The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 08, 1909, Image 8

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Alliance Cash Shoe Store
Mrs. J. S. Thorp has been very sick
for the past ten days, but is improving.
However, the doctor, who camo out
from Hcmmcford to sco her, has ad
vised Mr. Thorp to arrange for her to
go into a lower altitudo ns soon as pos
sible, and ho expects to take her to a
sanitarium in Lincoln as soon as she is
able to travel, Asthma and heart
trouble are the cause of her illness.
We are sorry to loso Mrs. Thorp from
the neighborhood as both slio and her
husband are neighbors tho kind of
which it is a. pleasure to live near in
this ago and neighborhood, always at
tending strictly to thoir own business
and never talking about their neighbors
or stooping to tho petty gossip that al
ways works injury to someone whoso
struggle may bo already all he can
Perry Ball is building a stable. Perry
has advertised to prove up in about 60
days. With him Gcorgo Hedgccock,
Emmet Johnson and J. S. Thorp have
all advertised to inako proof on the
same duy.
We know of 110 more plucky home
steader and doubt whether there is one
in Amorica, than our neighbor, Me
Bride, and he is doubly worthy Bince
his determination to be a burden on no
one, neither tell his trouble to any
one, was the motivo that proinptcd him
to come out here. For three years ho
has lived on his homestead alone, all
this time bo crippled with rheumatism
hb to make it impossible for him to
walk more than a few steps at a time,
and never able to do any work of any
kind. Ho has been failing rapidly the
past few months and now can scarcely
get across his little sod room. Ho told
us n few days since that ho would
rather starve almost, than to cook tho
one meal a day that ho manages to
get. He is an educated man and a
gentlemen, having at one timo been
county superintendent of schools. His
time is not long on this or any other
homestead and ere long he will be go
ing over to leport to Him who said, "I
was sick and ye visited mo for
inasmuch as ye did it unto ouo of tho
least of these, ye did it unto me," and
we've been wondering of late what ho
will tell the Master of our care for him
while we had him in our midst-
With the bride dressed in a beautiful
pure white, silk dress, the marriage of
Ralla Shetler to Miss Dattie Stewart
occurred on scheduled time in the Can
ton church last Monday evening, Rev.
Huston of Alliance officiating. The
happy couple are uow "at homo" on
tho homestead of Ralla'a father.
Mrs. Mary Hughes of Marslaud at
tended tho Shetler-Stewart wedding at
Canton Monday evening.
"Cream day" comes twice a week at
Canton now, the settlers taking their
cream in on Mondays and Fridays, and
Mr. Lockwood takes it pn to Heming
ford the days following.
Ed Leathers and his father went to
Hemingford last week and purchased
a new Acme mower of the implement
man, Ben Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Boyer spent a
few days down on tho Platto near
Bayard last week. Tho drive homo
through the heat on Monday was very
hard on Mrs. B who was quite sick
as a result.
Mr. Kauffman, one of our fellow
homesteaders who isn't afraid of work
and who is getting to the front, made
a trip to Hemingford this week after a
load of hay for A. D. Weir.
Among those in our neighborhood
who have been having a "tale of woo"
concerning their wells of lato are Perry
Ball, Waller Scott, E. G. Boyer, Mrs.
Miller, Mr. Hawkins and n lot of
Garvoy and Mrs. Emmet John
son, sisters of Mrs. Thorp, have been
very attentive at tho bedside of Mrs.
Thorp the past two weeks.
... v , v. , wtj IU UUUlllU'
date the traffic of which a great deal is
tho past several days.
Sylvester Grant camo over into this
comtnuiiity last Friday and bought a
mare and colt of J. S. Thorp. Con
sideration, S105.
Mr. and Mrs. Hcdgecock drove to
Hemingford Friday evening to attend
a conference of the Adventists there
on Saturday and to join in a good timo
in the grove near tho church on the
All this part of Sioux and Box Butte
counties went to tho Niobrara rivor to
fish (?) and celebrate the 4th on last
Rev. Joel Brown, the evangelist, has
been visiting his family on the home
stead south of Canton (tho homestead
formerly owned by Rev. G. C. Joffers)
for several weeks, and preached at
Curley last Wednesday evening and on
Friday morning left for Denver to re
sumo his evangelistic work.
At tho annual school meeting in this
district "Uncle Billy" Bourke was
elected treasurer, the term of Le Hood
Walter Scott received word Sunday
of the dangerous illness of his father
and left that evening for his bedside.
He lives iu Iowa,
Great was the crowd of happy Home
steaders who celebrated the 4th last
Saturday on tho Kay ranch up on the
Running Water- Fishing, game3,
visiting and dancing made the day and
uight pleasant for those present- Some
of the younger people did not get home
'till the next morning.
At tho Sunday school last Sunday a
committee was appointed to purchase
supplies for the comfort and help of Mr.
McBrido, our neighbor, and a sub
scription was f akeu for that purpose.
M. Space.
Hitching Racks Needed.
A farmer friend has called the editor's
attention to the need of more hitching
racks in Alliance, and we wish in turn
to call attention of the business men of
the city to tho same. This is n mMinr
of great importance iu tryiug to secure
auu 110111 mo trade ot tanners, upon
which so much depends, and we sup
pose it will be brought up at the next
meeting. Members should give it
thought beforehand so as to be pre
pared to take action without unneces
sary delay.
New Land Chances
Register at Kalispell, Mont., on
at Coeur d'Alene, Idaho.
the Great Northern HaiKvnv.
(Buv tickets to Snnknnp. 1
SPOKANE RESERVATION: Register at Spokane, Washington.
Registration dates June 15 to August 5th. inclusive. This is another of the re
roaming few chances for th.seneration to obtain good government lands.
Call on nearest ticket agent for descriptive leaflet, showing conditions, ex
cursion rates, train service, etc ' US e
The Burlington-Great Northern, Spokane and Seattle train takes you through
the wealth producing Wenatchee.fruit country, and shows you the wonder
nir ftevTrn ?rJ Mest f rap rei ever ",ile is interesting. "
..? Pi Si ? A, Be.a cl,olca of tl,e Kovernment irrigated lands is
still left to homesteaders in this fast growing country
320-ACRE MONDELL LANDS: Thousands of acres of these larger sized
are goingast re homestcadiB ia Wyoming a"d
.j. v
C, L, Hancock, at ono time agent
for the Burlington at Ellsworth was in
tho city last Thursday enrouto to
Colorado, where he will spend a few
days sight seeing. Hancock is now in
tho 'cow business" near Lakeside.
W. J. Hamilton laid off last Satur
day and he and Mrs. Hamilton spent
tho 4th in Crawford,
YardmaBter Parrish at Seneca re
sumed work, but was again compelled
to lay off on account of the Illness of
his child. His place was taken by
Extra Conductor Beard of Alliance.
Gen. Supt. Bracken is in the Black
Hills district this week,
Material is being received at Raven
na for a new coal shed, which will be
started in the near future, and tho
work rushed uutil completed. This
will be quite an improvement to the
railroad property at Ravenna, as the
shed now in use is a small, low shed of
the old style.
Owing to severe rains on the Sheri
dan division, No. 42 and No. 44, due
here on Tuesday, were several hours
lato, papsing through Alliance lato
Tuesday night. The Deadwood trains
were run from Edgemont as first sec
tion of 42 ou time, so the passenger
service was not entirely crippled on
this account.
Passenger travel to tho north coast
is on tho increase. A number of extra
cars are ncccieu every day to acconio
Land Seekers Information Bureau,
Omaha, Nebr.
tor Seattle. No. 41 left Ravenna
Tuesday uight in two sections, and al
most every day trains 41 and 43 have
from ono to four extra cars.
Conductor Armour made a trip to
Edgemont in Ponath's place, the latter
taking in the celebration at Crawford
A cloudburst in the vicinity of Litch
field Sunday night delayed trains some
but nothing as serious as is reported
from Wyoming.
Engineer Chris Rockey laid off a
couple of trips last week, Art Nelson
taking his run on No. 42 and No. 43.
All credit regarding fast trains run
ning aud cuttiug down of timo should
not bo given to engineers alone. It
is in fact the firemen who are entitled
to some of the praise. The man at
the throttle, of course, baa the train in
hand, but the "lad" behind the shovel
furnishes tho power that gives the
speed. So iu the recent fast time made
by traiu 43 from Ravenna to this city,
Engineer Mike Nolan shares houors
with Fireman Pete Rowland.
Railroad Notes from Edgemont
ll'roin last Friday's Express)
Supt. J. C. Birdsell went to Alliance
Tuesday uight in his private car.
Train 44 was eight hours late Wednes-
day, caused by washouts on the roads west
01 here.
Engine 3177, which has been in use on
a work train in the Hills, double-headed
an extra east Tuesday.
Gen. Supt. Bracken was in town on
Tuesday and went west on train 41 on
Wednesday morning.
Switch engine 1657 is now in use in the
yards in place of engine i6C3, which has
been sent to the Alliance shops for re
Engine 607 of the Hot Springs run,
which had her rods broken some time aeo.
was sent to Alliance for repairs this week
Cliff Miller, who has been at Alliance
for some time, has been assigned to the
Edgemont yards and went to work Thurs
day. He is an old hand at the business.
The new time schedule, which went in
to effect on Sunday, allows train si five
minutes longer lime here in Edeemnnt
than it did before and train 42 stays here
five minutes less than it did
Do you want to sell or pvclinmr,.
your business? Tho Omaha Bee will
run an advertisement for vouat 0110
cent a word tier dav. Thnm will i,
ninny out of their 40.000 readers wlm
will answer your advertisement. Write
Time Table
Alliance, Nebr,
No. . Dally
I. tu coin
Minni I
en How, ltavouna, etc..
er stoiis lit Seneca, lliok-
An. M. T. LV. C, T
.2:25 a. tn. 350 o.m
No. 41. Dally, Local from
Alllanco to henecu; thence
stops at Menui, Hrokeu
How, Havenua, etc 11:45 1:00 p.m
No. 30. Dully, From Kd?o-
inont aud Dominoed 1.35 a.m.
noiMO west a a. c, T, ix si. T.
No. 4. Dally, Fljor- -Hugo-
mout, DcailwooU.Nowods-
tli, etc 1:55a.m. 4:10a.m.
No. 13, Local, EdRuniont,
Newcastle, and west 1.30 p.m. 12:15 p.m.
No. 35. Dally, Edgemont and
Deadwixxl 3:) a.m.
No. 301. Denver Flyer 2 55a.m.
No. 30U, Dunver I.ooiil on-
uvuis hi imuKcporv wuii
Guernsey local , ..
No. 303. Flyer from Denver.
No. 301. Local f ruui Oenver
12:15 p.m.
Alt, n, T.
11:50 a in.
Treasurer's Semi-Annual StatementBox Butte County
Summary of Collections, Disbursements and Bal
ances for the Six Months Ending July 1st, 1909.
Jan. 1. To Cash on linnd Forwnrded.. $36,820.70
To Tax Collected 31.672.42
To School-Lund Lease 1.413.41
To Jon'y App't Hcc'd of St. Treas ... C42 50
ToJunoApp'tRcc'dofSt. Troas 1,830 54
To County Superintendent 62.50
To Miscellaneous Col. Co. Qen TiftfC
To Fines and License Collected 50.00
To Interest on County Deposits. 373.33
Redemptions 1.73045
To Fees yjxs
' ., ?" "
Hy State Treas' Receipt No. 51.724. ...$ e.tll.O0.
By Co. Gen. Warrants K'd'ra'd 0,57.24
Hy Co. Claims 001.70
By Co. Road Wts. R'd'm'd 013.05
Hy Co..HrldRo Wts. It'd'm'd 72.00
Hy School Bonds nnd Coupons 1,(14 03
Hy School Orders Paid 17,401.51
By Foil Tax Receipts SI.50
Hy Vlllago Treas. Hects, Hemingford 221 00
Alliance Bond Fund City Hall 40.."3
Alllanco Water Ootids 2,101.70
By School VhU Ods from Sinking Fd. 427.04
By School DIst. Ods from High School 121.50
Hedemptlons 1.75U 13
Hy niitancn 37,175.01
State Fund Consolidated , $ 3,033 04
Leasaon School Land 1,413.41
Co. General Fund 1,670.17
Co. Bond Fund 1,355.40
Co. Poor .'. 64
C0.J11II - .20
High School Fund ......... 1,331.72
Alliance Electric Light.., .09
Labor and Poll Tax , 304.50
Alllanco Bond Fund City Hall 1.817.03
Advertising Fund 372.53
School Bond Fund 8,845.01
School Judgment Fund 0.03
School District Fund 11,458.26
District 6 Sinking Fund 300 07
District 18 Sinking Fund 150.70
Bedemptlon Acct -. 02.88
General Interest Acct 371.45
City Alllanco 2,009.50
Village of Hemingford 00.34
Alllanco Water Bond 1,021.08
Hemingford Wutor Jluncl
i' i:i;s
Total $77,035 81 Cash and Cash Items 011 Hand 37,173.04
I, Fred MollrinP". Connrv Trpnunrpr n( Rnv TCnft-i fnimfiF rlr. lic-kt -flf,, 4.1,4. t-Ua
enclosed statement is a true copy of all collections and disbursements for the six months
ending July 1, 1909. Fred Mollring, County Treasurer.
Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me this 8th day of July, 1909.
W. C. Mounts, County Clerk, by Mae Keane, Deputy.
New Firm! New Store! New Goods!
210 Box ZB-ULtte Ave.
(Building formerly occupied by S. B. Libby)
phoite asr o .
Fresh Stock of Staple and Fancy
roc & r i &
We Make a Specialty of
Fresh FVuits, Melons -etc.
Goods delivered to all parts of the city
Our phone number is rVI- 1
easy to remember 1 0 1
w A Fine Line of New Dry Goods
and Notions will arrive this week -f
For the next thirty clays we will offer high-grade pianos at bargains
never before heard of in Alliance
We have some special
bargains as low as
$1 0
on easy
If you contemplate purchasing a piano it will pay you to see us while
this Special Sale is on
For particulars call on the
G. A. Crancer Piano Company
1st door west of the JoIIo theatre
ITA. 31. ROSS, 31imyr5i-
and Guernsey