The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 22, 1909, Image 2

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    . &,
Crown Prince Ascends Thrune
of His Failisr.
Nationalist Forces Proclaim New Ruler
Before Immense Crowd In Parlia
ment Square at Teheran Deposed
Shah Takes Refuge In Russian Lega
tlon at Zerzende Under protection
of Cossacks and Sepoys.
Teheran. July 17. Mohammed All,
shall of Persia, was dethroned and the
crown prince, Sultan Ahmed Mlrza,
was proclaimed shah by the national
nBSombly, composod of the chief mujto
lilds and tlio leaders or the nationalist
forces, in the preaonco of an Immense
crowd In parliament square.
Mohammed All has taken roftigo in
the Kussiau summer legation, at Zor
zendc, where ho Is under the protec
tion of detachments of Cossacks and
Sopoys, dispatched to Korzcnde by the
ItUBSlau and British diplomatic repre
sentatives. The new shah Is yet in
his mljorlly, and Azad Ul Mulla, hend
of tho Kujar family, has boon appoint
od rogent. Slpahdur. one of tho most
nctlvo leaders of C. ..i "ict.t. 1 ..3
taken ofllco us mi. . v.. ...r ..-.l
governor of Tohoran,
' General LiakholT, thro -Uo30 no
Kollatloiis with the 1 ,..i.nallst3 tho
surrender was effected, was rae-t:-.
by mounted Bukhtl. J ..k...... to t.
parliament building and was grootea
with loud applauso by tho pooplo. Ho
was Informed that ho might remain
temporarily In command of tho Cos
sack brigade, provided ho s:rlctly
oboyod the orders of the War mln later.
Tho shops and prlvatb houses occu
pied by tho shah's soldiers nnvo been
plundorcd and tho rosldonco of tbo
manngor of tho Indo-European Tote
graph company has boon looted, but
no other homes of fr . .: -:- .u
With tho 0 coptlon of desultory
lighting by a lr.ndful of loyal Bnkh
tlarls In a lano near tho British lega
tion, Teheran Is quiet. The townspeo
ple aro taking quite calmly tho sud
don chnngo in rulers, while tho im
tlonallsts are resting nfter four days'
of Incessant fighting In tho Btreets of
a strango town.
Builds Fence Around Tract Covered
With Stores at Brighton, Colo.
Brighton, Colo., July 17. Claiming
that under tho government graut of
18G8 tho railroad owhb 200 feet on
each aide of its truck, tho Union Pa
cific railroad took forcible possession
of a tract or land covoied with Btorcs,
Valuod at $20,000, hero. A crow of
armod laborers built a fenco Inclosing
,the ground in question and for u tlmo
;t clash between tho townspeople and
tho railroad workmen seomod immi
nent. If the contention as to tho 400
feet right or way Is upheld It will ap
ply to practically tho entlro length of
tho Union Pacific through several
wostorn states. To months ago tho
attorneys of the company notified
ihoso whom they claimed lnfrlr on
their right of way here and offered to
lcaso tho land they then occupied to
them. This offor was rerused, with tho
osult that the railroad has taken pos
ession. Tho question to be Battled
lngcs on tho priority of the respec
tive homesteads filed and tho grant to
jo railroad by tho government.
W, A. Moody of St. Louis Chosen Pres
ident of National Exchange.
Denver. July 17. Tho National
Live Stock, exchange closed Its annual
-es3lon. electing tho following olil
cers: Preuldent, W. A. Mooay of St.
MNils; secretary, A. J. Stryker of
0m8ha; treasurer, A. J. Dnlloy of St.
..Josopii, Ma The next meeting will
be hold In St. Louis.
' Exonerates Slayer of Tw'o Sailors.
Clovelnnd, July 19 After an In
restitution. Chief of Police Kohler
tild Uat James Purvis, the nonunion
agineer of tho stoamer Centurion,
ho shot and killed Richard Brown
i id William woods, snllQrs, here was
i .stifled. In his action. The men at
t eked' Purvis, Bald Chjaf Kolilor, and,
I his orlnlon, tho engJneor had a
sbt to defend hlnalf.
Amateur Aviator Made No Effort to
Steer Atioplane.
New "ioiK, Jul l'J. A trlghtened
amateur, ouths ,ikc a wooden man,
wtiit up at uaw.i m Glenn H. Curtlus'
aoroplauc, which hovored a moment In
midair and then crashed to the earth.
Tho beautiful emit, In which Curtlss
mndo his remarkablo flight Saturday,
was badly wrocked. When tho would
be aviator was lifted from the twisted
framo he was delirious, his left arm
was broken, his left thumb dislocated
and his body burlsed. His injuries,
howovcr, aro not serious.
Tho accident occurred on Hemp
stead Plain, Miueola, whero Curtlss
has been giving demonstrations for
tho Now York Aeronautic society, to
which ho rocontly sold his noroplano
for $5,000. It was a member of the
society, Alexnnder Williams, forty-two
years of age, who was injured.
While Williams had driven many
an automobile, Is rumlllar with gas
engines and Is somewhat of a machin
ist, ho seemed to loso complete con
trol of himself as tho aeroplane soared
upward and when It Had attained n
.lelght of thirty feet the craft careened
sharply to tho right, swooped toward
the earth, and striking on end, turned
completely over, thon rolled on Its
back. Williams remained pinned In
his scat until lifted out. As n physi
cian bent over him, Williams, In his
dollrlum, muttered thnt some one had
collided witli him In tho air.
Dozen Men Wounded In Clash With
State Constabulary.
Butlor, Pn., July 19. Taking the
striking omployeoH of the Standard
Steel Car company completely by Bur
prise, a detachment of state consta
bulary arrived here from Punxsuta
noy to guard the company's property
t Lundorn. Tho strikers, angered by
tlio appearanco of tho constabulary,
gathorcd around the plant and In
clash with the mounted troopers, on
striker was probably fatally shot, two
members of tho crowd wore wounded
and more than ten Injured. Fifteen
nllegod strike leaders were arrested.
Tho ontrnnco of 500 employees of
th Stnndnrd Wheel company Into the
ranks or tho 2,500 striking men of tho
Standard Steel Car company makes
tho situation at Butlor serious. The
wheel company employees refuse to
Tho principal contention or tho
striking men is that both the car and
wheel companjes aro working to en
paclty, but refuao to pay wages In
ptoportion to the amount of work per
Russian Soldier Kills Officer and Then
Ends His Own Life.
St. Petersburg, July 19. Tho sys
torn of Hogging which Is still used U3
a moans of punishment In tho so called
disciplinary battalions of tho Russian
army led to a tragedy at MIedyiea,
Novgorod province. A soldloi vns
conueninea to nrty loshos for steal
ing. Aftor tho few flist blows, with
the blood streaming' from his shoul
ders, tho man bogged to bo released.
This was refused and ho wrenched
himself freo, at tho Bamo time draw
ing a concealed knifo. He leapoa up
on tho supervising ofilcer, Captain
Knvnlerosky, and stabbed him to
death Ho thon slashed two soldiers,
who attempted to seize him. Thon ho
burled the knife In his own breast.
Laporte Girl Had Trousseau Ready
When Fiance Meets Death.
Laporte, Ind., July 19. Tho anxiety
that for more thnn a weok has hung
over tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Theo
dore Fall, as tho result of the falluro
to hear from Benjamin E. Thompson
of Cnrpjo, N. D., whoso marriage to
Miss Edna Fall, their daughter, was
scheduled for this weok, was turned
into grief when a teleginm from Can
ada conveyed the intormaticn that the
brldogroom-to,bo nnd his brother had
been killed In nu electrical storm.
Miss Fall had her trousseau ready
and all arrangements had boon made
for tho ceremony.
Currency Consignment From Chicago
to Monmouth Disappears.
Chicago, July 19. a package con
taining 510,000 being convoyed by tho
Adams nxpreba company from tho
Nationul Pa"k of tho Republic of this
city to tho Second National bank of
Monmojth, 111., Is iu'.d to have disap
pearcd from a B.irllngton through
ttaln ncr.8 Urns last weok. The pack
age Is said to have been taken from
the train somewhere between Gales
burg and this city.
Strike Called at Youngstown.
Youngstoun. July 19. In a meeting
which lasted soveral hours, members
Of the Alnnlpnmntfwl i,
- " " -vwv. noutiauUH 01
Iron, Steel and Tin Workers decided
to call n Strike npnlnct 1. i-
town Sheet aud Tubo company. The
company has refused to sign tho union
wage scale.
Killed In Auto Accident.
Utica, N. Y., July 19. C. Will Chap
pell of Oneida, president of tlio Na
tional Caskot compauy, was killed in
an automobile acccldont about two
miles out of Canastota. IBs wife and
two sisters in-law, who wore in tup
party, reeehed serious Injuries.
Bests Record for High Flight,
Doue. France. Juh 19. M. Paujhnm
beat tho world's aeroplane record ror
height, held by Wilbur Wilght. He
mado a night at an altitude of about
460 feot. Tho previous record was
3S0 feet.
Excursion Sloop Capsized by
Squall in New York Bay,
Heroic Efforts Are Made to Rescue
Passengers Floundering In the Wat
er Victims Were AH Scandinavians
Who Lived In Brooklyn Beer Was
Served at Outing and Survivors
Give but Hazy Account of Accident.
New York, July 19. Ten persons
woie drowned, two ot them little gins,
when tho excursion stoop Koxtina, cur
rying twenty-two passengers, wua cap
sized by a sudden squall in Lower
Now York buy.
The dead: Sellua Samuelsou of
New York, Ella Olson of Flatbinti, L. 1
and tho following lrom Brooklyn: Olgn
and Selma Knudson, Bisters, fourteeu
and eleven jears old; John Christen
Ben, Abraham Hunson, Abraham Jami
son, Alice Englesou, Peter Spiel&ou
and John Thompson.
Captain Samuelson of tho Roxana
and the twelve survivors wero picked
up under great dlillculties In a rough
sea by tho tug Lamont.
The Roxana was chartered at Ulmor
Beach, Brooklyn, by a party of Swedes
from Brooklyn for a sail across tho
bay to Midland Beach and back. Tho
first leg of tho voyage was made with
out mishap and all bands piled auhoro
to make merry. Beer was served and
some of the survivors could give but a
'iazy account of tho nccldent.
The Roxana, reeling homeward
across the bay under all the sail good
judgment would permit to bo carried,
slipped Into a squall and before tho
captain could slack away his Bhoel
tho Roxana was bottom up and tho
water was black with bobbing heads.
Tho Roxana quickly vanished and
one by one tho heads began to follow
Fortunately tho tug Lamont was
keeping a sharp lookout. Captain
Keyes saw the sloop heel over m
tho gust and fail to come back. In
stantly ho hended for tho spot whero
tho Roxana had been, but before he
could reach here, ten of tho passen
gers had gone down. Llfo lines nnd
buoys wero thrown to thoso still
aflont and after a few minutes of brisk
nnd anxious work, all in sight wero
taken nboard the Lamont.
Launch Capsizes; Five Drowned.
Cincinnati, July 19. A gasoline
launch carrying n pleasure party re
turning from a day's outing up tho riv
er capsized off Coal Haven, on tho
Ohio river, three miles east of this
city. Five or the occupants of tho
boat wore drowned. Four others wero
rescued by river men of a coal licet
mooiod nt Coal Haven.
Monon Train Jump3 Track While
Rounding Curve In Indiana.
Chicago. July 19. While rounding a
curve south of Manchester, Ind., a pas
senger train on the Monon railroad
jumped tho track. Two men wore
killed ond six passengers injured.
Tho killed: N, Byrn, engineer; L.
Austin, fireman.
Soven cars left tho rails, Lat only
tho baggage car and tho engine turned
over. All tho Injured passengers were
taken to a hotel In Crawrordsvllle.
Pretender to Spanish Throne Passes
Away In Lombardy.
Rome, July 19. Don Carlos of Bour
bon, the pretender to the Spanish
throno, dlod at Varcse. In Lomlinniv.
Ho had been Jll for a long tlmo and
the latest reports Indicated that he
was suffering from apoplexy, with the
accompanying paralysis.
Bolt Kills Two at Balk Game.
Lead. S. D., July 19. While watch
Jng a ball ganio between tho Dead
wood and the Lend teams Weston Fry
and Thomas Harvison wero killed and
eight othors seriously hurt by being
struck by a bolt of lightning from a
passing thunderstorm. A panic wa3
narrowly avorted In tho crowded grand
Baby Dies of Quinine.
Nowton, N. J., July 20. Fifty qui
nine pills eaton by tho four-year old
son of Cecil Drake caused the child's
death in a few minutes. The baby
found tho pills in his father's pocket
and ran with them Into tho yard and
ate thorn before they could be taken
Split In Teamsters' Union.
Now York, July 19. Four thousand
men, according to reports lu labor cir
cles herr- have seceded from tho In
ternational Brothorhood of Teamstors
and formod nn organization which
thoy call tho Independent Interna
tional Brothorhood of Tonmsters.
Lloyd Elected Chairman.
Washington, July 20. At a meeting
of the Democratic congressional cam
paign committee, James T. Lloyd of
Missouri was elected chairman
Wreck Near Trowbridge, O.
Toledo, O., July 19. A wreck on
tho Wheeling and Lake Erie railroad
is reported near Trowbridge. O. Sov.
oral were injured, but nono klllod.
Further Shocks In Greece.
Athens, July 20. Further onrm
shocks woie folt at Annlalva and the
neighboring region, but no casualties
were teporled.
Conference Committee is Nearlng End
of Its Deliberations.
Washington, July 19. Tho Republic
an conloronce committee Senators
Aldrlch, Burrows, Penrose, Hale and
Cullom, and Representatives Payno
N. Y.), Dalzell (Pa.), McCall (Mass.),
Boutoll (111.), Calderhead (Kan.) and
Fordnoy (Mich.) is now near the end
of its deliberations on tho tariff hi.
and its report is expected to be com
pleted In tho Inst pnrt of this week.
How long It will tnko tho sonato nnd
the house to pass finally upon the
work of tho conference committee and
what will bo tho ultimate fate of tho
measure ns a whole is tho subject of
varying conjecture, but tho general
Impression Jn quarters usually well In
formed Is thnt the report of tho com
mittee will bo adopted by both houses,
and will reach tho hands of tho presi
dent early noxt week. Most people
hero expect that President Tnft will
sign the bill. Ho himself caused n
flurry nbout congress last week by tho
lssuonco of what amounted to an in
formal message to congress, in wr
no reiterated his conviction that the
national platform of tho Republican
party meant, and tho sentiment of tho
peoplo as a wholo demanded, a bona
fide downward revision of the tariff.
Threats Had Been Made and Police
Suspect Strikers.
Toledo, O., July 19. Tho rear por
tion of tho Marine hotel, In East To
ledo, was blown up with dynamite at
midnight, but ns there was nobody In
that portion of tho hotel at tho time,
no ono was injured.
For the last few days a strike has
been in progress at tho Toledo Fur
nace company's plant, near the hotel,
and strike breakers have been board
.rig nt the Marino. It is said there
have been throats to blow up the 00
tol and tho police suspect strikers.
Six Thousand on Way to Registrar r.
Spoknne, Wash., July 19. Nearly
six thousand peoplo passed Sunday in
Spoknne waiting to go to Cocur
d'Alene, Kallspel or Missoula today to
register for tho land opening. Many
will register hero. Most of tho visitors
are from tho south and west. In Spo
kane about 5,500 applications wero
filed, In Coour d'Alene 5,500, in Mis
soula 2,300 and Kallspell 1,600. Near
ly 5G.000 have registered thus far.
Given Life Term and Then Some.
Richmond, Ky July 20. Imprison
ment for the period of their natural
lives nnd ten years additional servi
tude in the federal penitentiary at At
lanta was tho sentence pnsscd upon
Porry Simpson, Elijah Slavin and
Georgo Stanley In tho federal court
by Judge Cochran here. The threo
men wero convicted of tho murder or
a federal deputy marshal in a mining
riot at Stearns, Ky., for which they
were sentenced to life imprisonment.
The additional sentence of ten years
is for disobedience of a federal in
junction In the mining controversy.
I F A L, A C
( $$ I. TXT. HEEMufilT,
I7iH Phone ni
I 1
Best Equipped
I Most Up-to-Date
t Exclusive
I Meat Market in
t Western Nebraska
fSHOP OPEN from 6:30 a. in. to 7 p. m. Saturday, until 10 p. m. Sun
TV day, 8 to 10 a. in. iCth and 17th of each month, until 9 p. in.
iu Meat will be delivered from 7 a. in. to 6:30 p. m.
HIgh-Grade Meats, Fresh and Cured, Fish,
Poultry, Etc.
Irish Lacemakar Cleared From
Charge of Thsft.
Story Told by the Defendant on the
Witness Stand of Being a "White
Slave" Victim Is Denounced by the
Jury as Untrue Reach Verdict Aft
er Nearly Seven Hours' Delibera
tion. Chlcngo, July 20. Ella Glngles was
cleared from tho charge of stealing
lace, but tho story buo told on the
witness stand of being a "white slave"
victim was denounced us untrue by
the Jury that treed her.
The verdict in tho caso was a fitting
cllmnx to tho peculiar series of sensa
tions that have followed the little
Irish lacemaker. This was tho form,
as read by tho clerk:
"We, tho Jury, find the defendant
not guilty, und we, the jury, further
find thnt the charges mado against
Miss Agnes Bnrrette wero unfounded
and are untrue."
Tho bnsls or tho defenso made by
the Glngles girl, who wns on trial for
stealing lace fr&m Miss Barrette, was.
that Miss Barrette and others had at
tacked her and mistreated her In tho
Wellington hotel on two occasions last
winter, and that tho object of these at
tacks and the animus back of the
chargo was the nttempt to sell her
to an unnamed man In French Ljck
Springs, Ind.
Tho Jury reached a verdict after
nearly seven hours' deliberation. The
court room wns nearly vacant at the
tlmo the Jury came In. A few of the
women who have stood by tho Irish
girl since the day her story became I
public wero there. They arose and 1
clapped their hands and screamed .
when the words "not guilty" were ut- I
tercd, and It was some time before ,
they realized the Import or the last
half of the verdict. J
Second Trial of "Street Railway Mag
nate Begins at Frisco.
San Francisco, July 20. Patrick
Calhoun, president of the United rail
roads, is again on tilnl here on a
charge of offering n bribe to a public
official to gain a privilege for his cor
porntion. Hnlf a day had been devoted
to interrogation of prospective Jurors
whon the first panel of twenty five
citizens was exhausted without any
being chosen, and an adjournment
was taken until tomorrow.
Except for the absence of three or
four notable principals and the pres
ence of District Attorney W. H. Lang
don as chief piosecutor, the proceed
ings differed little lrom the eaily
s.ages of tho first trial, which lasted
five months and resulted in a disagree
Miss Rose C. Herman
Cashier and Bookkeeper
Joseph S. Saxton - Meat Cutter
Jake H. Herman - Stock Buyer
Jos. Skala, Sausagemaker aud. Butcher
John B. Herman . Assistant
Wm. C Herman Delivery Boy
Try our home-made Palace
Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders
- HT
mont four weeks ago.
Assistant District Attorney Honoy,
It 1 expected, will nssume chargo of
tho caso when ho returns from his
trip to Alaska.
Daughter of Jefferson Davis Dies.
Colorado Springs, Colo., July 19.
Mrs. J. Addison Hayes, daughter of
the late Jefferson Davis, president of
the Confederacy, died at her homo In
this city aftor an Illness of six months.
Engineer Slain by Unknown Man.
Cairo, 111., July 20. Hays Grotty, an
Illinois Central engineer, was shot and
killed while driving into Cairo from
the Halfway house. His slayer es
caped' without being identified.
Fatal Explosion in Powder Plant.
Kansas City, July 20. An explosion -In
the Excelsior Powder company'a
plant here killed a workman, John
Cilne, and wrecked ono of the buildings.
We cordially invite you to
make our office your head
quarters when in Alliance.
Birr rest room. The daily
and weekly papers on file.
Easy chairs and a good,
clean place to rest.
Remember, when you have
land for sale that we have
a big- organization and can
sell it for you.
Buyers and Sellers
We get them together
Thomas Land Company
Ora E. Phillips Lloyd C. Thomas
B. M. Thomas
rop- 3H
mi W
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