The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 10, 1909, Image 6
If NEGRO IS UNGHED Slayer of Sheriff Taken from Jail and Hanged by Mob, STRUNG UP AFTER SENTENCE Prisoner Had Feigned Insanity In Re cent Weeks Mob Thought He Would Probably Escape the Gallows and Carried Out the Sentenco Them selves Jailer Overpowered by a Ruse. TallnhaHsoo, Fin., Juno 7. Dangling from n limb of n trco in tlio county Jail yard and within Bight of tho dome of tho Florida stnto capital, tho life less body of Maik Morris, a negro, was found. Condemned td death for tho inurdor of William Lnngston, lato sheriff of tltfs county, tho negro would hnvo within a fow weeks legally paid tho ponalty of his crlmo with his life. A mob of not moro than fifteen men nt 3 a. m. dragged Morris from his coll and strung him up to a tree with in tho Jail onclosuro. Tho mushed band thon omptlod a round of car tridgos Into tho body and rodo away unmolested. When tho mob arrived at tho Jail thoy brought tho Jailor to tho door with tho ruso that thoy had a prison er, ovorpoworod him and took his hoys. Aftor Securing tho negro thoy lookod tho Jnjlor in Morris' cell. Sher iff Houston was in Georgia at tho time. Morris had been acting strangely and it is believed fear that tho nogro mjght oscapo tho g&llpws through falgnod humility prompted tho act of tho mob. SIXTEEN KILLED IN A FIGHT Six Wardens, Four Soldiers and Eight Prisoners Die. Tiflls, Itussla, Juno 7. A desperato battlo was fought Ju the prison bore, which ended JUi eight prisoners and two wardens being killed and four wardens nnd two soldiers being mor tally woundod. Five convicts, condemned to death, while being transferred to tho death ccIIb, overpowered tho wardens, wounding and disarming thorn. Thoy ran through tho corridor shooting down evoryono they encountered. They finally wero brought to bay by & detachment of wardens, but refused to surrender, fighting unt.ll thoy woro crushed by repeated volleys. Throo othor prisoners escaped. They wero run down by Boldlers and as they wero putting up a stubborn re olstrfneo, wero shot to death. TAFT DOE8 NOT GO TO ALA8KA fOSH WORK ON WAR9HIP8. Threa in Philadelphia Yards Getting Ready to Join Fleet. Philadelphia. Juno 8. Tho Philadel phia imvj ynrd Is Iho Bcono of un usual biiBtlo nud nctlvity these dayB as a ronult of efforts that aro being mado to rush tho work on the battleship? Kansas, Georgln nnd Idaho, which aro under orders to leavo tho yard Juno 15 to Join tho reorganized Atlantic fleet nt Norfolk for tho summer crulso. Tho threo battleships which hnvo been nt tho yard since shortly nfter their return from tho round tho world crulso hnvo been undergoing oxtenslvo alterations. Tho most obvious chnngps aro tho removal of tho greater part of tho upper works, tho applying of tho now regulation, lend colored paint, nnd, most striking of all, tho replacing of tho famlllnr typo of mili tary masts with tho new flro control masts, constructed from many small Iron pipes, Interwoven like basket work. FEUDIST 8HOT FROM AMBU8H Former Sheriff Callahan Is Fatally Wounded by Assassins. Jackson, Ky., Juno S. ltoports re ce,l.od from Crockcttsvllle, home of fortuor Sheriff Cullnlmu, aro to tho ef fect that tho stricken feud lender can not survive until evening. Later de velopments regarding tho Bhooting aro that at least two aehassins and proba bly moro woro ongnged In tho conspir acy to wipe out tho Callahan family. When tho older Cnllahan was boing fired upon, another party attneked his son, Wilbon Cnllahnn, who wan return ing to the houso, when a bullet passed through his hair. Ho escaped Into tho houso. Tho as sassjns wore shooting from nmbush in tho woods, 200 yards nwny. Ho was unablo to go to his father, and tho wifo of tho former shorlff went to nor woundod husband's nsslstanco. GLASH jNSENATE Indiana Senator Gets Into Mixup With Rhode Islander. PRISONER SLAIN IN COURT President Gives Up His Tour to the Far North. Washington, Juno 7. Owing to tho stato of Mrs. Taft's health, tho presi dent announced thnt bo had aban doned his proposed trip to Alaska, but had not yet givon up hopo of being able to attend tho Senttlo exposition. Trial of St Loulsan on Murder Charge Wna About to Begin. St. Loi"s, Juuo 8. 'Mod Mohrle, who Wiled Constnule Sam Youug in North St: Louis several weeks ago, Was nssassinnted in the corridor of tho criminal court building by William Kane, a former deputy undor Young. Tho shooting occurred as Mohrlo was being taken to court to stand trial for tho death of Young and Is tho cul mination of a bitter political feud. Mohrlo had nssortcd shortly after tho Young shooting that tho "gang" had threatened to "got him," but ho re fused to reveal tho identity of the men who lind threatened him, saying that ho could take care of himself. GIRL THROWN INTO RIVER Body Nine Indicted for Peonage. Mobile, Juno 4. Tiio United States srand Jury indicted nine residents of Monroo county, including two court of ficers, on charges of peonage. Accord ing to United States Attorney Arm brecht, negroes have been hold in peonage Thoro Js alleged to have been a consplrocy between plantation owners and county officers. Big Shipment of Whisky Seized. El Reno, Okla., Juno 7. Boxes la beled "Tomatoes" and "Gloss starch," but containing instead whisky, wero eelzed hero at tho direction of United States District Attorney John Embry because of tho false labels. There wero 144 pints of whisky In tho con signment, which wn8 shipped from Kansas City. Cholera In St, Petersburg. St. PoterBburg, June 7. St. Peters- burg Is on tho ovo of a now nnd seri ous epidemic of cholera, according to tho vjews of tho chlof sanitary physi cian of tho city. Twelve cases of chol era wero reported. Theso wero spread in practically all quarters of tho city. Tho water supply Is contaminated and unflltered. . Girls Will Ee Detectives. Berlin, Juno 4. Tho Berlin pollco have decided to establish a corps of women detectives. Ten young women will bo put to work as fast as oppor tunity offers on every important case where it is thought that femlnjno intu ition may bo useful. COTTON SCHEDULE COMPLETED NOW IS THE SEASON OF COUGHS and COLDS I of Murder Victim Recovered Near South Omaha. Omaha, Juno 8. Tho body of Annlo Nelson, a Dnnfsh girl, aged twenty two, who disappeared from tho vicin ity of Florence, Neb., May 22, was found in tho MissourJ river near South Omaha. There were evidences that tho girl had been ill treated and mur dered and her body thrown into tho river to conceal tho doublo crlmo. Thoro is no clow to tho murderer. Couple Tarred and Feathered. Pittsburg, Juno 8. Taken forcibly from a houso In West Plko township by fifteen men, Molllo Rldgo was stripped of her clothing, covored wjth tar and feathers and thrown Into Plko run, while H. O. Wright, found in tho homo of the woman, was also Btrlpped, beaten and thrown into tho samo stream. Wright and tho woman ap peared before a Justice of tho peace and filed information against J. F. Chnrlcs and Clifford Wright, brothers of tho mnlo victim, and Charles P. Layford Wrjght, a cousin. Eleven Bodies Recovered. Mandovllle, La., June 8. Eleven bodies have been recovered from the waters of lako Pontchartrnln at tho sceno of the collapso of a small plor upon which scores of excursionists had crowded to board tho steamer Margaret about to return to Now Or leans. So far ns can be ascertained, no other persons aro missing. Merchant Beaten to Death. Marlon, Ind., Juno 8. John McDor mal, a merchant of Van Huron, was beaten to uoath m a Btruggio wmi Francis Miller. Miller and his broth ers, Alva and Lester, were arrested. Francis Miller, It Js alleged, was an gered because McDermnl had collected a debt through his (Miller's) employ ers. LIVE STOCK MARKETS Memphis In Gala Attire. MemphjB, Tenn., Juno 7. In prepa ration for tho Confederate veterans' celebration Juno 8, 9 and 10, tho Btreots aro gaily decoratod with Con federate flags and bunting, alternating with the rod, white and blue of tho nation. King James Wins Brooklyn Handicap. New York, June 4. King James Orst, Rostlgoucho second, Celt third. Thus stands the record of the twenty third ronuwal of tho Historic Brooklyn handicap run at Gravesond. Tho time, 2; 01, establishes a record for tho race. Kills Herself and Three Children. Corswana, Tex., June 7. Mrs. J. M. Gr'ien, residing nt Richmond, killed herself and threo cjilldren, nged twelve, sevon and two years, with a razor. ", Illinois Assembly Adjourns. rSprlngfleld, 111., Juno 5. Tho forty- sixth general assembly adjourned sine die last night. Cattle Prices a.t Chicago Are Steady to Ten Cents Lower. Chicago, June 7. Cattle Receipts, 19,000; btoady to 10c lower; steors, $5 507.25. cows, f 4.0005.25; heifers, $3.G0G00; bulls, $3.755.25; calves, ?3.00(7.60; stockors and feeders, $3.85 5 50. Hogs Receipts, 49,000; 5c lower; heavy, ?7 707.80; butchers, ?7.G57.75; light, 7 307.50; pack ing. $7.207.C0; pigs, ?5.2537.00; bulk of sales, $7 40fl7.G5. Shoop Re coils, 14.000; steady; Bhoep, ?3.75 6.25; lambs, $4 507 50; spring lambs, $7.50(88 50; yearlings, $6,500-7.25. South Omaha Live Stock. South Omaha, June 7. Cattlo Re ceipts, 2,600; steady to 10c higher; natlvo steors, $5.006.75; cows and bolters, ?3.256.00; wostern stoore, J3.00QJ5.85; calves, J3.007.00; bulla and stags, J3 005.50. Hogs Receipts, 6,000; woak to 5c lower; heavy, J7.35 07.55; mixed, J7.2507.4O; light. J7.00 07.40; pigs. J5.OO06.5O; bulk of sales, J7.2O07.45. Sheep Receipts, 2,100; steady; yearlings, J5.7506.75; weth ers, J5.5O0C.5O; ewes, J5.4O06.4O; lambs, J7.2508.25. Dolllver Loses by Close Vote on Mo tion to Strike Out Duty on Mer;er Ized Cotton Progressives Gain Con cession From Finance Committee In Removal of Rubber Goods From Cot ton Schedule. Washington, June 8. Tho sennte chamber was again trnnBformed Into a mental arena and Senator Alurtih, loading tho conservatives, and Senator Bovorldgo, heading tho prgrcsslves, Dovoridge, heading the progressives, senators woro frequently on their ltet and thoro wero many sharp conflicts between them. Beginning the session of tho day i with n vote on tho recommendation oi his committee for a duty of 3 cents n square ynrd and 20 per cent ad va lorem on tho fabric known ns window hollnnds, Senator Aldrlch was appar cintly eomowhat encouraged over the prospect of making decided liehdwn at tho cotton schedule. Ills hopes woro, h6 witter, doomed to early dibap pedntment, for only a fow moments nftorwnulB Bovorldgo took tho floor and before ho concluded had opened such a gap thnt tho Rhodo Island .;n ntor himself could not resist tho op portunity to wnlk in. Boverldgb iinv ing said ho had been Inclined tp bup port tho recommendations of the flnnnco committee, the admission led tho chairman of tho committee to say the ImUnnn senator had not shown his Inclination by his vote. Coming back, tho Indiana senator asserted his right to follow his conscience rather than tho leadership of any individual. From that tlmo forward the two sonntors were engaged In Joint debate much of tho tjmo during the day. In tho couise of his remarks Aldricn, while contondlng that many prohibi tive tariffs woro Justified, said he never had favored a prohibitive policy. Ho predicted that in tlmo tho south would become tho greatest manufact urer of tho line grades of cotton goods. Replying to this nssertlon, Senator Bacon declared that If even Biich should provo to bo tho case, ho wpuln not favor any Increase of tho customs duties. Ho believed that natural con ditions in Georgia and other southern Btntes would prove tho best protection for their mills. Tho seriato reached Its Becond vote, which was on a proposition by Senator Dolllver, which had for Jts purpose tho striking out of tho committee's provision fixing a duty of l cent a squaro yard for tho process of mercer lzatton. Tho bill was lost by the un usually close vote of 32 to 38. Tho narrowing of tho margin was, how over, due to the absence of senators ruther than to the conversion of tho progressives to tho Aldrlch stnndard. It was after this vote "that Senator Aldrlch found occnslon agajn to chal lenge tho attitude of some of the Re publican jsnntors who wore contend ing for lower duties. He charged thorn with playing the part of brigadier for Iho Democrats, and speaking of Sena tor Beverldgo, declared he had asso ciated with the Democrats so long that ho was adopting their ideas. He char acterized Beverldgo as the leader of the opposition. Cummins Also Replies. Both Senators Bovorldgo and Cum mins replied, the former assorting that ho was slmplylng standing on the Re publican platform, while the latter stated thnt ho had been bo often charged with being a Democrat that tho charge did not worry him. Sena tor Bailey found cause for congratula tions in tho situation, because, us ho said, ho bellood It would Inure to tho advantage of tho Democrats. During the day ' Senator Smith (Mich) found occasion to attack the position of Secretary MncVengh as the representative of tho administration on the tariff question. Lato Jn tho day the progressive, Re publicans gained a concession from the finance committee In tho lemovnl of rubber goods from the cotton sched ule, thus preventing the Imposition of a duty on such goods becnuso of the cotton In them. Tho cotton schedule was completed. Tho Dingloy rates were restored on hosiery, making a reduction of 'about 20 cents a dozon pajrs from tho rates of the houso bill. Hi description F. J. You Can Save Money by Trading at Colburn's Cash Store BRENNAN HAVE YOU PAID YOUR PERSONAL TAX? Taxes are due Nov. i. Personal taxes delinquent Dec. i. Land tax delinquent May i. Interest io per cent from dato of delinquency. Heal estate advertised for sale. the first week in October and sold for taes the first Monday in November. In all com munications relative to taxes, please give description of property. Fred Mollking, Co. Treasurer. OltDEIt rOK IIKAKING Stnto of Nebraska, t .. Iloxliiitto County. P8 At a County court, bold tit tbo County Court Itoom lu said county on tboSfth day of May, 1TOH Present I,. A. Herry, County Judge. In tho Mattur of tbo Kstato of Add to E. Thompson, Deceased. On reading' tho nctltlonof J..1. Ihittery filed herein, praj in? that Administration of said estato bo granted to himself us Administra tor. Ordered, That said petition will bo beard on the St day of June,lOOu,Ht 10 o'clock a.m. That all persons Interested In said estato may ap pear at County Court on said dato. and show cause If any there be why said petition should not bo grunted; and that notice of tho pend ency of said petition und of said hearing bo Klveu to all persons Interested In said matter by publishing n copy of this order in Tho Al liance Herald, a weekly newspaper published In said county for three successive weeks prior to said hearing. 1 A. Iieriiy, skai.1 County Judge. ALLIANCE HOSPITAL GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE IIOSPITALiSTAFF Dr. Bellwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copscy Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to THE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. flARTIN & COURSBY AUC TIQ1TBBES SPECIAL ATTENTION TO LIVE STOCK 1 Will hold a Sale Saturday, June 12. List anything that you want sold. Satisfaction guaranteed. Charges reasonable. Office at Palace Livery Barn, Public Stenographer Commercial Club Room Basement Phelan Opera House Dlk. JBj 1 (. iMLllMETWBMMliMf tt jhtw:K1 w- jfS hemmmmj' s. . r 4iiz;9?mrl WHMMHSiSSESmWHTHISg W&&&M&Z2 Wallaces Transfer Lin HHHHHHHHH Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone i Frank Wallace, Prop'r. Palace !. 1?. ONE 111 i CK WEST OH THE NK'V ZHINDEN UUIMKVG. 'Phono Livery Bain COTJRSTCY, Xx-oi. (Successor to C. C. Smith) , Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, and courteous treatment to all has won for us the excellent patronage we enjov. Trv us. wfSwfffkftlJfillfwPViivWv &WW0VVii'W,$ilJMJI m PAL, A m c s BAT ARKBT & I. "W. HEEMA1T, Prop. ? $4HftMMM4Mft Phone 131 && w & Miss Rose C Herman Cashier and Bookkeeper Joseph S. Saxton - Meat Cutter Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer Jos. Skala, Sausagemaker and Butcher John B. Herman Assistant Wm. C Herman Delivery Boy v 11 House Passes Porto Rlcan Bill. Washington. Juno 8. Tho houso or reprefaeniatlvos passed the Porto Rlcan hill without amendment. Tho hill pro vides thnt whenever the legislature Bhall fall to maho tho necessary ap propriations for tho ensuing fiscal year those for tho current year shall bo considered ns In force and effect. It also provldos that hereafter all re ports of an official character shall he mado direct to n department. Harrlman In London. 1mdon, June 8. E. II. Harrlman arrived here from New York on his way to Paris. He said he had had a good trip across tho Atlantic, exiept Ing for a fow days of seasickness, and that ho was In hotter health than a yenr ago. President Vlttum Resigns. Fargo, N, D., June 8. Rev, E. M. Vlttum, president of Fargo collet since 1007, resigned on account of tl health. . , r? t i SwifTs Most Up-to-Date Exclusive I Meat Market in Premium Hams and Bacon I Western Nebraska $$r SHOP OPEN from 6:30 a. in. to 7 p. in. Saturday, until io p it day, 8 to 10 a. in. iGth and 17th ot eacli montli, until 9 p. !1, Meat will be delivered from 7 a. in. to 0:30 p. 32 4HH4H4M)M4HHHii 4 3$ High-Grade Meats, Fresh and Cured, Fish, J Poultry, Etc. Try our home-made Palace 5 sausages Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders i SZftot!F P " MJI -. iv . n wml ifc in. Sun- YMKpwir i l0, &4W&W r in. '1 Wvtf?.V1 r tigs te Mil 1 4 1 S 1" vj U35SB3-... -' v -t.