The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, May 06, 1909, Image 2

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Washington Court Sustains
Secretary Wl'son's Order.
Upholds Right of Secretary of Agri
culture to Give Notice of Prosecu
tton of Millers Using Chemicals In
Bleaching Flour Decision Ends
Controversy Unless Some Other
Court Interferes.
Washington, May 1. Becretnry Wll
son wns greatly plcnsod over a de
cision of Judge Stafford of tho district
Btiprcnio court upholding him In tils
recent ruling ns to bleached flour
This ruling was advorso to manu
facturers using nltrogcno peroxide in
bleaching flour and roqulred blenched
flour to bo labeled.
A company of St. LouIb brought ac
tion hero for a writ of mandamus to
compel Secretnry Wilson to show
caiiso why ho should not refrain from
the enforcement of this ruling. Judgo
Stafford refused to grant tho writ nnd
uphold Secretary Wilson in his right
to glvo notlco of prosecution of manu
facturers persisting in disregarding
tho ruling nnd using chemicals In
bleaching flour. Tills probably ends
the blenched flour controversy.
McCumber Declares Forest Product
Should Come In Untaxed.
Washington, May 1. An extended
speech by Senator McCumber favoring
frco lumber occupied sovorul hours in
tho sonnte. His romnrlts provoked an
extended controversy among advo
cates of a tariff on lumber. McCumber
said whllo ho was a thorough protec
tionist ho would not agree to a tariff
on products such as coal, Iron ore,
lumber nnd oil, that tiro being ex
hausted and cannot ho replaced. Mc
Gurabor said that tariff rovlslou this
year Is universally taken to mean re
vision downward. Ho asserted that
lumber needed no protection nnd that
no other industry had produced more
millionaires for the amount Invested
than tho lutnbor industry.
Senator Aldrlch roportod from tho
committee on finnnco nddltlonnl
amendments to tho tariff bill and tho
scnato adopted a motion mndo by him
that until further notlco tho senato
shall meet at 11 o'clock daily.
Attends Dedication of Park to Mem
ory of Washington.
Alexandria, Va., May 1. Presldont
Toft attended in this city a celebra
tion of tho 120th anniversary of tho
first inauguration of Gcorgo Washing
ton nnd the laying of a cornerstone in
dedication of a park to tho memory
of tho first president. Vlco President
Sherman, Speaker Cannon, Governor
Swanson of Vlrglnln, a largo congres
sional party from Washington and dis
tinguished guests from a number of
states snt in the stand with tho piosl
dent ns the notahlo parado passed in
roIow. Every branch of tho United
States service and somo of tho most
famous of tho military organizations
of tho old dominion wero represented
in tho Imposing array of troops.
Presldont Tnft mado tho journey
from Washington nnd returned In an
automobile. On tho outskirts of Alex
andria ho was met by Governor Swan
son and n troop of tho Fifteenth Unit
oa States cavalry as an escort.
Brltt Will Probably Recover.
New York, May l. Willis Drltt,
manager for Stanley Kotchol, tho mid
dlewelght pugilist, who was taken to
St Vincennos hospital suffering from
what 1b bolleved to have boen poison,
will in all probability recover. Drltt
was found unconscious in n doorway.
The search of his effects brought to
.light a bottle of poison tablets.
Colonel W. T. Shaw Passes Away.
Cedar Rapids, la., May 1. Colonel
W. T. Shaw, an Iowa pioneer nnd a
veteran of tho Mexican nnd civil wars,
is dead at Annmosa, aged eighty years.
He was colonel of tho Fourteenth
Iown Infantry In the civil war. i.ntor
he was asslgnod to comnmnJ a bri
gade Indian Shoots Man and Woman.
Southampton, L. I., May 1, Aftor
brooding over alleged wrongs, John
Hudson, an aged Shlnnecock Indian,
living on tho rosenntion two miles
west of Southampton, shot and klllod
nn Indian woman, Harriot Elonzor,
and wounded an Indian, Nelson Bunn.
Two Suspects Arrested at Spokane.
Spokane, Wash., May l.Two sus
pects, bollevod by the police to have
held up the Northern Pacific train,
are in the city Jail. They glvo the
names of T. F. Rafferty and J. Hurley.
They had but 75 cents in their pockets
when arrested.
Delirious; Leaps to Death.
Hot Springs, Ark., May 1. Whllo
delirious from pnounionia Choi-tor Colo
of Hamilton, O., wound his bedsheet
around his body and Jumped from hh
room at a local hospital to the ground,
slxt feet below.
Many Michigan Saloons Closed.
Detroit. May l.Todav nss .-iir.n-.
nnd thirteen browerles lu nineteen
counties, which voted "dry" nt the last '
election, closed their doors. I
Congress of War's Enemies Assembles
In Chicago.
Chicago, May 3. Tho second na
tional peaco congress, which opened
in this city today and will remain in
session until Wodnosdny cvonliig, Is
wider in scope than tho United States.
It should bo termed an International
peace conference, since the representa
tives ofmany nations are taking part
In Its deliberations.
It had beon expected thnt Secretary
of War Dickinson would represent the
government at tho opening of the con
gross and deliver one of the opening
addresses. His trip to Panama inter-
&& Hr & Si j&tfKr -i
vouod, however, and Secretary of tho
Interior Bullinger was delegated bj
President Taft to declare tho cordial
sentiments of tho Washington govern
ment toward the congress and its pur
poses. Among the other Americans
interested In the congress uro Edward
Everett Hale, Archbishop Ireland,
Charles W. Eliot, former president of
Harvard; President David Starr Jor
dan of Lclnnd Stanford, Jr., univer
sity, Mrs. Philip N. Mooro, president
of tho General Foderntlon of Women's
Clubs; Mrs. Uicla Aiiicb Mend or Bos
ton, Senator Theodore E. Durton, Gov
ernor Doncen and Samuel Gompers.
Five Are Hanged at Entrance of War
Office Building.
Constantinople, May 1. Thirteen
civilians and soldlois, sentenced by
tho military courts to death for mur
dor, weio hanged in different parts of
Constantinople nt 4 a. in.
Major Youseef, his son and threo
other men, who killed tho Syrian dop
uty, Emir Mohnmnied Arslnn, in front
of tho parlluinent buildings, wero ex
ecuted on tho spot whero they com
mitted tho crime. Flvo others wero
hanged at the ontrnnco of tho ministry
of war and throe men nt the Stamboul
end of tho Galata bridge. Among
theso thoio ia said to bo Mnurod, ed
itor of tho newspaper Nizam. Upon
the breast of each criminal had been
pinned a large placard In Turkish,
HettltiB forth tho sentence of tho coait.
Around tho foot of tho gibbets on the
bridge the early morning buying of
fruttB, flowers and vegetables pro
ceeded as usual, while tho bodies wore
in rull bight or tho gioat crowds tlint
mndo their way ovor the brldgo bo
tweon Stnmbotil nnd Galata.
Report From East African Huntlna
Camp Says Chase Was Exciting.
Nairobi, British East Africa, May 1.
Th'eodoro Roosevelt bugged onu
mora Hon nt Wnml, near Kapltl This
gives him a total of three lions and
ono lioness on the presont expedition.
Kermlt Roosevelt succeeded In bring
ing down a cheetah. The hunting was
exciting nnd both marksmen did ex
cellent work.
It Is rumored in nattvo sources that
tho Roosevlt party will arrive at
Nairobi, May 15, beforo proceeding to
Tho Hon kllleo by Mr. Roosevelt wad
brought down nt close range. Ills
quick work with his riflo saved the
lives of somo or his mounted escort,
who had narrow escapes from the in
furiated beast. The accuracy or Mr.
Roosovelt's mnrkmanslilp is a matter
of astonishment.
Two Men Taken to Hospitals and Ten
Men Placed Uuder Arrest.
Now York, May 4. Two men woio
In Gouvorneur hospltul and ton were
undor arrest as a result of dlsoiaors
arising out of the strike among the
bakors on tho oast sldo. Schulom
Rubenstoln onterod Michael Novnlt
rostnurant nnd wine collar and when
ho found a loaf of bread without the
union labol ho attacked tho proprietor
Novak's wifo threw a bowl of sugar
at Rubonstein. fiacturlng his skull. An
attack by nlno man was mado on u
bakory kopt by Nathan Fryer aim
Samuol Rroklowoi. Roth wore biullj
Injured, Broklowor being tnken to the
hospital. Thoir assailants were locked
Popcorn Wagon ExploJes.
Waterloo, la., Mn -I. Tho gasoline
tank of a pcf.corn wagon, oparnted by
O. H. Green, exploded, Injuring Green
and wrocklng all the windows in the
First National bank and In nearby
Castro Quits Paris for Spain.
Pails, 4. Cipriauo Castro loft Paris
suddenly for Santander, Spain, where
he will await the arrival of his wire,
who is returning from the West In.
mersqn probe
Missouri Member Makes Serious
Charges Against Judge,
Representative Murphy Introduces
Resolution Asking Investigation of
Two Jurists Conduct In Litigation
Between State and Roads Over Max
imum Freight Law and Two-Cent
Passenger Fare.
Washington, May 4. Making sort
oils charges against Federal Judges
John F. Phillips and Smith McPhor
son of tho western district of Missouri,
Representative Murphy of thnt stato
Introduced a resolution to lnvcstigato
their conduct In tho lltlgatiofi between
tho stato and tho railroad companies
over tho maximum freight law and the
Missouri 2-cent passonger rate law.
Tho preamble of the Murphy resolu
tion claims thnt tho two judges nc
compnulcd certain railroad attorneys
on a nslilng ilp, on which occnslon
members of tho pnrty were arrested
for violating the game laws of the
The resolution recites tho various
phases of the litigation, Including a
statement thnt the railroad companies
agree to ostnbllsh certuln rates within
tho stato of Missouri In violation or
tho Btnte anti-trust law. It Is stated
that tho two Judges rondered certain
decisions which, In effect, usurped tho
legislative powers of tho legislature.
Mechanical Engineers Begin Their An
nual Convention In Washington.
Washington, May 4. Tho American
Society of Mechanical Engineers, em
bracing In Its membership 3,455 of
America's scientific men, began its an
nual spring mooting in this city today.
More thnn 300 engineers are In at
tendance nt tho meeting. During tho
convention, which will InBt four days,
President Tnft will hold a rocoptlon
Tor ho mombers nt the White House.
Tho war department will glvo a spe
cial exhibition drill at Fort Mjor. At
the same time, ir the conditions nro
favornblo, an ascension of a dirigible
balloon will be made.
An address will bo delivered by
Rear Admiral Melville, retired, past
president of tho society and former en
gineer In chief of tho navy, tho sub
ject being "Tho Engineer In tho
Navy," and F. II. Nowoll, director or
tho reclamation service, will deliver an
illustrated address on "Homemaklng
in tho Arid Regions."
Judge McPherson Ordered to Remand
Winn 8ult to State Courts.
Washington, May 4. Tho suprome
court handed down n decision lu tho
enso of Winn vs. tho American Ex
press company and ordered a writ of
mnndamus to Issuo directing Judgo
Smith McPherson to remand the case
to the stato courts. This is a victory
for Winn. This Is the famous caso
Involving dniiinges for tho loss of a
prize hog said to bo worth $8,000. it was
the contention of the plalntlrf that
the caso should be, tried lu the stato
courts. The American Express com
pany got It removed to tho foderal
court and Judge McPherson tried it.
Now the supremo court holds that It
is a state cas&.
World and News Publications Are
Washington, May 4. The federal
government's prosecution or tho pro
prietors or tho Now York World and
tho Indianapolis News for alleged 11
belous publications In connection with
tho purchase by tho United States of
tho Panama canal was tho subject of
a conference nt tho department of
justice. Tho participants were Attor
ney General Wlckershnm. United
States District Attorney Bakor and
Assistant United States District At
torney McNnmnra, who has Just re
turned from Indianapolis, whore tho
proprietors of tho News were arraign
ed Saturday.
Union Society of Civil War.
Now York, May 4. The Union Soci
ety of tho Civil War was incorporated.
Its objects nro: To perpetuate the
momory or those loal officials who,
outside tho military and naval sen ice
or the United Statos, rendorod imalu
able aid and nssistanso to tho national
government nnd tho union cause dur
ing tho civil war; to oncourngo his
torical rosoarch in relation to the or
flclnls of tho war, as well ns docu
ments; to foster true patriotism, nud
to maintain the Institutions of Amer
ican freedom.
Straus and Rockhlll Envoys.
Washington, May 4. Oscar S.
Straus, formor secretary or commerce
and labor, ha3 beon selected for am
bassador to Turkey, and W. W. Rock
hlll for ambassador to Russia. Mr
Rockhlll was formerly assistant socre
tnry of state and later minister to
Railroads Liable for Mental Anguish.
Little Rock, Ark., May 4. Tho hausf
passed a bill providing thnt railroads
shall bo liable for damages for mental
anguish, even In the absence of 'phys
ical Injury. Tho state now has a mental
anguish law affecting telegraph companies.
Two Cars of Tanks Shipped to E. W. Myers, llyannis, Neb.
Nine ii ft. 6 in. Twelve 12 ft. Nine 12 ft. 6 in.
Manufactured and Sold by the
Why Let Another Man Choose
Your Cream Separator for You
A CREAM SEPARATOR 11 a machine idal oujht to last for years, giring perfect satisfaction. Some of
them do, but many of ln don't. So it"s bett to Iron for found! what a separates will do before you par
out your good money lor an particular kind.
AND FUR-THCR. Doi'tfor yout poclrtbook and bark's sate, let a man FORCE a particular tepara
tor on you, jut becauw be lias only that ONE KIND to sell Q Be aquate with younelf and inestgale
of Hi.heit Quality Separators, which you can End at our place.
We liars
representing both of the really good actually lUndard methods of
separation. You will find a full range of sue and capacities
in each style.
Wc are mircly Demonstrators
You do Vour own Chanalnrf
For Sale by W. E. Spencer, Alliance, Neb.
Another Good
On May 22d the Government will open its second tract of 12,000 acres of
perfectly irrigated land in the Big Horn Basin, near Garland and Powell
Wyoming. Tins irrigation project of the Government is first-class and reliable'
1 his land is adjacent to and along side of the Burlington road. Powell and
Garland are prosperous towns. The community is absolutely first-class, and
there is not a better place to live in the whole west for climate, sunshine, pro
diictivencss of soil and many other good reasons,' than the Big Horn Basin.
I his land is 45.00 an acre in ten annual installments, without interest.
JZO-ACREMONDeLLACr.-Select locations for homesteading in Wo
tiling near Newcastle, Upton and Moorcroft. Plats on file. Write me
I conduct an excursion on the first and third Tuesday of each month.
Have your friends back east write me at 'once about this new tract. The ex
cursion of May 18th or in June will be the lime for good selections
' P
$$$$$ I. TKT. ESEZlsJLJET.
$iMftM&Mt Phone 131
4& t1
I Best Equipped
I . ; Most Up-to-Date I
Exclusive I
I Meat Market in I
? ,
I Western Nebraska
:J High-Grade Meats, Fresh and Cured, Fish, Poultry,
X Etc., Etc. Try our home-made Palace sausages &
Prompt Attention Given to Phone Orders
Agent for
West. Neb.
Seekers Information Bureau,
Omaha, Nebr.
P A L, A C
Miss Rose C Herman -
Joseph S. Saxton - Meat Cutter
T 1. CI. -I- y-..i
j"ci)n okuiu . iiuicner
Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer
John B. Herman Deliveryman No. i
Win. C. Herman Deliveryman No. 2
1 s
F. J.
Nolie's Bakery
and Cafe
for your Sunday dinner
We solicit your order for
Order on time
Short Hand & Typewriting
The full course learned in six weeks.
Only one hour lesson day or night. No
home study. Diplomas issued. Good
positions guaianteed. Most of my
former pupils at Grand Island aver
aged over 100 words per minute in six
weeks. First lesson free. Phono 39.
Kindly call at Burlincton lmM or tnln.
phone your address and I shall be
pleased to call on you.
Miss Cohtkz Wilson, teacher.
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
Phone 64I Alliance,
Prop. $?
&! J
1 &
II ?
m ,-1 1