The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 01, 1909, Image 8

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pqyv1"' "iT-ifiwiiwiw
Do Not Start Out to
Celebrate the Fourth
without first being comfortably dressed and shoed, for you
will enjoy the great national holiday the more when you
are so prepared for the fun. A light, neat pair of oxfords
or summer shoes is one of the requirements and there is
not a place where you can secure a pair that will give you
such solid comfort as at the
Alliance Cash Shoe Store
Tons in nil tho latest shades nnd makes from the best shoe builders
Remember, we do shoe repairing promptly
SAT., JULY 3rd
Any Lady Customer buying at least
$10 worth of Merchandise
will receive her choice of any waist
in our window
All Sizes
$1.50 to $2.50 Values
Scottsbluff, July 23 to August 1
The annual assembly of the North Platte Valley Chautauqua association
will be held at Scottsbluff July 23d to August ist, this year.
The management has been fortuuato in the quality and quantity of talent
secured and has endeavored to combine education, entertainment, religion,
philosophy and recreation, that all who attend may be pleased and benefitted.
You will have brought to your neighborhood that which otherwise would cost
you $1,000.00 and years' time and travel and which is given hero in 10 days.
You would have to go to India, Japan, Arizona, Ohio, Montana, Boston, iii
fact all over the globe. The things which you have read and have interested
yon all over the world will more than interest you at home because you see and
The following is a partial list of the entertainers:
Nat M. lirighnm, who gives elegant
ly Illuminated lectures, "The Grand
Canyon of tho Colorado," and " From
Coronndo to Kit Carson."
Charles Oliver Merica, president of
tho Wyoming university, In his favorite
lecture, 'The Uoy Who Went Wrong,"
ana a my sermon.
Dr. George Hlndley, the Montana
whirlwind, In, "Tom, Ulck uud Harry,"
"Duties In Civic Mutters," etc.
Edmund Vance Cook, . a poet and
humorist of the Riley class, in a host
of good things.
Alton Packard, the king of cartoon
ists, in rapid fire chalk talk entertain
ments. Dr. Toyoklcha Iycnaga, a Japanese
scholar, who talks on the East and the
West and gives us beautifully illustrat
ed lectures on "Picturesque Japan".
Samuel Avery, Deuu ot the Nebraska
State University, in subjects not yet an
nounced. Lauraut, the Magician, who presents
many of the tnurvels of the Hindoos
IJlack Art, the great East Iudlan Mys
tery which has baflled scientists and
leaves you wondering. His entertain
ment Is as marvelous as the dreams of
Arabian Knights.
Col, Will Maunin in interesting top
ics including "W'lt and Humor of the
Frank La Fayette Lovcland, who is
one of our modern miuisters who pre
sents new ideas with force and elo
quence. Gov. A. C. Shallenberger who Is too
well known as u Demosthenes and a
Cicero to need introduction,
Boston Carnival and Concert Co., one
of the most complete entertainment
associations which brings culture and
charm. Its novelties including " lieu
Hur," " The Chariot Race," " Leah, the
Forsaken," also,"Luureame, the Marble
Dream," which is a marble figure in a
powerful calcium light, that comes to
life ut the stroke of the midnight bell,
aud tells the drumutio story of her life.
There will bo songs, Instrumental
music, posings, and a carnival of light.
The most powerful calcium and electric
apparatus in the United States.
The irrounds will ln lll.i,.,i.,..t...i 1...
multi-colored lights anil electric lights
III the tents for cumners
-00 .lim.incKn will rlv.. tl.,1.1 .
characteristic of tho "Flowery King
dom" and fireworks in tlm n,-i...,.i
There will lm ,u,ci.. .n
kinds, band. nr.liistf'i .,,,,1 1..1.11....
singing, etc. All kinds nf entertain
ment, tree tennis, croquet, messenger,
telephone, red cross teuts with compe
tent nurses and medical aid. Plenty of
shade and good water.
Automobiles seeing Scottsbluff and
points of interest surrounding. Free
chorus instruction under Dan U. Troxcl
of ltethany Please register at once if
you would like to join.
Miss Lackey, county superintendent,
assisted by Miss Larson, a graduate of
Co orado Agricultural college, and
lrof.C. A. rulmer, has arranged to
hold the county teachers' Institute up
on the grounds each morning from 8 to
11. Girls' domestic science and bovs'
agriculture are Important parts of the
From Chautauqua Lake, New York
where tho Chautauqua originated'
comes the word that luoo Is. the class
ical year, so thoso who would like to
narticlnata in Unnnil Tnl.l.. iii... . i . .
look up points on the follow ji, ut!.
jects: "The Greek View of Life."
i'luvu, unu ui5 wessons lor Today "
" Classic Myths in English Poetry"
Tents. S'1. 50 and S.V00 for ontii-.. t
Season tickets: Adults, $2.50; child
ren, SI. 25; electric lights in tents, si
for entire assembly.
Dining hall on the ground.
Write 'J L. Shuinivnv. KHi'i-omi-t. n
Scottsbluff, for concessions, tickets,
tents or information.
Stories of Alliance
and Box Butte County
While some of our Nebraska ex
changes are publishing a scries of syn
dicate articles, furnished them in stere
otype plates to advertise a neighboring
state under tho caption, "Stories of
Colorado and tho Rocky Mountains,"
we prefer to run a department of "Stor
iesof Alliance and Uox liutto County,"
illustrated with photographic cuts of
scenes in this part of tho west. Of
courso this costs much more aud re
quires more work to prepare, the
preparation of the other requiting no
work whatever on the part of the pub
lisher of the local paper; but we believe
the superiority of the home matter will
bo appreciated enough to compensate
for tho difference in cost and labor.
This week we give a photogravure of
a scene on the farm of Geo. E. Doug
las, southeast of Alliance, from n cut
recently made for Tho Herald. The
picture is that of an alfalfa field, show
ing last year's second crop cut for seed
and in the shock, Perhaps the ques
tion more frequently asked than any
other in regard to northwestern Ne
braska by interested parties in the
eastern part of the state is, "How
about alfalfa? Can that be grown
there?" It has been demonstrated that
it can be as successfully grown here
as farther cast where the price of land
is yet much higher than in this coun
try, and the photo cut gives evidence
of the fact.
Recently Mr. Douglas called at our
office with some bunches of tame grass
es that were simply fine. Each bunch
contained at least ten varieties alfalfa,
blue grass, red top, three kinds of
fescuo, timothy, orchard grass, oat
grass and broomo grass. It reminds
us ol boyhood days in Illinois to smell
the sweet-scented tame grasses, and
the pleasure was increased by knowing
that these grasses are beginning to be
grown so successfully in this county.
Returns to Alliance.
We are pleased to note that Mike
Vaughan, formerly a C. U. & Q. con
ductor running out of Alliance, has
sold his interests in Holt county and
returned to this city to go into business.
He arrived last Friday from a trip
through Idaho and other parts of the
west, on which he prospected for a
suitable location for mercantile busi
ness. Not finding any other place that
suited him as well as Alliance, he has
bought a half interest in Ferris Bros.'
store, the firm name being changed to
Ferris & Vaughn, as will be seen by
their ad in this issue of The Herald.
We predict for them a good trade,
which they are already beginning to
The People Who Publish the Paper.
The Herald received a very gratify
ing patronage during the month just
closed. Although the subscription
patronage is not the largest part of the
business, it is the basis, as stated last
mouth, aud as it increases the other
departments of the business will in all
probability increase correspondingly.
Our books show the following credits
ou subscription to The Herald for June:
H. T. Carey.. S3.00 J. P. Elmore. .S7.75
Scenes of Alliance and Box Butte County.
r i niiTf MfMMMMMarmiMiriiiiiiiiiiini "
New Firm! New Store! New Goods!
210 Boise B-uutte Ave.
(Building formerly occupied by S. B. Libby)
Fresh Stock of Staple and Fancy
J E Wilson
T H Shrews
John Hughes..
S B Libby....
SC Reck
1. Co
1. 00
1 50
W C Thompson 7.25
J SMcCaue...
John Wienel..
Aug Schleich-
S H Wirts....
A ATruax....
Frank McCoy.
Mrs Ole Gilbert
T B Shrews-
berry 1.50
C P Madsen... 3,00
J Cummins. ... 1.50
EV Cramer.. .75
O H Zacek.... 3.20
J J Planansky. 3,25
Mrs O Kidwell 5.50
Mrs J Pierce.. 3.00
JC Parkin.... 1.50
Frank Trenklo .75
Leu Urandle.. 3.00
II Michaelson. 3.00
F A Dunning, 3.00
H Von liargers 1.50
John Cusick...
0 A Tabor. . .
E P Bracken,.
Wm Crawford.
Isaac Rickell..
Jno Armstrong 3 00
H w Stille... .75
H P Rettich.. 1.70
D A Paul .... 1.50
Henry Brus... 3.00
J M Mewhirter 1.50
L M E Ander
son 1,50
H A Pelers... 1.50
W S Ridgell.. 3.00
C Matz 3.00
Jno Wallace.. 2.05
Jas Hollinrake. 3.2
Elijah A Wat
son 3.00
JnoHickey Sr. 8 80
Fred Abley... 6. 10
Wm Rust 1.85
Truax Land Co i.eo
Ellsworth J
Beach 10.00
R S Sage 2.25
Wm Delsing.. 5.00
Ci L, Taylor. . .
B V Reeves..
Adolph Brost.
J B Uurray.
2 45
R M Hampton 3.00
1. 00
EE Ford
Mrs E F Kins
ley T V Kelley..
John Gilis....
Mrs D Kohr-
man ,, ,
Emma Johnson
Fred W Wood
J D Petty, sr. .
Mrs L Peer
Theo Roes...
W D Cross...
Mrs B Brown.
Ben Price....
W D Johnson.
C C Hucke... .
E M Gregg...
John Plansky.
R M Bowman.
Wm Breckner
M Triplet!....
Pete Swanson.
Jno Kinsella..
C E Murphy.. 3.00
G Richardson. 4,50
Frank Beeson .75
O E Hurst.. 8.80
C A Posvar.. 1.50
Guy Mart 75
GT Hood.... 1.50
Theo Rose.... 2.80
Geo Behner.. 1.50
F T Harvey.. 1.50
C A Pierson.. 4.45
lorn ureen.. 1,50
Mrs T Miller .75
6 00
r oc & r 1
We Make a Specialty of
Fresh Frults, Melons, etc.
Goods delivered to all parts of the city
Our phone number is rVJ-
easy to remember A C 1
w A Fine Line of New Dry Goods
and Notions will arrive this week
I have farm lands in different parts
of this county, raw aud improved, at
prices to suit. Call and see me. L.
M. E, Anderson, 604 Yellowstone Ave,,
Alliance, Neb.
Uteof sebmsku. Uox Hutte County-43. a
At u County Court, held ut tlio County
Court Itoom la sulci county on the 3rd day ot
Juno, nw.
l'rvMint I j. A. Derry, County Judge.
In tlio Matter of the KstuUi of Nancy C.
Wtuson, DecoHbed.
On rfudlntf UioDotltlon of Kranels M. WtUnou
filed herein. priiliig that Administration of
huttl ostitto be trauled to Allen I), liodgers u
Ordered. That said petition will bo heard 011
tho 28 day ot July, lOO&Mit 10 o'clock a.m. Tlmt
nil iKroim interested In bald estate nmy ap
pear ut County I'ourt on eiilrt dute. and show
caiiso If any there bo why sutd petition should
urn bo Knotted; una that notice of tho pend
ency ot Mild petition uud ot Mid hearing he
Klvun to nil porMiini interested In said mutter
y publishing u copy ot tldd order In The Al
ii. nice lleruld. u weekly newspaper published
in said county for three iu.veslo weeks
jirlnrtowiid Jieurlui;. 1 A. IIehuv.
fp.lulyi-3w County JudKe,
Piano Bargains
For the next thirty days we will offer high-grade pianos at bargains
never before heard of in Alliance
We have some special
bargains as low as
on easy
If you contemplate purchasing a piano it will pay you to see us while
this Special Sale is on
For particulars call on the
G. A. Crancer Piano Company
1st door west of the Jollo theatre
mA 31. boss, aiunntrof