses ana xnen pian to 2. v hi some thing on that allowance and the SAVING- HABIT will grow. The First National Bank welcomes deposits of these savings funds. Time certificates draw interest and are issued for any amount. c . First National Bank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY ''vJ'Av'',, BUSINESS LOCALS. Furnished room for rent. Phone 630. Lawn Swings at The Gadsby Store. FOR SALE My residence, 715 Cheyenne Ave., strictly modern, fur nace and bath; easy terms. Dr, E. C. Koons. 38-tf Fall plowing in small tracts and gardens done satisfactorily. Call on Oliver Countryman or phone 154 red. 38-tf. Chickens that will make money for you are those that have or are from an egg-producing family us the number of eggs they lay is what makes the money. I have a few White Rock cockerels and White Leghorn cockerels for sale at ? 1. 00 each. These are from pute blood Iowa stock and from an egg producing family. These cockerels are April chicks. Fred Mollring. 40-4 Pianos and sewing machines at a great sacrifice. Prices cut in two for the next thirty days. Cash or easy payments. T. J. Threlkeld. For Sale Exceptional proposition in an irrigated farm in the Platte val ley for one who desires to exercise homestead right. Address P. O. Box 1096, Alliance For sale i-i-room house, nicely ar ranged for roomers or boarding house. Inquire at the place, 210 East Dakota St., one block east of Watson's store. 39'4t" Mrs. D. U. Hills. Wanted Girl to assist with house' work. Wanes- or to attend school, Mrs. J. W. Thomas, nt Herald office. Do you want a sewing machine? I can sell you one cheaper than anybody. Call and be convinced. T. J. Threl keld. Wanted Girl at the Triplett board ing house, 415 Laramie ave. Legal blanks at The Herald office. We have a full line of conveyancing blanks, just received from the printer, and revised up to-date. I have two second baud pianos for sale at unheard of prices. One of them used but a few months. Cash or easy payments. T., J. Threlkeld. Before ordering anything iu the line of office supplies of traveling salesmen or mail order house's call up the West ern Office Supply Co., and let them show you samples. Phone 58 or 340. For Sale A fine hard coal stove for sale: cost S60 new; will sell for $20 if sold soon. Inquire at this office. Second-Hand Harness and Saddle for Sale. 1 have two sets of second-hand har ness for sale cheap. Also, one second hand saddle, bean out two months, for $35. Call and see me; I carry evety thing for the horse. G. A. Hills, tf Cement Contractor. For estimate on cement walks, ce ment blocks and all kinds of conarate work, see J. J. Vance, Wqgt Lawn, Alliance, Nebr, 39-tf , r frasSl Ji5l333fcB I7JTT I T i t 1 Hi 'Ml We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. iGefcUattOYS . jQuxcuaiAl GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glosses fitted. J"!-.-X--5-X--X-X"!"' V-X--X--J--W--3 "V , f KREAMER& KENNEDY? I Oflice in t j. DENTISTS. jr. A Alliance National Dank Blk X Over Postoffice. .j- 'Phone 391. (;j , '?"::::;!::-! .j- To All Water Users All water rents must be paid at city hall to" Gregory Zuru or the under signed between Oct. iotli and 20th of Oct. No further notice will be given. All services will be turned off after Oct. 20th aud $1.00 charged for turn ing water on as per ordinance. J. H. Carlson, Water and Street Commissioner. Chimney Sweep Enquire at the Mounts & Viusel barber shop for an experienced Chimney Sweeper. All work promptly arid carefully done Gqorge Mushi. 43-tf Wanted Two or three carpenteis, thirty cents an hour and board. In quire at Hcmingford postoffice. Henry Loveland, Homingford, Nebr. 42-tf For Sale or Trade A Ford runabout, 1908 model; good Condition A bargain if fspld at once. 43"2W Candidate for County Clerk Last weok we ptcsentcd Tho Herald readers a photogravure of Cal. M. Cox, democratic candidate) for sheriff, whoso election is now generally conceded. This week we give a cut of John B. Kniest, candidate for county clerk. He has been a tesident of Box Butte couu ty for the past seven years, and all this J 11 KNIEST. time has been in the employ of Tho Alliance Herald, where he has held the position of foreman and associate edi tor. Mr. Kniest has the ability to ac ceptably fill the position for which he has been selected. Every person who knows John Kniest knows him to bo one of the most industrious aud hard working men in the county, who is held in respect by every one with whom he comes in contact, a man who has been deserving of any office in the county, but who never asked for politi cal preference, but when the call came from the central committee he promptly agreed to make the race. Mr. Kniest will not have time to see every voter in the county, as his duty to his employer and greater duty to his family necessi tate his putting in every moment ho can in the office of The Herald, but we do not think a canvass of the county will be necessery as he has a host of friends who will see to it that lie re ceives enough votes to give him the office. I RAILWAY NOTES AND PERSONALS. W. J. Mohoney is a new man in the engine service. Eben Smith from Grand Island is a new employe in the yards here. Chas. Kettier of the mechanical de partment has resigned and gone to Denver. W- R. Hull, one of the Alliance crack baseball players, is a new em ploye in the round house. Fireman W. A. Townley of the high line has been transferred to the run be tween Seneca and Ravenna. Engineer Frank Wilson is enjoying a short visit from his mother, who came up from Missouri Wednesday. E. O. Cool has resigned his position on the road and is now engaged in the plumbing business with E. W. Ray. Geo. Rathburn has been assigned to the cast end local freight run and makes his headquarters iu Ravenna. Dispatcher A. J. Welch is slightly under the weather and is laying off. Extra Dispatcher Coleman is working his trick. R. C (onston aud F, A. Brooks are luo new fiiemen who were transferred here from Wymore. They made their first trips to learn the road Monday. Machinist Abe Burchell had his right eye burned with a red hot piece of bteel Wednesday morning, The wound is not dangerous but very pain ful. Dispatcher Joe Mifka has returned from his trip to Chicago, where he was called a few days ago owing to the ser ious illness of his mothur. Ho reports her much improved. The bridge aud building department have finiiliud work on the bridge noar Berwyn and the pile driver has been brought to Alliance. Jack Ward aud Lou Mark are again in the freight pool. Brakaman Tom Borkohymer, Who has beau spending the summer in the east on account of his wife's health, came baak the first of the week and re. signed from tho service. They will make their home in Council Bluffs, where Tom will follow his old trade, cornice making, Their many friends regret very much to see theso good pcoplo leave Alliance. Telegraph offices have been opened nt Rutland, aud Linscott. Litchfield aud Broken Bow have been mado con tinuously opened telegraph offices, ow ing to tho great amount of business being handled at present. The Chicago-Denver Limited, Known as No. 6, was dctourcd via Alliance on account of a burned bridge near Tren ton Sunday night. Another bridge burned west of Holdregotho samo day, causing tho McCook more trouble. Engineer Geo. Hicks has recovered sufficiently from his injuries received in the collision at Hazard to work, and has again taken his run between Raven na and Seneca, Engineer Huston, who had his ankle sprained at the samo time, has not yet returned to work. Brakcman E E. Leintz met with a very peculiar accident in Ravenna last Friday. Whilo scuffling with n friend, in sotno way ho broke one of tho arter ies in his neck which immediately be gan to bleed internally. Two doctors wero called and they had to put Mr. Leintz under tint influence of chloro form and make a cut in his neck to stop the bleeding. An extra freight, west bound, struck tho rear end of tho local freight at Ardmore Wednesday evening, wreck ing the way car aud about a dozen cars of the local and causing the doath of C. J- Mcycs of Grand Island, a travel ing man, apd slightly injuring another traveling man of Seattle, Wash. Tho remains of Meycs were brought to Al liance on No. 3G and relatives notified. The local, in charge of Conductor Bur right and Engineer Dietlcin, was doing their station work at Ardmoro aud tho crew was doing some switching, pre- paratorTto picking up Mr. Birdsell's car, when the accident happened. The extra was in charge of Conductor Mijlcr and Engineer Gordon. None of the train or enginemen were injured' Smith-Jelenek At the home of Mr, and Mrs. F. E. Holsten Saturday evening, October 2, occurred a very pretty wedding when Joseph F. Smith and Miss Barbara C. Jelcnek were united in marriage, Judge Berry officiating'. Only a few of the most intimate friends were present. Mrs. Smith is well known here, hav ing been one of our telephone girls for the past several months, and if judging from her prompt and efficient services at the office has anything to do with her housekeeping duties, she will sure ly make her husband a very helpful companion. As for "Joe," he has been here too long to need an introduction to our people, having been foreman of Hoi sten's soda department lor several years. He is a gentleman in every sense of the word and one whom theAl liance people will always be glad to own. For tho present Mr. aud Mis. Smith arc located in rooiqs over the Holsten drug store, where they will be at homo to their many friends, who, with The Herald, join in beet wishes aud con gratulations. Two Merry Tramps A treat seldom offered the theatre going public is in store for them when those famous, funny fellows, Wood & Ward, are to be seen here in their everlasting singing, tinging, torn-fooling musical farce, "Two Merry Tramps," which they have appeared in for the past eleven seasons. This year it has been all rcwritton and revised with new, catchy music, all of the whistling kind. The production con sists of twenty people, which includes a dainty chorus of pretty girls, gor geous gowns, twelve big ensemble singing selections aud all of tho oar teasing Iiiud, goes to make this attrac tion the succrss it is. Their appear ance here will he Friday, Oct. 15. Claude Lester loft Tuesday morning for Crawford to bo in attendance at the Dawes county fair. From there he goes to Harrison and up to Wyoming to attend similar fairs, Ladies' Tailoring and Gowns High-Class CIoaks,Suits, Skirts and Waists in the season's latest styles You are cordially invited to call and Inspect samples Joe Orcliowski HOTEL CHARTERS BUILDING Alliance, Nebraska I !"H--X- t"-;--5--;j-..; ;..j;.;.-;;;--j.-;- I ANNOUNCEMENTS, f ALLIANCE CIRCUIT, M. B. CIIUKC1I Rev. I. E- Nolte aunoinces that ho will preach next Sunday as follows: Camp Lako at 11 a.m. and Valley at 3 p.m. FIKST PRnSUYTEIIIAN CHURCH Services as usual. Morning topic "Prisoner of tho Lord." Evening topic: "The Taking of Babylon." Mrs. A. R. Bailey of Valentine, president of tho Women's Missionary society, Box Butte Presbytery, will address the ladies in the First Presby terian church Tuesday evening, Oct. 1 2th, at 7:30 o'clock, The Ladies' Aid society will meet in tho church parlor Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 2 p.m. UNITED PHESUYTERIAN CHURCH Morning service as usual. -In the evening the pastor will preach on the subject, "Sabbath Observance from the New Testament Standpoint." METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH i Preaching by the pastor, morning and evening as usual. The evening theme will bo: "Some Post-Pentecostal Problems in Sociology." Il.VPTIST CHURCH, Preaching by pastor, n a.m., re Just in- The very Red Cross You will like tho still .shorter effects, the new tips, and the rich tones of the leather. The perfect taste of each Red Cross style, and tho extremely short appearance they give your foot, make them strikingly attractive. Come in and got style and com fort. It bends with your foot. $3-75 to $4.50 N orton fllh inli I l port of state convention at Lincoln. 7:30 p.m., "Thy Kingdom Come." Mrs. Burris wilt sing morning 'and evening, ,wwwwww Don't-fail to readthe-cohimn-"SdveVt tiscment by the Phelan Opera House , on another page of this issue iu which attractions for October aro set forth.'. Tho Two Morry Tramps for next Fri day night, Oct. 15, is un attraction tint has never failed to crowd tho house. The great musical comedy, "Tho Royal Chef" is to be hero on Monday, Oct. 18. It is an ngrecablo surprise for the management that this great company consented to play hero this season, it being a company that has never before played in a city smaller than Omaha, but it is promised that the regular production will bo put on here the same as iu any city. Those from neighboring towns desirous of witnessing the great attraction will do well to arrange for coming to Alliance on Monday, Oct. iS. t Mrs. Ray Dietlcin ot Crawford spent several days iu Alliance last week. She was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Morris, aud making arrangements to have her piano and other belongings moved to Crawford, where Ruy haB a new cottage all readv for housekeeping, Mrs. Shut man Buck held tho lucky card that drew the five dollars at the Famous drawing Saturday nftornoon. Her card was within five seconds of the correct time. latest Shoes Agmi ,51 2