The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 13, 1909, Image 7
ir w HDnrCDICC 1IIIILjI .1111 .1 " F M 4 A m A 4 kk A !! Oh! lam We don't Armour's " Star." The ham 66 The Ham HI TEs You Can Save Money by Trading at Colburn's Cash Store jjyjMtji ii 3wiJSHHeKW Why Let Another Man Choose O Your Cream Separator for You A CREAM SEPARATOR u a machine that ought to Uit for yean, giving perfect satufaction. Some of them do, but manr of them don't. So it't best to teun for yourself what a separator will do before you pay out your good money for any particular kind. AND FURTHER. Don't for your pocletboolc and back'iaaVe, let a man FORCE a particular separa. tor on you, iuil because he hu only that ONE KIND to tell. Be square with yourself and invalidate THE EMPIRE LINE of Hi shell Quality Separators, which you can find at our place. We have THE IMPROVED TRICTIONLESS EMPIRE nd - THE CENTER FEED EMPIRE DISC representing both of the really good actually ttandaid methodt of reparation. J You will find a full range of liter and capacities in each style. Wc are merely Demonstrators You do your own Choosing; For Sale by W. E. Spencer, Another Good LAND OFFERING On May 22d the Government will open its second tract of 12,000 acres o perfectly irrigated land in the Big Horn Basin, near Garland and Powell, Wyoming. This irrigation project of the Government is first-class and reliable. This land is adjacent to and along side of the Burlington road. Powell and Garland are prosperous towns. The community is absolutely first-class, and there is not a better place to live in the whole west for climate, sunshine, pro ductiveness of soil and many other good reasons, than the Big Horn Basin. This land is $45.00 an acre in ten annual installments, without interest- 320-ACRE MONDELL ACT' Select locations for homesteading in Wyo ming near Newcastle, Upton and Moorcroft. Plats on file- Write me. I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesday of each month. Have your friends back east write me at once about this new tract. The ex cursion of May 18th or in June will be the time for good selections. I Mikado Economy Steel Hf rcuiigc wiiii nigh Warming 16-inch oven Also flalleable and Round Oak Steel Ranges Newberry's Hardware Co. AMH MEATC A - i m m m I f I 1 Li M. A 1 Mr X A JL4 A A. U. m-J sell just "Ham." We sell what am,59 Jas. Graham "ON THE IEuSbBI Wallaces Transfer Line Household goods moved promptly and transfer work solicited. Phone i Frank Wallace, PropV. &&$&&& Alliance, Neb. ?vS for Neb. D. CLEM DEAVER, GENERAL AGENT Land Seekers Information Bureau, Omaha, Nebr. Kcscrvuir, Closet, M6.UU &M fA'Wl'l I . of hams CORNER ii ! Al Wiker AGENT FOR f Grand Mud Granite and Marie woi All kinds of Granite and Marble Tombstones and Monuments, Lower prices and less freight than from firms farther east eeoc09toeee9 Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. --. ID. ZLSTCETTsT AUCTIONEER ELLSWORTH. NEBR. Col. New has had 25 years' experience and is one of the most successful auctioneers in the northwest. Dates made at this office When a Plumber is Needed send for us. We have plenty of tint now 10 att (it It Hi ( inn ct wl This is not our busy season and it wil pay you to have your PLUMBING, HEATING, FITTING, etc., attended to now before the rush of work begins. We are thoroughly posted in our business and an ordei from you will promptly put all our knowledge and skill at your service. The cost will not be gwat. Fred Bren nan Public Stenographer I I .Commercial Club Room Basement Phelan Opera House 01k. FOR SALE BY 0 F. J. Brennan JU-JU JT k lift vNR ! "TfcSftVl SBBBBBBBBBsBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBSV BSBBBBBBBBBr SBBBBBBBTIsBBBBBBBBBBbI iK. SSBBBBBBBBsk SsssBBBBBBslaaH!JjV 1 laW FREE FROM UCE. ome bourse Modern Agriculture XIII. How Animals Grow By C. V. GREGORY, Agricultural Division. lotva State College Copyright. 1000, by American Press Association ANIMALS, uiillko plants, can ob a tain nono of their food from tho jjL soil, nlr or wntcr, but tmtst bnvo It prepared for them. Without plants there could be 110 nulmnt life, since animals nre dependent upon them, either directly or Indirectly, for food. A study of the way nnlmals mnlvo use of this food In building tip their bodies will help us to better un derstand tho principles of feeding. There nro three main constituents of feeds fats, enrbohjdrntes ami albumi noids, or protein. The fats are mode up of carbon, hydrogen and oygen. The carbohydrates, of which March and sugar aro familiar examples, aro made up of tho mime clemenfif i'ut to gether In different proportions. An other of the caibohjdratos Is cellu lose, or tho woody fiber of plantH. This Is haul to digest, but some of It Is ucd In animal growth. Albuminoids contain not only carbon, hydrogen and oxygen, but nitrogen also. In addition to these three constituents of food it also contains some mineral elements, which aro commonly referred to as ash. This ash Is used In building up tho bones, hair, horns and hoofs. Tho nl- FIO. XXV (1KOUNH l'I2Kl 1H DKIK8TED Jioitc qiuckly and coMi-iarrKriY than WMOLU (U1A1N. bumlnolds nlso form a considerable portion of tliete parts of tho body. Their chief use, however, Is In build ing up tho muscles, tissues and vnrl ous organs. Tho fats and carbohy drates aro used to furnish energy and heat. They arc tho fuel of the body. Hy unltlngwlth oxygen they glvo off tho heat and energy required to keep tho body running, In much tho samo way that the elements of coal or wood unite with oxygen to furnish heat and power when burned In a Hteam engine. Not all of the fats and carbohydrates nro burned Immediately, however. Some of the fats go to build up fatty tissues. Some of the carbohydrates aro changed to fats and used In tho same way, and some nre stored in tho liver In the form of glycogen to bo used when needed. Before these vnrloUB food elements can be used by the animal they must go through a process called digestion. Tho llrst step In digestion consists In taking the food Into the mouth. Hach class of aulmals has u different way of doing this. Watch the cows feed ing In the pusture. They reach out their long tongues and gather In a mouthful of grass, breaking It off with a peculiar twist as It conies against their lower teeth. They cannot blto It off, since they have no upper teeth in front. The horse gathers In tho grass with his lips and bites it off be tween his teeth. For this reason horses can eat grabs down much closer to the ground thun cuttle can. After the food Is taken into the mouth It Is chewed and mixed with saliva. This sallvu bOrves two pur posesto moisten the food and to change some of the Btarch to Hiigar. This change Is brought about by tho action of enzymes which tho sullvu contains. These work In tho samo way us do the enzymes In a germi nating seed, whl h prepare tho food for tho little plant. Sugar and Btarch, as we have learn ed, nro both composed of carbon, hy drogen and oxygen, tho only differ ence being that they nro put together In a little different way. The action of tho enzymes changes the relation of those elements in tho starch, ar ranging them In such a manner as to form sugar. ( All tho starch in tho food must ho changed to borne form of sugar be fore It can be used by tho animal In building up the various parts of Its body. Since tho food remains In tho mouth only a comparatively short lime, fcowevor, only a small part of the btarch can bo acted upon tliero. Tho rest Is changed Inter, as we shall tee. The main purpose of the saliva Is to moisten tho food. This moistening, to gether w 1th the chewing, reduces It to a moist, finely divided mass, ready to be swallowed and ncted upon by tho other digestive Juices. While the essential processes of di gestion nro tho samo for a. --!s, the Avny In which the work Is carried on varies somewhat. Tho horse and tho hog have but one stomach. As the food enters this n churning mo tion begins, which gradually forces the partially digested mass along to ward the lower end. Tho saliva con tinues to act on tho starch, and anoth er fluid, tho gastric juice, Is poured 3rf --X out from tho walls of the stomach. Tho main duty of this gastric Juice Is to change tho albuminoids Into a form In which they can bo absorbed nnd used by tho nutmal. Cnttto and sheep havo n very largo stomach, which Is divided Into four parts. Animals of this kind nro called ruminants. When tho food Is swallow ed It passes Into the llrst stomach, which serves tho purpose of n store house. Hero tho action of tho saliva continues, and tho water which tho animal drinks softens tho food to n considerable extent. After a tlnio tho food pusses Into tho second stomach, which forces It back to tho mouth, a llttlo at a time. Hero It Is chewed thoroughly. You have often Been cows lying In tho shade "chowlng their cud." This cud Is tho food that has been sent up to tho mouth by tho second stomach. After being chewed tho food Is swallowed again. This time it passes directly through tho first stomach to the third, Hero It becomes still fur ther softened, finally passing Into tho fourth or true stomach. Tho function of tho first three compartments Is simply to prepare the food to bo ncted upon by tho true stomach. After leaving the Btomnch the par tially digested food passes Into tho Binall Intestines. Here It Is acted upon by three fluids the bile, pan crcatlc Juice and Intestinal juice. Tho chief uso of tho bllo is to digest tho fats, making them Into n sort of a soapy lluld, In which form they aro ready to bo absorbed Into the blood. Both the pancreatic nnd Intestinal juices act upon the remaining starch, completing the change Into sugar. Tho pancreatic Julco nlso completes tho di gestion of tho albuminoids, In which work the Intestinal Julco mny nlso tuko a small part. Another work of the pancreatic jiileo Is to assist In decomposing the fats. The IntestlnnI julco breaks cane sugar up Into sim pler sugars, such as glucose. After tho food has been digested tho usable portions aro ready to bo ab sorbed Into the blood. Digestion tins changed the fats, proteins and starches Into a form In which they nro soluble. In this fluid state they pass through the walls of tho stomach and Intestines and nre emptied into tho blood. The blood Is taken to all parts of tho body by tho arteries, which subdlvido to form tiny capillaries. Thcso aro bo small and close together that a pin prick pn tho skin anywhere will plerco some of them. There nre two main parts to the blood tho fluid of plasma nnd tho red corpuscles which glvo It Its color, Each part of the body selects from tho blood the food materials which It needs. Thus the bones will take ash, whllo the muscles will tuko protein, to build up their wornout parts. Tho waste, broken down parts aro burned, together with as much fats and sug ars us are needed, to furnish heat nnd energy. All through the body there nre thousands of llttlo Arcs, To keep theso llrcs going oxygen Is used, and carbon dloxldo Is given off in tho samo way that a flro In a stove takes in oxygen through the lower draft nnd Bends carbon dloxldo up the chimney. In tho body the corpuscles supply tho oxygen nnd curry away tho car bon dioxide. The other waste ma terials, or nshes, are gathered up by a system of vessels called lymphntlcs, which empty Into the veins. Theso veins carry the blood back to tho heart. Tho change of the contents of tho corpuscles from oxygen to car bon dloxldo chatiKes tho color of the blood from a bright red to n much darker shade. From the right side of tho henrt, to which the blood is brought by tho FIO. XXVI 8l'W'r IlUK veins, It Is sent to tho lungs, where tho corpuscles exchange their carbon dloxldo foi oxygen and aro leady for auother trip through tho body. Since oxygen plays such an impor tant part In keeping up the fires that supply tho body with heat and ener gy, It Is Just us Imirortuut that tho nnlmnls. bo well supplied with fresh tlr as It Is that they have enough food. In the winter especially tho stables aro often closed so tightly In tho attpmpt to keep them warm that the air becomos very deficient In oxy gen. In consequence the work of tho body is delayed nnd the general health buffers. By having ventilators In the roof, together with plenty of windows at such a height that the draft will not blow directly upon the nnlmals, fresh air can be admitted and Impure nlr drawn off constantly. iillSiP Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER 6FPIAN0 416 Niobrara Ave. Phone 381 DR. 0. L, WEBER DISEASES OF Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Scientific Refracton DR. G. W. MITCHELL, I'liyslclun nneSnrKeon Day nnd night crllfl Oflleoovor IloguoBtoro. Phono 150. p. A. COPSEY, M. D. I'liyslclnu and Surgeon Phono 300 Ciilhanwereil promptly lii y nurt night from onilcn. onicost Alllnnco National Hank UaUdlng over tho I'ostOIIIco. DR. CHAS. E. SLAGLE WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, iio.mkop.vitiiic physician and suitgbon Pormorly-Interne Homeopathic Iloa pltul University ot Iovru, Phono SSI. Ofltce ovor Altlnnco Shoo Store IteMuenco Phono 251. DR. C. H. CHURCHILC PHYSICIAN AND SUKQUON (8uccosor to Dr. J. K. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Ortlco houM 11-12 n.m., 2-4 p.m. 7;80-0 p.ta. Office Phone Ga , Rco. Phone, 85 Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Dank IMdg. Rooms 4-5-6 Office hours, 10 to 12 a, in., 1130 to 4, 7 to 8 p, in. Office Phono G5 Res. Phone 16 & 184 Drs.Coppernoil & Petersen OSTKOPATIUC PHYSICIANS (Successors to Urn Troy & llalfc) 17 and 18 Rumer Block Office Phono 43, Residence 20 AUG. F. HORNBURG Private Nurse Phone 492 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer office phone 498 ues. phone 207 ALLIANCE, NEBR. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office In rooms formerly occupied by R. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk Phone 8o, ALLIANCE. NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, WiTblT&l3R LAW AND LAND ATTORNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office is a guarapteo for prompt and efDcient service. Offlco In Land Office Hulldlng. ALLIANCE - NEIIRASKA. THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Directors and Embalmers FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 498 RESIDENCE PHONES 207 and 510 GEO. W.MILLER GRADUATE PIANO TUNER Repairing a Specialty Phono 605 507 Sweetwater Ave. J. N. Sturgeon S. G. Young Sturgeon & Young DRAY LINE (Successors to G, W. Zobel) Office Phone 139. Residence Phone 142.