The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 15, 1909, Image 2

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    'jTTjyitT ' "
House Passes Joint Resolution
(or Income Tax Submission.
80 Decided at White Hjuce Confer
encePresident Taft Declare He
Finds Many of the Conferees Con
ciliatory and Hopes Satisfactory
Measure Will Be Presented to Him.
Makes Plain His Position.
Washington, July 13. By the de
cisive voto of 317 to 14, 111010 than ina
necessary two thirds', tho house imbso1
tho senate joint roHolutlon providing
for tho submission of tho Income tax
amendment to the suites. Tho reso
lution now goes to the president loi
his signature.
The bunion of tho Deniocrat.v
BpoechoH was that it was simply n
cuso of stealing Democratic thundor,
although some of thu speeches on thai
sldo wer on the opposite sldo.
The Democrats 01ed aolidly for tho
resolution, but tho following llopub
Hcens voted against It: Allen (Me.),
Barehfold, Dalzell, McCrcnry nnd
Whoulur (Pa.), Fordnoy (Mich.), Gnrd
nor, iMcCnll nnd Weeks (Muss.), Hill
and Henry (Conn.), Olcott nnd South
wlok (N. Y.) and Caldorhcad (Kau.).
Corporation Tax Is Reduced.
At a conforenco at tho Whlto IIoubo
It was docidod that tho rato to bo lov
led under tho now corporation tax
Bhnll bo reduced from 2 per cent to 1
per cent nnd that in drafting tho meas
ure now In conference along with .tho
tariff bill to moot various objections
that have been raised, duo considera
tion shall bo given to tho demands of
the mutual .Insurance compnnles, who
would ho seriously affectod by tho
tax In lis original form.
President Taft declared thnt he
would actively loud his lnlluenee to
bringing about a conciliation of the
differences between the two houses.
Tho prosldent told soveral of his
callers that ho was flniUng tho con
ferocB conelllntoiy and thnt ho hopod
that a satisfactory mensuro would bo
proBonted to him. Tho conference re
port Bhows thnt tho bill will be avail
nblo for tho president's approval or
rejection noxt Meek.
It will bo so arrangod that tho tax
shall- fnll upon largo profits. Allow
ances will be mndo for long term eon
tracts which tho co-ti:-..., :.i.c- up
Concensus of Oplr..;n That Society
Must Be Rr:r --.'.-r '.
Seattle, Wash., July 13. 'iuo eighth
Intornatlonnl convention or tim rcn.
worth leaguo of tho Unitod Stntcs and
Cauada adjoin nod to meet again in
3913. The convention brought to tho
front tho issue whether the consntlon
should be ruled by the Idshops nnd tho
old pooplo or the young people. Whilo
no voto was taken, thero was a gen
eral concensus of opinion tint tho
leaguo must bo reorganized at once If
It Is to carry o- - the piir-nw of lta
founders thnt of . ,;,. ft
Tho two offlcsrs of tho league of
tho Methodist Episcopal church In tho
, Unitod States Bishop William A.
Quayle, president, and -Secretary Ed
ward' G. Haudall have promised to
brlug tho league back to Jts starting
New Food Product Is to Be Turned
Out at Refinery Near Alton, III.
Alton, ill., July 13. Tho first roll
of "petrol butter," the Standard Oil
company's latest product, Is to bo
turnod out at Woodrlver refinery, near
Alton. Preparations are ucdng' nmdo
for U10 Installation of machinery
which, it is promisod, will make a
cut In tho profits of dairyman. The
now product Is said to bo of much tho
Bnme consistency as lacteal butter, but
Is brown In color.
Colombia Revolt at an End.
Washington, July 13. Tho rovolu
tlon In Colombia U at nn end, accord
ing to a message which was received
by Souor Guzmau, the Colombia::
charge d'affaires. Tho end camo with
out any conflict. The revolutionist?
Riirrendored and tho logal au'sor,ty
of the government is re-establlehi:3,
said tho mossagc.
Chicago Br.nk Merger.
CWcago, July 13. Under tho torrn-i
"t an ngroomont reached by tho Join
. ommitteo representing tho two banks!
she Commercial National bank of CW
ago today absorbed tho Bankora' Na
tional. George E. Roberts, president
at tho Commercial National, will co.t
tlnuo as president of tho merged In
stitutions. Valuable Plants Stolen.
Now York, July 13. Ono thousand
rhododendrons, valued at 5 each,
part of a gift of $50,000 made to th.
National, park by Mrs. Russell Sag.,
have been dug up and stolen durlnjj
tho paet six weeks by vandals. Throe
anests iinve hoen made a policeman,
a cluiuficur and a bartendor.
Disaster In Spanish Mine.
Paris, July 13. A dispatch from Lis
1 an reports a serious oxploslon or
1 -edamp in a coal mine at Belmw.
I lain. Several hundrod inluors are
id to be oatombed. Efforts at ras
t 0 are being made end forty-two II v
1 5 and Benntoen dead alroudy hov-
1 on nrougm out.
Lake Steamer Cowle Sunk In Collision
With Uaac M. Scott.
Sault Ste. olarte, Mich., July 13.
Three minutes aiter the steol stenmers
Isaac Scott and John D. Cowlo had
collided In Lake Superior, about a mile
nnd a half off Whltoflsh point light
house, tho Cowle had gone to tho bot
tom Jn fifty fathoms of water, carry
lng with her fourteen members of her
crow. Tho Scott was badly damaged
about tho bows, but put Into this port
under her own Bteam. The Cowle was
down-bound, with 8,000 tons of ore in
her hold. It was Imposslblo to avoid
a collision and tho Scott crashed into
tho sldo of tho henvlly Inden Cowlo.
For fifteen foot tho bow of tho Scott
ponotrntcd tho Cowlo. Water rushed
In nnd In thrco minutes the Cowlo had
settled onto tho bottom of Lako Su
perior. Immediately after tho collision a
lino was thrown on tho deck of tho
Scott to tho forward dock of the Cowlo
and throe membors of tho crew es
caped to tho dpek of tho up-bound
boat by this means. Tho rest of tho
ciew who woro saved Jumptd from
tho sinking Btonmor into tho Inke,
somo without life proservers, nnd were
picked up by the Scott nnd the steam
er Goodyear, which was a short dis
tance astern or tho 8rott.
Convention of American Blllpostero
Begins In Atlanta, Ga.
Atlnntn, Gn., July 13. Tho stnto of
Georgia, In tho porson of Governor
Brown, and tho city of Atlanta, repre
sented by Mayor Mnddox, extended
welcoming hnndB today to the man
who decorate tho landscapes of tho
United Stntcs and' Canada with tho
bills extolling tho merits of vnrjous
makes of pills, automobiles, breakfast
foods and everything else.
Hundreds of delegates to tho con
vention of tho Associatod Billposters
and Distributors of tho Unitod States
and Cnnnda aro assembled hero. With
them aro tho members of tho South
eastern Billposters nnd Distributors,
tho Southern Theater Manngers' asso
ciation and tho Painters' Lenguo of
America. Most of them arrived by
train, but a largo party traveled hero
from Columbus, O., tho homo of
Georgo Chonnrll, prosldent of tho bill
posters, In motor enrs.
His Chances for Release at This Time
Brighter Than Ever Before.
Whito Plains, N. Y., July 13. If
couuboI consent, a commission of throo
nllenlstB, mutually selected, will pnss
upon Hnrry K. Thaw's sanity. This
was practically decided before ad
journment of ,e hearing before Jus
tlco Mills, where Stanford Whlte'8
slayer Is tryjng to socuru his freedom.
With District Attorney Joromo ollm
lnated, Thaw's chancos for release ap
pear brighter than at any tlmo since
his commitment.
Two Killed by Train.
Abilene, Kan., July 13. Tho bodies
or two young men were found near tho
railroad cro.sslug at Rnmona. Tho
bodies both wero badly mnngled. It
is thought tho young men went to
sloop on the track and were killed by
a passing train.
Sheriff Surrounded by Jap Strikers.
Honolulu, July 13. County Sheriff
William P. Jarrott is a pri3onor in a
plantation mill at Walmanalo, whoro
ho is Biirrounded by an angry crowd
of 300 Japanese strikers.
Hurricane Hits Panama.
Panama, July 12. A hurricane of
unusunl severity occurred hero, do
ing much damago to property.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago. July 12. Wheat for July
dollvory sold today at $1.20S, a now
high record mark for tho season.
AsJdo from tho Hurry In the July op
tlon, however, the markot In gonernl
was Inclined to bo weak and closed
heavy, with prices He higher to !i'Q)ytc
lower, compared with Saturday's final
figures. Corn also was weak. Oats
closed stoady. Closing prices:
Wheat July, $1.19; Sept., $1.1014
Gfl.lOV,; Dec., $1.08.
Corn July, 72,c; Sept., GCy,c.
Oats July, 40Kc; Sept., l3V,c.
Pork July, ?2c.45; oept., $20.C0.
I-ard July, $ll.t,7: Sopt., $11.07.
Ribs July, $11.:.:, Sept., $11.22.
Chicago Cash Trices N'o. 2 hard
(now), $1.2061 24: No. 2 corn. Tii.P.
No. 2 white oats, So'c.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, July 12. Cattle Re
celpts, 0,000; strong; native steers,
$5.257.00; cows and holfors. $3.25fi'
5.75; western steers, $3.505.60;
stockers and feeders, $3.0035.25;
calves, $3.000 C.50; bulls and stags,
$3.00'5.00. Hogs Receipts, 3,600;
weak to 5c lower: heavv. S7.4Kifj7 en.
mixed, $7.G0g7,70; light, $7.50(ff7.70;
pigs, $C. 307.00; bulk of sales, $7.55(fj
7.70. Sheep Recolpts, 10015c high
er; yearlings, $4.5005.25; wethers.
$4.0004.75; owes, $3.5004.40; lambs.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, July 12. Cattle Recolpts
25.C00; strong to 15c lowor; steers.
$5 0067.10; cows, $4 007.i5; heif
ers. f3.G0ff7.00; bulls, $3.40fc(6:
calves, $8.00 S.25; stockers and feed
ers. $3 30C 5.10. Hogs Recolpts. 33.,
00O; 510c lower; choice heavy, $7.95
T8 10; light, $7.4007 98; packing,
5757.8E: pi. $.8QF7.26; bulk of
stilas, $7i;ift7 75 Shop Reeolpte,
2. n, 1 - r-.jher. sheep, $4.0P4.65;
Iambs. $715C?S.S5.
Wires Are Down In Every Di
rection or Working Badly.
Tornado Hits Funeral Procession Near
Hamilton, O., and Score of Persons
Are Injured Farmer and His Hired
Hand Are Killed by Lightning Bolt
Near Havana, III. Heavy Wind
storm at St, Louis.
Chicago, July 13. Tho storm of
wind and ruin which has been partic
ularly Bevei e t the Missouri a ley
has swept around until It
Chicago, according to repoita reielxed
by tho telegraph companies, v. hose
wlroa mo In bad Bhape. Wires aie
down In every direction irom hero
uU'l those still toinainiiig are ba.d to
be working badly. Wires aro down or
In trouble In Iowa, Missouri, Indiana
and northern Ohio.
The Morm extends from LouUUllo
to Minneapolis and rrom Kansas City
and Dubuque to Cleveland. It is io
liorted to be working eastward.
Lives of Three Hundred River Excur.
olonlsts In Peril.
sit. Lcuis, July 13. A series of
twisting windstorms o cc;onlc pro
portions struck St. Louis and vicinity,
causing considerable pioperty damage,
injuring a few persons nnd imperiling
the lives of 300 passengers on tho ex
cursion steamer Alton In tho Mibals
ilppl river.
Tho heaviest storm was nt Alton,
111., and It was there that the passen
ger steamer was buffeted by the wiud.
Finding that his boat could not make
headway towards tho regular wharf,
tho enptajn hoaded It acioss the river
In an attempt to effect a landing on
the Missouri sldo. The maneuver was
interrupted by a shift of tho wind,
which tossed the big boat back to
midstream and throw tho passengers
Into a panic. Rushing for shelter from
tho wjnd, they caused tho vessel to
careen until the port paddle wheel
was lifted cl,ear of tho water. This
nuido steering Impossible nnd the boat
was Jammed broadside Into tho pier
of a draw bridge. Part of the upper
works woro town away, but tho wind
hold tho vessel firmly against tho
bridge until tho passengers wero
Houses wero unroofed, trees blown
down, glass .shattered and other dam
age dono In Alton, three persons being
out by llyl.ig debris.
Tcrnado Breaks Up Funeral.
Hamilton, O., July 13. Moro than a
ncore of persons wore Injured In a
tornado that swept over the northeast
ern part of Butler county. At Seven
Mlo station, tho funeral procession or
Mrs. Sarah Lloyd was caught In tho
Wind. Fivo carriages, containing
twenty persons, were blown across n
road and hurled against a fence, In
juring all of tho occupants, none fa
tally, however. Two carriages, con
taining six persons, wero thrown over
the fence and held prisoners whilo tho
vehicles were subjected to soveral
Tornado Wrecks Illinois Town.
Danville. 111., July 13. A tornado
btruck F.'thlan, near here, wrecking a
number of stores and damaging a
large elevator there and also the sub
power station on the Illinois Traction
system. Few porsons were hurt.
Two Killed by Bolt.
Havana, 111., July 13. During a
storm lightning struct a tree on tho
faun of Will Strube, necr here, in
stnntly killing Mr. Strube and his
hlied hand, nninea Roberts.
President Commutes Sentence to
Three Years In Prison.
Washington, July 13. Captain Hull
took up the Carl Spencer case with
tho president. Sponcer was refused a
pardon. The president commuted his
favutence to three years. The presi
dent's view Is that while Spencer do
so: . od consideration for taking money
to help his son, It Is apparent that ho
tof.k moro than was needed for this
nigamlst Given Seven Years.
San Jose. Cal., July 13. Christian
C. Johnson, charged with blgnmy by
Mij. Josepline Amelia Tretheway of
Stockton and thought to be the' no
torious bigamist Madson, was sen
tenced to seven years' Imprisonment.
Pell Is Tennis Champion.
Atlanta. Ga., July 13. T. R. Pell of
Ncr York, Indoor tennis champion of
tho 'United States, won tho national
chnmplonBh'.p by defeating Dr. Nat
Thornton of Atlanta 6-1; 6-1; G-0.
Fifteen Passengers Injured.
Kew York, July 12. Tho prevention
ef one collision was the cause of an
other in which fifteen trolley car pas
seizors wore Injured on tho Williams
burg brldgo over the East rlvor.
Nonpartlson Law Held Void.
Llncolu, Neb, July 13. The su
premo court of the state handed down
a decision, declaring tho Donohoe non
paitisnn Judiciary election law Invalid.
Trcops Sent to Sydney,
llhiifax, July 12. Troops were sgyni
lroib kere to quell rioting at the Ir.
vcrnese coal mines in Sydney.
The Re-inforce Reformative Sale
at the Sacrifice Removal Bargain Store
have commenced this offer Thursday, July 8-9, and will continue
until the remaining stock is sold
Ladies' voile, panama and serge Skirts
will go at io per cent less than
the former sale price
Silk mercerized and satin underskirts
which will go as follows:
$5.00 the former sale
price, now to go for.. $4.65
Sf.65 the former sale
price, now to go for.. 1.48
$1.25 the former sale
price, now to go for . . 1.10
85c the former sale
price, now to go for.. .80
Waists in fancy silk net and tailored to
go as follows:
$6.00 the former sale price, now $4.98
4. 50 the former sale price, now 3.78
2. 75 the former sale price, now 2.38
1. 19 the former sale price,
less than
former sale price
NOTIONS and other nic
below cost.
M r-
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V 4M. itk ,0 . . ., ; C
4J4. w W V tr TT tit
t .
I Most Up-to-Date
I Exclusive
Meat Market in
Western Nebraska
3& SHOP OPEN from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. m. Saturday, until to p. m.
ate, day, 8 to 10 a. m. 16th and 17th of each month, until 9 p.
?T Meat will be delivered from 7 a. in. to 6:30 p. in.
High-Grade Meats, Fresh and Cured, Fish,
Poultry, Etc. Try our home-made Palace
? sausages
Bargains as follows
Senorita silk
thing out,
now to
nacs will sell
F . Si m
A T v A O "R I
Miss Rose C. Herman
Cashier auu Bookkeeper
Joseph S. Saxton Meat Cutter
Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer
Jos. Skala, Sausagemaker and Butcher
John B. Herman Assistant
Wm. C Herman Delivery Boy
jiL &ScliLl12ti.l.l.ltL.L2.tli-2!i.2t2.l. -A..A.ii - K ! t .. . . ,k fl)
"fcT? ??? t??iT T??r ????TTT??tjr?lr'fYT,??,r?,TV-r;T'?jT"?,fi
, , Swift's
Attention Given to Phone Orders
Former sale price of belts 85c, 68c
and 48c, now to go at 42c
Collars and neckwear gifts, 75c, 65c
and 50c, now to go at 35c
I also have various styles of Irish cro
chet net collars that will have to be sold
below cost. It will pay anyone to come
and see them.
Hosiery and Handkerchiefs at Cost
Dress goods in reasonable offers
Regular 7c prints for 54c
Regular 8c Ginghams now go for. .6c
Regular 25c Potomac ticking, now. ..17c
Cabot bleached muslin, formerly
sold for 12c, now to go at 9Jc
spun scarfs, the latest
formerly sold for Si. 50,
Barrettes and hair apparel of various
kinds to go at cost
Embroideries and lace at the former sale
m o n s
it- jti ,' k ). .tl. .tb y.
Prop. $$$$
Premium t
. Ji
r i uu J 'fr
m . a
-r- ,