TARIFF ME NEAR Such Is the Prediction ot Sen ator Aldrich. TAX ON INCOMES MAY GARRY. Senators Cummins and Bailey Confi dent Compromise Amendment Will Carry Hides, Coal and Petroleum Aro Giving Finance Committee Much Concern Question of Maxi mum and Minimum Rates. Washington, Juno 14. No set ovout of the present weok may bo anticipat ed with keonur nows relish than tho vote which may bo taken In tho sen ato Friday on tho income tax amend Incut b to tho tariff bill. Second only to tho adoption or tho rejection of this important tnx featuro of tho ponding legislation will bo tho interest in tho alignment of Bonntors, with tho Re publican regulars on tho ono hand, op posed by tho Democrats and n doubt ful numbor of "Insurgent"' Republic ans. Senators Balloy and Cummins, roproscntlng respectively tho Demo crats and such Itepubllcnns as aro determined upon an income tax, ap pear confident that their compromlso amendment will bo adopted. Nearing Vote on Tariff Dill. Tho reeling in nil factions In tho Ecnnto is that tho tariff bill Ib ap proaching tho last days of its consid eration by tho sonato. Senator Aid rich's prediction that the end may bo reached by next Saturday was re ceived wjth favor by tho Republicans, out the "progressive Republicans" aro not quite so optimistic. With tho excoption of ono disputed point In tho silk schedule, tho senato haB concluded Kb second considera tion of the bill and disposed of hll par agraphs of the schedules on whjch tho committee had reported. Among tho questions not acted upon In commit too woro many disputod points. Rough lumber remains on tho dutln bio list, but tho question of the amount of duty and tho dlfforontlnl between tho duty on rough lumbor and on tho manufactured nrtiolo romalns to bo settled. In tho pnpor Bchedulo tho principal items to bo considered aro the duty on ground wood nnd print pa per. Hides, Coal and Petroleum. Hides, coal and potioloum arc giv ing the finance committee no little concern, but the present indications nro that tho senato will place a duty on all of theseZinc ore and zinc paint products are Btlll to bo considered, as aro sulphate of ammonia and barytes. Tho outcome js uncertain. There Ib a domand for n reduction nnd a reclassification of tho window glass schedule, but any prediction as to what tho result might bo would' bo misleading. The same may be said of tho contest, between pig iron and scrap Iron in the metal schedule. The Bouthcrn senators aro making an earn est effort to have cotton tics and cot ton bagging mado free of duty and the binding twlno provision has been lielrt up until tho cotton do question could bo decided, probably on tho the ory that the northwestern senators could be prevailed upon to combine with tho southern senators in tho in terest of tho two articles together. Tho leather schodulo is suspended, await ing tho decision on hides. It 1b uncertain as to how much de bate tho flnanco committee's decision re'lntlng to maximum and minimum rates will provoke, but it Is oxpected that It will bo thoroughly elucidated beforo it finally receives approval. FINDS HARVE8TER TRUST MUTINY IN PHILIPPINES Company cf Vlsayan Constabulary Re volt and Flees to Mountains. Manila, June 14. UrlgAdier General Harry H. Randho.tz, chief of the Phil ippine fonstnbulary, who la at present on n lour of Inspection In tho island of Jolo, will at once proceed to Daao, Mlnnanno Island, tho scone of tho mu tiny of the Second company constabul ary. Brigadier General Uandholtz will assume personal command of tho constabulary forces sent in pursuit ot tho mutineers. Tho Insular govern ment Is determined to make an exam ple ot the mutinous Vlsayans, who fled to the mountain fastnesses In the in terior with their rifles nnd equipments, and tho pursuit will bo pressed with tho utmost vigor until tho laBt of tho mutineers has been captured. Several columns of troops, both rcgulnr and constabulary, are already in tho field. Acting Governor General Forbes, who returned from the province of Pampanga, nnd soon was in confer ence with Major General Duvall, com manding tho division of tho Philip pines, said: "This affair, doplorablo as It BeemH to have been, has not changed my opinion of tho natlvo con stabulary nor my belief In tho gen eral excellency nnd loyalty of tho force Judgment must bo reserved un til wo receive further details of tho mutiny nnd tho causes that brought 11 about." No addltlcnnl details of the mutiny and of the three hours' fight mado by Governor Walker and' tho Americans Intho church at Davno have been re ceived here. There nro no Indications of any extensive military plans asldo from tho ordering of several detach ments to follow tho mutineers. SUBMARINE CREW IS DEAD FEUD FATAL TO 4 Troops Sent to Preserve Order at Meadvllle, Miss, SEVERAL PERSONS WOUNDED. No Hope of Saving Men Imprisoned In Sunken Russian Boat. Sevastopol, Juno 11. All hope Is gone of saving tho lives of the crow of tho Russian submarlno Knmbala, which was sunk in collision with tho battleship Rostlslav during tho ma nomeis Friday night, or of recovering tho wreck, owing to tho great depth of the water. Two dlvors have died In the attempts to rescue the men on ac count of tho immomvj pressure. Oth ers hnvo repoatodly and heroically tried to pass chains around the wreck, but finally cumo to tho Biirfaco utterly cxlmuslod, having accomplished noth ing. All operations wero nbandoned. The chances of saving tho lives of tho Imprisoned men wero recognized from the first as very remote, although under normal conditions the subma rines hnvo nn nlr capacity of three days. The Kambala typo of subma rine, howpor, Is weak structurally nnd for this renson cannot normnlly nmko n descent of more than 100 feet. 'The Kambala went down In 150 feet of water, nnd only untrustworthy bulk heads stood between tho men nnd death after tho boat was struck by the Rostlslav's ram. The disaster occurred flvo miles from Sebastopol. Four men wore anvod, Including tho commander, Lieu tenant Aquilonoff, who was giving or ders through tho speaking tubo to the helmsmen Just bofore the collision. These ordors, he says, was misinter preted, the helm being put to port In stead of starboard. Kansas Commissioner In Ouster Case Holds Merger Controls Prices. Topeka, Kan., Juno 14. State Sinn tor H. W. Gauze, who wns lpjlrted by the supreme couit us bp ial com mlssloner to hear evldenco In tho .ase of the state to oust tho IntotnnUanal Harvester company from tho state, filed his report. Ho reports that the iharvostor company Is a trust. Ho holds that tho effect of tho harvester merger has boon to regulate and con trol tho retail and wholesale prices of harvesting raachlnn in Kansas. Fierce Encounter, During Which the Lives of Many Bystanders Are Jeop ardized, Follows Acquittal of Doctor on Murder Charge Chancery Clerk of Frfanklln County, and His Son, Are Among the Victims, Meadvllle, Miss., Juno 15. Two men are dead, two wero perhaps total ly wounded nnd throe others sligntly injured, duo to a bloody street battle, waged by parties to a bitter feud that had beon previously marked with tius edy. As a result of the affair feeling here runs high nnd Btate troops worn rushed to Meadvllle from Urookhaven to guard against passible rioting. Those killed wero: Dr. A. M New man, clerk of the chancery court of Franklin county, and Silas O. Reyn olds. Dr. Lonox Ncwmnn, n bon of one of the slain men, is believed to bae beon fatally Injured, and Applewhite, nn attorney, may not recover. Two men, named Boyd and Parr, alleged to have been Involved In tho affray, were slightly wounded, but escaped L. P. Prichafd, n brother of Cor nelius Prlchurd, whom Dr. Newman killed several weeks ago, was arrested and charged with complicity In the tragedy. The trouble hnd Its Inception In a political campaign in which Newman and Prlchard wore opposing candl dates. Newman was tried a few weeks ago for Prichard's murder and ac quitted. SLAVONIA A TOTAL WRECK Passengers Taken to Gibraltar by the Prlnzess Irene. Gibraltar, June 15. The steamer Prlnzess Irene, with tho first class passengers of the wrecked Cunurd liner Slaoulu on board, came Into Gibraltar. Tho Cunard company hns made ar rangements' for tho accommodation of the snlon passongeis of the Shnonla nt tho prlnclpnl hotels hero In the event that it Is not foasiblo for tho Prlnzess Irene to convey them to Na ples. The Slnvonla went ashore tho nlsht of Juno 9 on Flores island, one of the Azores group. Help was sum moned by wireless telegraphy and Thursday night the first clnss passen gers wore transferred to the Prlnzess Irono, that had hastened to Flores isl and in answer to the "C. Q. D" call of distress. The Slnvonla became a total wreck and the rew landed on Flores Island. JAP STRIKERS HELD FOR TRIAL FIVE THOUSAND MASSACRED Tribesmen Ravaging Northwestern Province of Persia. St. Petersburg. Juno 14. A dispatch to the Novoe Vremya from Astara tays that tho Shakhsevan tribesmen are ravaging tho Ardabil district in Azerblajun, tho most northwestorly piovinco of Persia. According to tho dispatch C.000 persons havo beon killed and tho loading Inhabitants have npptalod to tho Russian consul for lirotootlon. New "Wireless" Hero. Now York, June 14. S. Colps, wire 1 38 operator or tho wrecked Cunarder S ivonin is tho "Jack ninns" of the !a ast sea drama. It was the C. Q- D." l 3sago of Coles, sent toward mld n' "it Weduosday night, which wns pi .ed up by tho Prlnzess Irene, ISO m s seaward, nnd brought her to tho : :uo of the passangors aboard tho L -vonia. Colas Is an Englishman. Fifteen Leaders Indicted for Inciting Trouble In Hawaii. Honolulu, June 14. Fifteen of tho Japanese Btrlko leaders arrested hero wore given a preliminary hearing. District Judge W. L. Whitney held twelve of them for trial on charges ot conspiring to riot and three for con spiracy to murder. When tho territorial district court convened in extraordinary session for tho preliminary examination of the Btrike leaders, Sheriff Jarrett, with the approval of Judge A. J. Robinson, or dered that no crowds be allowed to as semble about tho court house during tho hearing, on the ground thnt it was likely to lead to disorder. This order was rigidly enforced by a lare detail of police. Following the action of tho court, Willllam P. Henry, high sheriff, united with County Sheriff Jarrett in tho Issu ance of n proclamation forbidding tho assembling of large crowds anywhere In the tenitory whllo present condi tions obtain. With thousands oi idle Japanese, excited over the arrest nnd trlnl of their countrymen, the author ities deemed tho order wise. The authorities declare tho evidence adduced before tho grand jury and the papers secured In tho Japanese higher wage association raid, furnish abun dant grounds for thJ boiler that the strlkors Intended from the beginning to resort to intimidation and violence In their effort to control tho sugar In dustry and eventually the intornal of ralrs of the territory. Eleven Dead In Texas Storm. Dallas, Tex., June 12. Eleven per 8os aro dead and sovoral Injured na a result of tho storm In central Texas, Including one man who was killed when a windstorm blew a Kansas city, Moxlco and Orient railway pasbongor train from the Brazos rlvor bridge north of Sweotwater. Bolt Causes Panic In Church. Groeu Bay, Wis. Juno 14. Light ning btruck the steeple of Holy Cross Catholic church at Bay Settlement, north of here, killed ono man, shocked and Injured sixteen others, two of .whom may not Burvlve, while masa was being sung. Panic prevailed for several minutes following the crash. RIFLES FOUND IN PIANO BOXES Shipment of Guns Seized at Franklin, Va., for Use of Venezuelan Rebels. Norfolk, Va., June 15. Packed in piano boxes nnd ovldently ready for Bhlpment, a quantity of rifles and am munition, believed to be destined for Venezuelan revolutionists, waB dis covered at Franklin, Va. The rifles are said to be a part of a consignment of 15,000 Mauser guns Bhipped from New York to St. Louis and back to Franklin, billed as pianos and packed' to weather tho trip to South America. The filibuster BUBpect steamer Nantlcoke was lying near Franklin, nnd In tho back water below tho steamer was her consort, tho tug Dispatch. Tho revenue cutter Pnmllco Is block ading the two suspects and It is not believed that either could pass her even In the darkness. Stop ReacJ ! I Look ! A Removal Sacrifice Sale We are closing out our $4,000 Stock of Ladies' Furnishing Goods Sale begins Tuesday, June 15, 1909 AND CONTINUES UNTIL ALL GOODS ARE DISPOSED OF Hose Bargains Ladies' Silk and Cotton Lace and Ingrain Import ed Fast Color Stockings, regular perfection, form erly sold for 15c, now 8c Fancy Burson Rib Tops, formerly sold for Oltn Convicted of Murder. Toleno, Juno 12. Michael Sobo loskl, a tailor, who was charged with tho murder of Ludwlg and Augusta Kruoger, was convlctod of murder in the first degree, with a recommenda tion of mercy. The penalty is life Im ptisonment. Two Negroes Lynched, nrnnchvillo, S. C, June 12. Two ne gro prisoners, charged with murder, were taken from Constable Maxey and lynched by a mob of white men at Smoakes. PRESIDENT OF BRAZIL IS DEAD Dr. A. M. Penna Succumbs to Attack of Influenza. Rio Jnnelro, June 15. Dr. Alfonso Moreirn Penna, president of Brazlll, died here. He was stricken with in fluenza ou Juno 2 and, although quito seriously HI for a time, Improvement was noted on June G, which continued until Saturday. Tho president then suffered from a relapse and thoro were marked pulmonnry and gastric symptoms. Tho physicians succeoded in prolonging life for somo time, but tho president passed away after being unconscious for a considerable tJmo. Tho vice president assumed tho execu tive powers in the presence ut tho ministers, senators and deputies and representatives of tho foreign powers. GREAT CHURCH CONVENTION Twenty.five Millions Represented at Presbyterian Alliance Meeting. Now York, June 15. One of the" most Important religious gatherings of recent years in number of persons represented is that of tho world's Presbyterian nll!anco, which began In this city today. In It are represented five continents, ninety soparate de nominations and nearly 25,000,000 members. The meeting Is known offi cially as the ninth qulnquonnlal coun cil of tho Alliance of tho Refouned Churchoa Throughout the "World Hold ing ihe Prosbjterlan Sstom. To fa cilitate matters the alliance is gener ally referred to as the Pun-Presby-terlnn alliance. Leper Escapes From Hospital. Ijis Angoles, Cnl., Juno 15. Adelado Aqulro, n leper patient at tho county hospital, escaped from the hospital by means ot n rope made or twisted be sheets. He has rt been found. 40c, DOW Uptopia Fast formerly sold for 20c, now Color, 14c Children's Uptopia, regular 15c seller, now 8c Handkerchiefs Armenian lace edge, Jap anese and Mexican drawn work corners; the finest and best line in town will be sold at 25 per cent off the dollar. Also have a lot of money bags with purses in additional belts, combs and other mer chandise to be sold at cost Ladies' Skirts XMn Ladies' Voil. Panama, Serge, Black and Glue and MoLur Skirts in all Styles and Fashions to go as follows $3.50, 4.00, 4 50, 5 00, and 5 50 for $2.45 $6.oo, 6.50, 6.75, 7.00 and 7.50 for 4.65 s7 75, 8 00, 8. jo, 9 00 and 9 50 for S.25 S10.00, 10 50, 11 00, it. 50 and 12.50 for 8.25 $13.00, 13 $6, 14.00 and 14 50 for 9.75 Petticoats Regular $1.25 for $ .85 Regular 1.75 for 1.10 Regular 2 00 for 1.25 Regular 2 50 (or , 1.65 Regular 3 50 for 2.65 Regular 7 50 Silk Taffeta for. . 5.00 Ladies' Waists Ezrz Regular $2 75 Silk Waists for.. $1.98 Regular $1.75 Fancy Wash Waists for 1.28 Regular $1.50 Tailored and Fancy Front for 1.19 Also an immense amount of Fancy Black and White Waists, regular $1.00, 1.25, 1.50 and 1.75 go at.. 48c We also hae a variety of colors and different styles of Japanese Kl monas that will have to be closed at any price Also one piece Dresser Lawn and Linen which will have to be sold for costless prices. Wo have just received a lot of Dress Goods such as Calico, Ging ham, Crepe, bilk Taffeta and Cash mere. Remnants to go at cost. MILLINERY BARGAINS The Millinery Bargains, you cannot affoid to miss this sale, it is otic of the best money making proposi tions ever struck or visited Alliance. Our stock of ready trimmed Hats is really a wonder of the day. Wo will close the entire stock at 25 per cent on the dollar. Come in and bring your friend with you, she will thank von for it. STILL ANOTHER BARGAIN The slock of Plumes and other Ornaments also to be sold at cost. LACE A-IVD EMI3ROIDERY Our French Torchon in narrow widths, formerly sold at 6c per yard, to go now for 3c Regular 10c French and American Torchon to go for per ard 5c Trimmed Lace in extraordinary widths, regular 75c value for 28c EMBROIDERY BARGAINS Regular 8c seller to go for 3c Regular loc seller to go for 4c Regular 15c seller to go for 8c Regular 25c seller to go for 12c Regular 33c seller to go for 17c Regular 50c seller to go for 24c Do not fail to attend this unusualoifer.it is an opportuni ty for housewives. Wo nro planning to move to our new building, formerly the Palace Meat Market, about the 25th of July. All goods must be sold prior to that date. It will be well worth jour time to come and see the Bargains we are offering V ir s . R . Si m m ons 1 H&$$ P A. L, A C IB QDBAT DARKET HMfr3M Phone 131 &$ Miss Rose C Herman Cashier and Bookkeeper Joseph S. Saxton Meat Cutter Jake H. Herman - Stock Buyer Jos. Skala, Sausagemaker and Butcher John B, Herman Assistant Win. C Herman Delivery Boy r :t4&t ft m ft i A.A ft JmsQ$ ft I Best Equipped Most Up-to-Date $ Exclusive I Meat Market in Swift's Premium t Hams and Bacon Western Nebraska Sf SHOP OPEN from 6:30 a. m. to 7 p. in. Saturday, until to o. in. Sun- J.i day, B to 10 a. m, l6tti and t7th of eacli luoutl), until 9 p. m X Meat will be delivered from 7 a. m. to 0:30 p. in. 51 High-Grade Meats, Fresh and Cured, Fish, Poultry, Etc. Try our home-made Palace sausages Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders V rtmtt ft F?m M v ure . - -sMit lBfii w r5rHKs?XJTv m v iSM ' r &uW 4ji Mm ft tnwn ji 22 ft ft ft Si Y vj ..3tKSfc .,Vje6vS.i.4.'.w., j.-