'l 't q ilo tiuiorlcil flivlol? The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county, VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, SEPT, 16, 1909 NUMBER 40 BOX BUTTE COUNTY FAIR at ALLIANCE, SEPTEMER 2829-30 rs L .nHEjfr- l.tf if. ifirm REFOIIT OK THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank, C1IAUTEH NO. 4220, At Alliance, In tho Stato of Nebraska, at the closo of business. September l, UW kesouhckb. Loans and discounts $(04,012 G5 Ovcrdrufts.secuml nnd tnisoourcd., 7IS 41 U.S. bonds to secure circulation.... 50,000 00 U. B. Bonds to securo U. 8. Uuposlw 1,000 00 llanklng house, furniture nuu llx- turcs . 10,000 00 , Duo from National Hanks (notresorvo aitents)., 11,012 05 Duo from Stato nuu Pri vate Hanks and Hankers, Trust Companies, nnd Havings Hunks 5,615.10 Duo from approved re serve agents 75,401 0d Checks nnd other cash terns S.5U13 .Motes of other National Hanks... 7S000 Fractional paper curronoy , nickels und cents..., 251 03 Lawful nioiioy reserve In iKpoclo.i... 10,17305 jcgai tenuor notes i,iiu w Redumption fund with U. S. s'lreasurer (a per cent ot "circulation) 2.500 00 IJ)uo from U. H. treasurer lotncr tnans per cent ro- Idomptlon fund 2.50 120,557.73 Total $010,288 70 LIAHJUT1E3. ipltal stock paid In $50,000 00 iiiup iuuu ,..,..... ou.uuu uu lvlded Droll ts. less exnensos and ilnvna ivil rl 11?iwri. utlonal bank notes outstanding.... 60,000 00 uo to Stato and I'rlvato iltimus and Hankers 1,353 w iuiviuuiu deposits subject. to check 321,718 31 mund certificates of de- "poslt 31,54151 Ffmo oertlllcatos of deposit 120,725 51 umcu suites ucuosiis... l.wu umkaimi u W Totnl e.KI,b01 40 ftntoof Nobraska, County ot Box Itutte, ss. I. 9. IC. Warrick, cashier of tho nbovo- uiamed bank, do .solonmly swear that tho ruboTO statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. a. n. w.utmcK, uiismcr. ComiECT Attest: It. M. HAMPTON, I A. 8. Keki, v Directors. Cuas. B. Konu, Subscribed and sworn to before mo tlfls 9th day of Hcpt., A. D. 11W9. Raplt Irurpl Wndl ' Iseal WILLIAM MITCHELL. Notary Public. The annexed report speaks for itself. We respectfully solicit your attention to its sev eral details. Open your account with this Bank start it now. An account with a STRONG BANK is a source of satisfaction to the depositor. We have ample facili ties for the protection and accomodation o f both DEPOSITORS AND BORROWERS. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ALLIANCE, - NEBR. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY -A FINE NEW LINE OF THE "Dorothy Dodd" THE FAULTLESS-FITTING SHOE FOR WOMEN HAS JUST ARRIVED! AT THE Horace Bogue Store r s Investigating the West Mr. Willis J. Abbot, long connected with tho Hearst newspapers nnd wide ly known as tho chief publicity man of the democratic national Committee last year, passed through Alliance last Thursday on a Burlington private car, as the guest of Mr. O. L. Dickcson. Mr, Abbot, when seen in the car, spoke about tho purpose of his trip, which is to cover tho new territory be ing opened by tho Burlington Hoad in tho Northwest, and particular) tho Big Horn Basin. "I believe," he said, "that all signs point to n great interest among the American people in farming lands. It has been perfectly apparent for months that the people in the cities of the east arc more and more looking westward with the view of escaping somo of the unhappy conditions of metropolitan life and making themselves independ ent by taking up lands which can now be had at a moderate price. "I have spent seven or eight mouths in Europe, making a careful study of the methods by which a comparatively small country, like Belgium, for ex ample, can support a population nearly fifteen times greater thau that of Texas and vastly greater than that of any of our northwestern Btates. They do it by utilizing every force of nature. Wo are just beginning to imitate their methods and, perhaps, the longest step is the development of the scientific sido of irrigation. "It is to see what progress has been made along this line that I am making this journey. The Burlington road officials understand that the prosper ity of tho road depends upon the prosperity of the communities which it serves. It does not wish to have set tlers located on lands that cannot be profitably tilled because, in such event, those settlers will not add to the busi ness of tho road. The interests of the road and its patrons are identical. "While my trip is purely a personal one, tho officials of the Burlington road have been kind enough to furnish me with' statistics and records and every possible assistance in the work of determining what the conditions arc in UriVgrowiug'territory.j Of course, I expect to' publish my conclusions short ly after returning to tho east." Amusements. The Spedden-Paige Stock Co. will play at the Phelan Opera House all week, commencing Monday, Sept. 20. This is the first appearance of this company in Alliance, but Mr. Sam Spedden's organization is well and fav orably known throughout the middle states in which he lias toured with this company for the past 13 years- Tho Deadwood papers devoted a whole col umn towards eulogizing tho company as one of the very best during their re cent engagement there, and the Sheri dan press confirms the opinion. Messrs. Brown & Harris anticipate a crowded house Monday night and personally guarantees the quality of the attrac tion, wwwww New Harness Man in Town. Millinery Another line of Pattern Hats just ar rived. Call and select your Fall hat. Just received, a big line of Fall Suits, Coats and Waists; also jet buttons, barettes and hair goods. - ALSO, GOOD CALICO' AT, Zr y VMBCt B QimmAnn ilfillU. 11. 01W1UVI1& H. W. Muldoon of Lal'orte, Ind a first-class harness maker has ac cepted a position at Hill's harness shop. His family remain in the Hoos ier state for the present, but will prob ably come later, as he wishes to re move west and thinks of making his home permanently in Alliance. Mr, Muldoon is considered a har ness expert on turf goods, and his ser vices will be appreciated at this time. Rally Day at the Baptist Church Next Sunday will be Rally Day at the Baptist church. At the Sunday-school each scholar will be given a souvenir. At the morning service the pastor will preach an appropriate sermon, and a letter from a former pastor, Rev. G. C. Jeffers, will be read. Also the mortgage on the church will be burned in connection with the ser vice. The B. y. P. U. have arranged a special program for the meeting at 6:30, and the day will close with a rousing service in the evening when the I. O. O. F. and Rebecka lodges will be present. The pastor will preach the annual sermon to these orders. Mrs. E, B. Burn's will sing in the evening. Let each member of every department be present at all the services of the day, making it a red letter day in the history of the church. G. B. Carr called .at The Herald of hce last Saturday long enough to en roll bis name as a subscriber. Rev. B. F. Kline, pastor of the Christian Church at Clinton, Iowa, was in Alliance the latter part of last week. He is a brother-in-law of Dr. Copper noil. . The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Leishman, living twenty miles south of Alliance, was brought to Alliance for medical treatment, and 'died at the home of John Colerick in West Lawn last Saturday, from which place the funeaal was held Sunday afternoon, conducted by J. W, Thomas. Potatoes to sell in the field.James H. Skinner, on Sec, 17.25-49, eleven miles northwest of Alliance, has ten acres of fine potatoes to sell in the 1 wt RB Appropriate Clothes N making this announcement of the fact that our fall stook of Men's Clothes is now oomplete and ready for your inspection, we feel confident that we have a showing of the finest ready-to-wear clothing made in America today. In making the selections for this department we have spent ample time and made a diligent study of the many features whioh combine to make the fin est appearing, best fitting, best tailored and best wearing Men's Clothes that money will buy, and at a price within the reach of all. When you come to this store you get the style, color and pattern appropriate for you. We make it a point to know how to do this; use our fund of experience and clothes knowledge to make clothes add to your presence and appearance. You'll find the lit you like in these hand tailored suits at $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 .CopyriAt 1909, . i he Houk ot KupptabeizMf Chicago z . -"tv. There are so many of them, so many variations of style and model that it's easy to match your taste and please you perfectly. The prices will fit you best of all, especially after you see the quality, smartness and tone. V Exceptional' value finds expression also in the magnificent styles at $22.50, $25.00, $27,50 and $30.00 There is not another such stock of fine, suits to be found in town. J SB THIS EXCEPTIONAL SHOWING f HI'S CLOTHES NOR TO N' S We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. K(tUrfttCYV " jUUKfUOU GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAK, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses fitted. i KREAMER& KENNEDY? V nCMTTCTC A DENTISTS. Office in Alliance National Dank Blk 4 X Over Postoffice. '.', 'Phone 391. ' field. 40-2W Chickens that will make money for you are those that have or are from an egg-producing family as the number of eggs they lay is what makes the money. I have a few White Rock cockerels and White Leghorn cockereU for sale at ? 1. 00 each. These are from pure blood Iowa stock and from an egg producing family. These cockerels are April chicks. I will have some of my show birds on exhibition at the Box Butte county fair. 4o-4t Fred Mollring. Carriage and Automobile Robes. Plush robes are now on sale at Geo. A, Hills' harness shop. I will sell two patterns for the price of one. I want to show you my plush robes, they are the best you ever saw, Don't buy, but come and look. tf Furnished room for rent. Phone 630. Lawn SwingB at The Gadsby Store. You are Cordially Invited to call and inspect the beautiful, line of High-Class Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Furs and other wearing apparel in the season's latest styles as shown by Chas. A. Stevens & Bros. The greatest establishment in the world devoted exclusively to women's wear. I shall be pleased to show you the handsome fash ion plates and beautiful samples of materials from which the garments are made, and I am sure you will enjoy looking through the line. The House of Steven?, through their agents, suc cessfully supplies thousands of women every season, who know by experience that they can depend abso lutely upon receiving the very latest styles, the best materials at the lowest prices, and that entire satisfac tion is guaranteed with all purchases made through the local agent. As their representative for this town I hope to have the pleasure of serving you at an early date and assure you of prompt and courteous treatment. Joe Orchowski REPRESENTING Chas. A. Stevens & Bros., Chicago PHONE 606 Jw'