The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 24, 1909, Image 1

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The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Official Publication
of Box Butte county.
1 qK -
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The First National Bank
We always give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
t t.HH-iK:K4 -
. " IFCRT3 ; AMFR & K-FMlSIP.nvt
11 . ...-w - . -.-
-Office in Alliance National Bank Blk V
Over Postoffice.
i4 $ 'Phoue ioi.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Special Sale of Sheet Music
Mrs. J. T. Wiker will have a special
sale of sheet music at the Bennett store
commencing June 24th and continuing
till Saturday, July 3rd, or until the
, present stock is exhausted. Eight
hundred pieqes to select from. Call
early while the assortment is com
plete. Regular 25c and 50c music,
your choice during this sale for 15c
ru 2S'2v
Nebraska cherries at Mal
lery's 52. 25 per twenty-four
x quart cuse. Levery rnaav.
Ranch for Sale
I will sell my ranch, consisting of
530 acres of deeded land and one
school section. Two sections adjoin
ing can be secured as homesteads . and
included in the ranch. Most of the
land is level and can be farmed. Im
provements consist of six miles of three
wire fence, two windmills and good
wells, supply tanks, two fair houses,
etc. Will sell cheap, if taken soon.
$2,000 cash; time to suit purchaser on
balance, nortgage on deeded land to
be given as security. Call on me if
you are interested. Jas. Potmesil,
Long Lake, N'ebr.
2 miles west of P. O. 283w
Would like to keep an account
of their receipts and expendi
tures if some one would keep
it for them.
Open a bank account with
the First National Bank and
you will find the account keeps
itself, with no expense.
Your checks are always evi
dence of date and amounts of
all disbursements and your
deposit book shows dates and
amounts of your receipts.
.Many of your friends and
neighbors have accounts with
us. WHY NOT YOU? Don't
wait for a big start any
amount offered, either large
or small, is cheerfully accept
ed. It's a handy convenience
to the farmer and wage earner
as well as the business man.
Wanted, to trade one or two resi
dent lots near St. Agnes Academy for
prairie breaking within two miles from
town. Phone G15. 27-tt
Found Large door key. Owner
can have same by calling at The Her
ald office. wwvwx. 27-tf
Wanted A girl for general house
work on a ranche. Wages $35.00 per
mouth. Apply to E. W. Whitcomb,'
Moorcroft, Wyo.
Buy a Boyer gliding settee for your
porch or lawn at The Gadsby Store.
For sale cheap A new Dunbar pop
corn and peanut roaster. Can give
good terms, monthly payments if de
sired. Inquire of L. E. Bye at Pool
Hall. 23'tf
I am now ready to make contracts
for cement work to be done as soon as
the weather will permit. John Ped
erson. .
Will trade a fine automobile for land
if suited. F. J. Betzold. i8-tf
Have you land to trade for an auto
mobile? See F. J. Betzold. 18-tf
For Sale Modern, 7 room house,
$2,550.00. W. C. Tayior, phone 394.
See the model "F"Jackson automobile
for sale by F. J. Betzold. It is a
beauty. i8-tf
The M. E. Ladies will have an
exchange at Acheson Bros, every Sat
urday afternoon. Home made bread a
specialty. 2'
Lawn Swings at The Gadsby Store.
Found. Switch key. Call and
identify at Herald Office.
Fine Model "F" Jackson automobile
with one rumble seat and turtle deck
attachment; will trade for land close to
any siding in Box Butte county or sell
for cash cheap. F. J. Betzold, Al
liance. 18-tf
For .Sale Five quarter sections of
fine land, 14 miles north of Alliance.
Will sell part or all. Mrs. Matilda
Hood, Alliance, Nebr. 28-4W
Barry HoteTfoT
Sale or Rent
Well furnished; doing good business;
27 outside rooms. Electric lights, hot
and cold water, upstairs and down.
Bath room. All in good condition.
For particulars inquire at Barry House.
Pure Bred Poultry. .
Choice R. C Leghorn cockerels for
sale. Eggs 50 cents per setting. Call
or write Mrs. A. Gregory, Marsland,
Nebr. l8,I3w
Repair Work
Sewing Machines. and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
clitues. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling.
Arrangements Being Made for a Magnificent Display
of Farm Products, Fruits, Live Stock and
Dairying-Important Meeting Next
Monday Evening.
When the Alliance Commercial club
at its meeting on the 14th inst. voted
to organize a county fair association
and appointed a committee to make the
preliminary arrangements, n ball was
started rolling that will without doubt
be by far the biggest thing of the kind
that ever struck western Nebraska.
I. E. Tash, Prof. E. W- Hunt and
Geo. Douglas are the committee, and
the Club certainly made a happy se
lection. Prof. Hunt and Mr. Douglas
have been working up an intei est amoug
business men and farmers by calling
attention to what can and should be
done, and how to do it; and Mr. Tash,
who has a reputation for thoroughness
and accuracy in detail work has drawn
up a constitution and by-laws for a
county agricultural and fair association,
in harmony with the provisions of the
state law for the organization of such
After having outlined the plan for
the organization Mr. Tash began a can
vass for life members, the membership
fee being ten dollars. The response
from the business men among whom
the work was commenced was most en
couraging. Within about two or three
hours after starting out with the propo
sition more than forty names were se
Alliance, "the Metropolis of Western
Nebraska, Again Honored by Being
Given the Presidency.
Last Friday night witnessed
the closing of the greatest
stockmen's convention ever
held in the great state of
Nebraska,, the fourteenth an
nual meeting of the Nebraska
Stock Growers' association.
There probably was never be
fore held within the state a
greater convention that re
ceived praise so unstinted and
universal as that accorded to
this convention throughout.
The following letter to Post
master Tash from A. F.
Stryker, secretary of the South
Omaha Live Stock Exchange,
serves as a sample of the gen
eral expressions of apprecia
tion: South Omaha, Nebr., June 22, 1000.
Mr. Ira B. Tash, President,
Alliance Commercial Club.
Dear Sir:-1 am instructed by the del-
cured, and not a single refusal. The
business men of the city not only arc
universally in favor of the fair but are
enthusiastic over the prospect of mak
ing a success of it-
There has not been time yet to make
a thorough canvass among the farmers,
but a number of them have been inter
viewed, and the interest tliev manifest
augurs well. Those who have the
matter in hand think a life membership
of somewhere between, 125 and 175 can
be secured.
A meeting of all parties interested
has been called for next Monday even
ing at the Commercial club's room in
the Phelau Block, when the organiza
tion will bo perfected by the adoption
of the constitution and by-laws and the
election of officers. Farmers, business
men, professional men, teachers and
everybody else interested are invited
to attend. w,wwwwwww.
Special Notice
A meeting to organize the Box Butte
County Agricultural and Fair associa
tion will be held at the Alliance Com
mercial Club room, Monday, June 28,
1909, at 8 o'clock P. M. All persons
interested are invited to attend.
By order of Committee.
Cfrutlori from this Exchange to inform
you that never before bus Alliance
done so well for the Suuth Omaha del
egation us she did last week on the
occasion of the meeting of the Nebras
ka Jbtock ("rowers' Ass'n. bach and
every one of our party returned from
Alliance with words of praise for the
entertainment tendered them by .your
people and the opportunity given them
of meeting 0 many of the representa
tive stockmen of Nebraska. Your
meeting in our opinion was a success
from beginning to end and we want
yftu should know that we appreciate
all the favors tendered us while with
you. Your Commercial .Club has un
doubtedly shown the people of your
territory that it can do things.
Wishing you continued prosperity Id
all of your undertakings, we are,
Yours truly,
A. P. Stryker, Secretary.
The following officers of the
association were elected for
the ensuing year: R. M.
Hampton, Alliance, president;
E. M. Searle, Ogalalla, sec
retary; Al. Metzger, Cherry
county, vice president. Fif
teen persons from throughout
the state were elected r mem
bers of the executive com
mittee. The location of the next an
nual convention was left to
the executive committee. It
will in all probability come to
Alliance again.
Box Butte County Map
For several years past the real estate
men of Alliance and Hemiogford have
been sending to Des Moines, Iowa for an
outline map of this county. Pursuant to
The Herald's policy of holding as much
work and business at home as possible,
the editor has had engraved a map of Dox
Butle that is a great improvement over
the one furnished by the Iowa printing
Real estate men who have been shown
the maps that we are printing express
themselves as being much better pleased
with it than with those that they have
been using heretofore, The making of
this map has entailed a considerable ex
pense and it will be necessary to print a
number of good orders before there will
be any profit; but whether we make any
thing out of it or not, there is some satis
faction in adding a little to Alliance enter
prise. Nebraska cherries at Mal
lery's, $2.25 per ' twenty-four
quart case. Delivery Friday.
F. M. KNIGHT, President.
W. H. C0KBIN, Vice Fres.
Alliance National Bank
Courteous Treatment.
Accounts Solicited.
Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
- M
Capital Paid
ESTAIways Money to Loan on Approved Chattel Security.
F. M. Knight W. H Corhln F. W. Harris F. E. Holsttn B. F. Bittelhtim
Alliance Junior Normal j June 7-
Notcs by The llcrald's Special Correspondent 1909
Mrs. Woodward, wife of Prof. Wood
ward, and their two children, arrived In
Alliance last Sunday.
Rev. Calhoun of the United Presbyter
ian church of Torrington, Wyoming, was
present at chapel Monday and conducted
the devotional exercises.
Rev. W. W. Smith, field secretary for
Hastings College, visited the school Mon
day and made an inspiring address to the
students at chapel period.
Miss Strong, one of the teachers of the
Alliance city schools, and Miss Schmale of
Lincoln, who is visiting friends in the city,
visited the normal Wednesday. We are
always glad to have those who are inter
ested in education visit us,
Mr. Carroll, Mr. Price, and Mr. Ward,
farmers from this county, visited the school
Wednesday and were highly pleased with
the work they saw being cjone, especially
the work in agriculture. This work ap
peals to farmers because they realize a
young man can learn In a short time at
school many facts of practical value to the
farmer that it has taken them many years
of experience to learn.
Superintendent Jennie M, Ellis of Dawes
county, who will bo remembered by many
of the students as having brought many of
her teachers with her to attend the Junior
Normal last year, and who is one of the
county superintendents who helped to make
last year's session a success, was married
June iG to Mr. Llndley W. Garton. The
happy couple will be at home in Crawford
to their friends June 20.
The normal students enjoyed a rare
treat Tuesday morning In hearing Misses
Tiller and Parker of the Wesleyan School
of Expression read several selections.
These young ladies were in the city for
the purpose of giving an elocutionary en
tertainment at the Daptist church on Wed
nesday evening. Their visit to the school
was greatly enjoyed by the students who
hope they may find it convenient to visit
the school again at some future time.
The enrollment to date is 205. This
number includes the institute enrollment
as well as the Junior Normal enrollment.
While our enrollment for Junior Normal
and Institute is not so large as one or two
of the Junior Normal schools, our enroll
ment for the normal proper is the largest
in the state. Principal Hayes has the offi
cial figures of the Normal enrollment at
the various schools and it can be stated
positively that the Alliance Junior Normal
is the largest Junior Normal in the state.
if "7
tends with
r pcnusiwii XMUHiV
Its solo Is flexible so 6upple you can bend It double when new!
This allows the Red Cross Shoe to move with your foot just as a
glove moves with your hand, This rests and relieves your foot
In the way you have longed for.
Come in and see tho late models. Get style and comfort. (let both,
OXFORDS, $3.50 AND $4.00
V, W. HARRIS, Cashier.
S. FICKELL, Asst. Cash.
5667 -
- H
State Superintendent E. C. Bishop, who
is on a tour of inspection of State Junior
Normal Schools, was here last Friday and
spont the day Inspecting the work of tho
Junior Normal. This is the first one of
tho Normals he has visited this year and
was greatly pleased with the management
and largo enrollment. Ho made a very
pleasing address to the students at the.
chapel period urging the teachers to em
phasize the work in agriculture and manu
al training in their schools this fall, Mr.
Bishop went from here to Broken Bow to
Inspect the school at that place. He will
probably visit the school at this place again
during the latter part of July.
The Alliance National Bank
OIIAim'Il NO. 6(157,
At Altlnncp, In tho Htato of NobrimUu, .at
tho clodo of business, Juno 23, 1W9.
. .. JlS
Loans nnl discounts tW.rcW.37
Ou'rdt lifts, secured and untoeurod M5.67
U.H. Iwidx to M-eimicli-culiitloi 6o.coo.oo
I'romluimoti U. 8. Ixiails 087.60
Huiiklnj; house, furulturo und U-
Hires 20.000.01
uiuur iium r.iuuo owiumi.,1 lJHO.OU
Duo from imtloiml hunks
(not reserve intents) 4,072.31
Dim from Sluto und I'rl
vatu Hunk!) and Huiiktirs,
Trust Conipiuilos, and
Having Hunks 33.P0
Duo from approved rt'borvo
iiKonu....... .maoa
CliL-ukB unci otlicrcftHh items itf.xs
Noti'ft of other nutlonul
bunks . co.00
I' ructlomil paper currency,
nlukuU mid cents 72.22
liAwrUL Mnjtxy ItKHKHVK IN
Hank, viz:
Specie,... ;il,509.ft0 "
M'lMMcMluriinlOif. 2,310.00 13,008.60 Git35.74
tvcuuiniiiiuu iuuii wiiu u.n. treasur
er (5 per cent of circulation), 3,600 00
T"t'd I377.027.1S
Cupltiil stock puid In $60,000.00
Surplus fund 25,00900
Undivided profits, los expenses und
tuxes paid 7319.11
Nutlonul Iranktiuuit outstanding.., 60.000.oo ,
Hue to other National Hunks "70 60'
Duo to Sluto ami Private llunks
und Hunkers 57S30r
Individual deposits sub- -.iouj
Ject to check 153.pftO.SO
Demand curtlllcutus of de
posit 12.2tU0
llmo certificates of deposit 72,113.70 37052.42
Total e377.027.18
County cir Hox iiottk. Jm'
I, V. W. Harris, cushfur of thu obovo
numed bank. Ho solemnly swuitr that tho
above statement Is true to tho best of my
knowledge mid boiler.
t W. llAituis, Cushlor.
ComiECT Attest:
K. M. Knioiit 1 '
IIku.nahdF. Hettfxiieih VDlrectoM,
K K. llOI.STEN . j
.Subscribed und sworn to buforo mo this 21th
day of June, 11WS.
. Notury Public.
My commission ox p Iras December 27, 1011.
Walk in it
Feel the difference
The moment we put the
Red Cro&s Shoe on your
foot you notice how eusy It
is to wullc in.
Your foot bends, the Red
Cross Shoe bends with it.
There Is none of the strain
or teusion of ordinary shoes