The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, July 01, 1909, Image 1
SlnloIIlH'o,!,.,,! grololy ( The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Bom Butte county. VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JULY 1, llJ09 NUMBER 29 1 r& ) i MANY PERSONS W h y Not Y o XX Would like to keep an account of their receipts and expendi tures if some one would keep it for them. Open a bank account with the First National Bank and you will find the account keeps itself, with no expense. Your checks are always evi dence of date and amounts of all disbursements and your deposit book shows dates and amounts of your receipts. Many of your friends and neighbors have accounts with us. WHY NOT YOU? Don't wait for a big start any amount offered, either large or small, is cheerfully accept ed. It's a handy convenience to the farmer and wage earner as well as the business man. The First National Bank OF ALLIANCE iqHid We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. ,-. Mm jm 0 IhQJ THE GLORIOUS FOURTH OF JULY jefcUtftibw sUUMUOM A GROUP OP PATRIOTS HARD AT IT. Parland Newhall Concert 4. Company Coming The greatest season will be musical treat of the the Parland Newhall GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. kreamer& Kennedy! f DENTISTS. I Office in Alliance National Bank Blk X X Over Postoffice. X ? 'Phono 391. $ Concert Company. This company will appear as the second number of the Alliance Junior Normal entertain ment course. There are two reasons why this company will receive the largest possi ble patronage. First, they arc the best company of their kind in the Unit ed States today. Their programs, consisting of male quartets, brass quar tets and bell ringers, offer a variety that will please everybody. Second, the people of Alliance will show their appreciation of the Normal ,by giving hearty support to the course. The entertainment courses for the past three years have been paid for, every dollar, by the people of Alliance, and this year will prove no exception to the rule. Phclan opera house, July 8. Tickets on Bale at Holsten's after tttltf ut AilmtooiAn enn nrnllnrt -ien Lawn Social The Epworth League will give a lawn social at the Methodist parsonage, corner Box Butte avenue and Idaho street, on Friday evening of this week. All young people are invited. Re freshments to cents. Begins Residence in Alliance Don B. Wagner arrived in Alliance from Indianapolis on June 14 to take a position in the office of the trainmaster, having formerly hc" ii tho employ of the -Big Four." On Tuesday of this week his wife ami little daughter, Doiinn, came to make their home here, and we are sure they will receive a royal welcome from the people of this city. F. M. KNIGHT. President. F. W. HARRIS, Cashier. W. H. CORBIN, Vice Pros. S. F1CKELL, Asm. Cash. ISo. 5667- Alliance National Bank ' Courteous Treatment. Accounts Solicited. Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits. H-5- Capital Paid in Surplus $50,000 $25,000 IST'Always Money to Loan on Approver! Chattel Security. DIRECTORS: F. M, Knight W. H Cotbin F. W. Harris F. L Holttan B. F. Bottelhelm Wash Goods Sale We are making a special price on all of our 15c Lawns, Batistes and Dimities. 10 Yards for $1 "Make your selections early as these will not last long at this price. See Window Display NORTON' Tub Suits In white, blue, ' tan and stripe effects. $4.95 $5.95 $6.95 These are exceptional values. You can't afford to be without one of these suits. NORTON'S AH kinds of c ompetitlon 1 ook alike to us The Famous Neither the genuine nor the fake variety have any terrors for Alliance s Greatest Bargain Givers mmm Ail n..x M Jays A, Elldinff July 12 JgjfUS Ground Floor ! A bunch of 50c Neckties 19c Work Pants, 150 pairs, now $1 per pair Boys' Suspenders 6c Canvas Gloves 5c Leather Suit Cases $3.50 Kady Suspenders 25c 50 Men's Suits, mostly $15 value, during sale $7.50 Dress Gloves, worth 1.75, now $1 Hen's Black Shirts 37c Boys' Box Calf Shoes We will never be undersold Men's Dress Shirts 39c Crash Hats, 39c Dress Bow Ties 7c $5 Dress Pants, now 1 lot of Men's Suits that sold up to $12.50 per suit, now. $5.95 Boys' Tennis Slippers 39c Men's Linen Collars, 3c Boys' Mexican Hats 19c Big line Boys' Wash Suits 39c Some very fine $20 Suits, now on .sale at $15.00 20 Doz. 1.25 Shirts 79c Boys' Black Sateen Shirts 37c Odd lot Boys' 2-piece Suits, $2.50 Long pants 100 Doz. Ten Cent Sox, 7 c 3 Pairs Gauntlet Gloves 25c Odd lot Overalls Hen's Bib 25c A line of New York-made all-wool worsteds, worth $15, we put on sale at no. 00 Boys' Dress Shirts 25c Boys' Balbrigan Underwear 17c Men's Canvas Slippers 45c 50 Stetson Hats $2.50 6 pair Sox, guaranteed for 6 months, tf 1 for p 1 They can't undersell this store DAYLIGHT STORE The Famous One-Price Clothing House DAYHGHT METHODS.