0.6J3 i Wzsa88 IT ALWAYS PAYS TO BUY YOUR fcWSN. N " GROCERIES from a Reliable House We have the BEST of everything good to eat Our Prices are Right 4 Yours for a ZA. D. Rod gets Good Things to Eat AT fly Deschs fl; S On the corner EVERYTHING FRESH AND CLEAN On SATURDAY, JUNE 26 we will receive by express a fine line of FEBSS: PTJIT Fresh Fetches , Fresh Apricots Fresh Strawberries Fresh Cherries Fresh Pineapples Fresh Banannas Fresh Oranges All hinds Fresh Vegetables ANOTHER GOOD LAND OFFERING 320-ACR1" 'irT-LL ACT Select locations for homesteatling- in Wyoming1, near Newcastle, Upton and Moorcroft. Plats on file. Wrire me. I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Have you friends back east write me at once about this new tract. The excursions in June will be the time for good selections. ill QuickMealGa The above Is the "Quick Meal" Trade Mark. If you want to sec the little "Quick Meal" chick get a quick meal, put it close to your eyes and your nose on the cross (). Look at it that way steadily for a minute and you will 6cc the chick make a "Quick Meal" of the bug. People who use a "Quick Meal" know how to cook a meal quick and eat It in comfort "Quick Meal" Stoves look well, cook well, bake well and last well. They could not be made better at any price. Their immense eale is due to their merits to nothing else. Over 300 Stoves to Choose from Prices, $2.75 to $32 r w' " FIRE INSURANCE A G-ENCY REPRESENTS THE FOLLOWING INSURANCE COMPANIES. lUrtfunt I'iro Insurance Oomnsnj-. North American of 1'bltadalpbui. I'hoenlx of Illnoklyn. Nuvr York. Continental ot Nw York Qlly. Mugura KlroJusHtniitiy Company. i .'inuvtlcuM HJro 'Mimerclul Uulup hurance Co., Loudon ji j . .till rire Jus. cV Uleof Omaha 71 square deal, O0 west of P.'O. Z D. CLEM DEAVER, GENERAL AGENT Land Seekers Information- Bureau, Omaha, Nebr. solineStoves Make Happy Homes A Quick Meal Stove will do any and all work that can be done on a range or cook stove. Only it does it QUICKER, CHEAPER and in a more agreeable way Newberry's Hardware Co. Liverpool. London and Globe lus. Co. German American Ins. Co., New York. Now Hampshire Columbia Fire Insurance Compauy, Philadelphia Underwriters. Phoeulx Ins la. Hartford, Conn riruiuun Fund Insurance Go. Kovhttotor German Int. Cu. Office I'c-Stnlru.riLMehcr Ulock. ADMIT SIGNATURE A FORGERY Brandenburg New Claims It Was Sub stituted for Real One. New York, Juno 19. Tho two words on n Blip of .paper Jn a glass case Grovor Clevolnml nbutit which tho trial of Uroughton Brnntlonburg, the magazine writer, charged with grand larceny for tho sale to tho Now York Times of nn article purporting to liavo been written by Mr, Cleveland, has largely centered so far, lost something of their Importance when Brandon burg's counsel announced that his ell ent would admit that the signature was a forgery and not that of the former president. This rather surprising turn in the cubc occurred after Richard Watson Qlldor, the veteran magazine editor, had declared emphatically on tho stnnd that the stgnaturo shown him wns not that of his old friend, Grovei Cleveland. At this point Branden burg's lawyer said: "We do not con tend thnt tho signature In the glass case Is genuine." Brandenburg turned and said: "Wo intend to show that tho forged signa ture was substituted for tho real one I never saw this s'ignaturo till the trial commenced.'" REV. MEYERS RESIGNS Quits Baptist Executive Council In a Huff. Chicago, June 19. As the result of criticism of the part ho bad played in the fight to oust Professor George Burnham Foster of tho University o' Chicago from tho Baptist ministry be cause of tho teachings of Professor Foster's book, "Tho Function of Re ligion in Man's Struggle for Exist ence," Rev. Johnson Meyers, pastor of tho Emmanual Baptist church or this city, reslgnpd as president and pastor of the Baptist cxecutjve coun cil. Following his resignation, Mr. Meyers said: "I am unwilling to be longer identi fied In my present capacity with a body of Baptists that commends the theology of Unitarians. I inform you now that my light in that direction is not. ended, but slnco my leadership, is odious, I will withdraw it. If you want a. Jellyfish for a leador, you can go and get one." Tho resignation wub accepted. FATAL BALLOON ACCIDENT Russian Court Chamberlain Killed ana Wife Will Die of Injuries. St. Petersburg, June 19. Court uhnniborlain Pnlitzen was Killed, his i..o was latr.lly injured and two oth- o: .i auflo.red lntal Injuries in a balloon . .dent here. The ImllLon Gonernl WannowsUI, In t-Llch lour olllcers had a similar mis j t.i.jo a ear ngo, ascended from the . lltarj onl.ooii i r.rk in charge or Cap i n Koxbe. With h,lm vero Chntnuor .run Pnlitzen, his wife and Count Roh tofftsetf. The balloon drifted across tho city at an nititn.le of n little less thnn a mile and when it wns just abreast the outskirts, the count b mistake pulled the rip cord. As the gns escaped from tho envelope the bal loon descended rapidly and tho car fell In tho garden of a country house. M. PnllUen was killed by the fall and Ws wife suffered terrible Injuries. Count RostofTtsoff escnped with serious, but not fatal, injuries. MRS. KAUFMANN FREED Convicted of Simple Battery and Re leased After Paying Fine. Flandreau, S. D., Juno 19. The Jury In the Knutmann murder case, after being out all night, returned a verdict Uniting Mrs. Emma Knufmann, ac cused of the murder of Agnes PolreJs, a domestic, sr.i'.ty of simV.e battery. She was, antler this verdict, sentenced to pay a i. cf $100 or oo.vo fltty dayB In Jail. 1.-,o t.ae wo .r.uiedlately paid, thus ta.:!ii!; a casa wl.ich for the past thic ,-va:s has been tha sensa tlon of this ait or the state. , Tho jury in Ue flrst trU disagreed. The secom", t:lnl tesjlted In a convic tion of Mia. Kaufinaun of manslaugh ter in the second degree. Mrs. Kauf mann is tho w.'fa of a Sloax Falls brewer. WRIGHTS RECEIVE MEDALS Aviators Will Resume Flights at Fort Myer Next Week. Dayton, O., Juno 19. Wilbur and Orvillo Wright, tho aviators, received the medals awarded them by act of congress, by the legislature of Ohjo and by their homo city of Dayton. One hundred and twenty thousand people, about the entire population of Dayton, welcomed tho brothers. Immediately after tho ceremony the Wrights hurried to their aeroplane factory to prepare for their departure today for Washington, where next weok they will resume their flights for the government Two Die From Heat at Kansas City. Knnsas City, Kan., Juno 21. Two died hero from heat prostrations. Ja cob B. Crayne, a streot car conductor, was overcome while on his way' homo from work, and Abraham Johnson, a musician, was prostrated whllo play ing in an amusemont park. Killed In Collision. Anderson, S. C, Juua 21. In a col lision between an intcrurban car of the Anderson Traction company and an automobile nt I)reezes!o's cross ing one porson is dsJ and ouo is fa tally and two seriously Injured. Bishop Candler Is Third Arbitrator. Washington, June 19. IK !iop Candler of tho Methodist Episcopal church of Georgia was agreed upon as the third arbitrator In the Georgia rail way controersy. SIGEL SLAYER i Chinaman Arrested at Schenec tady Not Man Wanted. FITTED DESCRIPTION OF LEON. Roommate Also Caught at Amsterdam, N. Y., but Little Has Been .Learned From Him Body of Murdered Girl Is Quietly Burled, Attended by Rela tives Only Mission Where Victim Worked Is Closed. New York, June 22. After a hit of pollco flurry, nn hour or two of unveri fied roports and telephoning between cities, tho murder of Elsie Sigel, daughter of Paul Sigel of this city and granddaughter of Major General Franz Sigel of civil war fame, resolved itself Into an unsolved crime again. Chung Sin, who formerly occupied a room adjqluing thnt whero the girl's body was found, is held by the police at tho little up stato vlllago of Amster dam, N. Y., but what has been learned from him has served to clear up tbp case little, If any. At Schenectady a man nt first thought to no Leon Ling, or William L. Leon, who is thought to bo tho girl's murderer, according to all indications, pretty well established that he is an inoffcndjng Celestial who formerly resided in New York and whoso nrrest was brought about mere ly through a strikingly unfortunate resemblance to Leon Ling. Tho disappearance of Chung Sin about the time the murder was discov ered made tho polico eager for his ap prehension, which was considered sec ond in importance to that of Leon, but tho interview with him at Amster dam seems to havo brought out noth ing of value to tho authorities. He maintnins that he rarely associated with Leon and, while acquainted with Elsie Sigel, knows nothing of tho mur der. Thus, with his arrest of no great Import, the caso, asjde from develop ments in Nw York, Is about where it was when Elsie Slgel's body was found In the trunk in a room over the Eighth avenue chop suey restaurant last Friday night. In the midst of all tho police activ ity the body of Elsie Sigel was quietly burled in Woodlnwn cemetery. As tho father had announced that ho wished to avoid any more publicity, the coffin containing the mutilated form was taken directly from the morguo to the burying ground in a plain undertaker's wagon. Tho cere mony at tho grave was strictly private ahd was attended only by her fnther, two brothers, Reginald and Theodore, and by her uncle, Franz Sigel. Mrs. Sigel, it will be recalled, col lapsed when she learned of her daugh ter's death, and is now In a sanita rium. Although tho mission in China town where Elslo Sigel former ly taught has been closed, a meeting of Chinese who havo been converted to Christinnjty was held In a Bojer street mission to discuss plans for raising a fund to be offered as a re ward for the capturo of Elsie Slgel's slayer. A dispatch from Vancouver received here says that a Chinaman answering tho description of Leon Ling, sup posed murderer of Elsie Sigel, was taken from a westbound Canadjan Pa cific train at Reveistoke, B. C. When the murder was first discovered It was supposed that Leon Ling had departed' for Vancouver. . t GOULD RESTS HIS CASE Believes Evidence Already Submitted Is Sufficient. Now York, June 22. sensation seek ers and the curious who have attended dally the sessions of Katherjne Clem mons Gould's suit for a separation trom her husband, Howard Gould, were disappointed at tiio resumption of tho hearings beforo Justice Dow ling in tho supiome court, when it wus announctd that tho defense rested and that Howard Gould wouid not take the stand. Clarenco J. Shearn, counsel tor tho plaintiff, apparently was greatly surprised. Air. Gould seemed relieved and Mrs. Gould annoyed. "Slnco tl)e recess of last Friday, your honor," said Do Lancey NJcoll, counsel for Mr. Gould, "my associates and I havo decided that the testimony which we havo offered Is so complete that there is no necessity for going further. Therefore, we have decided to rest." Mr. Shearn led off tho rebuttal with testimony designed to show, ho ex plained, "tho falsity of the charges that Mrs. Gould was continually and constantly Intoxicated from 1902 to ' the present date." Ho proved by many bolow-stalrs wit nossos, whoso testimony wns followed by the reading of depositions by friends and guosts thnt Mrs. Gould's disposition was always affable. Great Northern Train Derailed. Whltoflsh. Mont., June 22. Tho firent Northern westbound Oriental limited passonger train was derailed noar Ural, on the Kootenai river. Thlrt passengers wero Injured, but none Kiilad. A landslide caused the accident. Kansas Whezt Crop Same as Last Year Topeka. Kan., June 22. With the beginning of harvest the condition of lite wheat crop in Kansas Is practical 1 the samo as it was last year, ac cording to a report issued by Secre tary Coburn of the Kansas agricul tural department. The condition nov Is 72 3. n NO NEWS FRCM PEARY Friends of Explorer Think Ho Has Reached North Pole. Washington, June 21. Frlqnda Jn thU city of Commander Robert Edwin Peary, U. 2. N., the oxplwer, who left the United Stntes last July for the frozen north, Eny they believe Pea--by this time has reachc-1 the goal ol his ambition, and has success!.".!? planted tho Stars and Stripes at the North pole. No news has been re ceived from Peary since ho left Etah, Greenland. When Peary left Etah last August ho said In his Inst message that the members of his party were all well and that ho had procured a good sup ply of dogs. He hoped to wjnter off the north coast of Ellesmereland', in about latitude 82 degrees, 40 minutes, 420 miles from the polo. From this point tho sled Journey was to havo begun early laBt February, with an ex pedition of twenty-flvo sleds, each drawn by six dogs, with nn Esquimaux driver. On his last expedition Commander renry succeeded in getting wltltfn 174 miles of tho North pole, making the farthest north record yet attained, latitude 87 degrees, G minutes. Ranchmen Stockmen Farmers We cordially invite you to make our office your head quarters when in Alliance. Big- rest room. The daily and weekly papers on file. Easy chairs and a good, clean place to rest. Remember, when you have land for sale that we have ,a big- organization and can sell it for you. eec90eecec9caec Buyers and Sellers We get them together 9eeeooteeaaett Land Company Ora E. Phillips Lloyd C. Thomas B. M. Thomas Combination Jack Lifter, Post Puller, Splicer and Wire Stretcher, most useful tool on a farm. Can be seen and tested at 604 Yellowstone Av. Alliance, Neb., by L. M. E. Anderson Dr. H. R. Belville All first-class up-to-date work done in most careful manner PHONE 167 Opera House Block Alliance, Nebr H. NELSON, Painting, Paper Hanging and Kalsomining Phone 641 finance, Nebr. CONTEST NOTICi; DKI'AiminXT OP THE INTEItlOH. VMTER 8TVTES bU orriCE Alliance, Nebraska, Juuo 12, IP09 A sulliolent contest aflUUivIt li.iviui: lwn filed In this nthce by Hurry Derr. contest ant, amiinsf homuste.id Entry No. 01013. made Oolobur BOtli. litis, for S. V, U t-eetlun . N. H nation 17, X. K. j of section is. township 31 N.of riwijte W W. of, ilm (ltd l Meridian, bj Kilort btludt, I'ontostiw, in niilcli Jt l ullct.-i tlmt tho said Kllert Miudt does not rtfeldt! on tho said liiml und lia no build Into !' Improvement tlicitsiu und tlmt he lms alMiniioliwi the miwk for more tliun six moutliH iirior ti.tlieiltttuof tliinomleet. suUl UJirtitu ura hereby noUtied to mpe.ir. resiMiiul. timi offur evidence touching said all edition nt 10 o'clock a. m. ou July 28. Irtjn, lufuio tho ltttgUter uud Use elver at the L'nlteU tjtattw Laud Olllcent Alliance, Nebraska. The siJ contestant hmlng. In a proper Htililavlt, tiled .Wine 7. iwa. set forth facts v. hioh shoiv that after due diligence personu! KiirvliMnf thin llotlf-e rjttninr life miilla. It 1 Lliureliy ordered and directed tlmt such tiotleo "be trlveu v due aiid nromir nublleiitinn I' f p .'uuo )7-5w W. V. wood, liogbter. Phillips-Thomas pr J SHIP TO 1 Thuet Bros. & Melady South Omaha T Have JIM HORN Sell Your Cattle TAKE YOUR FAMILY TO Nolie 's Bakery and Cafe for your Sunday dinner We solicit your order for SPECIA Bakery GOODS Order on time WE MET FREE FROM UCE. FOR SALE BY F. J. Brennan Wn. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD 'Phone Alliance No. 5. Nebraska. Al Wiker AGENT FOR I Grand Islaid Granite ! and Mark W or JS All kinds of Gianite and Marble 9 Tombstones and Monuments. Lower prices and less freight than from firms farther east aeooaoeooe & HAVE YOU PAID YOUY PERSONAL TAX? "it Tw niiifc T 'Taxes are due Nov. i. Personal taxes delinquent Dec. i. Land tax delinquent May i, Interest 10 per cent from date of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold for taxes the first Monday in November. In all com niunications relative to taxes, please give description of property. Fred Mollring, Co. Treasurer. N A ill