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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1909)
-acs ,;r I ! pAriJto Published Every Thursday by The Herald Publishing Cimpany. P. A. PneiiMitr, l'r n. I.Loru 0. Thomas, Sec. John W. Thomas. Mgr. JOHN V. THOMAS Editor J. B. KNIEST Associate Editor Entered at the postoffice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the mails, as second-class matter. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. THURSDAY. JUNE 10, 1900. ttoa JUNE W9 I i.iii Jin mi V"..j' is!iihi;iij 11 11 HI 1 1 BUH fi 13 HOWITUEWEDiTHUpFM 202! 1 0 1415 27282930 I 9 16 3 10 17 2223242526 4 II Sat 5 12 1819 The disgust of Senator Penrose be causo of his colleague, Senator La Follette, having been guilty of "con milting with Hie edilora of yellow jour nals find uplift magazines" is not nt nil astonishing. The very idea of uplift is nauseous to the Pennsylvania states-man- Tho only uplift they know any thing about in the ranks of his political machine is to lift up the lid of the pub He treasury when opportunity offers and help themselves. present constituted, is the great barrier in the path ot political progress in this coun try. In the election of United States sen ators by direct vote of the people lies the only hope for a restoiation of that body to lis former position of dignity and useful ness as a part of the government machin ery. An unbiased analysis 6f the Payne and Aldrich bills as compared with the Diugloy bill will convince any hon est investigator that the tariff revision ists are not making any great reduc tion in the tax on the necessities of life for tho poor man. Nine articles, namely: Men's shoes, iron knives and forks, hams, bacon, cabbage, sugar, cornmea), watch movements and tin roofing show a reduction In the Payne bill over tho Dingley law. But the Aldrich bill promptly and expeditiously restores tho Dingley law duty on hams, bacon, cabbage and iron knives and forks- Things to cat and tools to cat them with will be just as dear for tho workingman as they ever have been when this tariff tinkering is over with. and never saw as much rain before as we have been linviug this spring- lie Bays the grass in the sand hills is fine now and makes tho best of pasture. Alliance Defeats Crawford High School Alumni Banquet If President Taft should now say that ho did not intend in his promiso last fall, if olected, to convene con gress, in special session, for the pur pose of revising the tariff schedules mainly downward, the country would not believe him. Tho country did understand him to mean, that, while some duties in the existing tariff ought to be raised, a majority of them ought to be lowered' It docs not matter what Henry Cabot Lodgo may now assert. Mr. Lodge belongs to the re actionary wing of his party- The hon est republican papers contradict Mr-Lodge- That the eighteen unfaithful demo cratic senators vho repudiated party 'principles and platform pledges when the scent of tho pork barrel got into their nostrils do not fairly re resent the views or wishes of their constit uents, jb clearly shown by the tono-of a majority of influential southern pa pers. Mr. Taft and his friends need not count too much on breaking up tho solid south by a distribution of tariff pork and oratorical taffy. The south is too well grounded in its faith in democratic principles to be led astray. And the infamous eighteen will have to face an aroused and indignant constit uency when they get back home. The Alliance High School Alumni Association held their second annual banquet at tho residence of Mrs. W. W. Norton last Tuesday evening. The tnblcs were decorated in pink and white carnations and at the plates there were very pretty menu cards and also place cards made of ribbons with a card attached, the ribbons at each place being the colors of the class to which the recipient belonged, and on the card wcro neatly Written the name of the person, tho year of graduation and the class motto for the year, it Howard Jameson was toastmaster and the following toasts were responded to: Commencement, Opal Russell; The Faculty, Earl D. Mallerv; The Alumnus, Edith Swan; Reminiscences of Class '09, Frank Rumer; Tho High School Student, Prof. D. W. Hayes. After the banquet a business meeting was held and the following officers were elected for the coming year: Edith Swan, Pros.; Howard Jameson, V. Prcs.; O. Blanche Macdouald, Sec and Treas. Every one had a very en joyable time and a unanimous vote of thanks was extended t6 the Ladies' Auxiliary for the splendid way in which they entertained the Alumni Association. End of a Noble Life The diamond Cast of town was the place and Sunday afternoon the time selected by Alliance to hang the foolish sign on the Crawford ball team. It was but the second game of the season, yet was played in mid-season style; in only one inning, the second, was the error bug in evidence. Dr, Copsey pitched in his usual cool, effective manner. Salenc, first base, had the old saw twisted to read, "If at first you don't succeed you'll never get to second," and he was ably assisted i'l this by the unerring whip of Catcher Bohncr, whose snappy playing made it as hard for Crawford to reach second as it is for the Republican senate to reduce the tariff- Smith, second base, pulled off an unassisted double play that-was spectacular, and also planted the ball against the center Held fence for a three-base hit- Carey's work at third was good, and he is credited witli n home run, having swatted the ball into territory closely adjacent to the Burlington tracks. In fact, Alliance has a team with speed that promises splendid ball this summer. Wilson pitched an excellent game for Crawford- The attendance was good and the score g to 3 in favor of Alliance. Neighboring Notes Dr- Geo. Hand and his wife from Alliance, and Barber Joe Hand and his wife from Crawford were here Tuesday to be with their mother's, Mrs. Rem Hand, Sr., who is quite seriously ill. Hay Springs Enterprise, June 4. The Millionaires' Club A. F. Allen went to Alliance last Saturday and moved his. family back to his homestead, Bridgeport News Blade, June 4. What can be expected in the way of legislation for the interests of the common people from a body composed largely of men who have made vast wealth by op pressing or exploiting their fellow men? What reason is there to expect any large measure of helpfulness to the masses to be framed or passed by the United States senate? "The Millionaires Club" it has frequently been called, and with reason. But a scant few of this body's members have any real, genuine interest in any measure having for its purpose the amelio ration of the burdens of the poor and op pressed. The New York Evening Post has never been accused of harboring excessive hos tility to corporations or "captains of in dustry." Therefore, we may take the Post's word on any subject in which they are concerned as being at least unbiased against them. The Post has been making an investigation of the records of United States senators as individuals, and it lines them up as to business and professions as follows: Farmers, 10. Merchants, 4. Corporation lawyers, 27. , Lawyers without special lianings, 40. Bankers and holders of bank stocks, 11, Manufacturers, n. Holders of railway stocks, 19. Holders of industrial stocks, :G. Holders of steamship interests, 0. Holders of mining interests, 17, Holders of lumber interests, 9. Connected with public utility corpora tions, 8. Owners of large tracts of landg, Rated as poor men, 10. Rated as millionaires, at least, 22. Indefinitely reported to have leanings towards corporations, 16. "Property rights" is spelled by this list. You cannot find "human rights" in it. And so Ioo as the United States senate continues to be the "Millionaires' Club" property rights will continue to be para mount to human rights In all matters with which it has to do The senate, as at J. N. Johnston of the postoffice force received the sad intelligence a few days ago of the demise of his brother, R. O. Johnston, who died at Garnett, Kans., on the ist inst. The deceased was 61 years old and leit a wife and nine children, most of whom are grown, to mourn his death. There are also three brothers and one sister left. He had been in poor health for several weeks but had somewhat recovered and his death came as a surprise to his ac quaintances. He is the father of Geo. F. Johnston, formerly a brakeman out of Alliance, who left here about two years ago and with whom many of The Herald readers are acquainted, The children of the deceased were all at home at the time of his death but some of, his other relatives were not present. The funeral was held at Garnett on June 2nd. He had been almost a life long member of the United Presbyter ian church, having been converted and joined that church when a boy. He led a consistent christian life and was highly esteemed by those who knew him best. His iufluence while living was on the side of right and since his death will continue lor good. Miss Anna Nerud returned the first of this week from Alliance, where she has just completed another year of school. Miss Nerud is among those who have recently secured Kinkaid homesteads, hers being near that of her father, brother and sister and not far distant from Malinda. Minatare Free Press, June 4. The Alliance Herald issued a junior normal special last week, filled with good reading and illustrations. Of the eight junior normals in the state the Alliance normal ranked first last year in attendance and financial showing. The 1909 term opens June 7 and closes July 30, a term of eight weeks. Mitchell Index, June 4. M- L. Wehn has been appointed postmaster at Broadwater. He has forwarded his bond to Washington and the new postoffice will be opened for business as soon as the necessary sup plies are received. Until the Union Pacific provides a regular train service on the new line, the Bridgeport-Eastwood stage will supply the mail service for the Broadwater office. Bridgeport News-Blade, June 4. ' Railroad Notes from Edgemont tfrom Inst Friday's Express) Engine 2982 was turned out of the shops Jiere and put in commission on the road. Mrs. Garrett, wife of the turntable engineer, was a Hot Springs visitor on Wednesday. Storekeeper J. R. Berryhill of Al liance was in Edgemont this week on store business. Engine 668 turned around from Hill City on Tuesday as the floods prevent ed the train going further north- General Superintendent of Motive Power Clark of Chicago was in Edge mont Monday looking over the field here. Two freight engines and crews have been put on the Edgemout-Gillette run, owing to increased business on the road. Engine 3196, one of the High Line engines, has been put iu the shops and has gone on the drop pit for heavy repairs. The family of Traveling Engineer Bennett arc contemplating going to Southern Kansas in the near future for a long visit. Supply man Charles Friday has left the service at tho shops here and has gone to Oskaloosa, Mich., where he has been offered a place in a base ball team. Engine 3000, which has been at the Havelock shops for some time, was returned to Edgemont this week and will be put iu commission on the High Linn. Steel is being laid in the yards here. At present there are some different weights of rail in tho yard., They vary as follows: On the old track there is 56 pound steel, on some other lines it is 65 pound, on track No. 1 it is 75 pound steel and on the main line it is 85 pound steel. The old 56 pound steel is wearing almost as well as any of the heavier steel in the yards here, but it is pretty light although it was not long ago since 56 pound steel was considered the limit. The Burlington had to face a big washout at Englewood on Monday. The rain had been falling for three days and the water came down in a flood, washing out the track. Train 142 did not run on Monday night and when train 141 left Edgemont on Tues day morning there was very little to be known as to when the train would ar rive at Deadwood. General Superin tendent Bracken and Superintendent Birdseli went up on Monday morning and a special went up on Monday night filled with material. I ANNOUNCEMENTS. METHODIST EPISCOPAL. CHURCH The Rev. Dr. Salladeof Philadelphia, Penn,, will preach at the Methodist Episcopal church, 11 a. in., Sunday. Dr. Sallade is one of the strong men of of the Baptist church and has a na tional reputation. You will do your self a favor to hear him. We expect to have something good for the even ing also, but can make no definite an nouncement at present. Alliance Junior Normal T Juncr7: -n July 30 Notes by The Herald's Special Correspondent J 909 .Co. Supt. Edith Wolford of Morrill county has many teachers in attendance and is enrolled for work in the normal her self. Co. Supt. Dellinger visited the normal Tuesday. Supt. Dellinger is one of the county superintendents in this part of the state who never fails to visit the normal. Miss Clara R. Gilford of York, who represents the Nebraska School Review, and Prof. Gibson of Gibbon, who repre sents the Nebraska Teacher, visited the school Tuesday and Wednesday 61 this week in behalf of their respective papers. Under the very efficient management of Supt. Hayes, the registration of students, the distribution of text books and the as signment of lessons was effected Monday and on Tuesday morning the school opened with as little confusion as though it had been in session for a month. Several of the married ladies of the town have caught the school spirit and have enrolled for work in the normal. We should be glad, indeed, to have others en roll. We think we can be of service to you and that you will feel that it is good to be with us. The enrollment for first grade and life certificate branches is larger than it has ever been heretofore and shows the pro gressive spirit of the teachers in this part of the state. It is our impression that this is the only Junior Normal in the state where the life certificate subjects are taught. The faculty this year, with two excep tions, is the same as last year and is as follows: Principal, D. W. Hayes; regis trar, Supt. Ora Phillips; instructors, Prof. C. W. Philpott of the Lincoln high school; Supt. Woodard of Havelock; Supt. Wilson of Albion; Supt. Pate of Sidney; Miss Frazier of Alliance; and Mrs. Rustin of the Lincoln schools. School opened Monday with the largest first day enrollment in the history of the Alliance Junior Norntal School. The en rollment last year was the largest to that time and it was hardly expected that the enrollment this year would equal that of last year, so Principal Hayes is highly gratified with the attendance. The en rollment the first day last year was 16S, while that for this year is 170, a gain of two. The number, who enrolled for insti tute only, last year, was 46, and the num ber this year is 30. This means that the actual Junior Normal enrollment for this year is 18 more than for lasttyear. The Alliance Junior Normal wai the largest, in the state last year and we hope it will be the largest again this year. Northwestern Baptist Association, Alliance, June 11-13 FRIDAY AFTERNOON. 1:30 Call to order and opening prayer Pastor J. M. Huston, Alliance 1:45 Election of officers 2:00 Reading of church letters 2:30 Address, Needs of the Association Rev. W. H. Davis, Bridgeport 3:00 Discussion of Association Needs 4:00 Address, "Methods of Teaching as Regards the Subject-Prof. J. A. Baber, Ph. D., Lincoln 5:00 Devotional, Rev. D. D. Proper, D. D., Omaha EVENING. 8:00 Annual Sermon, Pastor Horace Goodin, Cbadron 8:45 Address Dr. Proper, Omaha SATURDAY MORNING 8:30. Examination of candidate for ordination 10:00. Address, "Methods of Teaching as Regards . the Pupil" - Prof. J. A. Baber -n;oo. Sermon Rev. D. D. Proper, D. D., Omaha' AFTERNOON' -'J. 1:30. Reports of committees and business ' 3:00.4:00. Women's hour. Paper Mrs. Kleinke, Chadron Remainder of program to be arranged Address, "Why go to College" Rev. Geo. Sutherland; D. D, Grand -Island"' Unfinished business .. , Devotional Rev. M. D. Eubanks, M. D. The Western Land & Cattle Co. are putting in an extensive acreage of al falfa on some of their land between this place and Lewellcn. They have already planted a half section and ex pect to put in a quarter section more. This project is of interest to the peo ple of this portion of the county as the alfalfa is being planted on very sandy land and if they are successful in getting a good stand it will demon strate beyond contradiction that alfalfa can be successfully grown in the sand hill country as well. Oshkosh Herald, June 4. Bridgeport Lett Out Div. Supt. McKeown and other offi- Alleged Graft In Handling of Funds for Relief of Port Aruthr Victims. St. Petersburg, June 8. Tho Port Arthur Benevolent society held a mooting hero und ns a result of an In vestigation found a deficit cf ?7,500 In the accounts of the society under tho presidency of Mnilnme Stoessei. It waB dochled to lay the matter be fore the crown prosooutor. Madame cials of the ' Union Pacific were over Stceasol is the wife of General Stoes- the ,iew Une on a tour of inspection nui, uu una m luiuiiuuui ui um HUB- ... . . ri i t .1 inn fnr nt Pnrt Arthur , ,i, ,ima Wednesday and Thursday for the pur- of the capitulation to tho Japanese. It was during this period that the dof lolt occurred Big Cattle Sale Nolll Boon, one of the big cattle men of this country, has made a sale of a large number of cows and calves to C. C. Joy. Last Saturday he delivered 450 of them and thete will probably be 250 or 300 more to deliver by next September, which will clean out all of that Hue of stook that he has at his ranch, southwest of Alliance, although he will have a big bunch of steers and dry cows left. Mr. Boon made The Herald office a pleasant call while in the city last Sat urday, and informed us that he has been in this country twenty-one years pose of officially accepting the road between here and Lisco. Mr, Mc Keown informed us that the steel has been laid to within ten miles of North port which will be completed into -that place by July ist. He also stated that the road will not cross the river into Bridgeport but will be on this side of the river one and one-half miles from that town. In all probability the road will be pushed beyond Northport. Oshkosh Herald, Juue 4. Notice FIRST PRESnVTERIAN CHURCH Dr. Bogue has gone to New York City as delegate from the synod of Nebraska to attend the ninth general council of all the reformed churches the world over holding the Presbyterian system of doctiine. He will be absent a month Children's day will be observed Sun day morning, June 13, at the usual time. Dr. A. E. Turner, president of Hastings college, will occupy the pul pit June 20th. There will be 110 preaching services June 27 and July 4th. Sunday school aud Christian Endeavor will be held each Sunday as usual. Maine Town Fire Swept. Presquo Isle, Me., Juno 8. The en tiro noithensterly section of this vil lage was Bwopt by fire. One hundred dwelling houses, the Congregational church, the Masonic hall and seu-ral other structures were destroyed. Thr total loss U estimated at $300,000. The Seventh Day Adventists of Northwestern Nebraska, Wyoming and the Black Hills will hold their annual conference and camp meeting at Craw ford, Nebr., Juue 17-27, 1909. All are invited. Committee. Decatur Cereal Plant Burns. Decntjir, 111., Juno 8. The plant of the Decatur Gareal company, the larg est corn mill In tho world, was de stroyed by flro early this morning. Tho loss !s oetiinnted nt $050,000. John Sheen , a flroman, was Killed b falling timbers. Max Morris Is Dead. Donvor, Juno 8. Max Morris, fourth vice president of the American Fedor atlon of Labor and known throughout the ranks of union labor as one of its most successful organizers, is dead at St Joseph's hospital Jn this city. Mor ris was forty-three years old. 4:00. 4:3a 5:00, EVENING 8:00. Song service 8:15. Address, Getting Together" Rev. Joe Jacobs, Kansas City Conference, Rev. Jacob Sallade, D. D., Philadelphia 10:00 11:00 SUNDAY MORNING Bible School Address ' Rev. Joe Jacobs Address Dr. M. D. Eubank 2:00 8:00 DINNER. Song service Address, Men and the Call of the Hour Rev. Jacob Sallade, D. D., Philadelphia Question box Conference Devotional Rev. J. Jacobs Mass meeting to be addressed by Drs. Sallade and Eubank June Prices on Flour Price of flour for June at Gregg's Flour and Feed Store: Best High Patent per sack Si. go. Best High Patent two sacks S3.75. Best High Patent five sacks, or more, per sack fi. 8-5. 25-2W Announcement. I wish to announce to the people of Alliance and viciuity that I have pur chased the office location and practice of Dr. Thos. Allen and am prepared to do all kinds of dental work in a careful and first class manner. Dr. H. R. Belville. 25-2W Liverymen's Notice Owing to the advanced price of hay and grain we are compelled to raise our rates on feed and livery, as follows: Hay over night 75c Livery per day, extra 50c Palace Livery, Checkered Front, 26-2W Phillips' Barn. Wanted 100 rooms for June iG, 17 and 18 for Stockmen's meeting. List your rooms now;. Headquarters at Commercial Club rooms in opera house block. Phone 677. S. Ridgell, a43v Claude Vaughn. Committee. Good Things to Eat AT & ! Plionc ! 19 Desch's S On the corner west nf P A -""- - - EVERYTHING FRESH AND CLEAN ! Phone i 19! On SATURDAY, JUNE 12 we will receive by express a fine line of PEES ZE3I IF IE3 "CT X 1 Fresh Peaches Fresh Strawberries Fresh Pineapples Fresh Apricots Fresh Cherries Fresh Banannas Fresh Oranges All kinds Fresh Vegetables S