tx sills' ' Wm r t i - 1. a?fc- '. .'.Vf y mww" J r r E LOCAL PARAGRAPHS H County Superintendent Sundayed at Hemingford Rev. Vallow and family Phillips returned from Fullerton this mornlug. Hugh Deal has been visiting a few days in the eastern part of tho state. Mrs. W. . Spencer and son, Earl, have returned from their Colorado trip. ), W. Mollring returned Wednesday noon from a few weeks' stay on Hie ranch. Mrs. A P. Curtis and daughter re turned Monday from their summer vis it at Lincoln. Robert Graham was a passenger to Bridgeport Monday noon where he had business to look after. J. W. Guthrie of the firmof Gray & Guthrie, transacted business in the state metropolis this week. Miss Elva Hamilton gave a dinner party Saturday in honor of her friend, Miss Onalec Bond, of Lakeside. Mrs. F. W. Harris is the recipient of a pleasant visit this week from her friend, Mrs. Raymond, of Mitchell. Walter Buechsenstein is at tho Hot Springs enjoying a few days at the plunge baths and otherwise rusticating. Mrs. R. H. Wagner and Mrs. R. P. Monttort spent Friday and Saturday at Hyanuis, guests of Mrs. Chas- Bas- sett. Prof. G. H. Williams, principal of Ahc Alliance high school, has returned from his vacation which was spent at Peruw Nebr. Mrs. T. H. Beeson and sister, Miss Delia Colburn, returned Saturday noon from a few weeks' visit with relatives at Chadron. Ralph Thomas, who has been rusti cating on a farm near Marsland the past month, returned to the city the first of the week. The high school orchestra, under the leadership of Prof. Williams, held , its first meeting of the school year Wednesday evening. Mrs. N. J. Pedersen, one of The Herald's Ravenna readers, is visiting this week with her parents, Judge and Mrs. H. M. Bullock. Mr- and Mrs. George Gaddis south of the city are enjoying a visit this week from a couple of Iowa friends, Mr. and Mrs. Pennington. Mr. and Mrs. C A. Newberry and children went to the Eldridge ranch in the sand hills last Monday to enjoy life in the range for several days. Mrs. J. C. McCorkle's brother, S. A. McMannis, and wife of Gage, Oklu., are visiting their relatives in Alliance on their return trip from Seattle.. Mrs. Hollowny, of Norton's store, and daughter Miss Vivian spent a few days in the country visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Bauer. Alliance, Nebr-, has the fastest team in the state without a doubt, and Pa Rourke might well look this material over for 19 n specials. Omaha Daily News. The Misses Regan returned Monday from their trip to Chicago where they went to order a fall stock of millinery and ladies' furnishings, which they in form us they expect to arrive soon. A. Froeshla of North Toluca avenue had the misfortune on Tuesday of this week to cut his wrist while prun ing trees in his yard. An artery was severed and the wound is a very pain ful one. Miss Baker, bookkeeper at New berry's, starts Saturday morning for Seattle. She will join her friend, Miss Lulu" Hadden of Crawford, and to gether they will spend a two weeks vacation. Judge Zurn's customary smile is a little broader than usual, caused per haps by expecting his wife, home with in a few days from northwestern Iowa, where she has been visiting old friendS the last two weeks. ' Mrs. S. L. Thomas, who with her two children has been visiting her sis ter, Mrs. C. C. Smith, departed Mon day for her home at Richmond, Va., expecting to make short stops in Oma ha and Creston, la., on the way. Webster Bernhardt, who has been ill with typhoid fever for five weeks, is now convalescent. If he continues to improve as rapidly as he now is, he thinks he will ere long be able to out distance the boys in a foot race as of yore. H. R. Ennis of Blackfoot, Idaho, president of the Blackfoot Investment company, was in Alliance last Friday, and called at The Herald office in com pany with Chase Feagins, tho Nebras ka representative of the company. These gentlemen are enthusiastic over their Idaho land proposition and are expecting a great excursion from this state next Tuesday, Sept. 7th, for which they are now making prepara tion. We call attention to Mr. Feag ins' ad in this issue, Otis Bass came down from Mars land Tuesday to make final proof on his claim on which ho has been resid ing during the last five and one-half years. While in town he and his little boy Roy favored The Herald office with a call. H. H. Funk of Funk, Nebr., arrived in Alliance yesterday for a lew days' visit here aud at Hemingford. Mr. Funk formerly taught school at Hem ingford and afterwards had charge of a drug store there. He is now in busi ness 'at Funk, having left Box Butte county about five years ago. He ex pressed himself as being much pleased with the improvements made here since he left; in fact, he seemed to be so well pleased with the development of this country that it will not be sur prising if he decides to teturn and again make his home in the best part of Nebraska. W. C. T. U. Notes The Treating Habit Lincoln, the capital city of Nebraska, is a "dry" town that is, there are no saloons in Lincoln. This, however, is a matter of recent occurrence. A few days ago four printers started from a newspaper office, headed for the base ball grounds. Their course took them by four buildings formerly occu pied by saloons, which impelled one of them to jokingly remark: "I'd ask you in to have something, but everything is closed." "O, not all the places are closed," said another one. "Come in here with me and have something." With this the speaker headed iuto a clothing store, followed by three cur ious comrades. "Give me a lay-down collar, size sixteen, and give each one of these fellows the kind of a collar they want." Each man gave his size and style and the clerk wrapped the four collars in separate packages. Each man took his package and walked out. Not a word was said for about a block, and then the man who had first spoken blurted out: "Say, wouldn't all of us had a lot of collars -and ties, and shirts and such things if we'd had good sense?" County Commissioners' Proceedings. AlKance Nebr., Aug. 23, 1000. "Boaird met pursuant to adjournment members iiesut, Sang C. Reck, J. P. JeiiBC-n, J. M. Wanek and W. C. Mount, Clerk, the Board now Lur ing been in session for more than turee days and not more than 20, ajinl having the ceit'jffcRte of lenvy from Uie State Board of. EquHzattoii, which is 5 mills. It Is the or der of the Board that taey now ad journ as a Board of Equlizatlon and meet Instanter as a beard of County CommilG9!!r.i8 for the purpose of making levies for the lnsufaic year aid for the purpose of tianEoctlng any and all business that may come before It W. C. MOUNTS, OLERK. Alliance, Nebr, Aug. 23, 1000. Board c-f -County Commissioners met lustanter as per aujounnniemt, mem bers present, Chairman, J, M. Wanek, J. P. Jensen and Sang C. Reck. Tho following proceedings were had And done to-wlt: It appearing that the State Board of Equalization were satisfied with the; asseicd valuation of Box Butte County as returned by the county assessors, it further appears to the Board that the total valuation for taxable prop erty of Box Butte County Nebraska, as made by the county aseoeeors and returned by the State Board of Equali zation, and by them accepted Is $1,743,73S.00. The Board proceeds to make Uie following levies for th-a en suing year, 1000. It is the order of tho Board that there be levied on each do'Jar of as sessed valuation of tho property as sesedlni Box Butte County, the fol lowing taxe3 to-wlt: County General Fund, 0 mills. County Road Fund, V. mills. County Bridge Fund, 3 mills. Total 13V& niUls. It Is further ordered that for school purposes, (expense slinking fund, in terest on bonds and high aehool purposes, as reported to Ooun,ty Super Intendent by the proper officials) to meet the payment thereof, that there be levied against taxable propenty In eaoh school district hereinafter nam ed, the rate of taxation oa eaoh dol lar of assessed valuation In eald dis tricts as foltows, to-wlt: MILLS. Dist. School Dond Build- High No. Pur. ing School 1 20 .. ., 5 3 25 10 .. 5 4 5 , t 5 25 IQ ,. 6 25 3 9 20 , ,. 5 . 10 , 20 ., .....' Sink. fund it 13 3 14 IS iG l 20 20 7 25 20 23 23 IQ 5 10 J, 10 10 20 25 21 5 22 25 23 25 25 27 20 28 25 29 20 30 25 33 25 34 25 35 25 36 25 38 25 41 25 42 35 44 25 45 20 46 25 47 25 48 2.1 49 o 50 . 25 5t 25 52 5 54 25 55 56 25 57 25 58 25 59 60 25 70 72 20 70 25 78 25 80 . 25 Si 92 25 124 s 125 52 10. 10 10 10 10 to It Is further ardered by the Board that there be levied acalmst ta'xnblo property oln the city of Alliance and the village of Hemingford tho amount of city taxes, or rate or taxation cer tified to County Clerk by the proper officers of eald city and vlMago and that the county clerk extended such taxes. Whereupon It Is tho order of the Board that they adjourn utiitll tomor row morning at 0 o'clock a. in. W. C. MOUNTS, Clerk. Alliance, Nebr., Aug. 24, 1000. Board of County Commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, same officers present as yesterday, the fol lowing proceedings were had and done to-wlt: The following claims were -audited and allowed and tine clerk oulered to draw warrenfca on the general fund for same. F. Mollring v ?575.51 State Journal " '-5.50 Klow & :Bartlett "-". Hammond & Stephens 37.03 CLaa. Moiavek 102.00 L. Homrighausen ...-. -..., 87.0J D. W. Hugh lll.UO Chris Hansen . ... "3,4 W. G. Zadlker 8-1.00 M. 1 Xan 125.00 Klopp & Burtl ett 1S4.00 T. h. Hopkins Jr. 54.00 Klopp &. Bartlett l'2-G0 O. E. PhiUNps 200.00 Jno. Armstrong 114.00 Mrst Al Wlker '. 20.00 Al Wlker 7.00 J. B. Leltii 93.00 I S. Olsen 2.10 A. J. Kahagan 2.C0 E .A. Strand 2,10 H. F. Bearing 2.10 Ph'Mln None 2.10 L. Laravea 2.1(3 J N. Cook z.i" Barney Hulber 5.00 Otto Vogle 3.10 T V. I.eaviitt 5.10 lA'ex Mullincad 4.00 Jno. Wlker Sam Albro :.io 2.10 Homer Crane 2.10 S. C .Hamblln 2.10 Geo Younkln 2.10 Cal Hashman 3.00 L Homrtshousen Jr 5.oi Frank Caha 4.50 Chas. Bauer 2.70 Mike Bayr& .... 32.10 W. J. Johnson . 3.80 Aug. Drws 4.70 Harvey Meyers 2.10 W. M. Honsh t '..... 2,10" W, F. Baclrman 2.10 W. H. Swan 2.10 J. B. Denton 2.10 Jno. Plananaky, ., 2.10 S. B. Ubby . . , ." .' 2.10 C. E. Marks .' 2.10 I W. Herman ...' 2.10 Jno.. Miller 2.10Aftr calling meeting to order, uhe M. O. New E. T .KlbhSa C. H. Vlnsel Arthur Grebe 2.10 2.10 2.10 2.10 M. S. Hargraves 2.10 H. II. Fralzer 2.10 N. A. Ktrk 2.10 Chas Watiteyene 2,10 State Journal 79 A. M. Miller 82.35 B. F. Lockwood 20.05 Klopp & Bartlett 30.50 q b Leldy 75.00 J. P. Jensen 28.80 J. M., Wanek 33.40 City of Alliance 60.45 W. C. Mounts . S0.44 . 30.10 . 10.25 . 1.25 100.00 .. GM W. C. Mounts L. A. Banry E. L Everett O.E. Philttps 40. E. Phillips IMIIMi O. E. Pltfline 130.00 W. C. Mounts 0.00 G. W. Mitchell ld.10 G. Mitchell 21.53 OW. Mitchell 8.00 City of AlHanco 9.00 O. V. Mitchell ,..,.... 10.00 Alliance Electric Co., B.10 Alliance. Electric Oo.s ,,..,,,.5.10 Klonn & Bantlett Co 68.00 Klopp & Bartlett Co., .... 00.10 Isaac Hockey 8.00 S. P. Tuttlo ..' 4.00 R. II. West COO W. J. Johmsoti 7.20 "W. G. Zedtkcr ... 13.C0 Jno. Hill ..a. ". 4.00 Jno. Vogle Jr. ..' 4.00 F. McCoy 1 4.00 Cal Ilashman 4.00 A. S. Heed . 5.00 Fred Abley 7.80 L. A. Surprise 6.00 F.J Barnes 8.40 H. J. Wtaten U.30 E. M. Martin 0.10! G. H. Hand .. 4.00 B. F. Oilman, C.00 A. A. MUlett 4.00 A. S. Enyeart 4.00 Clark Otda 7.00 C. Klemke. H.50 G. W. Jones fi.00 L. M. Kennedy 4.00 Fred Trenkle .; 40.40 O. Owen 0.00 V. E. Byrwe 0.00 -J. B. Gray 2.00 D. W. Hughs COO Jas. Watson 8.00 G .J. Sutton 6,00 Hammond & Stephens : 26.05 Jno. Guthrie .' 6.00 G. E .Leldy 6.00 JA1 Wlker ' 73.30 E. P. Sweeney .......... zw.w E. Burton 202.00 Jno iniklngton 35.00 G. A. Mollring 23.45 W. O. Barnes 13.00 Sang C. Reck 138.50 Sanig C. Reek 3S.60 F .J. Brennmn 6.00 D. W. Hughs 1.80 J .P. Jeneeni .'. 20.40 J. M. Wanek 35.00 Fred Mollring 1070.C1 G. A. Newberry 1700.C5 It Is tho order of tho Board that a standing reward of ?350.00 bo offered by Box Butte County ,for tho ap prehension and conviction of horse and cattle thelves, for stealing horses and cattle within the boundrlas of Box Butte County, and tho clerk Is here by ordered to have the said reward puibWatoed ini the county papors of Box Butte County until further notice. The following claims were audited add allowed and 'the clerk ordered to draw warrants on Ui Road Funid f or same, F6rot Lumber E.I. Gregg .. Sam Heatr G. M, Colby . J R. Lawrence Geo WaUson Co., 117.00 12.00 5.00 3S.40 61.00 ....'. 1.40 J. B. LefcMi Tlios Letth 38.45 17.50 Jos. Kennedy Ulwks Lbr. & T. J. Lawrence J. R. Lawrence T J. Ijawrence J. It. Lawrence E.' L. Everett Beni "Russell .- 10 0U Coal Co 73.35 .,..' 21.00 .., 2.50 2.50 34.20 3.00 10.00 , 10. Ben Russell Frank Shaw 30.00 L. M. Kennedy 86.25 Sam Heater 107.50 C. Rlckett '. 76.40 Jno. Garrett 114.00 Eb, Garrett 117.6 Jos Johnston 10,0 Bud. Rodgers 52.00 F. B. Simmons 30.00 D.E. Jacobs ,. 38.00 Tom Shrewsbury ..." 10.S0 Chas. Farusgon 123.30 D. W. Hugh 3.20 J. E. Andree 27.50 E. L. Marsh 15.00 L. E. Marsh 15-01 Whereupon the Board adjourned un til tomorrow morning at 0 o'clock a. m. W. C. MOUNTS. AU'ance, Nobr., Aug. 255, 1000. Board of County Convmlselonens met pursuant to adjournment, same of Hojib present as yesterday, the fol lowing proceedings were had and done to-wit: ! Board takes a rocesa for purpose of going out and Inspecting toino roads and bridges. The following petition was present ed, considered and ordered allowed: To The Honorable Board of County Commissioners. We the undersigned residents of the coumity of Box Butte, do hereby re- resnectfully petition the Board of County Commissioners, to authorize the sheriff of said county, to appoint a sufficient number of deputies to act, and police the Fair Grounds, for the entire time during the fair to be held Sep. 28-29-and 30, 1000. OFFICERS FAIR ASSOC. GEO. A. MOLLRING, PRES. EARL D. MALLERY, SEC AH other matter not dtepoaed of Is hereby continued until noxt meeting. Whoreupon 6he Board adjourns un til, their next regular moving, tho lt, Tuesday In Ootobor, 1000. W. C. MOUNTS "Clerk. HEfUNGFORD HERALD. HEMINGFORD, BOX BUTTE Hemingford Happenings. Ora Phillips was up from Alliance Tues day. Ben Curtis had four horses bitten by rattle-snakes last week. Mr. Leavitt and daughter Jossie went to Montana Thursday. Mrs. 0. Hansen returned from Scotts Bluff the middle of tho week. Mrs. B. G. Johnson and Mrs. Davison went up to Alliance Monday. Mrs. Bertha Meanor is here visiting with her brother, Brad Fenner. Mr. Robert and Leo Frohnapfol return ed from Omaha tho last of the week. Mrs. Simpson and daughter wero in Hemingford visiting with Mr. Simpson. Mr. Orville Kldwell is able to coma to town. We are all glad to see him again. Mr. and Mrs. H. I. Ely returned Sat urday from their trip to tho Black Hills. Mrs. Klonyort's sister was on the sick list last week, but is ablo to bo up again. Mrs. Clatterbuck and daughter were in Hemingford visiting with Mr. Clatterbuck. Mrs, Elmer Roland and children went to Alliance where they are going to live. Mrs. Mclvln Shirley left Wednesday BUYERS and SELLERS We Get Them Together MUTTON, Hemingford The Old Reliable Hardware, Harness and Implement In order to make room for new goods will make special prices on Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons Agent for the well known Deeriug Hay Tools and Harvesters and J. I. Case Threshing Machines. In HARNESS My motto: "How Good; Not, How Cheap." Anton Uhmijg I EMINGFOKD, NEBR. N. Livery and Feed FROHNAPFEL Hemingford, Nebraska mlu uu u mwmwBHmma ! Ill flPHKXrI M H in connection ti f ih uyHT57iKTVi vyivj a n iXfdJiHVPf rLrjHHBr py " 26 ZEZeetcL of lEaZeaArsr Horses AT CHbCKERED FRONT LIVERY SATURDAY, SEPT. 4, '09 at 1 o'clock p. m. This bunch of Horses consists of Broken Horses MRS. M. E. HAYNES, Owner COL. C. L. DRAKE, Auctioneer Tho Hotn& PsMp&t ShichoVhtve toFzESSu terest the homo news. ItaevetT issuo will prove a welcome viator to every member of tho family, u should head your list of newspaper and periodical subscriptions. COUNTY, NEB., SEPT. 2, I909. for a visit with home folks at Utlca. Nebr. James Osborne had his arm thrown out of place Sunday, by a horse falling on him. Miss Opal Russell stopped off between trains on her way borne from tho Black Hills. Jessie Geiger has quit work in the Cen tral office and Mrs. Sibert will bo our new "Hello Girl." Jessie Geiger and sister Esther left Wednesday for a short visit at their home in York, Nebr. Mrs. Leavitt and daughter from Alii ance are here visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, J, Osborne. George Hedgecock, wife and daughtor were in from Sioux county last week visit Ing with Mrs. Brown. Nora Brown went to Alliance Saturday, and went on to Denver Sunday, where she Intends to go to school this term. A. M. Miller returned from his western trip whore ho has been taking in tho Old Soldiers' Encampment and tho Exposition. Quito a numbor of town folks went out to the "Bundlo Social" at Nathan Rock ey's Wednesday evening. There was a good crowd and the evening was very much enjoyed. Firm Funerals attended with Hearse BARN Young Stuff and y