t r A Comfortable Cottage. .tm&W1 -weafc t wKMumw- 1 :i 1 i ft' Small but Complete Home Estimated Cost For Sim ple Construction About $2,500. Copyrliht, 1000, by Glenn L, Sixtnn. Mlnneipolli, Minn. i i : rn.... PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FROM A FIIOTOGRAPIl. uXIWMSSL fl DI(NGR00tl'fl tf-OXKHp CUO U KITCHEN l(HXI3(i M 1 I JitfX1'-b' I A lo I 9111 QLJn Iclo fin iiii yMLpwt-.v;J iiV iilF brf Ufr f 1 I n L "Auam" CHAMBERi jscATi-. LIVING ROOM f uicr! I n is-fxi3-b' y cua - L RECEPTION I I I ROOM I I I iiiiQinwi I CHAMBER i CL0 J5-0"XIK PIAZZA I Bteq pl a I 1 11 ZZZZ -2s FIRST FLOOR PLAN. SECOND FLOOR PLAN. If Invention Is tlio child of necessity it Is nlso the linmlninld of economy, nd the unpretentious yet homelike cottage here presented Is designed espe clally to provldo n complete dwelling for a family of average size and restricted capital. Every foot of space Is utilized to advantage, and. as will he Been lu the floor plans, all the rooms nre comfortable In size as well as conveniently related ono to the other. This last feature can he claimed especially for the main floor, where thore are no angles to turn when going from room to room and no uullghtcd nooks or corners. The rooms on the second floor nil open convenient to the landing, and the guest chamber Is by Itself, taking up the whole front of the house. The wide poich stands open to sunshine and breezes mid in the milder scnsoti Is really an additional room. Inclosed lu winter with wide sash It would make a sun parlor If given southern exposure. The width of the structure as planned Is twenty-throe feet and the length twenty eight feet six Inches, Including porch, which Is formed by the overhung of the second Htory. The flrst story rises nine feet clear and the second story eight feet. The finish throughout may he Washington fir, and the cost will not be much nbove $'.2,500. exclusive of heating and plumbing fixtures. Tho cost would be reduced somewhat by finishing the second story In pine. GLENN L. SAXTO.N. Architect A Cozy One Story House, Plan That Has Been Built From Many TimesHouse Can Be Well Constructed For About $1,800. Copyright, 1000, by Thomas U West, Seattle, Wash. 3r ' WBlsssWP1 I' - jsTsWriasBm Tji I apF: WlsMfife - - bi . u aaaaaaaai owarigaq te -. H & -J3 I jS SBSSSSsl Safer-VSST ! ' fe." BBI kx. PERSPECTIVE VIEW-FROM A PHOTOGRAPH. The original plan for this well ar ranged, cozy and convenient home, all on one floor and having the outline of a bungalow, has been built from mauy times in different towns aud states. The architect's estimates of cost for construction iucludcs plastered walls, double flooring, gas and electric light fixtures nud porcelain plumbing. Foun dation walls of cement, but without basement, as everything is provided for iu the main floor. Cedar siding and cednr shingles. The wide aud deep bay of the dining room, with side windows nt an angle gives a view In three direc tions. The bedchambers nre well light ed from without, have large closets and plenty of free wall space. Kitchen is of suitable size for a small house and is conveniently located. Size 20 by 42 feet; celling nlno feet. Stained wood makes n desirable finish for the whole Interior except the lintliroom. which should he white enamel. Has beun built com plete as described for about $!.S0O. THOMAS L. WEST. Architect. KITCrtW V .a. 1 I j taw ww awoL '" U i'o'xiVfi" l0.6.xia.o- II MIX Ik i am iJi uvuumom, e I I FUSi B.AX sr: ' AUCTION A High-Grade S e wing Machine at Your Own Price Have secured the exclusive agency for the celebrated high-grade, easy running, 6i Golden Star" Sewing Machine and want everybody to know the superior points of this machine over others. For a STARTER we will give you an opportunity to buy one of these machines at YOUR OWN PRICE. We will Auction off one of these machines to the highest bidder, bids to be made and sealed in envelopes. Make a bid; yours might be the one to.secure the machine. Nobody barred, so make a try for it. SjA Fill out the blank below in every detail, put in envelope and seal it; mark it "Bid on wSm Golden Star Sewing Machine" and send it to Geo. D. Darling, Alliance, Nebraska. ALL BIDS MUST BE IN BEFORE NOON ON SATURDAY, AUGUST 14Q9 Be at the store when the bids are opened between one o'clock p. m. and three o'clock p. m. on the .above date. The committee to look into the bids and decide the winner will be selected from those present who have p,ut in bids on this machine. We want everything pertaining to this matter to lie above reproach. Remember the Time, and Date, and Come. wflun iaBP&l aBBaSBBsiBBHDISM : I ' JSrl 1 jSSif MSmjJrmMlr HsP JsFt ft. W ' bIHbsHHK 1&amPMM mPimbsbbsgBbsk Jt"Ssspi5sj5 CsTSi HasFSflaflBSift AJ BESCT?CaSSSSSjg 11 Some of the Special Features of this Full Ball Bearinn- Stand Drnr Hnrl ufin!rpn tnr" Marhmp Drop APron Front Automatic Lift UUIUBll Oiai mahmm Automatic Side Tension Release Automatic Self Threading Positive Take-up All Parts Hardened Steel Woodwork, Quartered Oak, Polished Simplicity and Completeness And altocrether the lightest, quietest and easiest runnintr machine on the mnrU-et An UNLIMITED GUARANTEE, as to time, covers the working parts of this machine. Come and see the machine at any time; it will be continually on display; and a demonstrator here to show you its points of merit. We Repair and Furnish Parts for all Makes of Hachines THIS BLANK MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETE Data. My bid (or the "Golden Star" Sewine Machine as showln your store Is . My name is. State. Street No P. 0 If In country, direction and distance from postoffice Have you a sewing machine? What make?, How long have you had It? .' Was it new when you got it?. Give names of three neighbors who are without machines, or needing new ones: Name Postoffice State D GEO. DARLING HOUSEFU RNISHER Alliance Nebraska FLQOH PLAN. Homestead Little Lillie Ryan, child of John Ryan, met with a very painful accident while riding after the cows one evening last week, Her horse fell with her, dislocat ing her arm at the elbow. Her father succeeded in pulling it into place again and no seribus trouble resulted. A .son of Mr. and Mrs. Shetler from South Dakota is visiting his parents and brother, Ralla. Not until a few days ago did we hear of the arrival of a new girl in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, over near Curly. They got her in time to help them cele brate the 4th, arriving on the 3rd. Jim announced to us today that he had "a new dish washer." A glorious old rain in this vicinity last Saturday brought our crops out of the realm of uncertainty and made us all re joice. To some the storm brought hail stones as large as a ben's egg and did con siderable damage to their crops. Among them were Perry Ball, J. S. Thorp, Wal ter Scott, Geo. Jones, et al. It is reported by one who was there that hail stones broke through the roof at Mr. Thorp's. It sounds a little "hally" but we believe it because our informant said so. Louie Walters, our thrifty young neigh bor, (no longer a bachelor,) was the first ot our number in this vicinity to get into the hay field, and got there with both feet the first day after the 4th, Carpenter "Uncle Billy" Burke is help ing A, D. Weir build his house this week. Uncle Billy knows how to do the work as well and satisfactorily as many of our $3a-day carpenters of these days. We regretted to see Grandma Shetler looking very feeble last week, but hope she may soon be stronger. Friend Wallege, we are told, is at Mars land this week undergoing an operation of a serious nature. It seems that everyone from this section in need of a surgeon's care or an operation, pulls for Marsland. It must be that little Dr. up there is a cracker-jack. We don't want to be reckoued with the knockers but can't help wondering why barbed wire is only $3.25 per cwt. in ScottsbluH and $3.65 in Hemingford. The homesteader needs the difference. Some of those showing real and charit able kindness to the needy in our neigh borhood the past few days were Mrs. . G. Boyer, Mr. and Mrs. Thorp, Mr, and Mrs. Kauffman and Mr. Shetler, sr. We ought also to mention Mr. Bourk, Geo. Jones, Ed. and Leonard Leathers and Mr. Kelly, who left important work at their homes and went to build a house for our crippled friend, McBride, last Tuesday, This corner of Sioux county was repre sented in Hemingford one day last week by the following named homesteaders, who brought out large loads: Lovell, posts and wire; Wagoner, posts; Kauffman, lum ber; Weir, lumber; Lockwood, supplies for Canton store; and one or two others whose names we didn't get. Not so bad for one day's showing from among the Kinkaidera. We're glad to see hopeless old Box Butte county, of years in the dark past, booming and so rapidly gutting neck and neck with the best counties in Nebraska in so many ways that go to make banner counties and booms that never come off. We know that it is her soil and her people, who are doing the work, and equally well do we know that our own Sioux, her neighbor on the west, is next in the line to her. In fact, our soil and people are just as good and our grass so much better, that develop ment equal with that of our neighbor is inevitable. It is only a matter of a little time. Garfield Ball's family spent the day with Mrs. Miller Friday last. . G. Boyer has been on the Platte for several days looking for a colt that he lost down there a week or two ago. There's plenty of news around Home stead usually, but we haven't time to get out and run it down. M. Space. With the coming of "dog days" it is perhaps well enough to reiterate the sensible warning of a Philadelphia physician to those who fear hydropho bia. "Don't get scared to death," he says. Fear plays a most important part in this dread disease. Persons have been known to die from what they believed to be rabies after having been bitten, when it was subsequently ascertained that the animal was not mad. There are two good rules to ob serve as to dogs. First, don't get bit. ten: second, if vou are bitten, don't pst ;. . - ' " excited. Consult a reputable physi cian, take the proper precautions, and then forget it. BRENNAN'S SANITARY FOUNTAIN It couldn't be better IT'S BEISO? Conrad Koch Jewelry and Watch Repairing Special attention given to RAILROAD WORK BRENNAN'S DRUQ STORE s -. -