The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 24, 1909, Image 7
V hiftiix GROCERIES Oh! Ham We don't sell just "Ham." We sell Armour's "Star." The ham of hams "The Ham what am." You Can Save Money by Trading at Colburn's Cash Store ALLI CE GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. Bcllvvood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to THE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. Full-Blooded Angus, Short Horn, Hereford, Galoway Breeds Single or Carload Lots. When in South Omaha be sure and visit our Barn. You will be welcome. A. J. Bragonier & Son SOUTH OMAHA, NEBRASKA . LH9rt( A&Tuut; t J-JSt .!---' '""- fciLZKM iivi ?w ' " wBCZ3vSilj?f a.- BaBflaBB91l5!53EK?3SwwwiH Palace Livery Barn II. I. COURSKY, Prop. (Successor to C. C. Smith) ONE in cii west oh Good turnouts, Tim nk v ziiinden and courteous treatment to all lias won for us the iiciLn.vfi. 'Phone excellent patronage we enjov. Trv us. AND MEATS Jas. Graham "ON THE HOSPITAL Bulls for Sale Wallace's Transfer Line Household goods ir movecl promptly lav' anc transer work zgzkk solicited. Phone i fOiEMmSi rrank Wallace, Prop'r. ftSdi "frIi- - ...... strict attention to our business, J Boards of all descriptions, for any part of a house or barn. Jicrks Lumber fi Coal Co. Phone 22 D. Waters, Mgr. CORNER" HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for School Supplies TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAIN1S RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT OLSTEN'S PROHPTLY DONE All Work Strictly First-Class i D, Hols BOX BUTTE AVENUE :st door north of Herald office AUCTIONEER ELLSWORTH, NEBR. Col. New has had 25 years' experience and. is one of the most successful auctioneers in the northwest. Dates made at this office. When a Plumber is Needed send for us. We have plenty of tune now to attend to all classes of wuik This is not our busy season and it will pay you to have your PLUMBING, HEATING, FITTING, etc., attended to now before the rush of work begins. We are thoroughly posted iu our business and an ordar from you will promptly put all our knowledge and skill at vour set vice. The cost will not be great. Fred Bren nan lgTJ-GrracLe Shoe Repairing JHBi-PpKJB wf 4 lv$9r Jmt rHr B M CaLaflLiB Home Course In Modern Agriculture XVIII. The Business Side of Farming By C. V. GREGORY, jfricutturat Tidtjton, Ioboa JHat Co? Copyright. 1000. by American Pre Association FARMING on' high priced Iasd must bo conducted, on business principles If tho greatest prof Its nrc to bo realized. Tho farmer's work Is by no tncaiiH dono when he has raised n largo crop of corn or successfully fattened a car load of steers. lie must lie nolo to market his produce nt n proft and must nlso know whether tho fitcora were fed nt n protlt or n loss and what It costs to produce each crop of grain. It Is n fact that tho only way to know Just what you nrc doing and Just what parts of your farm aro bringing In n profit and what ones nro bolng ruu at n loss Is to "keep books." This does not necessarily mean a com plicated system that will require half your tlmo to keep iu shape. By a lit tle care tho method of keeping accounts can be so systematized ns to amount to only n few moments u week." The first and most Important book to tho check book. Tho "check book hab it" will often save a great deal of money and trouble. If you loso.your check book or bavo It stolon, you still have your money left. You do not havo to Waste tlmo trying to mako change, since the check can bo always made out for exnetly tho right amount. When you glvo n man n check In pay ment for what you owo him, ho must sign that check before ho can draw the money on it. At tho end of every month tho bank returns theso signed checks to you, and you thus havo re ceipts for nil the money you paid out during tho month. For general accounts any good sized blank book will answer. Thero nro a number of specially raado farmers' nc count books, but a blank book which you can rule to suit yourself will bo Just ns good or better. Tho first pago should bo devoted to an Inventory of tho stock, grain and machinery, to gether with their value. Following this should bo a map Of the farm. Next to this Bhould eomo tho cash account. A convenient nnd simple way of arranging this Is ns follows: -1 S S j S 8 I LS ! .1 a ' s J $ 4 ' m. fa 3 j 5 u. I 3 ; i w w 2 O O 0 8 ' I i J & fa ' a s j s s s s Q s. s. -q i In order to know what crops aro bringing in n protlt and what ones, if any, aro unprofitable It is necessary to keep some sort of nn account of them. Thin account must be simple nnd easily kept, for If it takes too much time It Is sure to bo neglected. Tho following pago headings show a con venient method of keeping account of tho field crops: a f . " a 3 mm O ) -n aaaaaaafaa j :::::::: : lii tjj 3 c3 ::.::::: : u :::::::: : fiu w cf :::::::: : j 4 F 3 y . o f ::::;::: : u :::::::: t, . 1 J1 ' . t" ; ' J . c, s :::::::: : ! ! I I I I I ! I oS a- fu a.a a B :::::: : : : aaaaa a aa a aa "aa a - aaaaa -at a aa a aaaaiaaaa : c : J : : siiiJIijif ! i J 1 1 1 1 j This gives nn estimate thnt Is accu rate enough to give a very good idea of what It costs to produce each parv tlcular crop. In figuring tho cost of labor enough should bo added to pay for tho uso of tho machinery. The cost of seed will Include cleaning, test ing nnd other preparation. Perhaps tho best way to figure the vnluo of tho manure applied Is to Include it in tbo rent of tho Irtnd. Thus the corn crop, which receives tho first benefit from the manure, can bo chnrged a higher rent on tills nccouut. Tho amount chnrged to tho ont crop will be less, whllo tho clover crop, which really adds to the fertility of the land, will pay the lowest rent of nil. Whcro tho grain Is fed on the farm there will of course bo no charge for marketing. Tho cost of clover seed, which is sowni with tho ont s, should bo charged to, tho next year's clover crop. Following tho cxpenso account, should come a profit nnd loss pago: i . ) t 1 aaa a ,S a a a a 3 :::::::: i a a a t a M JataaJSS Pj V " '"a a a ' k a a J J aaaa a V rt EH aaaa a 1 aaaa a a a C a aaaa a ' I ' I Ift . V .... a . wra 2 :::::::: ST3 O . .... m ... ' : : : : : : : : (72 , : : : : ; : : : fi j .... . ... S :::::::: W l aaaa a C aaaa a a a a t-J aaaaata C I '. ' . ". I r o , J :::::::: c: B :::::::: 7 o aa t iZ l aaaa a J, , ; ; ; ; ; . ; ; M art a ' ' ' ' a I " a ' ' a a" f m aaaa a ft i) J aaaa a a Ht - aaaa a a a a O g a 1 1 1 1 ; ; rj aaaaa.a o '.... r-r-r- :::::::: 1 5 aaaa a a a O -5 ? aaaa a a g :::::::: o . : : : : . 1 -: : : 2 a aaaa a . a a ii -rf :::::::: 3 fa 3 :::::::: J HJ aaaa aaaa E ' I I ; I I Ml aaaa a Jt aea J a a ; a a 3 r3 taaapa 2" P 4 Is 8 i h g j : A glnnco nt this page will show which crops aro the most prolltnblo ones. In case n certain crop does not show the profit that it should an other crop should bo substituted for It or different methods of culturo adopted. Similar pages should bo arranged for the different classes of live stock. The following will servo ns a tiample: i ' i 71 - u CD g ? . H a 2 i K o . o 5 2 2 K H - t a , c8 t i- t s w 1 . .1. . 2 a Onco a year these two pages can bo balanced, nnd you can seo Just where' you stand In tho hog busjucss. In addition to the expense and incomo pages for tho different classes, of stock there should be pages for keep ing track of 'changing works" at thrashing time, for breeding records, for butter and cream, for poultry and for any other special lino. Iu which you are Interested. Lining up nnd arranging the pages will make a good rainy day's Job, for some of tho children, and after that the time re quired to keep the accounts iu shape will bo too small to be notlid. Business niotbods In marketing are lso necessary if tho bet remits are to be obtained. A dally market paper Is ludlapens-iblo In keeping ported ou tho stock and grain mnritets and will pay for Itself sevoral times over In tho course of 11 yonr. A tolopltono Is also valuable for obtaining up to tbo min ute inm!'"t reports on special occa sions. Iu keeping in touch with tho local butter, egg and poultry markets the telephone Is especially valuable. It la also a tlmo savor Iu many other ways, so much so that the jip to date business farmer cannot afford to be without one. Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 324 West Idaho. Phone 205 GEO. W.MILLER GRADUATE PIANO TUNER Repairing" a Specialty Phone 60S 507 Sweetwater Ave. .WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTdRNKY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA.. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office In rooms formerly occupied by K. C. Koleman, First Nal'l Dank blk 'Phone 8o. ALLIANCE, NEB, H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, -x.i-xa.tco, ivicij. WILCOX & BROOME LAW AND LAND ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U, S. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service, Offlco In Land Office llulldln. ALLIANCE - NEIIKASKA. DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician ano Bnrgcon Day and night clU Offloo over Uoruo Store. Phone 150. Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (Successors to Drs, Froy & Bttlfo) Over Norton's Store Office Phone 43, Residence 20 DR. O. L. WEBER DISEASES OF Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Scientific Refraction GEO. J. HAND, IIO.M EOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON Formerly Inturno Homeopathic Ho pftul University ot Iowu. Phono !. Olllco over Alllunco Shoe Store Residence Phone SSI. DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (SuccosM)r to Dr. J. E. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Omce hOurS-ll-12 a.m., 2-4 p.m. 7:30-9 p.m. Office Phone 62 Res. Phone, 85 H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phono 300 Calls antwered promptly day and night (rora o(ll I co. Offices : Alliance National Hunk UntldlnR over the Post Office. nSRTatAsrETs WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Batik Bldg. Rooms 4.5-6 Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 1530 to 4, 7 to 8 p, 111. Office Phone 65 Res. Phone 16 & 184 AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 T, J. THRELKEllD, Undertaker and Embalmer OFFICE PHONE 498 RES. PHONE 207 ALLIANCE, NEBR. THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Directors and Enibolmers FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 49S RESIDENCE PHONES 207 and 510 J. N. Sturgeon S. G. Young Sturgeon & Young DRAY LINE (Successors to G. W. Zobel) Office Phone 139. Residence Phone 142.