The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 10, 1909, Image 5

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5 -V
41. .
J. L. Bcrryhill returned from Seneca
C F. Belts made a flying trip to
Sioux county the first of tho week.
Geo. Darling had business out on
the Denver line the first of the week.
Geo. Gadsby Is away on a trip to
the eastern part of the state this week.
Postmaster Tash attended the state
convention of Nashya at Lincoln this
Mrs. R. J. Lawrence terminated her
visit at Denver and returned homo last
Harry F. Walters is enjoying a visit
from his brother, Herbert Walters, of
Morris City, III.
Dr. H. R. Belville, the dentist, will
occupy the B. F. Gilman residence
during the summer.
Fred Carlson has joined tho butter
making force at the Alliance creamery,
going to work last Monday.
The Woman's Club of Alliance will
meet with Mrs. M. E. Johnson tomor
row afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
M. M. Kelly of Hastings, well known
to many Alliance people, was visiting
in this city the first part of the week.
D. C Taylor now receives his copy
of the Herald at Guernsey, Wyo., to"
" which place he recently removed from
Dan Burke, the railroad contractor,
who is well known to many Alliance
people, orders his Herald sent to Dor
sey, Mont.
Very poor weather for automobiling
this, but Liveryman Frobnapfel of
Hemingford came down in his Rambler
last Saturday.
James H. H. Hewett, W. M. of Al
liance lodge 183 A. F. & A. M., at
attended the state grand lodge at
Omaha this iveek.
Wm. Rust is having a story added
to his dwelling house and making other
improvement!) on his farm, tour miles
northeast of Alliance-
R. E. Knight, nephew of Dr. F. M.
Knight, arrived from Denver last Sun
day and has taken a place in the Al
liance National Bank.
Geo. Hills was called to Minatare
last Saturday by a telegram informing
him of the death of the infant son of
his sister. Mrs.. Chas. Clough.
Elijah Watson, who is employed at
Chadron, returned to Alliance last
week on business. While here he
called at The Herald office and set his
subscription account ahead.
Miss Wilma Wood, having closed
her school in Dodge county, Nebr., re
turned -to Alliance last Saturday to
spend the summer vacation at the home
of her parents, Hon. and Mrs. W. W.
Otto H. Zacek, manager of the Bau
man Drug 'Company, West Point,
Nebr., sends us a draft on subscription
with the remark, "Send along the Her
ald," which makes us feel like saying
thank you.
A feminine orator of the equal rights
stripe held forth on the streets last
Monday. Oratorically she was pleas
ing, but when it came to consistency
and good judgment she was off in a
hundred places.
Miss May Snoddy returned Tuesday
morning from Lincoln, where she has
been attending the Lincoln Business
College. She will remain here during
the summer months, returning to her
studies in the fall.
Miss Maude Spacht, who has been
working in Clay Center since she fin
ished school in Lincoln, returned to
Alliance last Friday and has accepted
a position in the dispatcher's office at
the Burlington station
Mrs. J. L Vallow and three sons
went to Hemingford yesterday for a
few days visit with friends with whom
they were acquainted at Fullertou,
TW Nebr. when Dr. Vallow was pastor of
the Methodist Church there.
Judge Bullock returned last Friday
from a bufainess trip to the east-central
part of the state, While there he
visited York, Aurora, Central City,
Ord, Burwell, North Loup and other
towns in that part of the state.
Ex-Senator Van Boskirk came in this
week from Oregon to which state he
removed about a year ago. He still
has property interests here and makes
Alliance an occasional visit to look
after the same as well as to visit old
Mrs. Ole Gilbert returned last Thurs
day from a trip to her former home at
Hay Springs. She had been nursing
her nophew, S. W. Holi, who has been
sick so long with typhoid pneumonia,
but as he was convalescing she took
the opportunity to attend to some busi
ness tjiat was demanding hgr attention.
We are pleased to say that Mr. Holt is
so far recovered from his sickness that
he is out of doors again, last Friday
being the first day that he was out in
two months.
Miss Blanche Kibble entertained her
Sunday school class at her home on
Toluca avenue, Tuesday afternoon.
Games and music, as well as a daiuty
luncheon, helped to make the the occa
sion an enjoyable one for alt present.
In a letter received by The Herald
this week from Tagg Bros., South
Omaha, they say in regard to the
stockmen's convention next week: "We
expect to bring a large delegation to
attend the meeting, and are looking
forward to a pleasant time."
In a letter to the editor of The Her
ald, written from South Omaha yester
day, E. Buckingham, general manngcr
of the Union Stock Yards company,
says: "The live stock interests here
will be well represented nt Alliance
and are planning on a good time."
W. H. King, traveling solicitor for
the Columbus Printing and Specialty
House, of Columbus, Nebr., was in
our city from Saturday till Tuesday
rounding up the business men. He
states himself as being well pleased
with Alliance aud the hospitality shown
by our people.
T. J. Threlkeld is in the piano busi
ness and is letting the readers of Tho
Herald know about it in good shape
with a page ad this week. He handles
an instrument that is recognized asone
of the best makes, and makes it to the
interest of prospective piano purchas
ers to consult him before buying.
The following invitation has been re
ceived by a number of Alliance people:
Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Hamilton invite
you to be present at the marriage of
their daughter, Bertha Mae, to Mr.
Frank L. Kautzman, Wednesday even
ing, June sixteenth, one thousand nine
hundred and nine at eighth-thirty
o'clock, 545 North Sixteenth Street,
Lincoln, Nebr.
Miss Irene Roup, Miss Alice Ache
son and Lee Basye returned this week
from University Place, where they
have been attending the Weslcyan
University and Jas. K. Hewett, Frank
Rumer, Earl D. Mallery, Robert Red
dish, Loyd Johnson, Pearl Beach, aud
Vincent Taylor returned from Lincoln
where they have been attending the
State University. '
A letter just received from F. A.
Pierson, who is now located in Omaha
as mentioned in The Herald of last
week, informs us that he is getting
along nicely but that the hot weather
in that lower altitude is almost unen
durable to him. He says, "Trusting
this finds you all well and happy.
Kindly tender my regards to all the
GANG and Lloyd and Mrs. T."
James B. Gray returned Monday
from a ten days' trip along the North
western as far east as O'Neill. This
was Mr. Gray's first visit to that part
of the state in twenty years, and the
change from wilderness to a well set
tled condition is indeed remarkable.
Land in those days that was consider
ed worthless from an agricultural stand
point is now valued at from $60 to ?go
per acre.
A class of fourteen boys and girls
received first holy communion at Holy
Rosary church last Sunday at nine
o'clock mass. They were prepared in
an educational way by Rev. Father
Cavanaugh, who spoke to the class at
mass in most eloquent and sincere
language of the great importance and
blessing of the occasion- The Sisters
of St. Agnes' Academy had charge of
the children that day and assisted
greatly in adding to their happiness.
Alliance is furnishing her quota of
travelers to the coast and the north
west this summer. Miss Inice Mc
Corkle and Miss Katheryn Roddy are
two of the number. They left last
Monday, going via Denver and will
return by the north route. Their re
turn tickets are good until October 31
and Miss McCorkle will probably not
return till nearly that date, but it will
be necessary for Miss Roddy to come
sooner on account of her school work.
Mrs. Odin Brown ol Stetling, Nebr.
arrived in Alliance Tuesday morning
for a visit with her sistor, Mrs, E.
Reeves. This is her first visit to Alli
ance, She will be here, three or four
days and then go to Gering to visit
with her son a short while before going
farther west, as she is euroutc to the
coast aud expects to visit Spokane,
The Seattle exposition, Los Angeles
and other points on the land of the
setting sun.
Tho Daughters of Isabella enter
tained the pupils of St. Agnes' acad
emy last Thursday. The pupils as
sembled in the reception room of the
academy which was beautifully deco
rated in the school colors, pale blue and
white. The music was furnished by
the orchestra and various other pupils
of tho academy. Tho Daughters of
Isabella served a dainty luncheon and
the rest of tho evening was spent in
pleasant amusements. The hearty
"Good Night and Thank You, Ladies,"
sung by a select choir, showed the
pupils' appreciation of the ladies'
A magnificently lithographed and
printed catalogue from the University
of Chicago announces tho graduation
exercises to be held at that instituto
next Tuesday morning. What makes
this affair of local interest is the fact
that among the hundred or more grad
uates named is that of Ex-County Sup
erintendent John Baumgarducr of this
city who completes a higher course of
study in that temple of education.
The many friends of Mr. Baumgardner
will be glad to learn of this climax in
his untiring effort to secure the best
education tho world learned teachers
give out. Mr. and Mrs. Baumgardner
will leturn to Alliance in the near fu
ture. Whilo Tho State Journal has been
one of the leading papers of the stato
for nearly forty years, yet its most
rapid growth has been recently, during
which time it has come to be recognized
by many as Nebraska's greatest paper,
making most of those things that in
terest Nebraskans most, in this way
creating a place for itself in tho daily
life of thousands of Nebraska homes.
The country press generally could bo
quoted as saying that the editorial
page of The Journal is exceptionally
strong and fearlessly independent. It
is also unusally bright, Bixby himself
being a gem. No writer in Nebraska
ever had the .warm admiration of so
many people as Bixby. His column
in The Journal is alone worth the price
of the paper. His wholesome philoso
phy will put sunshine and cheer into
the most chronic grouch. The state
university, the state house and all the
other public institutions at Lincoln
make The Journal peculiarly a paper
for state people. It is clean, excluding
all liquor and impure medical advertis
ing. Its sporting department is clever
and there with the goods. More
money is spent for state telegraphic
news than by other state dailies. If
you want to know what is happening
in Nebraska, as well as the whole
world, The Lincoln Journal is the pa
per for you. Why not give it a trial
subscription? '"''
Repair Work
Sewing Machines and
Have secured the services of a prac
tical mechanic and can guarantee all
work done by him. Don't trust your
work to travelling repair men. This
man will be here permanently. , Re
pairs and parts furnished for all ma
chines. Phone 139. Geo. D. Darling.
Lawn Swings at The Gadsby Store.
Buy a Boyer gliding settee for your
porch or lawn at The Gadsby Store.
For sale cheap A new Dunbar pop
corn and peanut roaster. Can give
good terms, monthly payments if de
sired. Inquire of L. E. Bye at Pool
Hall. 23-tf
I am now ready to make contracts
for cement woik to be done as soon as
the weather will permit. John Ped
erson. tf
See the model "F"Jackson automobile
for sale by F. J. Betzold. It is a
beauty. i8-tf
Will trade a fine automobile for land
if suited. F. J. Betzold. i8-tf
The M. E. Ladies will have an
exchange at Acheson Bros, every Sat
urday afternoon. Home made bread a
specialty. ,wwwwwwvw, 24-tf
Fine Model "F" Jackson automobile
with one rumble seat and turtle deck
attachment; will trade for land close to
any siding in Box Butte county or sell
for cash cheap. F. J. Betzold, Al
liance. i8-tf
Have you land to trade for au auto
mobile? See F. J. Betzold. i8-tf
2 good Singer sewing machines
sale cheap. Good as new, G.
Crancer & Co., Ida M. Ross, Mgr-
NOTICE The accounts and notes
of B. F, Lockwood are iu my hands
for collection. Those knowing them
selves indebted to B. F. Lockwood
will call on me in the Commercial Club
rooms as these accouuts must be
settled at once. W. S. Ridgell. 25-tf
Millet Seed for Sale
250 bushels common millet seed for
sale. C. H. Evans, Marsland, Nebr.
Mr. Burk lias opened up a now meat
market on Grand avenue at his old place
of business.
Dr. Willis' little two-year old daughter
was tho victim of an accident which was
thought at first to be setious. She strayed
into tho pasture and was kicked by a horse.
It proved not so serious as at first thought.
Mr. Woodlo made a business trip to
Belmont one day this week. Ho was
quite badly injured last week by a horse
kicking him.
1. R. Bellamy had friends come on 44
recently from Alliance for a short visit.
Dr. Willis sold his drug storo on Grand
avenue to Mr, Hanson.
The postolfico will change hands in the
near future. Miss Hanson, will be post
mistress. Dr. Willis has just lifted the quarantine
from Geo. Gregor's place.
L. Trussell has just recovered from tho
mumps. Ho had them in good shape,
Mr. Furman is building a now residence
on Park street. It is in a beautiful place
and will help the looks of Marsland very
Our town is booming and is a good lo
cality for almost any business firm.
Mr. Hanson, the new druggist, will
put In a large stock of drugs in his storo.
We hear that Drs. Barber and Reynolds
of Kansas City are talking of building a
hospital and sanitarium at Marsland if
they like the locality.
Bert Bonk was in town Friday last do
ing business. '
Several more lots have been purchased
in town and now parties from the cast are
gologto build.
Miss May Scofield hat gone to Alliance
to attend the normal. Several others will
attend from this place.
The ucxt thing we are wanting most is
a reading room, a comfortable place where
the ladies :an stop while the men are hav
ing their horses shod and it would be a
pleasant place for the ladles of the town to
spend a social hour.
The Ladies' Aid Society is requested to
see if they cannot rent a room and start a
reading room. Places not half as large
as Marsland have them. We will all lend
a helping hand.
Mr. and Mrs, Marble are occupying
their new house, four miles west of town.
Gene Hendricks is living on the Honey
man place, nine miles northwest of town,
On June 1, '09, all coal and lumber
will be sold F. O. B. yards and any
one wishing same will have to pay the
Coal will be 50 cents per ton less,
Lumber will be $1. 00 per thousand
less. Dierks Liir. & Coal Co.
Forest Ldr. Co.
S. A. Foster Lor. Co.
Wm.' James. 23-4W
Barry Hotel for
Sale or Rent
Well furnished; doing good business;
27 outside rooms. Electric lights, hot
and cold water, upstairs and down.
Bath room. All in good condition.
For particulars inquire at Barry House-
Node's Bakery
and Cafe
for your Sunday dinner
We solicit your order for
Order on time
Al Wiker
I Grand Maid Granite:
! and Mark Works
All kinds of Granite and Marble
-.... , .. ,
e lomusioues anu monuments.
Z Lower prices and less
freight than from firms
S farther east S
Hemingford, Neb.
Makes a specialty of stock sales. Mat
ters pertaining to general auctions
carefully attended to- Dates for
sales may be made at The Alliance
Herald office. Satisfaction guaranteed
Hemingford Happenings.
Mr. Carey went to Alliance to see his
sister Tuesday.
Jno. V, Thomas of Alliance was up on
business Tuesday.
Mist Krish went to Alliance Tuesday to
visit her sister,
Mr. Friel is very sick, not being expect
ed to live.
Mr. McCarthy was in Alliance Sunday
and Monday.
The contract for the new opera houso
was lot to the McLuskey boys, who began
working on tho building Friday.
Misses Agnes Moravek, Clara Durri and
Julie Nagolschneider , went to Alliance
Monday to attend normal.
Norht. Frohnapfel visited over night In
Alliance Friday.
Gladys Iiurlctgh came up from Lakeside
Saturday to spend a week with her father
and helping in the office.
The corner stone of the now Methodist
church was laid Inst Saturday, Hev. J. L.
Vallow of Alliance giving tho address.
Miss Joe McQneon is here for a visit,
coming from Hay Springs Sunday.
Mr. Can field and a friend, Mr, Church,
came here from llennet, this state, for a
Mrs. Little went to Rushvlllo Monday
for a few das' stay with her folks.
Miss McCarthy went to Alliance to at
tend normal Sunday.
The hotel changed hands Thursday,
Mrs. Drown running it now. Mr, Mc
Carthy intends to go to Montana.
Ethel Campbell went to Marsland Mon
day to work for Mrs. Gregg,
Mr. Mosher, an undo of Will Mosher,
and a friend arc here visiting,
Will Carey went to Alliance on land
business Tuesday.
Clark Olds went to Alliance Thursday
for an over night's visit with Billy Mounts.
Mr. Wm. Curry went to Alliance to see
Dr. Hand Friday.
C. J. Wildy is suffering with a sore
wrist caused by running a rusty nail in It
and blood poison setting in.
Mr. Durns, wife and daughter from
Marsland were seen on our streets Friday.
Miss Worley, who teaches in the east
ern part of the state, was here for a visit
with her mother, returning Saturday.
Ed. Wildy went to Alliance Saturday.
He beads that way quite often lately.
Wonder why?
We Get Them
HUTTON, Hemingford
LIVery JhfcA A ft i a Fiinaralc
and FeedJk iMamM ,,.,.,.,,,.,
'in connection
m I SK VKSx t5m'5IVj'l f ylN
T 1 1 f Simml) Jtmm Yi it
The Old Reliable
Hardware, Harness and Implement Firm
In order to make room for new goods will make special
prices on
Buggies, Spring and Farm Wagons
Agent for the well knowu Deering Hay Tools tuid Harvesters and J. I.
Case Threshing Machines.
In HARNESS My motto: "How Good; Not, How Cheap."
Hartford Fire Insurance Comimujr.
North American of I'hlladulphla.
t'hoenlx of Dlooklyn. New York.
Continental of New York Olty.
Niagara Flro Insurance Company,
Connectlcutt Fire
Commercial Uutun Assuranco Co., London
Sermunlu Fire I us. Co.
Statu ot Omaha
Dr. Little was seen on the streets Friday
for the first time sinco his recent illness.
Pat Kinsley went to Alliance on bust
nets Tuesday,
Mr. Schwlnd from Springfield, III., a
friend of C. J. Wltdy, is here looking up a
Miss Parkyn went to Alliance to attend
normal Tuesday.
Dr. Eikncr, wife and baby left for
Battle Creek, Mich., Wednesday for the
Dr's. health.
I. Rockey went to Iowa Wednesday to
attend to business matters.
Minnie Iverson went to Denver to spend
the summer with friends. S(mon Iverson
accompanied her there.
Mrs. McCarthy and children went to
her homo In the cast Wednesday. Mr.
McCarty accompanied her as far as Al
liance. Dr. Eiknor's building, in which Mrs.
Hello Drown ran a restaurant for a year,
burned down Tucscjay night. Mrs. Brown
had moved all of her things to the hotel
but her $Go range. Ed. Wildy, who h'ad
a furnished room there and being out in
tho country, tost everything in the fire,
Jottings from the Hemingford Journal
Mrs. McCorkle was up from Alliance
Saturday in attendance on Memorial Day
Cal. Vinsel was up from Alliance via No.
43 Sunday afternoon visiting relatives.
Miss Esther Neeland came up from Al
liance the first of the week, the schools
having closed there Friday.
Clatterbuck, the horse buyer, was here
again the first of tho week. He topped
one of tho eastern markets lately. But
that's his business.
In the exodus for a trip to the Blackfoot
country, our fellows will be joined by
"Billy" King and Tom O'Keefe of Alliance
and perhaps several more.
Mrs. I. E. Tash accompanied the Mc
Corkle family party up in their auto for
Memorial Saturday, returning Sunday.
Mrs. J. Hunter returned to Alliance with
W. W. Norton, wife and Ward were up
from Alliance Friday afternoon to see that
all was shipshape for the following day.
Mrs. J. A. Hunter came up with them,
remaining over for the exercises Saturday.
For Sale-r-Modern, 7 room house,
$2,550.00. W, C. Taylor, phone 394,
Liverpool. London and Olobo Ins. Co.
German American Ins. Co., New York.
New Huuitisiilro
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
I'uoenlx Ins. Jo., Hartford, Conn
Plrumuns Fund Insurance Co,
Koclieater German Ins. Co.
Office t'DStalrs.Flctcher Illoclc.