The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 15, 1909, Image 3

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from a Reliable House
We have the BEST of everything good to eat
Our Prices are Right
Yours for a
ZA. D. Rodgeis
Good Things to Eat
I Phone i" r
I j(j uescn s
S On the corner west of P. O. See..,.
we will receive by express a fine line of
Fresh Peaches
Fresh Strawberries
Fresh Pineapples
Fresh Oranges All
The above !s the "Quick Meal" Trade
Mark. If you want to see the little "Quick
Meal" chick get a quick meal, put It close
to your eyes and your nose on the cross
(). Look at it that way steadily for a
mlnuie and you will see the chick make a
"Quick Meal" of the bug. People who
use a "Quick Meal" know how to cook a
meal quick and cat it in comfort. "Quick
Meal" Stoves look well, cook well, bake
well and last well. They could not be
made better at any price. Their immense
sale is due to their merits to nothing else.
Over 300 Stoves
to Choose from
Prices, $2.75 to $32
Largest stock of
I ments in the West. Nothing but
first-class work and lowest prices
All lettering done by pneumatic tools
Write us and let us quote you
1815-17 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
square deal,
. I Phone
Fresh Apricots
Fresh Cherries
'icots 1
irries 1
annas I
getables I
Fresh Banannas
kinds Fresh Vegetables
IMe Happy Homes
A Quick Meal Stove
will do any and all
work that can be
done on a range or
cook stove. Only it
does it QUICKER,
CHEAPER and in a
more agreeable way
Hardware Co.
Granite Honu-
Auburn Man Refuses to Throw
Up His Hands.
Real Estate Dealer Starts to Fight
When Confronted by Two Young
Men Near Fair Grounds and Falls
From Fusillade of Builcts, Two Tak
ing Effect In Lungs and One In Stom
achWill Probably Die.
Auburn, Neb., July 12. P. D. Allor,
n prominent real ostntc iloaler and in
surance agent of this city, was shot
and fatally Injured by holdups near
the fair grounds. Ho was walking
along undor some trees nnd was con
fronted by two young men, who or
dered him to throw up his hands. Ho
refused ami started to light ami was
shot five times, twice through the
lungs, twice in the leg and onco
through the stomach. Tho robbers
then lied. Ho could not give nny de
scription of the robbers oxcept that
they wore young men and smooth
shaven. Mr. Allor will probably die.
Howard Watklns Shoots Himself and
Tetanus Develops.
Osceola, Neb., July 13. A case of
tetanus, which probably will result fa
tally, Is a roBiilt of a thlrteon-ycarola
boy accidentally shooting himself on
July 3 with a toy pistol. Tho boy Is
Howard Watkins, und at prusout he lb
Buffering Intense pains and spasms.
When the accident happened a doctor
was called and flic wound cleansed,
and it wns thought nothing serious
would follow. On Saturday the assist
ance of tho physician was called, but
tho case had progressed' so far that It
is believed tho patient cannot possibly
Omaha Newspaper Man Appointed to
Succeed Fred H. Abbott.
Lincoln, July 12. Harvey E. New
branch, editor of tho Omaha World
Herald, was nppolnteu regent of tho
state university by Governor Shallen
berger, to succeed Fred' II. Abbott,
who resigned to become an assistant
in the Indian service.
Mr. Nowbianch will serve until aft
er t'o fall election, whon a regent to
fi i lie vacancy wi'.l be oleclod. Mr.
i. Lett's resignation will make It nee-e-.rary
to olect three rogonts this fall,
ti" terms of C. S. Allen and W."0.
Whltmore expiring.
Henry Wsrner of Roseland Struck by
Bolt While In Field.
Hastings, Neb., July 12. While re
turning from the wheat field on the
Fred Ehrmnn farm, three miles south
east of Roseland, Henry Warner was
struck and instantly killed by light
ning. A team that ho was talcing back
to tho barn escaped without
injury. The man bore no wounds, and
tho only outward evidence of his hav
ing been struck by lightning wns tho
singed condition of his hair. The light
ning tore his hnt into small pieces,
hut otherwise his clothing was not
Suit to Remove Officers.
Chadron, Neb., July 12. Tho county
commlFR'onerH ordered tho county at
torney to commence a suit for the re
nun al of ro-rtr Sberlff L. K. Mote
for nl'l - '-'nlmln 1st ration of ofTlce,
mi'" nleo hr;n suit against Clifford
J. Freer-in, 'ormer clerk of tho dis
trict rou't of Dawes county, nnd his
houdsmn, for an alleee-l shortago in
Ills accounts. Mr. Freeman claims
there is no shortage.
Flour and Wheat Rates.
Lincoln. July 12. The railway com
mission haB given authority to the
Union Pacific, the Durllngton, Mis
souri Pnclflc and' Northwestern rail
road companies to equalize rates of
Hour and wheat by charging tho samo
rate for flour that Is now charged for
wheat. The 'same order also npplies
to mill products and corn. Tho caso
was started by the Updike Milling
company of Omahn.
Slashed Man Who Saved Life.
PntrIco, Neb, Jul.- 12. A com
plaint was fllod In tho county court
nsralnst Clarence Cain chorjrlug him
with assaulting Edward Johnson with
a knife with intent to kill. Cain
E'nphod Johnson In the breast whilo
Johnson was attempting to prevent
Cain from committing suicide.
Prize Packages Under Ban.
Lincoln, July 12. Food Commission
er Mains will test tho pure food law,
which provldos that there shall ho no
prizes In food packages, by arresting
a grocer horo. Tho grocer sells food
packages in which are library Blips
which ontitlo the holder to books for
a certain numbor of slips.
Antl-Llquor Meet at York.
Yorl;, Neb., July 10. The liquor
question was donated for threo solid
hours hero by advocatos of ovnrv
I known plan of dealing with tho prob
lem, state-wide prohibition, local op
tion and the Initiative and referendum
wero championed by adheronts of one
or the other program.
Cholera Kills a Third.
St. Petersburg, July 10. During tho
last twonty-four hours 158 new cases
of cholera wore reported. There were
fiftv three deaths.
Mrs. Sarah Mcrklc Bound Over to An
swer Charge of Theft by Father.
Hastings, Nob., July 13. Mrs. Sarnh
Morkle of Hanover township haB boon
bound over to tho district court for
trial on tho charge of stealing a blblo
from the home of hor fnthor, Glaus
Lay, a wealthy farmor.
The blblo was takon fromMr. Lay's
home on tho night of Juno 24, and on
tho following dny ho employed an at
torney to file complaint, charging burg
lary, against his daughter nnd hor di
vorced husband, John Morklo. Tho
preliminary Roaring lasted Bcvoral
days ,lu tho county court and at tho
conclusion of arguments Judge Button
announced that while no case had
boon nuulo against the divorced bus
band, ho considered tho cvhlonce suf
ficient to warrant tho trial of Mrs.
Merkle In the higher court.
Mrs. Merkle nnd hor falhor live on
adjoining farms and for Bevornl
months havo boon involved in litiga
tion annlnst each othor. Mrs. Merkle's
djvorcod husbnnd, who claims that he
is not dlvorcod because of nn error In
tho court's decree, worka on nnothcr
farm in tho same uolghborhood. Whilo
those two wero co-dorendants In tho
bible case thoy hnvo frequently been
at opposite sides of othor actions nt
law, Mrs. Merkle as tho plaintiff on
several occasions in suits to havo
John Morklo placed under peace bonds.
Governor Orders Inspection of Cattle
For Tuberculosis.
Lincoln, July 10. Governor Shallen-
borger, acting upon thundvlcoof Stuto
Veterinarian Jucklness, has Issued a
proclamation governing tho shipment
of cnttlo and horses and the inspection
of cattle lor tuberculosis. A portion
of tho proclamation is practically a
repetition of tho quarantlno regulations
aow In force. Tho now part of tho
proclamation requlros that all live
Btock shipped or driven Into tho Btnte
must bo accompanied by a competent
certificate of health. In tho caso of
entile, the tuberculin test must havo
been applied, or it will bo whilo the
animals are held In rigid quarantine.
Hogs entering tho Btalo for breeding
or exhibition purposes must hnvo a
certificate of freedom from disease,
and will not be allowed to bo unloaded
or kept at stock yards. Any stock not
inspected and covered by proper cor
tillcnto may bo Inspected nt tho point
of entry at tho owner's oxpenso, or nt
the point of unloading. Cnttlo pur
chased at public markets for dairy or
breeding purposes must undorgo tho
tubeiculln test.
Lads Were Plcy'-., .Vith Rlflle and
Shooting Was Accidental.
Broken Low, Nob., July 13. Johnny
Gill, tho ten-yeni old son of Ed II. GUI,
living on tho ensusiu border of tho
county, was shot and almost Instantly
killed by Georgo Crist, another ten
yeurold boy.
Tho Gill boy wns visiting at tho
Crjst farm with Georgo and his cousin,
Lester. Tho threo hoys, who are of
tho same ago, wore nlono during tho
afternoon with a 22-calIbor rlfto nnd
when found tho body of Johnny Gill
wns lying near tho water tank, 100
feet from tho house. Coroner Colo
empaneled a jury and put tho two boys
on tho stand. At first they doclared
Johnny had shot himself in tho house,
then ran out doors before dropping.
Later Georgo confessed to the shoot
ing, but said It was accidental. Coro
ner Cole's verdict was to that effect.
Tho bullet entored the heart of tho
victim, passed clear through tho body
and lodged In tho right arm.
Fined for Selling Big Fish.
Heatrice, Nob.. July 10. Chief Gamo
Warden Boehler caused tho arrest of
William Sterne, fisherman of this city,
for landing a thirty-seven-pound cat
tish at Holmcsvlllo and selling it to
the meat market men nt that place.
Sterne pleaded guilty beforo Judge El
lis and was fined $5 and costs. His
defense was that the fish was so largo
that ho could not carry It home. This
Is tho first nrreBt for violating tho
fish and game laws at this placo for
several years.
Republicans Will Locate Convention.
Lincoln, Nob., .July 13. Chairman
J. Warrou Kolfor of tho Republican
stato contral commltteo has called a
mooting of tho full commlttoo nt tho
Llndell hotel, In Lincoln, Thursday
evening. Tho committee will decldo on
tho place for holding tho stnto conven
tion, which w,lll assemble tho last
Tuesday In July. .Mr. Kelfor had first
Intended' to call only tho oxecutlvo
committee, but Inter doclded to sum
mon the full committee.
Man Fatally Gored by Cow.
Tecumsoh, Nob., July 13. Frank
Walters was fatally gored by n cow at
Crab Orchard. The young. man wns
riding a bicycle through the village
when he was charged by the angry an
imal, which knockod him to the
ground and toro a hole In his breast
with ono of hor horns, penetratjng the
left lung.
Horticulturists Will Meet.
Beatrice, Nob., July 13. Tho annual
mooting of tho Nebraska Stato Horti
cultural society will bo hold In this
cjly July 21 and 22. Tho object of
this society Is the promotion of inter
est along tho general lines oi horticul
ture, floriculture, landscape gardening,
Lockjaw Victim Taken to Omaha.
Woston, Neb., July 12. Joseph F.
Pop, who wns shot in his right hand
by a blank carlrldgee was takon to
Omaha. It is fearod that lockjaw
will set In.
Famous Scientist Will Be Burled With
Military Honors.
Washington, July 12. Professor Si
mon W. Newcomh, tho famous natron
omor, mathematician and trnveler,
who died nt his homo in this city, at
the ngo of sovonty-tour yenrs, will bo
burled with military honors In Arling
ton cemetory Wodnesdny. High offl
clals of tho government will attend
and the honorary pnllbearcrs wjll in
clude many prominent men. Tho body
will lie In state today and tomorrow nt
too family rosldenco.
Professor Newcomb received ninny
honors from leading scientific socie
ties nnd from royalty. Ho was n
member of tho Insttluto of France
and tho American Association for tho
tulvancomout of Science. During his
,crv,lco with tho United Stales gov
ernment ho conducted a number of
pnrtles to foreign lnnds to obscrvo
Pillaging Is Begun on All Sides and
Foreigners Arc In Danger.
Ln Paz, Ilullvin, July 12. La Pnz is
given over to riot. Tho peoplo swarmed
Into the streets and did much damage.
Tho electric Light wlros wero cut and
pillaging wns begun on nil sides. Shots
wore hoard In ovory direction. Tho
situation for foreigners, especially
Poruvlnn and Argontlno residents, Is
oxtromely sorlous.
Guards protecting tho Poruvlnn and
Argontlno legations were suddenly
withdrawn for some unknown reason.
Whon this beenmo known street mobs
renewed their attacks on tho legations,
causjng serious damage. Tho Argen.
tine minister, Sonor Fonseca, and his
wlfo had a narrow escape from Injury.
Thoy made their way out of tho lega
tion and n dlstanco of eight blocks,
finally seeking protection in tho homo
of the president of Bolivia.
Discharged St. Louis Employee Reit
erates Charges Made by Harms.
East St. I,ouls, 111., July 12. Julius
Dlschof, ono of tho government meat
inspectors who was discharged after
ho had sustained tho allegations of
James F. Harms ngalnst tho meat In
spection in 'the packing Iiousob here,
Issued a sworn Btntement which, ho
said, contained the gist of his testi
mony beforo tho commltteo sent hero
by Secretary of Agriculture Wilson.
Blschof's charges are more serious
than Harms' and' more specific. Ho
recites his threo years' oxpcrlenco in
the packing houses nnd calls attention
to numerous .Irregularities.
Western Miners Meet.
Denver, July 13. Tho annual con
vention of tho Western Federation of
Miners began hero. Tho Montnua
delegation announced it was Instruct
ed to offer a resolution to abolish tho
oinco of president of tho Federation,
now held by Charles II. Moyer, and
substitute u board of directors. Moy
er's friends aro oxpoctod to put up a
vigorous fight.
Wright Makes Successful Flight.
Washington, July 13. Orvillo
Wrjght made n vory successful flight
in tho Wright aeroplano at Fort
Myer, during which tho machine at
tained tho exceptional speed of 'about
forty miles an hour nnd circled tho
parade grounds half a dozen times, n
total dlstanco of about throe nnd a
half miles.
Freight and Passenger Crash.
Washington, Ind., July 13. A
freight train on tho Evansvllle and In
dianapolis railroad' crashed hood-on
Into a northbound passonger train in
this city. J. IL Ashby, a mall olork.
was fatally Injnrod r.nd several pas
sengers wore slightly hurt.
Six Companies Offer Reward for Leon.
San Francisco, July 12. A rewnrd
or $500 for tho capturo or Loon Llug,
wanted In New York for the murder of
Elsie Slgel, has boon offorod by tho
"Chlnoso Six companies," the most In
fluential organization among tho Chi
nese in Amoilca.
Two Are Crowned In Buggy.
Hnzletou, Ind., July 12. -Paris Cun
ningham, aged twonty-four, nnd Henry
McFertrldg'-', agod fourteen, were
drownod in White river whon their
horse and buggy plunged off tho ferry
landing and all wont down together.
Lifelong Cripple Ends Life.
Princeton, 111., July 13. Fred L
Colo, a justice of tho peace, shot and
killed' himself horo. He had suffered
from physical infirmities from child
hood. He left a note which simply
said: "No one cares for Fred."
Bros. &
South Omaha
Sell Your
F. J. Brennan
Wm. James,
Dealer in
Phone Alliance,
No. S. Nebraska.
AI Wiker
f Grand Islaid Granite I
and Manic Works
All kinds of Granite and Marble
2 Tombstones and Monuments. 2
Lower prices and less
nt than from firms
farther east
Taxes are due Nov. i. Peisonal
taxes delinquent Dec. i. Laud tax
delinquent May i. Interest 10 per
cent from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
in October and sold for taxes the first
Monday in November. In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fked Mollkinq. Co. Treasurer.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man wjll be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling,
ADC fT fejy MABK