fllitolll tv-nl 8oo!flfy Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, SEPT, 9, 1909 NUMBER 39 BOX BUTTE COUNTY FAIR AT ALLIANCE, SEPTEMER 28 29-30 C s s s 1 For Wage-Earner and Business Man Your earning capacity will not always 0 be as great as it is today. Insure your future comfort by starting a savings account. Each dollar saved is one more step to ward INDEPENDENCE: It is your '.protection from the inevitable RAINY DAY. Accounts with this bank are protected by our Capital, Surplus, Earnings, . etc., a fund of $161,000.00. . We welcome the small account as well as the large one. Start your INDEPENDENCE account at once with The First National Bank Alliance, Nebraska GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. j .. .. wjjjf 2 i k ' 22 c . : :KREAMER& KENNEDY t DENTISTS. J Office in Alliance National Bank Blk f X Over Postoffice. X 'Phone 391. j IlKPOKT OF THK CONDITION OF The First National Bank, C1IAUTKK NO. 4220, At Alllnnep, lntlio Bute of Ncbruskn, at tho close of business, September t, UW. HE80U1ICKS. Loan unci discounts 5101,012 OS H 41 50,000 00 1,000 00 10,000 00 (JvL'nlniru.securcd nnd unsecured U.S. bonds to nocuro circulation.,,. U. 8. Bonds to Rccuro U. 8. Deposit Nanking house, furniture una fix tures , Duo from Nutlotml Hnnks (uotroservo nRunm) K012M Duo from Stuto and l'rl- vnto Hanks nnd Hankers, Trust Companies and Havlngd Hunks..... 7,815.10 Duo from approved re- hervuaKeuli 75,40103 Checks and other cash Items 2,51112 Notes of other National llunltB 7S000 Fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 251 03 100,772 18 Lawful money reserve. In bank, viz: Hpecfo..... 10.17305 17.2SU 05 2,500.00 2.50 LckuI tendor notes 1.110 00 Itedemntlon fund with U. 9. Treas urer (5 per cent of circulation).... Due from U. 8. ticaHurcr otherthnu 5 per cent redemption fund Total S0I0.288 70 MAMMT1ES. Capital stock pnld In ... $ 60,000 00 Surplus fund 50,000 00 Undivided prouls, less uxpenMS and taxes paid.. 13.70H i!5 National bunk notesoutstundluK.... 50,000 00 Duo to 9 1 u to and l'rlvato Hanks and Uaukors 1,358 00 Individual deposits subject to check 821,719 31 Dcinnnd certificates of de posit 31,514 51 Time certificates of deposit 120,7.3 51 United States DeK)slts... 1,000 00 Unserved for taxes 3,142 18 4s2,l(W 41 Total $010,28!) 70 Stuto of Nebraska, County of I!o Ilutte, bs. I, 8. K. Wnrrlek. cashier of tho above named bank, do solemnly swear that tho iilxnu statement Is true to tho best of my knowledge and belief. S. K. WAtmiCK, Cashier. CoiutKCT Attest: It. ill. IUiiito.v, I A. 8. linen, V Directors. CitAs. K. Fonl), ) Subscribed and sworn to boforo mo this 9th day of fciept., A. D. 1000. WILLIAM MITCHELL. seal Notary Public. Centra! Committee Fills Vacancies The democratic county central com mitted met Inst Saturday nt the office of Hall & Grahnm ns called by the chair, man and proceeded to fill vacancies on tliQCounty ticket as follows: For county clerk. John 13. Knicst of Alliance. Ior Superintendent of Schools, Miss Delia Reed of Alliance. For county commissioner first district) M. A. Hood of Canton. The names of tho above- candidates will bo duly entered upon the official ballot and together with tho balance of the' ticket will doubtless secure the votes of tho majority of residents of Box Butto county. The Herald will speak moro extens ively on the individual candidates later Herman Sass of Wright precinct was a pleasant caller at Tho Herald office lasC Monday. Also Mr. Pnrlow of Bayard precinct, Furnished room for rent. Phone 630. Just Received A car load of Lexington flour just received at Mike Vaughn's grocery, three four and, five X. Call or phone your order for any quantity you want. Phone No. 1. APPLES Car of Choice Eating and Cooking Apples $1. DO per Bus. They aro going fast. If you , . iji tit want any, ueiier get iiicin quick. Car on North Track west of Electric Light Plant. R. L. FOSTER You are Cordially Invited to call and inspect the beautiful line of High-Class Cloaks, Suits, Skirts, Waists, Furs and other wearing apparel in the season's latest styles as shown by Chas. A. Stevens & Bros. The greatest establishment in the world devoted exclusively to women's wear. I sjiall be pleased to show you the handsome fash ion plates and beautiful samples of materials from which the garments are made, and I am sure you will enjoy looking through the line. The House of Stevens, through their agents, suc cessfully supplies thousands of women every season, who know by experience that they can depend abso lutely upon receiving the very latest styles, the best materials at the lowest prices, and that entire satisfac tion is guaranteed with all purchases made through the local agent. As their representative for this town I hope to have the pleasure of serving you" at an early date and assure you of prompt and courteous treatment. Joe Orchowski REPRESENTING Chas. A. Stevens & Bros., Chicago PHONE 606 Fall plowing in small tracts and gardens done satisfactorily. Call on Oliver Countryman or phone 154 red. 33-tf. FOR SALE My residence, 715 Cheyenne Ave., strictly modern, fur nace and bath; easy tenns. -Dr. E. C. Koons. 3&tf vsxv"SS BUY DENVER LOTS BUY MONTCLAIR LOTS rrrri 'VWr'W'WW 'r"sf Reasons Why You Should Buy Property in Montclair aueen Addition 1. Because Montclair addition is lo cated directly in the line of growth, of Denver. It is a well known fact that East Denver is the finest and most beau tiful portion of tho city. It is in "East Denver" the famous "Montclair district" is located. 2. Because there are no mills or fac tories in or near Montclair, and the air is always perfectly clear and pure; 3.( Because the lots offered for sale are absolutely in shape to build on, re quiring no grading or filling. 4. Because you are buying realty in the best and largest city in the Middle West, and that will have a population of 500,000 within ten years, and your prop erty will then be worth many times what it will cost you now. 5. Because by the completion of 'Denver's Great Boulevard System with in one year (costing $325,000) in the eastern portion of Denver, these lots will double in value in two years' time. 6. Because the title is perfect, a Warranty-Deed and Abstract being given on the completion of the purchase. 7. Because Montclair has a 2 elec tric street car line service, Colfax ave nue electric line and the Eighth avenue electric line, running directly to the heart of Denver, with but a single 5-cent fare, including a transfer to any part of the city. From 15 to 20 minutes' ride only to the business center of Denver. 8. Because one of the finest and larg est schools is in Montclair, as well as two churches, a branch postoffice, free mail "DENVER'S delivery and other evidences of an up-to-date addition. A RECOMMENDATION Denver, Colo., Nov. 16, 1908. To Whom it May Concern: This is to certify that the principals of the Denver-Colorado Land Company are valued customers of this Bank. This Company has done business with us for some time and is one of the most extens ive real estate firms in the City. We have found the Company very reliable and take pleasure in recommending it to any one with whom it may have business re lations. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, J. C. HOUSTON, ASST. CASHIER. Remember that more people have built up vast fortunes by buying realty fn a growing city in the line of growth of that city, andw holding on to it, than in any other manner. You can buy lots in BEAUTIFUL MONTCLAIR, "DENVER'S uueen auuiiiun," trom $85.00 up, on the monthly payment plan, without interest or taxes DENVER-COLORADO LAND COMPANY, 735 18th STREET, DENVER E. J. Carlin, F. B. Hadlock and W. G. Hadlock, Representatives of this Company, are registered at the Drake Hotel. Any of these gentlemen may call on you. Kindly accord them an interview as the proposition is a meritorious one. v fJSJsyfK,