.w whimi ii iMini mam lwhtoo RSSSCMRn l"HMrfWi0lPW' p j.'jj.'aaapnrtgiiwwpiatwxit-n. x.miwwXWrii E.P.REE0 3r Co S9iV Rochester N.Y. JPlMjA ""Mrf! OurCAl 1 CTftllf is all in now and we never had a more complete line. Durable Comfortable Dressy Cousled with Moderate Prices Will make them popular wun an Alliance Gash Shoe Store CHAS. C. STREET ALLIANCE, NEBEASKA Traveling Agent in Box Butte county for r J. R. Watkin's Celebrated Household Remedies Poultry and Stock Tonic i Flavoring: Extracts, Ground Spices Toilet Articles, Soaps and Perfumes The Old Reliable Hardware, Harness and Implement Firm T IIT-.ITH .1 .... .,, .I,,,,,. "'"'"""" ' ' ' " " ' " " ' ' In order to make room for new goods will make special prices on , Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons Agent for tho well known Dccring Hay Tools and Harvesters and J. I, Case Threshing Machines. ' In HARNESS My motto: "How Good; Not, How Cheap." Anton Utifig 1 EMINGFORD, NEBR. ill be a Grand Success rrotn Tho Crawford (kinrlcr: Earl D. Mallcry, the hustling sccre tary of the Box Butte County Fair, which will be held in Alliance on the 28th, 29th and 30th of this month, was in tho city Wednesday enroute to Chad ron. This is the first attempt of our sister city to have n county fair, and judging from tho largo number of prem iums offered and the excellent program they have prepared for the occasion, it promises to bo a grand success. Carey-Brennan. Vrom tho Toronto Globe: A very quiet wedding was solemnized in St. Patrick's church, Southampton, Wednesday, Sept. 8th, at 8 a. m., when Madeleine, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Carey, was united in marriage to Frank J. Brennan, of Allianco, Nebr., Rev. Father Padden, of Walkcrton, officiating, Tho brido, who was given away by her father, wore a travelling suit of Havana broadcloth with hat to match, and carried a large boquet of bride roses, Miss Babo Carey assisted the bride, and Mr. Fred Caroy, of Clove land, Ohio, was best man. Tho wed ding march was played bv Mr. Raynor, violinist, accompanied by Miss May Carey. Aftor tho ceremony a dainty dejeuner was served at tho home of the bride. Mr- and Mrs. Brennan left on the morning train for eastern points, and will bo at home in Alliance, Nebr., after October ist- High Price for Range Cattle. Frank Currie of Gordon, Nebr., and Charles Tulley of Alliance, topped the market on range cattle at tho South Omaha market Friday. A consignment, af range cows mar keted by them brought $4.50, the high est price paid for range stuff within the year. The price exceeded that of several lots of domestic heifers offered on tho same market, Omaha Daily News, Sept. 18. Married. At tho Baptist parsonage, Sept. 17, 1909, occurred the marriage of two es timable young people of Alliance, Mr. Walter Cochran and Miss Alta Ames, Rev. J. C. Huston officiating. They were accompanied by Freeman Cronn and Miss Mary Neilfeld as witnesses. Tho .Herald extends congratulations and good wishes, o 37 I O -. s b. 1 ? ; 2 B1 P CD - 0 ei. P w s i o P P CD 1 O o rV P o d (re r CD P 01 CD Pi c O .? i CO "' '; ' ,: tM " p p CD CO ct- 0 P 0 0 0 & 0 0 P & 1 ' 0 c O O CD3 o P p p CO CO 0. CO U CO o CO o 0 3. c-r-0 O P c-f O CO 0 o c-t- P CO 0 0 0 CO P 0 CO o 0 la co O 0 p P 1. 1 P era B 0 5. f-J. p1 CO g- " c ft 0 0 g h pj p p. & p d 0 rjtj 0 O W "3 CO P tf f (D H CO tfO c P c P bL' trr1 j 0 It Pi O B 0 pi P. O O B S B & t S3 CO w 1 O P P Pi 0 0 P 0 CO TO P H 1 0 O - o P1 0 o 3 p ti 0 P fh 0 CO c-t- P ij 5 E Pi CO p IU p, g. FJ Mj P c? crq P ff CO I31 P o 3 AAA AAA AAA AAAAAAAi ON EPTEMBER 28, 29, 30 SEPTEMBER 30 is the important day for the little girls . . 0'& The great biscuit baking- contest for little girls will be held at our store in the afternoon at 2-00 o'clock. The contest is open to all little girls of fourteen years or under, and the "Buck's" Junior Range will go to her who bakes the best pan of biscuits. The following ladies will act as judges: Mrs. John Elmore, Mrs. I. E. Tash, Mrs. Wills. The awards will be made under a system of numbering which will insure fairness to all. See the stove in our window. Little girls be on hand sharply at 2 :oo o'clock, and if possible, BRING A WHITE APRON WITHlYOU.Twe furnish all other materials. a representative of the Buck Stove Co, will be at our store and demonstrate the Buck Hot Blast Heat- ers and Ranges. On Sep tember 30th at 10:30 a. m. we will give away a $35.00 Hot Blast Heater. Call at our store for particulars '"'";' A i 4' i. -'i 1 ir1 m &d ! :i " v" "r: 5S t. 1 -r riiilltfiiiii ..ij w&Bt3Lm uy,"-..;.;