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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (June 10, 1909)
iloTTt vfloly qi The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1909 NUMBER 26 u &i It 'i im- "ar ;. THE HISTORY OF GROWTH IS A HISTORY OF GUARANTEE With pardonable pride we call attention to three items' of our last "Report of Condition," rendered to' the Comptroller of the Currency: ' Total Capital, Surplus and' Earnings - $106,380.20 Total Deposits - - - - -i - 401,125.20 Cash Reserve - - - - - 110.395.40 The foregoing Facts places the name of The First National Bank synonymous w it h the best arid is a guarantee not only of Safety but Prosperity The First National Bank OF ALLIANCE Hl'l ikftAKl Lrfl7-wi. We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. ting. ?s$HS'3"M2"tfM2I'9M3M$,L f KREAMER& KENNEDY? DENTISTS. i Office in Alliance National Bank Dlk V J Over Postoffice. X, ' 'Phone 391. Annual Convention Nebraska Stockmen Many Prominent Stockmen to be Present, Includ ing A. C. Shallenbarger, Hon. T. B. McPherson of Omaha, Mayor James C. Dahlman -! ALL ABOARD FOR THE MO STOCK DOINGS IN ALLIANCE. V. M. KNIGHT, President. V. H. COKUIN, Vice Pres. F. V. HARRIS, Cashier. S. FICKELL, Aast. Cash. No. 5667- Alliance National Bank Courteous Treatment. Accounts Solicited. Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits. rtHH Capital Paid in Surplus $50,000 $25,000 ESTAIways Money to Loan on Approved Chattel Security. DIRECTORS: F. M. Knight W. II Corbln F. W. Harris F. E. Holsten B. F, Bettelhelm Indications point to an exceptionally large attendance at the annual convention of the Nebraska Stockmen's association to be held in Alliance, Wednesday, Thurs day and Friday of next week, It is impossible for us to give the pro gram complete in this issue of The Herald, but it will be issued in duo time from this office in neat pamphlet form. On the opening day there will be an address of welcome by Hon. C, C. Barker; responso by Hon. L. L. Raymond; president's ad- Iff, HE 14 Opening of ttb.e LLO HAL PARDEY Manager Tniee s:ti.o"ws ZDsui 1 37 7:30, 8:30, 9:30 ADMISSION ide nil 1 I " Ml OUR MOTTO A Clean Show for clean people dress; Pros. R. M. Hampton; addresses by Prof. E. A. Burnett, 12x. Senator J, P. Van Ooskirk and Prof. A. IS. Haecker, On Thursday there will bo a buslnoss meeting in the forenoon, and the afternoon program will include addresses by Hon. Geo. Coupland, Hon, T. B. McPherson, Hon. W. E. Howe, Mayor J. C. Dahlman, and Hon. A. Baker, and a stercoptican lecture by Dr. A T. Peters. Friday will be the day for sports, and "there'll be something doin' every minute" that day sure. Closing Exercises, St. Agnes' Academy Ths closing exercises of St. Agnes academy will be held at Phclan opera house Friday, June 18th. Tickets can be purchased at Breqnan's drug store or at the academy and exchanged for reserved seat tickets at Holstcn's. Ad' mission, 50 cents. Master Mechanic Kennedy of the Sheridan division and Master Mechanic Bartlctt of the Alliance division wcro in Edgemont this week on business. The contracts are roporled to bo let for the building of the Burlington from Kirby to Thermopolis. This will save the stage trip for intending visi-' tors to these celebrated springs. CILKiZEri ffiu8ZKOG3KS20C31 TAFFETA (Superior To Pure Sk 'Zn rntrtm . J New Lawns and Dimities 15c arxd. lc Mishma Krinkle Tlic Horace Bogne Store: "4kJ CLOTHING SPECIALS We have sold more suits than any season in the history of this store in spite of the backward season. This leaves us with many lines broken and we are about two months early on cleaning them up. We are cutting prices on broken lines. Get in early and get your pick. You will find here some very desirable $25.00 Suits at $20. Some $20.00 Suits at $15. Some lines of $15.00 Suits at $10. We have not all sizes of each pattern but all sizes in the lot. BETTER INVESTIGATE THIS! REDUCTIONS IN DESIRABLE CLOTHING $20 YOU HUST see those elegant HART SCHAFFNER & MARX beauti- ful Men's Suits that sold for $25, that we now offer at Beautiful patterns, all wool, some silk and wool. Spring of 1909 shows on every one NOT MANY LEFT BETTER GET IN THE GAME EARLY THE FAflOUS IT'S UP TO YOU To buy your clothes right right in quality, right in style, right in price. If you will look at our New York-made line of worsted suits at $15.00 you will get all right LOOK 'EM OVER THE FAMOUS WHY? OH! WHY? Will you pass up a line of Suits like we are showing and pay more money for inferior goods. Look over our $12.50 line and then you will know why we sell so many. ANY DAY WILL DO THE FAflOUS CLOTHING IS LIKE A woruiN It should be above suspicion. If you wear a Hart Schaffner & Marx iuit people won't suspect any thing bad of you. Elegant tailoring Maximum of quality Minimum price.) THE FAMOUS CLOTHES MAKE LOTS OF MEN The right kind of clothes put a man in the right class. Oppor tunity comes to the man1 in the right company. Any of our suits are classy enough for any. one. The only thing not classy about them is the price. See our $18 line THE FAMOUS HOLY SMOKE I You don't know real comfort on a rainy day or a cool night if you don't own a Rain Coat- We have them ' from $7,85 Z $25 ALL CRAVENNETTES Come in and try one on. No obligation to buy if iou don't care to. THE FAMOUS A Man makes a mistake Douglas Shoes, all styles, Summer Underwear for 5 pairs Canvas Gloves Working Pants, Union Suits, Spring when he pays more for a all leathers, Men and Boys for -4 ' ' weights, shoe than our prices. See (to Q Cl starts g? s jg" JJ tfj and our $3.50 line Douglas te5-t7C at Jmj jfrtjis per pair P M. upwards Khaki Pants with belts, 150 Elgin Shirts, worth Boys' Pants. For 10 days Hosiery Social 6 pair Straw Hats at J &" 50 doz. Black Shirts all if $1.25 and 1.50 QQr our 50 and 65c .JQ-y Sox, all colors, Cjf and on up to &J-' for QCksy sizes j L pair to close JsOs short pants at kJJri, Guaranteed 6 moaUis boxtjjf S3. 50 for Stetson's Straws boys 3jsG' mtmmmmmmmetmmtmmmmmmammmamnmtmmmtmm immmmmmmammmmaimmmmmmmmmmmntmammmammmmm -"'m-iBBBBBBBBBBBBtaBBBBB-aBBBBBHvBBBBMBnBi-aaaBmH mmmmmmmmmmmmmMmmmmmmmmmmitmMmmam We are agents Price We carry the largest as- '200 doz. heavy work Sox Boys' Shoes, 1 lot $2.00 Biggest EZfhsy Beautiful Knicker Suits for "NULIFE" $3.00 sortment of $3.50 to 2 for 25c grade, grade, 2 f 1 C Line of flC Shirts for Boys. A great garment. See it Stetson Hats $8.50 at, per dozen A to 54, at jf mJ& in town. See them Rightly Priced The E'.mni.c Plnhinrr Unnco Allionoo Nohr Where Rules the Square Deal 1 uiiiuuo uiuuiing iiuuob, mucinou, iicui.. Your Money Back if You Want it MM