The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 17, 1909, Image 8

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LADIES' Summer Shoes
Alliance Cash
Shoe Store
Handles the Goods and
Makes the Best Prices.
&Slioc Repairing
.Rochester h.y
Remarkable Clothes Values
We are showing .ill of the season's newest styles and weaves in the Kuppcilhelmer Men's rffc
SultSi These garments represent the highest attainments of the tailor s CT tf O , Jf
art, both in design tind workmanship. The price .
If You Are in Need
A Majestio Steel Range
A first-olass Hot Air Incubator
A De Laval Cream Separator
A new Model A "Wind Mill
A first-class job of plumbing
Any kind of Tinwork
Call on
Phono 98
They carry THE GOODS,, and Prices ARE RIGHT
$20 Men's Suits, stylish patterns, best
linings and tailoring, excelled M "7 EH
by none. Specially priced at P wU
1 $i'5 Men's Suits, best of 'everything used
in the make-up of these tfjfj 1 fl? f
garments tjpl.iJlJ
$12.50 Men's Suits, checks, stripes and
plaids. Good style tailoring dQ QC
and linings. Specially priced at wwd
$10.00 Men's Suits. A large and varied
line of patterns to select C 7 E
from. Special price. . . PU -
Men's Hats
Our line of Hats is the largest shown in
the city, comprising the Stetson, Gordon
and Longley makes. An exceptionally
strong line of Panamas and Straws.
$3.50 Men's Pants, all wool, durable and
dressy. Specially 43? 0 T fi?
. . . . IT
priced at.
$3.00 Men's Pants, good, solid garment
that will stand the wear, i 4fc O O ?
Specially priced at.
$1.00 Men's Dress Shirts; stripes, figures
and plain patterns. Specially 7 EZg
priced at.
75c Men's Dress Shirts; stripes,
figures and plain. Specially Elr
! L r
priced at.
Men's Shoes and Oxfords
Our stock of Oxfords is complete and
shows all the new lasts in all leathers.
These are the celebrated Stetson and
Florsheim makes. It will pay and please
you to buy your Shoes here.
Suit Cases
The House of Kuppenleimu
Barry Hotel for
Sale or Rent
Well furnished; doing good business;
27 outside rooms. Electric lights, hot
and cold water, upstairs and down.
Bath room. All in good condition.
For particulars inquire at Barry House
Liverymen's Notice
Owing to the advanced price of hay
and grain we are compelled to raise our
rates on feed and livery, as follows:
Hay over night 75c
Livery per day, extra 50c
Palace Livery,
Checkered Front,
26. 2w Phillu's' Barn.
Only Eight Pages
During the last few months we have
occasionally printed twelve pages to
meet the demands for space in our ad
vertising columns without reducing the
amount of news and departmental
matter. We planned to make this
issue twelve pages, but the heavy run
of job printing during the past week
and delay caused by a broken press
make it impossible to print more than
eight pages and get out on time.
However, we have partly overcome
the difficulty. Upon tlje suggestion of
Prof. Hunt, we are omitting the agri
cultural department this week, and we
have curtailed other departments to
further economize space Added to the
above, some of our business men who
want large ads in The Herald for a
week or two have kindly deferred the
same. While it is a great disappoint
ment ro us to not be able to publish a
twelve page paper this week, we trust
this issue makes up in quality what it
may lack in quantity of reading matter.
The M. . Ladies will have an
exchange at Acheson Bros, every Sat
urday afternoon. Home made bread a
specialty. 24-tf
Lawn Swings at The Gadsby Store.
Mahara's Big Minstrels
In the Phelan Opera House Monday
Night of Next Week, June 21
The mention of this famous minstrel
company returning to Alliance will be
sufficient to create a feeling of plea
sure among the play-goers and lovers
of high class humor and fun, free from
the coarseness that usually goes with
the ordinary minstrel show. Frank
Mahara admits nothing in his show
but what is refined and pleasing to
everybody. Seats will be on sale at
the usual place beginning Saturday
and those wanting to avoid the crush
that will be at the window Monday
night are advised to secure their seats
early at the advance sale for after the
concert Monday evening by the splen
did military band under the leadership
of Prof. Quali Clark, there is going to
be a big rush at the box office. Prices
will be the same, 75 cents for reserved
seats, 50 cents for the gallery and 25
cents for children.
See the model '
for sale by F.
'F"Jacksou automobile
J. Betzold. It is a
H. E. Tagg
Mr. H. E. Tagg, our head cattle. salesman, whp will superin
tend the work 111 that department, and make a specialty of
the feeder trade, is well equipped in every way for the
position. He knows the sand-hills lik a book, having
ridden into Alliance on the first train, having been in
and around Hyannis before the railroad got 'that far
West, and having ridden the range there for sev
eral years. He knows the kind of cattle you
breed and how best to sell them. He has
been, in the yards here for twenty-one
years, and has been at the head of our
cattle selling force for eleven years. There
is no man in these yards any better posted
than he, and no one who has been any more ,
successful in getting good prices for sand-hill cattle.
A. W. Tagg
Ellis J. Wright.
Mr. A. W. Tagg, who will be the active man
in our cattle selling, has had eight years' train
ing in the yards here and at St. Joseph in
sorting and selling cattle and is conceded to
be one of the best salesmen in the yards. He
rode the range in western Nebraska in tin early
day, and was around Alliance for several years.
Prior to that time he bought and shipped live
-stock to market from York county. He has
had ample experience in every part of the cat
tle business, and has made a splendid record
selling our cattle here during the last -year.
Mr. Ellis J. Wkight will assist Mr. A. W. Tagg in selling
and sorting our cattle. He has never done anything but
handle cattle and live stock, worked in the feeder yards
here in an early day where he learned how to get a
good fill on cattle, has run cattle on the Western
range, and has worked for the past six years in the
cattle yards sorting and selling cattle. He knows
you, knows your cattle, knows how to sort
-them, and how to getagood fill on them,
and is always working for the shippers'
1 07-1 09
Exchange Bldg.
In securing professional help of any kind you want the one that will do you the most good. The one
who is best equipped to handle your case and knows the most about your condition is the one that can get
you the best results.
We have experienced men in every department that know the class of stock you raise and how to
handle them to get you the most dollars.
Most of you who have known us for years can testify that we have helped you wheH the country was
new, have advised you on your trades, have sold your stock to the very best advantage, have never misrep
resented anything, nor failed to give each one of OUR BEST EFFORTS and a SQUARE DEAL.
A firm to bt successful must km old huds for expo rlicci and youof W4 for rustlors, and wo have toon both.
South Omaha,
Jas. Hilburn
Mr. Jas. Hilburn, who has been with us
most of the time for the past ten years, part
of which time he has worked in the sand
hills, will be on hand to welcome you, and
to lend his efforts towards getting your
stock watered and fed promptly, and weigh
ed so as to get as good a fill as possible.
He will be glad to help you anyway he can.
Write for our Weekly Market Reports.. Ad
vise with us before shipping. Consign your
stock to us, we'll do the rest
W. B. Tagg
Mr. W. B. Tagg will sell your hogs if you have any, will see that you are kept
supplied with, the latest and best market reports, and will see that your returns are
made promptly and accurately. He has had years of experience in the sand-hills,
is well posted on conditions in the range cc-untry, and has been an active worker
for an) thing that would tend to improve conditions of the stockman on the range.
John Smith
Mr. John Smithes sold our sheep for the
past four years and is thoroughly com
petent to get you the very best prices for
your stock as he has made splendid success
in his line of business.