The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 08, 1909, Image 1

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    '"' ' eoclo(y
Lr.rjst Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Official Publication
of Box Butte county.
The First National Bank,
CHAUTEIt NO. 4220,
At Alliance, In tho Bute of Nebraska, nt tho
closo of buHlncss. Juuo S3, IPO
Loans ami discounts $3S0,T70 OS
Uvenlrnfts.secuml and unsecured., IPO 63
U. a bonus to secure circulation.... 60,000 00
U. 8. Honds to secure U. B. Ie!xslt8 10,000 00
Itanldnir liouse. furniture and fix
tures ,. ... 10,000 00
uuo rrom Mitiomii nanus
(not reserve a;onts) 7,407 03
Duo from State and I'rl- V.
rate Hanks and Hankers, , ' .,
Trust Companies, and
Savings Hanks 1 ,$20.41
Duo from approved re- If
servo uKcnts 89,030 44
Checks and otlier cash
Items , 1,028 S3
Notes of other National
HanltB i. 51000
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents 270 57
Lawful money reserve In
batik, viz: . ,
Lejral tender notes 2.!O0 00 118,821 5S
Riiili.nnitlnii fund tvltli IT. 8. THus.
urt-r (5 per cent of circulation).... 2,500.00
Due from IJ. 8. treasurer other t inn
5 per cent redemption fund 3-50
Total $578,283 41
f'upltal stock paid in $50,000 00
Surplun fnnd 50,000 00
Undivided m-oflta. loss uxuenses and
taxosnald .11.5.1101
National bank notesoutstuudlng.... 50,000 00
Duo to Sttilo auu 1'
Hanks and Hankers 2,033 OS
Iudlvldiiul deposits subject
to check 278,02100
Demand certificates of do-
IKisIt 10,5113 40
TimunertlflciLtesiif deiMJSlt 110.070 21
United Suites Deposits... 10,000 00 410,753 83
Totftl 5578,263 44
State of Nebraska, County of Box Hutte, ss.
I. S. IC. Warrick, cashier of the above-
named bank, do solemnly swear that tho
above statement Is tiuo to tho best of my
knowledge ami oeiier.
S. K. Waumck, Cashier,
Suliscrlbcd and shorn to beforo mo this
28th (lay of June, A. l). liwo.
seal ' Notary Public.
My comm sslou expires July 7tll, 1012.
ConiiECT Attest:
It. M. Hamito.v, i
A. B. Ukru, Directors.
Uhas. E. 1'onP, 1
The First National Bank
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
on our entire line of low cut
shoes. Nothing reserved
$4.00 Oxfords . $3.60
3.50 Oxfords . 3.15
3.00 Oxfords . 2.70
2.50 Oxfords . 2.2s
2.00 Oxfords . 1.80
1.75 Oxfords . 1.57
These goods will not last long at these prices,
so come early before the stock are broken
Our Report
to the
The annexed part
speaks for itself,
showing, as it
does, a footing- of
over a half million
dollars. We re
alize that the most
valuable asset of a
bank is that of
Public Confidence
We have always
furnished our de
positors every
safeguard and pro
tection for their
funds, and we shall
continue to do in
the future as in
.the past.
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and J
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 130. Geo. D. Darling.
Barry HotiTfor
Sale or Rent
Well furnished; doing good business;
27 outside rooms. Electric lights, hot
and cold water, upstairs and down.
Bath room. All in good condition.
For particulars inquire at Barry House.
Rug sale at The Gadsby Store next
Saturday, June 10th. One day only.
30-1 w
J y',l'."4'3y-33 S II' S 3 -11 53$ .
v f
j-Office in Alliance National Bank Blk V
over rostomce. j.
! 'Phone 391.
Organized at a Meeting Held Last Evening at the
Commercial Club Rooms.
Vice President
Members Board of Managers
Pursuant to announcement in The Herald a meeting- was
held at the Commercial club room last night for the perfect
ing of the organization of the Box Butte County Agriculture
and air Association, which was accomplished by the adop
tion of a constitution and by-laws and the election of officers
above named. In the selection of officers the meeting was
unanimously in favor of choosing men who had ability and
who would give the work assigned! them sufficient time to
make a success of it. The association is fortunate in the
selection of its first corps of officers.!
Work will be commenced at once on the preparation of
premium list and the appointment of division superintendents
and other assistants. The Heraldwill keep its readers post
ed nn the progress of the work.
A Quiet Celebration
However much the small hoy may
tltlulnrrrrljoyahle 4th of July celebra
tion without noise is impossible, there
was such a time a mile and a half uorth
of town in tho grove of JuliusAtz. Be
tween thirty-five and forty people were
present, some neighbors from the
country and some from town. Ice
cream and lemonade were on tap dur
ing the day and a picnic dinner was
served in the grove. Among those
present were Mr. and Mrs. J. N, John
ston and daughters, Mrs- Hanson, Mr.
and Mrs. Bruckner, Mrs. B- H. Fern
aid and Mr. and Mrs- F. M. Russell.
Much credit is given Mrs. Atz for the
success of the celebration, which was
thoroughly enjoyed by all present.
New Series of Agricultural Articles.
Readers of The Herald who have
followed our "Home Course in Modern
Agriculture," recently completed, will
be pleased to learn that we are just
beginning the publication of another
series of articles by the same author,
under the caption, " Making Money on
the Farm." These are what are term
ed syndicate articles aud are published
from plates secured from the American
Press Association, Omaha. They are
of a general character, that is they are
intended for this country at large, and
while containing a great deal of inter
esting and useful information do not
have direct and special application to
this country as do the articles in our
department of "Agricultural Experi
mentation in Box Butte County,"
edited by Prof. Hunt.
The latter are written especially for
The Herald, and some other papers in
this part of the state that have re
quested copy of the same, and are of
direct and personal interest to farmers
in Box Butte and adjoining counties.
There is nothing better published on
the subject of agriculture in north
western Nebraska than the articles
written by Prof. Hunt this summer,
and every farmer and otjier person in
terested in farming in this country
should read them,
Better Farming Needed
County Commissioner J. M. Wanek,
who is in the city this week attendiug
the meeting of the board of equaliza
tion, called at The Herald office last
evening long enough for a little chat.
He has been in this country for twenty,
five years, coming here from Madison
county, Nebr., and lias had an exten
Geo. D. Darling
James Hunter
Dick Waters
Clias. Brennan
; Jos. Vaughn
C. A. Newberry
Ira E. Tash
Glen Miller
Win. James
C. A. Anderson
sive experience in farming and stock
raising, in which ho has been quite
successful on his plucu west of Hem
ingfofd. In his conversation he confirmed what
we have been advocating in this paper
in regard to the need of better farming
iu this country. He says that more of
such crops os corn and potatoes should
be grown in order to givo the land more
tillage. Such talk as that encourages
us to continue our campaign for the
development of this country by improv
ed methods in agriculture as well as by
an increased amount of farming.
First Six Months' Rainfall
It is claimed that seven and one
half inches of water (rainfall), if prop
erly conserved, will grow a good crop
iu this country, The more we learu
of scientific agriculture the more fully
are we convinced that the statcmeut
is correct. If it is only approximately
correct, there has already been enough
rain this year to make a "bumper
crop" iu Box Butte county. Acting
upon the suggestion of A. R. Wilson
and through the kindness of J. Kridel
baugh, C. B. & Q. freight agent at Al
liance, we givo our readers the follow
ing statement by mouths of the pre
cipitation here so far this year:
Month Inches Rainfall
January .55
February v 1,22
March 1.30
April 1.38
May 3.57
June 5.50
Total for six months 13.52
Newberry's New Block.
Excavating for the new Newberry
block at the northwest corner of Mon
tana street and Laramie avenue is be
ing done this week. Mr. Newberry
informs us that he expects the building
to be completed in about three mouths.
It will be three stories aud basement,
and will face north on Montana street.
w. rrOotes
The Alliance Woman's Christian
Temperance Union meets the second
and fourth Tuesdays of each month at
the homes of the members. Officers
as follows: Mrs. Eva M. Tash, Pres.;
Mrs. R. C. Strong, Sec; Mrs. S. B.
Libby, Treas.; Mrs- H. E. Bailey,
Cor. Sec.
The local society will meet Tuesday,
July 13th, at 3 o'clock p.m. at the
home of Mrs. Geo. Fernald. A pro
F. M. KNIGHT, President.
W. H. COR BIN, Vice Pres.
Alliance National Bank
Courteous Treatment.
Accounts Solicited.
Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Capital Paid in $50,000
Surplus $25,000
;3T Always Money to Loan on Apjtroved Chattel Security.
F. M. Knight W. H Cotbln F. W. Harris F. E. Moisten B, F. Bettetheim
gram consisting of songs, readings,
etc, on the subject of "Flower Mis
sion Work," will bo conducted by Mrs.
Libby. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all, whether members or not,
to attend.
The library table at tho Burlington
station seems to be well patronized, as
it is difficult to keep it supplied with
reading matter. Anyone having good,
clean periodicals, bearing especially on
religious or temperance subjects,
which they will donate for this pur
pose, will receive tho gratitude of the
ladies if they will notify Mrs. J. W.
Reed, Tel. 295, who has charge of this
v :'Hxxx'XX'x
Next Sunday will conclude the double
scries of sermons on the subjects of the
Church and Heaven. Morning: "The
Church, Its Mission;" evening: "Heav
en, Its Sinlcssncss and Worship."
Dr. Bogue will occupy tho pulpit
Sunday, July 11, morning and evening.
All other services to be held as usual.
Woodmen of the World
Hmil L. Moll, the special deputy for
the Woodmen of the World, who has been
looking up new business in the city of Al
liance for the past five weeks, expects to
go to Scottsbluff within a few days to pre
pare for the organization of a camp of the
Woodmen of the World in two or three
towns in the valley. He will then return
to Alliance to complete the work of insti
tuting a new camp in this city.
Local Woodmen look forward to the
next few months with considerable inter
est, for following close upon the organi
zation of the new camp the monument of
the order to be erected to the memory of
Sov. Floyd Watson will be unveiled, and
the splendid qualities of the order which
have been demonstrated in a most practi
cal way have caused a number who have
been skeptical regarding the benefits of
fraternal insurance to begin personal in
vestigation and inquiry. The Woodmen
of the World stands high in the country
today for the reason that its assessment
rates are adequate to mature every policy
written, enabling it to pay dollar for dol
lar for every obligation assumed, and
considering thi-large number of cheaper
rate societies, its splendid growth is a
matter of congratulation to every worker
in tho field.
Mr. Moll has made many friends in the
city during his stay, and while loath to
leave the influence of these friends, the
work of the deputy is necessarily mixed
clouds and sunshine, in that about the
time a circle of friends is established he
must push on into new fields. The fact
that he may feel that he has done every
one a good turn by directing their atten
tion to a safe and substantial life insurance
society in a measure makes many of the
less satisfactory things in connection with
the work seem Insignificant.
Important Meeting of Woman's Club
The Woman'B Club of Alliance will
meet Friday, July 9, at 3:30 p. 111.
with Mrs. Mewhirter. All members
are requested to be present as import
ant business is to be transacted.
Mrs. L. C. Thomas, Sec.
Do you want a rug? Smith velvets
27x54 inches at Si. 38 each next Satur
day, June 10th. Better grades at
$1.79. The Gadsby Store. 3o-iw
F. W. HARRIS, Cnshlor.
S. FICKELL, Asat. Cash.
5667 -
The national birthday was observed
by the Normal on July 2d, Special
patriotic music had been prepared for
the occasion by the Normal quartet.
Hon. I E. Tash delivered a brief but
foiceful address to the students, He
called attention to tho progress the
pountry is making nud what it really
means to exerciso intelligently tho right
of citizenship and suffrage and urged
the ladies to see to it that when the
right of suffrngo should be extended to
them, as it surely would in the not
distant future, they would bo found
ready to exerciso the right with credit
to themselves aud benefit to their
Principal D. W, Hayes departed for
Denver last Saturday to attend tho
meeting of the Natioual Educational
association which is in session, there'
this week. He will probably return"
tho latter part of this week.
Superintendent Ora Phillips has
charge of the work in school law this
week. Superintendent Agues Lackuy
of Scotts Bluff county intended to be
here this week to take charge of this
work but found it impossible to be
here. She will, however, be here for
a week sometime later in the summer
for the purpose of conducting classes,
in school law.
School convened Tuesday after a
vacation since Friday and most of the ,
students reported for work, but some
looked as though they had had too
much celebration.
Will Move Store Next Mondajr"
On next Monday J. P. Colburn will
move his dry goods and clothing store
into the room formerly occupied by
Bcal Bros., first door south of The
Herald printing office. This room has
just been nicely papered, ceiled and
painted, and will be one of tho finest
in the city for the display of merchan-'
disc Mr. Colburn will open a uew
stock of goods upon moving into his
uew quarters,
New Service Building
Work has been commenced on the
new C. B. & O- service building about
one hundred feet west of the station.
This building will be 33x104 feet in di
mensions. It is, we believe, the first
building of tho kind constructed in Ne
braska, and will ho n great convenience
to conductors and other trainmen,
linemen, aud other railroad mqn by
whom it will be used. It will take the
place of various small buildings and
shacks, and will cost $20,000 or more.
In addition to constructing the ser
vice building, various other improve
ments are being made which will make
the total expended by the Burlington
in permanent construction here this'
year about $30,000. This means
something to Alliance and is much a'p.
predated by our people-
The Phillips-Thomas Land company
starts out well for a new real estate
firm. Besides some business with
local buyers, they have recently sold
Box'unty soil to parties from
Lancaster, Dixon and Cuming counties.