The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, June 03, 1909, Image 1
Slulo Illfltbrlcnl Society The Alliance Herald. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. Official Publication of Box Butte county. VOLUME XVI. ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY. NEBRASKA I THURSDAY, JUNE 3, I09 NUMBER 25 ' If El I THE HISTORY OF GROWTH IS A HISTORY OF GUARANTEE With pardonable pride we call attention to three items of our last ''Report of Condition,'' rendered to the Comptroller of the Currency: Total Capital, Surplus and Total Deposits - Cash 'Reserve - The foregoing Facts places the name of The First National Bank synonymous with the best and is a guarantee not only of Safety but Prosperity THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF ALLIANCE See our line of Presents for Graduates KREAMER& KENNEDY- DENTISTS. i .'Office in Alliance National Bank Blk f, V Over PostofBce. 3. v 'Phone 391. Some day it will be warm enough to buy lighter UNDERWEAR than you are wearing at present. We have largf lines in 2-piece suits u n d union suits at prices that range from 25c to $5 Such Famous Makes As Munsing Vassar Cooper Wilson Build's Wright's Porous Knit For Fat Men, Lean Men, Regular Kind Men, All Kinds of Men, Rich or Poor. Can fit body and purse at m OF COURSE 1110US Earnings - $106,380.20 - 401,125.20 110.395.40 BUSINESS LOCALS. !WWV W Mr. G. H. Williams of the high school desires the privilege of room and hoard in private family, beginning Sept. 6, '09. If both are not obtain able, rooms may be desired. Coin municate immediately. 23-tf For sale cheap A new Dunbar pop corn and peanut roaster. Can give good terms, monthly payments if de sired. Inquire of L. E. Bye at Pool Hall. 23-tf I am now ready to make contracts for cement work to be done as soon as the weather will permit. John Fed erson. tf See the model "F"Jackson automobile for sale by F. J. Betzold. It is a beauty. ,vwwvvww. x8-tf All kinds of Daiutino- dona in first class manner. Orders may be left at The Herald offlee. C. P. Matson. 10-tf Will trade a fine automobile for land if suited. F.J. Betzold. i8-tf Have you land to trade for an auto mobile? See F. J. Betzold. i8-tf The Alliance Steam Laundry can give employ ments a reliable woman. 23. 3W The M. E. Ladies will have an exchange at Acheson Bros, every Sat urday afternoon. Home made bread a specialty. 24-tf Wanted ioo rooms for June 16, 17 and 18 for Stockmen's meeting. List your rooms now. Headquarters at Commercial Club rooms in opera house block. Phone 677. W. S. Ridgell. 24-3W Claude Vaughn, Committee. Wanted A reliable man and wife want place to work on ranch or in town. James T. Reed, 518 West Wyo ming St. 24-2W" City properties to exchange for Box Butte county land. Nebraska Land Co. 24-tf Wanted Co acres broke on S- W. of 30-25-47, adjoining Alliance. Nebras ka Laud Co. 24-tf Millet Seed for Sale 25obushels common millet seed for sale. C. H. Evans, Marsland, Nebr. 24-3W Pure Bred Poultry. Choice R. C. Leghorn cockerels for sale. Eggs 50 cents per setting. Call or write Mrs. A. Gregory, Marsland, Nebr. I8-I3W Fine Model "F" Jacksou automobile with one rumble seat and turtle deck attachment; will trade for land close to any siding in Box Butte county or sejl for cash cheap, F. J, Betzold, Al liance. iS-tf June Prices on Flour Price of flour for June at Gregg's Flour and Feed Store: Best High Patent per sack $1.90. Best High Patent two sacks 53.75. Best High Patent five sacks, or more, per sack 1.85. 25-2W k UUJIILJJ UUtrtLO. I Annual Eighth Grade Graduating Exercises The annual eighth grade graduating exercises for Alliance and Box Butte county were held in the Phclan opera bouse, and were atttended by a large audience. The following program was well rendered: Music High School Orchestra Invocation Rev. J. L. Vallow Chorus. . .Labor Song Norse Lullaby Dorothy Entertains Bessie Reid How He Saved St. Michael's. ...... Fred Sweeney The, Mission of the Anglo-Saxons. . Emma Tnsh The Old Musician Ruth Reed Chorus .. , Song of the Vikings Our Minister's Sermon, . .Russell Allen Violin Solo Naomi Nelson Mrs. Casey at the Euchre Party. . . . Leone Mallery Daniel O'Conncll. . ..Elvira Williams Chorus .' Anchored Buying n Railroad Ticket Mcrritt Chaffee Drill Sixteen Girls Presenting Diplomas ,Supt. D. W. Hayes The entire program was so well re ceived that to mention part by way of commendation would seem to bo an in justice to those omitted, but we will venture to say that the last number, save the presentation of diplomas, the drill exercise by sixteen girls, was ex ceptionally well rendered. Following is a list of the eighth grade graduates: CITY OF ALLIANCE SCHOOLS Russel Allen Lyle Berry Merritt Chaffee Helen Collins Eunice Dean Claud Donovan Willie Darnell Hillmati Eckerson Frod Feagins Bernice Fox Lcunie Franklin Ethel Graham Madge Graham Vivian Holloway Emma Tash Clark Tavlor Elvira Williams Grace Culver Elva Hamilton Earl Holtz Adrian Keane Mabel Mosher Leone Mallery Naomi Nelson Maybelle Pilkington Madge Phillips Ruth Reed Bessie Reid Mabel Sward Carrie Stroud Don Shrewsbury Fred Sweeney Lloyd Tally Teuney Woods Richard Young John King VILLAGES AND COUNTRY SCHOOLS Vella Marsh Alliance Willie Hill M A Willie Sherlock Fern Lorance John Sherlock Harry Smith Bonnie Hagaman Myrtle Carey Mary Shores Edna Shepherd Clyde Coker Shirley Hagaman f r" V ".r Fred Marsh " Henry Smith '" Ray Reddish " Francis Ramsdell " Thomas Gilshanudn " Royce Nichols " Grace Burkholder '" Guy Nabb " Philo Sturgeon " Lulu Sturgeon " Inez Brandt " Clarence Shepherd " Willie Walker Hemingford Mamie H. Gassling " Etta LaVern Michael " Ethel M. Kiester Helena Annen " Virginia Rosenburger " Rexford Mosher " Nellie Curry " Anna Fronapfel " Agnes Delsing " Jessie Geiger " Alma Rosenburger " Ray Forbes Canton Bamett Forbes " Hazel Hickey u Clara Hockett Marsland Smith Poole Fay Gregg " Ruey Scofield " J, Tommy Squibb " Pearl Horner " Hazel Hunsaker " Hobart McLaughlin " Marguerite Bellamy " Laurence Trussel " Clarence Marble " The above list does not include the eighth grade graduates from St. Agnes' academy, the examinations of which has not been completed hut which so far as it has been given shows splendid work, so we are informed by County Supt. Phillips. Last year there were sixty eighth grade graduates in the county. The above lists show eighth six and there will bo enough from the neademy to make the total consider ably more than one hundred, nearly or quite double that of last year, This showing is certainly very encouraging to persons interested in the educational progress of this county as well as in its development otherwise. Junior Normal Opens June 7th The seventh annual session of the Alliance Junior Normal will open Mon day moruiug, June- 7U1. Conditions are very favorable for one of the best sessions this summer in its history. The interest shown by tho citizens of Alliance has contributed largely to the success of tho normal in the past, and there is no doubt that greater interest will be shown this year than ever be fore. While the school is essentially .1 school for the preparation (or teaching, there will be subjects offered that will be of great cultural value to any one who may wish to attend. A number of persons in Alliance and surrounding territory have signified their intention of enrolling to take advautage of the work offered in English literature and other cultural subjects, persons who have no intention of teaching. Others are going to enroll to review the com mon branches that will bo taught The school offers an opportunity to high school students who may need to make up work to enable them to grad uate. Those who will enroll locally will find it to their advautugo to enroll on Saturday afternoon. This will also re lieve the congestion that is almost in evitable on the opening day, Monday. Those enrolling will receive a season lecture and entertainment course ticket free. This will admit to all lectures and entertainments during the session. Season tickets to the Entertainment course will be sold at one dollar. There are but three numbers on the course this year, but they are the best that could be secured. They are The Parland Newhall Con cert Company, Adrian M. Ncwens, Im personator and Entertainer, and Gov ernor Ashton C. Shallenberger. There is no period in the history of the normal where loyalty to'the school will be of such consequence as this year. Secure your season tickets at once at Holsten'8, or of Supt. D. W. Hayes. The first number of the course will be June 10 th. Automobile Business Booming There is something doing now right along in the automobile business in the machines handled by James Heeler, the Reo and Buick. On Wednesday of last week he sold a Reo to Nels Worley hut before he had time to get another from the factory the Bridge port livery man, Fred Reddish, ordered one of the same make nnd wanted it delivered immediately. Mr. Worley being an accomodating man consented to let Mr, Reddish have his machine and he would wait until another arrived which was Wednesday of this week. Mr. Keeler is now trying to guard against getting caught without plenty of machines on hand and has accord ingly ordered five Reo and three Buick machines shipped to him direct from the factories. He expects them to arrive this week, when he will be in shape to fill orders again on short no tice. Both the Reo and Buick are very popular machines and it is uot sur prising that so many of them are being sold here. Announcement. I wish to announce to the people of Alliance and vicinity that I have pur chased the office location aud practice of Dr. Thos. Allen aud am prepared to do all kinds of dental work in a careful and first class manner; Dr. H. R. Belville. 25.2W K. M. KNIGHT, President. W, H. CORBIN, Vice Pres. ISO. 5667 Alliance National Bank Courteous Treatment. Accounts Solicited. Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits. - H Capital Paid in $50,000 Surplus - $25,000 ESTAIways Money to Loan on Approved Chattel Security. DIRECTORS: F. M. Knight W. H Corbln F. W, Harris F. L llolsten B. F. Enttelhelm The People Who Publish the Paper It is customary for n newspaper to print in an appropriate place in its J columns thu name of the publisher, but tho real publishers of tho paper the people who are back of it are those who patronize it. They deserve to have their names published occasion ally just as much as tho nominal pub lisher's It is not possible now to mention all who have recently given encouragement to The Herald by their patronage, but we take pleasure in ac knowledging as we can some of the patronage that keeps our press going. Usually advertising is the best pay ing patronage of tho local newspaper, but the subscribers to the paper make the advertising profitable to the adver tisers; hence the support of the publi cation comes either directly or indi rectly from its subscribers. The Herald has a large and increas ing number of" loyal subscribers. We arc pleased to acknowledge receipt of tho following on subscriptions during the month of May: E. I. Gregg S3 00 Michael Bayer 1 50 Lcgene Barnes...,, j. ., 200 H. P. Coursey 300 Rev. M. H. Jordan H. R. Dellinger C. G. Reeves C. O. Davenport L. R. Dickenson , Geo. D. Gaddis D. E. Purinton 50 50 1 50 1 50 Z 15 75 1 50 Barney Halbur....: 150 W. J. Minnich 3 00 Mrs. M. E. Bernhardt 50 Al. Ravor .,.'. 75 Mrs, Nettie Westley 1 50 J. P. Christenson... Jno. A. Wilson H. H. Brandt T. R. Randall L. A. Berry Mrs. S. J. Holdrige Fred Mollriug J. L. Gregoire H. T. Carey 1 50 1 50 C 00 1 50 3 00 1 75 1 50 u 00 3 00 J. P. Elmore 7 75 L.J. Schill 75 Chas. Daniels 1 50 Mrs. v, u, Heatn -.....-. n 00 L. H. Jay 75 25 Mrs", L. W. Curtis.......-.... Miss Nellie Carter........, ...... Mike Vaughn Fred Sch waderer .. 300 1 50 185 1 50 Jesse J. Steele i 50 Barry House .. , : 75 Jas. Watson - 75 Miss Ruth Taylor ... 3 00 J. R. Baskins . r . 450 R. B. Logan 1 50 J. D. C. Garrison , ... 1 50 J. M. Leidtke .......f,... 3 00 Geo. Alt . .................... 300 lames T, Reed .. .... 25 The large mail order houses of Chi cago have now turned to the country papers with their advertising and we will have a chance to see how many of the editors who are howling their heads off about the mail order business will run the advertising. Then, too, we will have a chance to see how well the home merchants will patronize the papers which refuse the ads which would be cash to them but injury to the home merchants. Everybody watch. There is always two sides to every question. Cuba, III,, Journal. F. W. HARRIS, Cashier. S. FICKELL, Assl. Cash. - H F. A. Pierson, who recently loft AW liancu on a trip to the cast, has secured a pleasant and lucrative position as private secretary to the superintendent of motive power aud machinery of the Union Pacific railroad nt Omaha. Frank is an export stenographer uud is conscientious in all of his work aud tho tender to him of this responsible posi tion is a very deserved recognition of his ability. His address is Y, M. C. A, Building, Omaha, Nebr. mfm We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least J. A. Berry, Mgr.' GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses fitted. 'I The Eyes OF The World will soon be on the m a in with a Straw Hat Wo are prepared to furnish The Hat Stetson's STRAWS at $3.50 THE FINEST and on down as low as 25c. YOU PAY YOUR MONEY AND TAKE YOUR CHOICE The Famous OF COURSE -I