The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 01, 1909, Image 6

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Agricultural Experimentation
in Box Butte
Dr. Wilcox Here
Dr. E. Mead Wilcox, accompanied by
his assistant, Prof. Stone, arrived in town
Sunday morning on No. 41, ready to be
gin the work of investigating plant di
seases prevalent in this part of tlio state.
The room, which has been assigned to Dr,
Wilcox for a laboratory in the city hall,
has been thoroughly cleaned and renovat
ed, the necessary furniluro installed, and
as soon as his apparatus arrives wll pro
sent the appearance of an active, efficient
Early Sunday morning Mr, Newberry
took them out north of town in his machine
to investigate rumors of disease that had
already appeared in some fields of growing
potatoes. On one farm they found speci
mens of diseased plauts and brought some
of them back with them as material for
laboratory investigation. Dr. Wilcox will
undoubtedly be ready for active work at
the laboratory by the time this paper is In
the hands of its readers. He is a special
ist in plant diseases and invites everyone
to send him samples of diseased plants of
whatever nature so that he may ascertain
the cause of the disease and the probable
remedy for it.
The potato disease, which was evident
on one farm north of town, is peculiar in
its appearance and nothing can be defi
nitely said with reference to it until it has
been thoroughly investigated and the
cause of it definitely determined. It at
tacks the stem of the growing plant be
neath tho surface of the ground and has
the appearance of a black rot of the stem.
Sometimes it appears only on one side of
the stem and at other times completely,
surrounds it. It cuts off tho supply of sap
for the plant and gives a paled yellowish
color 10 tho leaves, causing them in some
instances to roll a little. These indica
tions are undoubtedly caused by tho fact
that the disease cuts off the plant nutri
tion from the growing plant.
One peculiar fact with reference to it
may have some significance. So far, none
of the diseaso has been discovered on
plants the seed of which has received the
formaldehyde treatment before planting.
Where the disease has appeared the seed
bad in no case been treated. Later inves
tigation may show the diseaso in plants
from treated seed.
Nothing can be said with reference to
the cause or cure of this disease until after
laboratory investigation has shown its
precise nature nnd definitely proved the
cause of it.
Professor Stone visited some of the
farms in the vicinity where fruit is being
raised and found some diseases of .fruit
trees which may readily and easily be pre
vented by spraying at the proper time.
Potato Spraying
The four row Aspinwall sprayer ordered
by Mr. Newberry has arrived and will
soon be in active operation on the experi
mental plat on the farm of Mr. Lorance,
northeast of town. It is expected that the
work of the sprayer during the summer
will demonstrate its value to all growers
of potatoes. Spraying has never been
tried in this vicinity for the purpose of
holding in check potato diseases or pre
venting the attacks on potatoes by the
numerous Insects which prey upon them.
Knowing what I do about the work of the
sprayer and the benefits to be derived
from it, if I had no more than ten acres I
should have a sprayer and should feel sat
isfied that the benefits derived from it
during the first season would more than
pay for it.
It has been pretty thoroughly demon
strated that spraying with Bordeaux mix
ture will protect potatoes from both early
and late blight. The late blight causes
wet rot in the tubors and is very damag
ing both as to the amount and the quality
of the crop. These blights develop most
readily in a warm, wet season. In ex
cessively dry seasons there is little or no
blight. Of course in bad blight years
spraying has been invaluable but it has
only recently been proved that spraying
is indispensible even in a dry season. The
experiment station of New York located at
Geneva is making a ten year test of the
value of spraying. It began in 1902 and
accordingly has been in operation seven
years. The experiment station bulletin
recently received shows that for the seven
years already passed there has been an
average gain of no bushels per acre where
the potatoes were sprayed every two weeks
as compared with unsprayed potatoes in
the same field, and an average gain of 84
bushels per acre where the potatoes were
sprayed only three times. The seasons of
1907 and 1908 have tested well the prac
ticability of potato spraying as an annual
operation. In 1907 dry weather began
early in the summer and continued through
the time when late blight is usually most
destructive. In consequence, potato fields,
with but few exceptions, suffered but little
from this disease. In 190S dry weather
began earlier and continued later than in
1907, with the result that the germs of the
late blight fungus had little chance to
germinate. A careful search for the di
sease was made by the Station Botanist
and his assistants in many parts of the
state without the discovery of even a speci
men of the fungus. Reports from growers
ana others prove that the disease was
present in a very few restricted areas; but,
taking the state as a whole. It may be
said that there was no late blight in New
York in 1908.
Yet in spite of the fact that there was
no blight, three sprayings in 1907 resulted
in a gain of 44 bushels to the acre, and 5
sprayings gave a gain of 74J4 bushels per
acre, while in 1938 the corresponding
gains were 2gi and 39 bushels respect
ively. These facts should convince the most
skeptical of the value and tho necessity of
spraying. It Is expected that the uso of
the sprayer on the experimental plant dur
ing the coming season will make an equal
ly startling demonstration of its value
here. I am satisfied personally of its value
and the necessity for it and if I were a
potato grower here I should have 'one
without fail. Out most of the potato
growers will have to sec an actual demon
stration of its value before trying it. I do
not know as they are to be blamed very
much for that because there have been so
many fakes that have been so well and
shrowdly advertised as to appear to have
merit and a good many farmers have been
stung by them. Experience teaches them
to be slow and to be absolutely convinced
before investing.
Tho other day in riding through the
country I camo across a fifty acre field of
small grain that looked sickly. It seemed
as though it needed immediato attention if
any crop was to be produced. I got out
and examined it- The lower leaves had
turned. yellow and were dead and the
whole field looked as though it had been
"fired," to uso tho expression of a neigh
bor. What was really the matter, was
this! Owing to the recent rains a crust
had formed over the surface, shutting off
tho supply of air to the roots. Air is as
necessary to the roots of plants as it is to
the tops and to shut off tho supply of air
has two results. It stops the underground
breathing, producing a smothering effect,
and it prevents the oxidization of the min
eral salts in the soil, which converts them
into plant food, thus cutting off the supply
of food and starving the plant. The thing
to do is to break the crust and let in the
air and in growing grain there is no im
plement that will do this as satisfactorily
and as well as the Hallock weeder. Mr,
"Sheep" Johnson, living west of town, had
a field in this condition. He tried the
weeder on it and in a few days it had
brightened up, quickened its growth, be
come vigorous and thrifty and looked as
though nothing had ever been the matter
with it. Those who have small grain in
this condition can thus learn what to do
with it to improve it.
Neighboring Notes
The nnimal that has killed so much
live stock in the south part of Custer
county the last few weeks, and which
was supposed to be n mountain Hon.
was Bhot and killed by a farmer near
Ocouto last week, and turned out to be
an immense gray wolf. Rewards ag
gregating $171 in cash had been offer
ed and so sure were the parties inter
ested that Hits was the brute that had
been doing the damage that the money
was protnply turned over to the man
who loaded the wolf with buck shot,
From Mluattiro Free l'rosst
W. E. Lotspeich of Bingham, Nebr..
a station east of Alliance, was a visitor
with his brother and family at this
place over Sunday.
Mrs. Agnes Kennisou of the Enter
prise hotel, accompanied by Miss Anna
McConkey and Martin Whitman, de
parted Tuesday for Alliance to attend
the wedding of Miss Anna's sister.
From Alliance Mrs. Kennison and Miss
McConkey will go to points farther east
and Mr. Whitman will continue on to
Fillmore county, where he will visit his
I'mra Custer Co. Chief:
H. M. Sullivan spent several days at
Alliance last week.
S, K. Warrick came down from Al
liance on last Tuesday to look after
banking matters here.
Chas. Triplett, who has been sta
tioned at Broken Bow at various times
during the past few years, is again in
the city and is temporarily filling the
vacancy caused by the promotion of
Ed. Powell.
Wm. Graham came down from Al
liance on last Tuesday and expects to
spend a couple of months assisting in
the Broken Bow State Bank while the
various officers and employees in that
institution take their annual vacation.
From Crawford Cuurlur:
Jennie Stetson left Sunday for Alii
liance to attend the normal.
Edna Kincker left this morning for
Alliance for a short visit with friends.
Virgil Caven returned on Saturday
from St. Agnes' Academy at Alliance.
Charles Russell of Gordon passed
through Crawford Thursday going to
l'roru Ilox Hntto Cor., Hay Spring Enterprise:
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. O'Marn. and
Johnny went to Alliance the 17th to
attend the Stockmen's Association.
They returned Saturday afternoon.
Miss Mon a Loom is went to Alliance
Saturday with her uncle C, H . Loomis
and wife to attend tho Stockmen's
Association and visit friends- She ex
pected to bo gone about two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Heaton went to
Hay Springs Monday, the former to
attend the meeting and banquet of the
Masons, They returned Tuesday
morning, Misses Gladys Bowman and
Alico Staab accompanied them to make
a visit on the ranch.
Cards are out announcing the mar
riage of Miss Bertha Burleigh of Hem
ingford and Mr- Ed. Zurchcr of Lake
side. The bride was well and favor
ably known to the people of Hay
Springs and vicinity, her father having
been pastor of the M. E. church of
that place a few years ago. The groom
was raised in this neighborhood, but
has spent tho time of late years on his
claim near Lakeside. He is a young
man of sterling qualities and worth,
and the many friends of these estimable
young people wish them a long life of
joy and prosperity.
From Itjshvlllo Recorder:
J. W. Jackson went down to Alliance
Monday on bupiness, returning Wed
nesday. County Clerk Van Vleck drove his
family down to his claim Wednesday
to remain for the summer.
Jim Wilson rode up from Alliance
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. V. V.
Wood and daughter, Wilma. Jim has
taken the medical course at the State
University and can now add M. D. to
his name. Mr. and Mrs. Wood rode
back to Alliance accompanied by Mary
Wilson, who will visit with them.
C Patterson and Fred Hoyt took the
train for Alliance Sunday morning.
They got as far as Hay Springs, and
as Fred found there was little or no
rain, he phoned down to Charlie Plantz
to bring up the auto with his wife and
Miss Stewart and he rode on to Alliance
in the auto as he intended at first, but
was deterred on account of the rain
which felliin Rushville. They return
ed Tuesday afternoon.
From Gordon Journal:
Clate Jordan returned from Alliance
Inst Saturday evening whero he had
been taking in the sights of Frontier
Day at that place. He reports an ex
cellent show and a fine time.
From Mitchell Index:
Mrs. D. W. Reiman came over from
Alliance Saturday for a short visit with
friends, returning Monday.
Miss Carol Stewart left yesterday
morning for eastern Nebraska, where
she will spend the summer with a sister
of Mrs. Stewart's. Mrs. Stewart ac
companied her as far as Alliance.
From Huyurd Transcript:
F. E. Stearns and Fred Benton were
among those from here who attended
the Stock Association in Alliance last
week. ' '
From nil reports the Stockmen's
Association held in Alliance was a suc
cess in every particular. From reports
the largest crowd was there that has
ever congregated in western Nebraska,
and as usual the good people of Alli
ance entertained the people royally.
From Goring Courier.
George Leavitt went to Alliance this
morning on business, which will be
combined with a visit over Sunday with
his soti, Fred. The latter is contem
plating removal to Idaho.
From tho Hyanuls Tribune:
Misses Mary aud Winnie Egau, who
have been attending St. Agnes' acade
my at Alliance, returned home last
Saturday for the summer vacation.
Thomas and Miss Mary Lynch, after
attending the Stockmen's convention
at Alliance last week, went to Hot
Springs, S. D., for a few days' recrea
tion. Among those from Whitman and vi
cinity attending the Stockmen's con
vention at Alliance were Jay Taylor,
Luther Phillips, B. Greathousc, Mr.
and Mrs. L. C. Taylor, Homer Phipps,
Mr. Darr aud daughters
Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Sears, after the
Stockmen's convention at Alliance, en
joyed a trip to Scottsbluff in an auto
mobile, guests of Col. and Mrs. Valen
tine, They reached home Monday
evening on delayed train (as usual) No.
44, and report a most enjoyable visit
at Scottsbluff.
The Tribune neglected to mention
last week (hat Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Stansbie had returned from a visit of a
week with relatives in Custer county.
To even up we'll state that Tom was
one of the jollicst of the hundreds of
stockmen at the convention in Alliance
last week,
The annual meeting of the Nebraska
Stockmen's association, held at Alliance
three days last week, was the most
successful one ever held. The sessions
were intensely interesting, well attend
ed, and Alliance did herself proud in
entertaining the unusally large number
of visitors, among whom were nearly
200 Hyannis and Grant county resi
dents. On such occasions as this
hotel and lodging accomodations are
scarce aud the prices very muchly ele
vated, but 'twas not so at Alliance last
week, tho prices being very reasonable
and an active committee succeeded in
placing all visitors in good quarters
and noting that they were well admin
istered. MARSLAND.
(Received June 24, too late for publication
in last issue.)
Horse buyers are visiting all the ranches
buying up all the horses they can find.
The camp meeting at Crawford is doing
fine work. Some are attending that live
sixty to eighty miles away.
Mr. Tolman has gone to Oregon to visit
his daughter, Mrs. Charlie McGogy, and
his sister and other friends. He expects
to put in some months at 'tho sea shore,
then return by way of Denver.
Albert Hovarka has been on the sick
list for a short time.
Bert Uouck is hauling more lumber
from Miller's lumber yards. He is mak
ing some fine improvements.
Mrs. G. M. Burns has gone to the hos
pital for an operation. She has been in
poor health for some time.
Mrs. Hughes has bought 1G0 acres of
land, the Clark place, for which she paid
A. H. McLaughlin bought 80 acres of
land which joins the Marble place.
S. M. Trussell bought 80 acres of land,
the McLaughlin place, paying S450 for the
Fred Ellsworth from Belmont has been
down to the Gregory ranch breaking sod.
Those who attended the advent camp
meetings at Crawford from Belmont were
Mrs Lee Gregory and daughters, Ellsworth
and family, Deal and family.
Miss Gertie Tolman and Miss P. Jacob
son have gone to Oregon and Washington
to visit friends, see the country and have a
good time.
Mr. and Mrs. Pierce and family from
Belmont attended the camp meeting at
Carroll Tolman and wife attended church
at Belmont Sunday and took dinner with
Mr. and Mrs. Deal, together with Mr. and
Mrs. Pierce and others.
The elderly Mr. Gregory is again on the
Sick list. He may have to return to Hot
Mrs. S. M. Trussell is "mumping" it
this week, her face being a sight to see.
She is thankful that it is only once in a life
The dance at Marsland Friday night
was fine. The crowd was small but all
report a big time.
G. M. Burns has finished painting M.
Trussell's house and the Sunny Side school
house. ' He did a fine job.
Albert Hovarka has taken a job of cut
ting and putting up 200 tons of hay for
Mrs. Hughes.
L. Snow has done a fine job painting
his house, which is another improvement
in our town. It seems that everyone is
trying to beautify their place.
G. M, Burnes has gone to Hemingfotd.
He has a job of six large buildings to paint
at Hemingford and Alliance. He is the
boss painter.
Alleged Maybray Conspirator May Be
Released on Ball.
Council Bluffs, la. June 28. Upon
the application of John R. Dobbins tho
amount of the bonds In the two cases
pending against him in relation with
the Maybray cases, on a specific
charge of a conspiracy to swindle T.
W. Ballew of Princeton, Mo., out of
$30,000, was reduced from $7,000 to
$6,000. Dobbins was arrested in New
York and has been in Jail hero for
several months. Recently he was vis
ited by a stranger, who Is understood
to represent people ready to furnish
the bond for Dobbins. Ballew has op
posed any move calculated to aid In
Dobbins' release on ball.
Sessions Concluded and New Officers
Dubuque, la., Juno 29. Tho ninth
annual convention of the young peo
plo's societies of the Lutheran League
of Iowa concluded Its sessions here.
Tho following officers were elected:
Presldont, Hugo Welerauch of Waver
ly; vice president, Clara Holhlg of Du
buque; recording secretary, Otillle
Graf of Strnwhorry Point; correspond
ing secretary, Kate Delninger of Owa
tonna, Minn.; treasurer, Qus Oelweln
of Oolwoln.
Mason City or Oelweln will got tho
rtKct meeting, the matter not hawing
been dttlJ.
It couldn't be better
Conrad Koch
and Watch Repairing
Special attention given to
a ... 1 ANlinco, Nebraska. Juno 12, 1000
A sutllc out contest ulllrtavlt huvinK been
,m '.Vn'.'iV" co l,y H.nrrY Der-- contest!
itllt. nKBlnst lioinostciKl Entry No. 01013
wado October 30Ui. inps. for S. V. H section
it Is aliened tlmt tho sulci Ellert Stlndt does
not reside on tho said land and 1ms no bulld-
iK?i",i'Vl"M111.8 thereon unci Hint lie bus
V J.itM .rt!.B.Kati1f,f.(,rraoro llll,n sl months
r,l?,hv0. Wfi1Uito.of tl'lscontesi, until parties are
i &?.? ""l,C!" respond, und ofTor
Svi,w.ieo ULhlnK , 'Hd ulleuation at 10
l,ajid Olllcpat Alliance, Nebraska.
,.fli,iS.Kli iHll,fst,lllt ''avlnc;. In a proper
Stv ,,lfrl.Ju,"l) 7- 1W!. set fortfi facts
iorli,.w!fn?il,Ilt ,lI.tcr luo dUIsenco personal
i.i?S I itl,l8i Mot.,c5 Mn"t Ixs made. It Is
i ,.'i! cr.0(1 un" 'Ireeted that such notlco
be 1 Klyori by duo and proper publication
fp Jnno 17-ow v. V. vooi), IlfRlster.
State of Nebraska, I
Box llutte County. fS8
'"XS! t" Btttteof Addle E. Thump
1. L. A. Horry. County Judco of ilov Ilutto
county, Nebraska, hereby iiotlfy al persoYis
5f wKfiSp1 ani "e HBuuwt the estate
f A. .P X-'j?nipson t,mt ! have set and ap
EvW.ti'?i3;t,h (1'iy of December. 1009 at 10
o clock In tho forenoon, at tho County Court
room In Alliance, for the examination of all
wuVMwMi? "if110 of ?! Men"
witii 11 view to their allowances and payment.
K.A, l..p,?;,!)nn.lnterestL'd s creditoM of tho
SKI VrJUi0-.-",1 Prc,,e"t their claims to mo it
sail time, or show cause for not sodolnir, ami
incuso any claims are not so presented by sn id
time tl.ey shall bo forever barred. V
lids notlco shall ho served by publication
limn J iTni ff co week In tlm
Alliance Herald, a nowspuper published in Al
liance, prior to tlio day of hearing
Uien under mv band and the seal of said
court this 22nd day of June. ll0!l
fplSfcnWM-aw County ,mle-
HAcheson Bros. 8
Ice Cream Freezers
Gasoline Stoves and Ranges
Largest stock of Granite monu
ments in the West. Nothing but
first-class work and lowest prices
All lettering done by pneumatic tools
Write us and let us quote you
1815-17 Farnam
Hartford Vuv Insuriinivt'onipuny.
Nortli Auierkunof i'lillitUulpuia.
I'hoenlx of lilnoUlrn. N York,
Continental uf Nov W.r Ulty,
NtiiKuru Hire Insurance Company.
Connuotlcutt Flro
tViiiiuiercliil Union Assurance Co., London
Qertnanlu Klre lu. Co.
r-tutoof Omuliti
We cordially invite you to
make our office your head
quarters when in Alliance.
Big rest room. The daily
and weekly papers on file.
Easy chairs and a good,
clean place to rest.
Remember, when you have
land for sale that we have
a big organization and
sell it for you.
Buyers and Sellers
We get them together
Thomas Land Company
Ora E. Phillips Lloyd C. Thomas
B. M. Thomas
Combination Jack
Post Puller,
Splicer and
Wire Stretcher,
most useful tool on a
farm. Can be seen
and tested at
604 Yellowstone Av.
Alliance, Neb., by
L. M. E. Anderson
St., Omaha, Neb.
Liverpool. London and Globe Ins. Co.
TinnSe11" C" W yrk'
JMjoenlxln "o.. Hartford. Conn
I Iroiimnk Iuii( Insurance Co.
ItoolitMor German Inn. Co,
Office I o-MnirK.I-lctcher Mock,