K r r V IN &b IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY YOUR W liicifri ukuckic& from a Reliable House We have the BEST of everything good to eat Our Prices are Right Yours for a square deal, A D. Rodgeis Good Things to Eat a AT I Phone s r .. 1 19 : Desch s $ On the corner west of P. O. EVERYTHING FRESH AND On SATURDAY, AUG. 7th we will receive by express a fine line of E1 DES IE S HZ PET7IT Fresh Peaches Fresh Strawberries Fresh Pineapples Fresh Oranges All QuickMealGasol i ne Stoves f The above is the "Quick Meal" Trade Mark. If you want to see the little "Quick Meal" chick get a quick meal, put it close to your eyes and your nose on the cross (f). Look at it that way 6teadily for a minute and you will sec the chick make a "Quick Meal" of the bug. People who use a "Quick Meal" know how to cook a meal quick and eat it in comfort "Quick Meal" Stoves look well, cook well, bake well and last well. They could not be made better at any price. Their immense sale is due to their merits to nothing else. Over 300 Stoves to Choose from Prices, $2.75 to $32 Largest stock of Granite flonu ments in the West. Nothing but first-class work and lowest prices All lettering done by pneumatic tools Write us and let us quote you prices J. F. BLOOM & CO. 1815-17 Farnam 'XNn'N ieoott Phone I 19 I CLEAN Fresh Apricots Fresh Cherries 'icots 1 irries I annas I etables I 1HHHH Fresh Ban annas kinds Fresh Vegetables Make Happy Homes A Quick Meal Stove will do any and all work that can be done on a range or cook stove. Only it does it QUICKER, CHEAPER and in a more agreeable way Newberry's Hardware Co. St., Omaha, Neb. FIND MUCH VALUABLE PAPER Search of Old Envelopes Opens Big Field. Council Bluffs, ln.f Aug. 2. Four teen hundred dollars In checks, drnftB, money orders and other formB of com mercial pnpor found in envelopes that wore thrown away wore returned to their owners by tho members of hoso company No. 4 of tho Council Bluffs fire department. The quesUon Is how much paper of this kind is lost yearly, for which perhnps many a clerk or offlcor Is charged with tho responsibility? Tho boys or tho hoso company con ceived tho idea of papering a room in tho hoso house whero No. 4 has Its homo with postngo stnnipB, and to so euro them received gratis from tho banks, wholesale houses, offlces and other business places old envolopos. The finding of a draft jn tho first batch of envelopes received, which was qulto by accident, led to a sys tematic search of all tho envelopes they received, resulting In their find ing and returning commercial paper of tho value named. IOWA FARMER IS MISSINQ Friends Unable to Find Trace of J. F. Rutt of Morning Sun. Morning Sun, la., Aug. 3. No trace has yet been found of J. p. Hutt, tho young farmer who wanderod away from his homo, near Cairo, Wednes day night, although tho ontlro neigh borhood Is aroused, and from ono to two hundred men have been searching almost ovory squnro foot for miles around. Practically no work Is be ing dono In that neighborhood, nnd all are assisting In tho soarch. Tele phone messages have been sent to all surrounding towns and settlements and bloodhounds wero sent for and used. Many rumors nnd possible clows have been run down, all without ef fect, and Mr. Itutt's djsappearanco re mains tho same mystory as when ho was first missed. TO OBSERVE LINCOLN DAY Aug. 13, 1859, He Visited Council Bluffs. Council Bluffs, la., Aug. 2. Friday, Aug. 13, will bo the fiftieth anniver sary of the visit of Abraham Lincoln to Council Bluffs. On that date, 1850, Lincoln made Ids memorablo stop In the Bluffs and viewed the surround ings from tho summit of what over since has been known ns Mount Lin coln, the bluff tho top of which Is reached' by Oakland avenue. Inasmuch ns It was on this vlelt that Lincoln got tho Impression which determined him a little later as president to fix the terminus of the Union Pacjflc road nt this point, tho event stands ns an Important ono in tho history of Coun cil Bluffs. COADJUTOR FOR BISHOP KEANE Head of Catholic Archdiocese at Du buque to Have an Assistant. Dubuque, Ia Aug. 3. There will bo a coadjutor bishop appointed for Archbishop Koano, rumors to that ef fect having been current for two years past. Formal announcement was made from St. Paul, where Arch bishop Keano Is now visiting tho Irre movable rectors of tho archdiocese, that the rectors will meet In Du buque Aug. 17 to nominate a coad jutor, the selection to be finally mado by the holy see. Archbishop Keano's health has been poor for many months. There is a strong belief lo cally that Bishop Carroll of Helena will bo named. Y. M. C. A. FOR CHARLES CITY Campaign to Raise $30,000 Success fully Closed. Charles City, la., Aug. 2. Tho pro moters of the Young Men s Christian association building succeeded in rais ing tho required amount of $30,000 and the institution Is assured. Pros pects are when returns afe all jn that an amount considerably beyond $30, 000 will have been subscribed. Tho campaign lasted twenty days, closing with great enthusiasm. The campaign has been In charge of Carl H. Smith of Ann Arbor, Mich., graduate secre tary of tho University of Michigan Young Men's Christian association. WATERLOO MAN SHOT Robbers Fire on Victim Who Was Slow About Holding Up Hands. Waterloo, la., Aug. 3. While going home shortly before 10 p. m. Samuel Doren was accosted by two masked men on tho Park road, who command ed him to hold up his hands, at tho same time shooting Win twice through the left thigh. Though a large num ber of citizens wero on the scone al most immediately, the men escaped. Finds No Trace of His Son. Harlan, la., Aug. 3. John G. Honey well, father of William It. Honeywell, has returned to Harlan following a search In Omaha and Council Bluffs for his son. Tho father believes thnt his son committed suicide by drown ing In the Missouri rivor, basing his conclusion on tho fact that tho son had written to tho father expressing his purposo so to take his life. Starch Factory Scorched. Cedar Rapids, la., Aug. 3. Fire In tho kiln rooms of tho starch works of Douglas & Co. ruined 400.000 nounds . of starch, but was prevented from do ing much damage to tho building. Sev eral firemen wero sont to tho hospital as the result of smoke, hut will re j cover. The loss will bo about $15,000. I Sioux City Editor Dies Suddenly. ' Sioux City, la.. Auk. 3. Clavtmi j. Bailey, managing editor of tho Sioux City Tribune, died suddenly In Min neapolis. Ho was a well known news parer man In the northwest. NEBRASKA NEWS Nearly Eight Hundred Thousand on Hand at End of July. GARR IN ROW WITH UNCLE SAM New Secretary of State Board of Health Is Charged With Opening Dr. Schward's Mall Figures Compiled by Rate Clerk of Railway Commis sion Shows Rock Island Ticket Cales Exceed Freight Earnings. Lincoln, Aug. 2. Tho report of Treasurer Brian for tho month of July, showing tho transactions of his office for that period, shows that tho balances on hand tho first of tho month nmountcd to $9G2,604.89; re ceived during tho month, $379,301.67; paid out, $558,722.59; balance on lmmi, $783,083.97. Out of tho pormauont school fund thcro was expended for bonds $317,337.60, leaving a balance on hand In that fund of $378,018. There Is cash on hand nnd cubIi Items amounting to $182,583.97 and $600,500 cash on deposit. Dr. Carr Arrested. Dr. K. Arthur Carr, secretary of tho new stato board of health, was ar rested on a warrant sworn out by As sistant District Attorney Lane, charg ing him with opening mall belonging to someone else. Tho specific charge is openjng two letters addressed to Dr. E. J. C. Schward, secretary of tho old board. It is said ono of tho two letters was in tho naturo of a per sonal communication, though It was addressed to Dr. Schward as secretary of the board. Dr. Carr mado n copy of it and sent it on to Dr. Schward. Dr. Carr went before United States Commissioner Marley and was re leased on his own rccognlzanco to ap pear tomorrow. Ho BayB In his de fense that aftor his appointment ho went to Assistant Postmaster Hager and' was told by hjm that ho had a right to open all mall addressed to tho secretary of tho board. Rate Clerk Powell of tho railway commission has mado a comparison of the business dono by tho railroads In tho month of April In tho years 1908 nnd 1901). Tho detailed reports show tho ticket sales of tho Rock Island amounted to about $2,000 more than the revenue 'from Its freight business. Tho revenuo from less than car lot de creased, while tho revenuo from tho shipment of car lots increased In froight forwarded. HAIL CAUSES IMMENSE LOSS. Damage to Crops In Vicinity of ProB ser Estimated at $200,000. Hnstlngs, Nob., Aug. 2. Latest re ports of the damage dono by tho hall storm place tho loss nt $200,000, It devastated a wldo strip of land from the Plntte river to a point several miles south of Prossor. All growing crops within the area wero ruined, one horso was killed and much live stock was .injured and windows without number wero broken in farm houses and in Prosser. Earl settlers say tho visitation of hall was the most terrific ever seen in this or adjoining counties. It fell for hnlf an hour or more and covered too ground to a depth of several Inches. Throughout the strjeken area tho hall drifted and made hjgh piles. Tho hall area is about eight miles long and two and a half miles wide. ImmonBo fields of corn wore mown down and left with a covering of hall. Hardly any vegetation escaped com plete destruction or serious damage TWO END LIVES AT LINCOLN Mrs. T. 8. Paxton of Nellgh and Ed gar Stahley Commit Suicide. Lincoln, Neb., Aug. 2. Mrs. Thomas S. Paxton, wife of tho cashier of the Atlas bank of Nellgh, Nob., committed suicide by hanging herself In her room Jn n Lincoln sanltatlum. She had been In 111 health and despondent. Her husband had just visited her and Intended to take her to her homo noxt week. Edgar Stahley, one of tho best known young men In tho county, killed himself near Lincoln, Ho left a noto saying ho did not care to live longer. Veins of Coal and Iron. Bloomflold, Neb., July 31. At a depth of about 600 foot the drillers In chargoof tho prospective oil wolls horo struck u soven-foot vein of Iron ore, which was pronounced 85 per cent pure y tho geological depart ment in Lincoln. At a depth of 927 feet .another vein of two feet was struck and at a dopth of 930 feqt tho heavy bit passed through a six-foot vein of coal of excellent quality. Body of Farmhand Found. Omaha, Aug. 3. Tho body of David Olson, the young man who disappear ed Friday from tho farm of J. G. Fer ron, three miles east of this city, whero ho was employed, was discov ered In a pond on tho farm of R. A. Smith In Garner township. Indications are that Olson committed suicide, but the motive for taking his own life, as far as is known, Is lncklng. Harvard Man Dies of Injuries. Harvard, Nob,, July 31. Horace Hunter died from tho effects of nn in jury received n week ago whllo rak ing scatterings In the wheat flold In fighting flies his horse got over the tongue, broakjng it, thon running away and throwing Mr. Hunter sev eral feet, dislocating his shoulder and causing Internal injuries. FLOATER' MAY BE PHILIPS Slayer of Hamilton May Have Drown, ed Trying to Swim River. Omaha, Aug. 3. Whllo Sheriff Bral Icy and his officers nrc making a thor ough search for James Philips, nlloged slayer of Marshall C. Hamilton, In Omaha and In tho vicinity of Flor ence, Mrs. James Philips, wife of the hunted man nnd the woman over whom tho trouble originated that led to tho killing of tho mill owner, re turned to Omaha to glvo up what In formation Bho has, Sho has been vis iting a sister of her husband at St, Paul, Nob. In the discovery of a floater at South Omaha by somo boys Sunday tho sheriff thinks thoro may bo a pos sible clew to tho murderer, and he will await Identification of that body, as ho thJnkB It may bo tho body of cither Philips or his brother. The fact that tho boyB who found the ilonter declare they saw a second body go down tho stream, but wore unablo to get It, has brought out n theory to tho offect that tho two Phil ips brothers, after tho murder, tried to swim across tho Missouri at Flor onco nnd both wore drowned. BOY8 ADMIT HORSE THEFT Two Youths From Mlnatare Rush Stolen Animals Into Wyoming. Bridgeport, Nob., Aug. 3. Constablo McElwco of Mlnataro brought Ralph Stoffensmloro and' Hubert Woods of Scott's Bluffs county to Bridgeport under arrest for Hteallng bIx head of horses from Mllo Martin of Bayard, and turned the prisoners over to Skor lff Boldon of Morrill county. Tho accused are, moro boys, Stof fonsmlero being eighteen nnd Woods twonty-ono years of ago. They took tho horses from Martin's pasturo on tho night of July 13, and rushed them through Scott'B Bluff nnd Sioux coun ties Into Wyoming, changed tho brand on them nnd turned' them looso on tho Wyoming rnngo. Their work was of such coarso nature the officers had no difficulty in tracing them, and tho evi dence was so strong ngalnst them that thoy confessed to tho thoft. EQUALIZING NEARLY OVER State Board Hopes to Get Through Next Week. Lincoln, Aug. 3. Tho stato board of equalization has notified a number ot county assessors to bo present at a hearing to bo hold In tho ofllco of tho governor Aug. 9. Tho assessors notified nro of thoso counties whero the board contemplates making in creases In property vuIucb. Immediately after tho board passes on thoBo counties In which changes will bo made, It will likely mako tho levy for this year. Whether thoro will be any reduction In tho levy us compared with last year doponds upon tho stato debt on tho day the board decides to mako tho lovy. While thoro is no debt at this time, tho debt will begin to run up this fall, nnd thcro Is no money at this tlmo coming in to tnke caro of tho bills. WOMAN FOILS NEGRO ROBBER Farmer's Wife With Gun Marches In truder to Sheriff. Omahn, Aug. 3. Mrs. Henry Moisln ger. llvlnc on a farm two miles east of Springfield, in Sarpy county, proved herself a brave woman by dofendlng her home against a dosporate negro who entered her house whllo hor hus band was absent and sho was In the garden. Sho frustarted his attempt to rob tho house by pointing a re volver at him and marching him a short distance to a neighbor's houso, where ho was held until Sheriff Spear man of Sarpy county tooit him nwny and brought him to tho county Jail In Omaha. Ho gave his name as Will iam Williams. JEWELERS GATHER AT OMAHA Retailers and Wholesalers Assemble for Annual Convention. Omaha, Aug. 3. Retail jowelers, wholesalo jewelers, presidents and vice presidents of watch companies and ofllclals of other manufacturing companies In tho trade all poured into Omaha to attend tho fourth annual convention of tho American National' Retail JewelerB' association. In every respect tho conventjon has already proved to be tho largest In the history of tho organization and the number In attendance will near the 1,000 mark. Brothers See Boy Drowned. Omaha, Aug. 3. Homar Viele, tho eight-year-old son of Officer W. D, Violo of the Omaha police force, was drowned In tho Missouri rivor In tho presence of his two brothers. Young VIole was In swimming and was about fifty foot from the bank when ho was caught in an eddy, opposite the foot of, Martha street, and drowned bo fore help could reach him. , Telephone Rates Changed. Omaha, July 31. The railway com mission has Instructed tho attornoy general to begin proceedings against tho Johnson County Homo Telephone company for changing rntes without pormlsslon. Tho company put In a measured rate of 1 cent a call for cer tain of their patrons. Aged Woman Hangs Herself. Beatrice, Neb., Aug. z, Mrs. Eliza beth Harpster, an old resjdont of Lib arty, committed suicide at tho homo of hor daughter at that place by hang ing hot self. Ill health is assigned as the cause. Mrs. Knapp Improving. Madison, Neb,, Aug. 2. Mrs. Knapp, who was shot by hor husband, ap I.oars to bo steadlly lnlprovlng. Knapp is in a very critical condition, with little hopo of his recovery. h Sf SHIP TO I Tfwet Bros. & Melady South Omaha T Have JIM HORN Sell Your Cattle WE ARIT FREE FROM LICE. H FOR SALE BY F. J. Brennan Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD fPhone Alliance, No. 5. Nebraska. a Al Wiker AGENT FOR I Grand Island Granite and Marl) c Ms All kinds of Granite and Marble Tombstones and Monuments, Lower prices and less freight than from firms farther east cs HAVE YOU PAID YOUR PERSONAL TAX? Taxes are due Nov. l. Personal taxes delinquent Dec. i. Land tax delinquent May i. Interest io per cent from date of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold for taxes the first Monday in November. In all corn tnunications relative to taxes, please give description of property. Fred Mollrjn'g, Co, Treasurer. Repair Work ' Sewing Machines and Organs. Have secured the services of a prac tical mechanic and can guarantee all work done by him. Don't trust your work to travelling repair men. This man will be here permanently. Re pairs and parts furnished for all ma chines. Phone 139. Ged. D, Darling, A0E F Hr MARK K2" -5ft I &. ?t.