The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 13, 1909, Image 1

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    Stnlo UlBlorlcnl Society
The Alliance Herald.
Largest Circulation
of any Newspaper in
Western Nebraska.
Official Publication
of Box Butte county.
B !
The First National Bank,
CHAUTEIl NO.- 4220.
At Alliance, In the Stnto of Nebraska, at tho
closoof Imslncss. April 28, 1009-
Loans nnd discounts 5373,015 00
Ovordrafts.socurcd anil unsecured.. 022 44
U.S. bonds to secnroclrcuUtloii.... 50.000 00
U. 8. UonUs to secure U. B. Deposits 10,000 00
ltnnklng houso. furniture ami rlx-
tuiei 10,000 00
Duo from National ltunks
(not rcsorvo aRKtits) 0,i"2 27
Duo from Btuto Unnks and
Hankers .,. 493 07
Duo from approved ro-
servo agents i W,227 04
Checks anil other cash
Hems 207 30
Notes of other Nutionul
Hanks 1,22500
Fractional pnper currency,
nickels and cents 25100
Lawful mono; rcscrvo In
bank, viz:
Bpeclc 18.PK9 00'
Legal tender notes.......... 2.170 00 110,395 40
Ileilomptlon fund with U. S. Treas-
urer(5per cent of circulation).... 2,500.00
Duo from U. 8. treasurer other than
5 per cent redemption fund 350
Total $557,505 40
Capital stock paid In 5 50,000 00
Surplus fnnd 50,000 00
Undivided profits, lees expenses and
taxes paid.. .S0 20
National bank notesoutstandlng.... 50,000 00
Duo to Btato
Hanks and Bankers 85 83
Dividends Unpaid 1,710 00
Individual deposits subject ,
to check.... 203,100 SO
Demand certificates of do- "
posit , 15,225 77
Tlmecortlflcatcsofilepos!tlll,02 74 ,
United States Deposits... 10,000 00 401,125 20
ToUil " $557,505 40
Stato of Nobraska, County of Box Uutte, ss.
I. S. K. Warrick, cashier of tho abovo
nnmed hank, do solemnly swear that tho
nbovo statement It true to tho best of my
knowledge and belief. . .
8. K. WAimiCK, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to boforo me this
4th day of May, A. I). 1009.
IseaiJ , Notary Public.
My comtn.sslon expires July 7th, 1012.
ConiiECT Attest:
A. H. ItEEt).
('has. K. Font), Directors.
It. Jl. Hampton.
That Cough
Must Stop
This is a bad time of the year-
to neglect either a cold or
cough. A cough easily leads
into other and ofton more ser
ious diseases. You can easily
cure any cough with
Nature's great cure for cough,
bronchial hoarseness or cold
on the lungs.
We ahvays give
you the Most of
the Best for the
J. A. Berry, Mgr.
Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted.
Painless Extraction Latest Methods
-Safe. 8u
Office in Alliance National Bank Blk
Over Postoffice. T
4. 'Phone 391,
of this statement of our
condition we solicit your
Supervised by the
United States Govern"
Managed by an
Board of Directors.
Officered by
ienced bankers.
Wide Awake and pro
gressive. Always courteous, al
ways accommodating.
Dr.-Allendentists Opera house blk.
Read the ad. of' Dincen, Rubendall
& Young, then go and list your laud
with them as they have been itstru
mental in bringing more residents into
Box Butte county from the county of
their former homes than has come
from any other county in the state.
Fine Model "F" Jackson automobile
with one rumble seat and turtle deck ,
attachment; will trade for land close to
any siding in Box Butte county or sell '
for cash cheap. F. J. Betzold, Al-1
liance. i8-tf '
I am now ready to make contracts
for cement work to be done as soon as i
the weather will permit. John Fed
erson. -wJwwww
Dinecn, Rubendall & Young, the
new firm, are now located in their
new office opposite the Charters Hotel.
Why not list your hind with them, as i
they are already assured of a big immi
gration of land buyers from eastern
Nebraska. 20-4W
If you have laud or real estate to
sell, I can sell it if the price is right.
If you have not been nble to dispose of
it, it may be that you have not suc
ceeded because you have not listed it
with the right man. Write me and I
can sell it. Address Walter Johnson,
Ord, Nebr.
Furnished rooms for rent at 404
Cheyenne Ave. Phone 594. 17-tf
See the model "F"Jackson automobile
for sale by F. J. Betzold. It is a
beauty. .w l8-
All Icindb of painting' iloue in ilrbt
class manner. Orders may be left at
Tho Herald oillce. C. I'. Matson. 10-tf
Wanted Work by the day. Fran
ces W. Shine, Barry House, Phone 186.
j ig-tf
Cut flowers Saturday at The Gadsby
Store. Prices that sell.
Wanted Teams to do breaking in
different parts ofjhe county. Call and
see us at once. Nebraska Land
Co. I4-tf.
Cut flowers every
Gadsby Store.
Saturday at The
Dressmaking at 303 East Wyo. St.
If you are going to build this sum
mer, better see-those lots on Big Horn
avenue. Convenient to schools and
city water. A. J, Welch, 819 Big Horn
Will trade a fine automobile for land
if suited. F. J. Betzold. i8-tf
Have you land to trade for an auto
mobile? See P. J. Betzold. i8-tf
Beal Bros,
alfalfa seed.
can furnish best quality
Samples at their olllce.
Annual Contest of
jpjpjpjpjpjpjpjr j(HhHIH
n - iikih
BIHl xi!JKffr lH
The contest last Friday night of the
Nebraska High School Declamatory
Union was a great event. For the first
time we believe in the history of north
western Nebraska has this part of the
state been recognized with anything
like a state convention. Not only is
tho recognition that was given to this
city very gratifying to our people but
the unsurpassed success of the affair
has caused much rejoicing here. The
affair was a success from every view
point. A little comparison with the
contest of a year ago may not be out of
.place. The receipts from the contest
after paying tho expenses of the execu
tive committee go towards the expenses
of the contestants. The annual con
test last year was held at Norfolk. The
door teceipts at that time amounted to
$86.50; after the expenses of the execu
tive committee were paid there was
little or nothing left to apply on the
contestant's expenses, The receipts
this year were $235 90, which not only
coveted the expenses of the executive
committee but also paid the contest
ants' expenses in full, or nearly. In
addition to this the business mem of
Alliance paid all hotel bills of Visitors
accompanjirig contestants and the
people of the city opeuod their homes
to all contestants and other visitors.
To say that our visjtois were delighted
with the reception received here and
thetreatmetit accorded them is ex
pressing it mildiv.
The reception at the high school
gymnasium from four to stx o'clock
Friday afternoon was attended by
hundreds of people. The gymnasium
was oeautuuiiy uecorateu ana tue spir-1
it of cordiality showu made the occa
sion one long to be remembeied. Prof. '
Hayes remarked to The Herald re !
porter, "Yon need not be atraid to say
that all thoroughly enjoyed the re
When it was proposed to hold this
contest at Alliance some in tho eastern
part of the state objected on the ground
that this was so far away', and yet this
contest was the best attended by visi
tors ftotn a distance as well as by the
home people of any contest in many
years, probably more than any coutest
in the history of the Declamatory
Union. The visiting members of the
executive committee and the visitors
accompanying contestants speak in
highest terms of the liberality and
courtesy extended by the' people of
The president for the ensuing year,
Supt. Wilson Tout, in
H if -S3B
Nebraska H. S. D. U.
himself for next year's executive com
mittee said that their only regrets were
that Alliance had set such a pace in
liberality it would make it difficult ior
any other town where tho contest may
be held jn the future to come up to tho
high standard set. ,
Supt. J, L. Cahill of Oakdale said:
"I can say frankly that it was ona of
the best contests I have ever attended.
The entertainment was all that any of
us could expect- "Your people have
certainly done much to make the con
test a success."
Supt. C. E. Ward of Neligh: "This
is my first visit to Alliance. We peo
ple from the cast appreciate this trip
very much and tho courtesy shown by
the citizens of the town. The contest
was a complete success. I do not see
what more your people could have done
to make it better."
Supt. J. H. Welch of the Stanton
schools on Saturday addressed the
following note to Prof. Hayes: "Dear
Mr. Hayes: I wish to express my ap
preciation of the successful conduct of
tho state contest and of the loyal man'
ucr in which the town of Alliance sup
ported this affair. My visit to Alliance
has impressed me especially with the
enthusiasm whjch your people have
shown in the contest. The executive
committee of lhof Union certainly made
a good selection when they decided to
hold the state contest at Alliance,
Sincerely, J. H. Welch."
The program for the contest was
published in The Herald of last week
but the names were purposely withheld
until after the contest. Following are
the names of those participating:
Oratorical division Robert Beatty,
Brady; Ned Irwin, Madison; Henry
Kruccek, Alliance; Ivan Mitchell, Ar
lington; Walter Raucrt, Grand Island.
Dramatic division Edna Adams, Shel
ton; Kay Chilcoat, Stanton; Marie
Douulabs, Plattsmoulh; Helen Edge
combe, Geneva; Agatha Gregg, Alliance.
Humorous, division Get aid H. Berk,
Gibbon; Dana Cole, Neligh; Geraldine
Kemp, Blair; Bculah Smith, Alliance;
Geitrude Stacy, Ord.
The prizes, consisting of beautiful
medals, were awarded as follows:
Oratorical division First prize, Ned
Irwin; second prize, Walter Rauret.
Dramatic division First prize, Miss
Agatha Gregg; second prize, Miss Marie
Douglass. Humorous division First
prize, Dana Cole; second prize, Miss
Gertrude Stacy.
It is to be' expected that in a contest
of this kind, participated in by such a
V twJHwJ
& ,dfiKT
Li " 11 Mi 'if 1 Ml
F. M. KNIGHT, President.
W. II. CORB1N, Vice Pres.
Alliance National Bank
Courteous Treatment.
Accounts Solicited.
Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits.
Capital Paid in $50,000
Surplus - $25,000
tr-Always Money to Loan on Approved Chattel Security.
F. M. Knight W. H Corbin F. W. Harris F. L Holstin B. F. Betttltobn
large number of contestants, not all of
tho audience would be entirely satis
fied with tho verdict of the judges, but
in this contest wo may say there was
little or no dissatisfaction as far as we
could learn except in tho awarding of
one of the second prizes. While the
contest, as a whole, waB very good in
deed tljero were two at least who are
wotthy of special mention, namely,
"The Convict's Soliloquy," rendered
by Miss Agatha Gregg in the dramatic
division, and "How Ruby Played," by
Dana Cole in the humorous division.
Tho winner of second prize in the
dramatic also displayed thorough pre
paration but it was thought by many
that her selection would have been
more appropriate for one of the other
divisions than the dramatic
We are informed that in making up
their decision f i om thoir markings the
judges found that they were unanimous
in their verdict on tho winner of first
prize in tho dramatic and humoroui di
visions. After tho contest the members of tho
Declamatory Union mot with the ex
ecutive committee in the parlor of the
Hotel Drake, where the financial mat
ters wore hettled, bills allowed and the
following officers for next year elected:
President, Supt. Wilson Tout of Noith
Platte; Vice President, R. V. Clark of
Harvard; Secretary and Treasurer,
Supt. II. II. II aim of Blair.
While due credit should be giveu to
all who had anything to do with mak
ing the contest such a remarkable suc
cess we deem it proper to make special
inention of the work of Supt. Hayes.
It was through his efforts as a member
of the former executive committee and
president of the Union that Alliance
succeeded in securing the location of
the contest here, and it was owing
laigely to his work that the coutest
was so successful.
We take pleasure in printing in this
issue of The Herald photogravures of
Prof. Hayes, the three Alliance high
school students, who represented the
northwest Nebraska district in the
contest, and also of the other contest
ants who won first prizes,
The Alliance high school represented
this district by three contestants, one
in each class. This is something that
has never before been known in the
history of the Declamatory Union.
Another thing we wish to mention is in
regard to the Alliance representative
in the humorous division, Miss Beulah
Smith. A short time before the con
test she caught a severe cold and it
was almost impossible for her to take
F. W. HARRIS, Cashier.
S. FICKELL, Asst. Cash.
S667 -
her part in the contest at all, and yet
she came very near winning tho second
prize in that division, one of tho judges
deciding in her favor. Wo are making
no complaint whatever becauso sho
was not awarded second prize, but wo
are sure that if she had not been ill
she would easily have won it.
Air Dome for Alliance
Work was commenced Monday morning
on Burroughs & Scbellak'snew air dome
between the Horace Bogue and tho Beo
l(ive stores. These two brick buildings,
50 feet apart, will furnish the sides, while
a metal front 15 feet high will enclose it
from tho street on the north sldo. Tho
dimensions of tho auditorium will' bo
50 by 50 feet, exclusive of the stago which
will bo on the south side and in addition
to (his space. It will have a snatinR ca
pacity double that of the opera house and
will probably be a great convenience at
the lime of the stockmen's convention In
June and for other similar occasions dur
ing the summer. It will have a canvass
cover, something that air domes do not
always have. It will be finished as''sobn'"fv
as possible, probably about the first of
Doxt week.
The new air dome will be run on the
same high class performance as was al
ways given at the Crystal theatre. Mr
Burroughs has had experience in this line
of business and Mr. Schellak has been
connected with several large air domes in
southern Missouri and Kansas. The air
dome will offer during the summer some
ideas and performances that will undoubt
edly surprise the theatre going public of '
Alliance. These gentlemen have shown
the people of Alliance a meritorious per-
formance and will continue to do so in
their new location. - ,
Refrigerating Plant
I. W. Herman has contracted with '
the C. W. Kettering Mercantile Co. of
Denvor for tho refrigerating plant for
his new building which is now under
course of construction. His contract
requires that tho plant bo ready for
use by July first. Since 'making out
this contract, however, it has been
altered by mutual consent to include
also'a second box 10X10x9 feet.
The cost of tho refrigerating plant
will be $2,039,00 not including the
motor or the box ioxiG ft. already on
hand. This will give the Palace mar
ket the best refrigerating plant in this
part of the state and insures satisfac
tory service.
We are always delighted with a pros
pect for securing new industries for
Alliance or Box Butte comity and con
sequently arepleased to inform our
readers that there is a fair prospect of
getting a branch of the Plumfield nur
series of Fremont, Nebr. D. M. Gor
man, who has recently- delivered stock
here, informed the editor that they
wished to put in a branch in this part
of the west and that Alliance would
probably be the location selected.
Owing to its excellent railroad facilities
and tho rapid development of tho sur
rounding . country this city certainly
would make a splendid location for
such au institution.
Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Pierce, Mr and
Mrs, Alex Muirhead, Miss Emma Ne:
rud, Miss Bertha Parkyn and Miss
Mamie Miller were some of the Hem
ingfordites who engaged seats in ad
vance for the contest laBt Friday even