The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 13, 1909, Image 8

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j-jrt1B,MHWlIl"Wt'l k. .WW , "
A' Frame and Cement House.
Foundation of Brick, With Hard Wood Floors Esti
mated Cost, About $5,000.
Copyright. 1000. by A. C EUwnrdi. Clevelind, O.
fjJBjfcj j Tk flKUt I iHflT tl l I lB--BrBJ flH-Hnvl ?i
. . m
'nJT lijifergm.. . j 1 . J-,-.r I 'I I I I '
11 .
This plan 1ms been lmllt from on n fifty foot front and cun lie nccommo
tinted to n forty-Jlvo foot plot. The house hIiowij In the photograph Is frame,
with ,tho second story covered with cement plastered pnnels. Dining room
Is finished la Flemish onk, beamed celling, living room In birch, stnlned ma
hogany. Entrance hall, vestibule and Btnirwny finished in golden oak and
(kitchen In Georgia pine, natural. First story floors parquet except the kitchen,
fwhlch Is In mnplo. Second floor finish Is whlto enamel, mahogany nnd da. ;
Soak, with plain oak floors. Plumbing, llghtlug nnd hentlng fixtures nnd appa
ratus nro up to date. Contract price, $4,000. A. C. EDWARDS, Architect.
"'" - ., ,.,., I, .,,- -,, q .1.. II .1 M..I-
The Crystal Presents &
In their European Novelty Marionette Act
i 1
That acrobatic Ger
man comedian, and
the little dancing
soubrette w
Cook & Meyers
In our new Alrdome soon
i?h e CK
Ferris & Essay
25 off on all
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Trunks, Suit Cases, Tel-
escopes, Shoes, Notions
Calico, 8 cts, now 6 Ladies' Hose, 15c, now 10
Muslin, 10 cts, now 7 Men's Hose, 15c, now. ... ., ,10
Damask Towels, 40c pair... .25 Men's Silk Lislo Hose, 50c. .35
Turkish Towels, 50c pair,., .30 Men's Silk Lisle Hose, 35c. .25
Turkish Towels, 35c pair... .25 Men's Cotton Hose, 10c ., t1A
Tahle Linen, extra wide, Si Men's White Handkerchiefs
a yard 75 10c, now ..., ,5
Table Linen, 70c yard 50 Ladies' fine Swiss Haudker-
Table Linen, 45c yard, now, .30 chiefs, 25c, now 15
Ladies' Hose, 35c, now. .... .25 Ladies' White Linen Hand
Ladies' Hose, 25c, now 15 kerchiefs, 25c, now.. 3 for .25
100 Do. Men's Shirts must go at 33 per cent off
Men's and Boys' Caps, 65-500, must go at 25c
- srsTm,
Starting Out Right
A right Btart goes a long way to
wards success in the establishment of a
new business, Judging from the way
they have organized their business and
arc starting out, we can confidently
predict a booming business for the new
real estate firm of Dineen, Rubendall
& Young.
In the first place there arc several
departments to the business, each of
which is of great importance, such as
listing land for sale, advertising, find
ing interested persons who may be
come purchasers, correspondence, etc.
In the organization of this firm every
department of the work has at least
one member who is particularly adapt
ed to it. This fact spells success.
They have secured the front upstairs
rooms in the building formerly occu
pied by the Younkin meat market.
This is a convenient location, and they
have a fine office, but are not depend
ing entirely upon this, but are going
after the business, which is the correct
thing to do.
In going after business they recog
nize the value of a judicious use of
printers' ink, and are using a good
quality of it. "Penny wise and pound
foolish" applies more forcibly to adver
tising than anything else. About a
year ago wo saw a quantity of adver
tising matter, circulars, folders, bills,
etc., that were used by real estate men
in the Platte valley No doubt the
land for sale was good, but if eastern
parties were to judge of it by the ad
vertising matter they would consider it
punk and would not spend railroad
fare and time to look at it. The ad
vertising matter that is being used by
D., R. & Y. is a credit not only to the
firm, but also to the city and country
represented, and will be a strong factor
in inducing people to investigate.
April Receipts
- on Subscription
Our receipt books show the following
amount paid on subscription to The Her
ald for April:
Peter Rubendall ...81,50
John B.Kyle
Peter Kicken for Frank Kicken 2.00
Peter Kicken , 1.00
Ira Reed. ,, 1.50
P. H. Borky 3.00
A. R. Wilson 1.50
H. E. Marvin 1,50
A, L. Clienbell 50
Geo. W. Miller, 1,50
A. H. Kroesing 1,50
E. T, Kibble 3,00
Walter Langford..,., 6.00
F. M. Snedaker 1 00
John D. Workman , 3.00
Mrs. Ida Ross 3 00
Alliance Hospital 1,30
L. H. Mosher 1,50
W. A. Springer. .". 3,00
John Englehorn 3,00
W.A.Wood 'I50
J. F, Yanders.... ...... 1.50
A. S, Reed 1,50
Irving S. Reed 1.50
Luke Phillips 1 00
Ira Phillips -. 1.00
R. R. Phillips 1. 00
A. S. Enyeart 300
A. A, Wood 1,50
B. H. Perry 3.00
Geo. A. Hills G.00
D. M, Gorman ,. 1.50
D, W. Hughes 3,00
H. Schultablers. . . .' 3,00
J.W.Liggett . 1.50
W. H Swan 1,50
G. M. Banks 1.50
G. M. Banks for P. Ar Banks f 1,50
II. U. Carpenter.. 3 00
C T. Huss 5.00
B. I' Bettleheim 1.50
E. H. Farmer , 1,50
Peter Belgium. , 1,50
Bruno Beyer 1 3.00
Otto Vogel 300
Geo. Carrel 3.00
Mrs. B. N. Sharp 3.00
R. R. Ralls 3.35
Jas Keeler. 3.00
Mrs A.J. Engstrom 50
Jos Hlavactik 75
H. Broich Q 2.00
P. E. Romig 3.00
Ora Rodgers ...,. 3.00
C. E. Mathews 325
Dr. Thos. Allen 3.00
Wm. Mounts 3.00
I, W. Herman 1.50
Tom Tuck 3.00
John Cleeman ,.., 3,00
Fred H. Kauffold 1.50
Chris Boness 3 00
Ernest Panwitz 3.00
E, Rasmussen,, 1,50
Bayard Budget
(From last Saturday's Transcript)
Attorney Wm. Mitchell of Alliance
was over iu the interest of John King,
applicant for saloon license.
The Rt. Rev, Anson R. Graves of
Kearney made his annual visit here
and preached at the Episcopal chapel
llast Tuesday evening? He was ac-
Six Day Gift Sale
MAY 17 to .2 2
In order .to make these six clays' sales a record-breaking week in our
Clothing" Department, we have decided to give with each, suit sale, one
pair of Dress Shoes absolutely free.
t -
Copjnifito 1909
Tne Houie of Kupptnhetmcr
Men's Work Shirts, big line, Six Day Sale Price.'. 39
Men's Black Sateen Shirts, Six Day Sale Price 39
5 pair Cotton Flannel Gloves, Six Day Sale Price.. 2C
Men's and Boys' Mule Skin Gloves, Six Day Sale Price 25C
companied by his son, Rev. F. D.
Graves, of Alliance. It is always a
pleasure to hear the Bishop, especially
for those who remember how, almost
twenty years ago, he would drive the
sixty miles from Sidney to talk to the
little handful of pioneer settlers who
gathered to hear his council for right
Mrs. Gregg and daughter, Miss
Bertha, returned to Alliance. Miss
Gregg closed her school in Dist. 96
last Friday.
Wanted Man and .wife for ranch
work, woman to do cooking for about
six hands and the man to do general
ranch work. Prefer couple without
children; also two men for general
ranch work. Write Charles C. Jame
son, Ellsworth, Nebr. 22-tf.
Now islhe time to get your cleaning
done by the Vacuum cleaning system.
See 'Webster Bernhaidt, Phone 507,
New Subscribers
The Herald has recently received the
following new subscriptions
Peter Rubendall
John B Kyle
H E Marvin
Geo W Miller
John D Workman
L H Mosher
W A Hood
A A Wood
D M Gorman
P A Banks
Geo Carrell
Mrs B N Sharp
Ora Rodgers
Chas Daniels
Mrs L'W Curtis
H P Course
Bruno Beyer
Geo Alt
W J Conpors
Miss Bessie Brown
H K Dustman
LE Bye
A C Bracken
E I Gregg
A L Clienball
E T Kibble
Mrs Ida Ross
W A Springer
J F Yanders
Ernest Panwitz
J W Liggett
B F Bettlehiem
Sam Albright
Jos Hlavacek
lj Schill
C P Pickens
Miss Nellie Carter
C Brinkman
Miss Ruth Taylor
F E Sanders
Elijah A Watson
H W Stille
O A Tabor
Chas Daniels
T V Marvin
Wanted The residence of Robert
Wilson or his heirs. If living, aged'
61 years. When last heard from, was
a bachelor and farming. Has an est
tate at this place. Address informa
tion to Bennett & Davidson, Greens
burg, Indiana. 22-aw
For Sale 9 room bouse with furni
ture, or will sell furniture and rent
house; fitted for roomers. At 603 Box
Butte Ave. 22-iw
Carpets cleaned on your floors by
the Vacuum cleaning system. v Phone
507. Webster Bernhardt.
The suits will be sold at the regular marked price, which
is always the lowest at our store. Here is the offer:
$12.50 to 22.50 Suit, $4
t1E HA4nli: rtA CS4 CKSHOE
You select your shoes as well as your suit. Our entire line of "Kuppen
heimer" and "Brandegee, Kincaid & Co," Suits and "Florsheim," "Stet
son" and "Ralston" Shoes are covered by this offer. Nothing reserved.
BOYS' SUITS. Worsteds and cassimeres, with two f ,
pairs of pants, specially priced for this Six Day Sale at vJCil
HEN'S HATS. Sample line, $2 to
$3 values, specially
priced for this Six Day d? -i A f
Saleat $1.49
assortment to select 7Rtf
Six Day Sale Price...
Additions to Alliance
Telephone Directory.
352 Bennett & Co, piano store
85 Betts G F, res
667 Bilstine Miss L T, res
555 Brice A G, res
70S Brown L H N '
632 Borky P H, res
ki Bulman 1 A "
254 red Burkett J L, res
623 Bye L E, res
448 Bye L E, billiard . . '
2 54 Carr G B, res
698 Clark H, res
72 Coursey H P, livery ' '
664 Coursey H P, res
121 Colburn Marcus,' res
443 red Deporter C, res
469 Dineen, Rubendall &
Young, office
596 Dineen J M, res
557 Dean O J, res
133 Desomber W R, res
305 red Dougherty John, res
286 Donavan J M, lunch room
321 English W C, res
333 red Fernald Bery, res
243 red Frazier H H, res
541 Gager H M, res
560 Giles H H, res
305 blue Glarum L T, res
166 blue Glidden G D, res
166 red Harris Oscar, res
46 Hoag G N, res
131 Herman I W, res
375 Herman I W, meat mar't
491 Johnson L , res
619 Leake G W, res
466 Lowery L, res
703 Lucas R R, res
703 Lucas J B, res
527 Nohe Philip, res
710 Peterson J M, res
669 Plansky John, res, ,
152 Phelan J R, ranch
528 Rubendall Peter, res
443 red Rotter Mrs M J, res
503 Kock P J, res
1S7 Robinson W A. res
608 Rodgers Mrs Mary, res
544 Kyan M P, res
152 Schill LJ, dairy
653 Showers W H, res
576 Smith Mrs S A, res
443 blue Stepney A, res
350 Thomas John W, res
495 Walther L W, res
304 Wheaton W S, .res
243 blue Woods E P, res '
709 Whisman E C, res
254 blue Williams E H, res
Country Lines
Line L.
Barkhurst Jos, V 1. rings
Gaghagen AJ, is. i'l. 1 s. ring
Griffith W II, 1 s. 1 I. ring
Knapp P J, 2 s. rings
Lishman N G, 4 s. rings
Nabb J T, 1 1. 2 s. rings
Mayer Albert, 3 short rings
Springer W A, 1 1. 1 s. ring
All Work Strictly First-Class
I D. Nichols
1st door north of Herald office
Shoe Rprini
t -jftoa
K "
. m t .