The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 29, 1909, Image 6

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A Homelike Cottage.
II-WI .111 I Hill I MB I mi
Arranged For One or Two Stories and Basement.
Estimated Cost, $1,700.
Copyright. 10C0. by Glenn U Saxton. MlnneipolU, Minn.
Constantinople Surrenders to
Army of Investment.
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Eld I
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Storm Destroys Large Part of Okla
. noma Town,
Oklahoma City, Okla., April 27. Six
teen persons were injured, ono per
haps fntally, -In n tornado which de
stroyed a largo pait of tho town of
Ccntrahomn, near here.
A child of Ilov. E. J, Matthews Is
thought to bo dying. Mrs. Mutlhows
nnd hor four other children were also
Injured. Leo Grist wns badly bruised
and his collarbone was broken. Tho
others wero not seriously hurt.
Not a building In tho town remained
wholly Intact after tho storm. Twelve
buildlngB,"v'1ncludInB tho Methodist,
Baptist and Presbyterian churches,
wero totally wrecked. Tho town con
tains about 800 inhabitants. Many
of tUcaj arc LoaiaU'sa ua n reujlt ot
tho storm.
A terrific rain nnd hail storm fol
lowed the tornado, greatly adding to
the dnmago.
Cathedral Roof Falls at Mass.
Madrid, April 27. Tho roof of tho
cathedral at Torbes, in Lugo provlnco,
collapsed whilo mass was being cole
brnted Inside the butullng. Nine per
sons wore killed and thirty Injured.
Features of the Day's Trading and
Closing Quotations.
Chicago, April 2G. -Wheat closod
weak, with July off IVic and May down
1c. Corn closed firm, with May up
c. Provisions were weak. Closlug
. Wheat May, $1.18; July, ?1.06.
Corn May, G9c; July, 67:ic.
Oats May, 55c; July, 48")io.
Pork May, $17.07; July, J17.87i-
Lard May, J10.25; July, ?10.37Vi.
Ribs May, ?9.G5; July, $9.72 &
Chicago Cash Prices No. 2 hard
wheat, ?1.191.19Mt; No. 2 corn, 71ic;
JMo. 3 white oats, 5457c.
South Omaha Live Stock.
South Omaha, April 26. Cattlo Re
ceipts, 3,000; slow to 10c lower; na
tive steers, $4.40G.50; cows and half
rs, $3.80C55; western steors, $4.75
5.75; stackers and feeders, $3.00
5.60; calves, ?3.00G.5O; bulls and
stags, $3.255.10. Hogs Receipts,
7,400; 10(8 15c lower; heavy, $7.05
7.20; mixed, $G.65G.95; light, $6.70
7.00;. pigs, $5.5J)6.25; bulk of sales,
$6.S07-05. Sheep Receipts, 3,000;
10c higher; yearlings, $6.75(0)7.75;
wethers, $6.006.60; ewes, $5.75
6.25; lambs, $7.6008.15.
Chicago Live Stock.
Chicago, April 2G, Cattle Receipts,
29,000; 1525c lower; steers, $5.00
6.95; cows, $4.005.75; heifers, $3.25
C.O0; bulls, $3.755.25; calves, $3.00
6.00; stockers and feeders, $3.30
5.35. Hogs Receipts, CO.000; 1520c
lower; heavy, $7.307.35; light mix.
ed, $7.107.20; packing, $7.207.25;
pigs, $5.256.60; bulk ot sales, $7.15
7.25. Sheep Receipts, 20,000; steady;
sheep, $3.703.80; lambs, $5.50 7 75;
yearlings, $5.25 (8.35.
& iff &f
lr Jw
In this design I present something
which Is In great favor on tho const,
and, though only the first floor Is fin
ished, there is ample room on bo sec
ond floor for n couple of smnll rooms,
Because of Its simplicity It should
also prove to be nn economical house
to build. The rooms nro nil of gen
erous size. Tho size over nil Is 27
feet by 3S feet. Tho basement is seven
feet high and the first lloor nine feet
Either n lnrgc or smnll bnscment can
be hnd, nt the option of the builder.
Tho exterlQr is sided, though cither
shingles or plaster would look well.
Cost to build, exclusive of heating nnd
plumbing. $1,700.
GLENN L. SAXTON, Architect
Eight Lives Lost and Seven Personi
Have Thrilling Escape.
Now Orleans, April 2G. Eight peo
plo wero lost nnd seven others on
board had a thrilling escape when
tne towhoat Eaglo of tho Louisiana Pe
troleum company went down In tho
Mississippi river, about forty miles
south of New Orleans.
The dead; Captain George Joyce,
Second LInhinoor Charles Uoodbud,
Flrcninn Charles Martin, Mate Richard
Loblanco, two negro deckhands, a ne
gro chambermaid nnd cabin boy.
Tho accident occurred at 4:30 a. m.
and at tho time all those who per
lohod wero asleep. The boat'began
to dip and take water and in an In
stant wns gone down, breaking in half.
Uiconscious of danger, those on deck
lound thomsolves precipitated Into the
swift current of tho deep channel.
They succeeded In catching hold of ob
jects washed from the boat and man
ng&d to stay afloat until they attracted
attention from shore.
The sinking of the Eagle Is a mys
tory. There was no explosion of any
, , ,
First to Enter Pacific Coast Port In
Ten Years.
Los Angeles, Cnl., April 2G. For the
first time In ten years warships of
Japan entered a Pacific const port of
the United Stntes when the cruisers
Soya and Aso, comprising the Japa
nese training squadron, commanded
by Rear Admiral Hijichl, steamed into
San Pedro. Tho Aso nnd Soya are
on a peaceful visit of soVeral weeks
duration, which will tnke them to all
of tho principal ports of tho Pacific
coast. Tho two ships are prizes of
tho Russo-Japaneso war. The Aso Is
tho former Russian cruiser Dayan,
found in tho harbor of Port Arthur
after General Stoessol surrendered.
Tho Soya was formerly tho cruiser
Varlag, which was captured In the
harbor of Chemulpo. They nro com
paratively modern warships, carrying
heavy battnrios and equipped with
high speed engines.
Number of Villages Wiped Out and
Many Lives Lost.
Lisbon, April 26. The seismic dis
turbances have now ceased throughout
Portugal. Every one is greatly im
pressed with tho courage and energy
of King Manuel, who after directing
the firemen In tho city when the first
and most violent shock occurred, set
out with physicians and supplies for
the districts where tho destrur'.l-
was the greatest. A number of vil
lages have been wiped out. Salvaterrn
and San Stefano were badly damaged.
Thirty-nine bodies have been taken
from the ruins and 120 persons aro
missing.. Hundreds were Injured, It
is reported that two large fishing boats
foundered and their crews, numbering
thirty-eight, perished. Parliament has
voted $10O,C00 for the relief of the
Conquering Young Turks Declare
They Will Put an End to All So
dltlon Commission of Notables Will
Try Abdul Hamld Confirmation of
Report That Twenty-five Thousand
Were Killed In Adana.
Constantinople, April 20. The Ylldlz
garrison surrendered to the constitu
tionalist forces. The commanders ot
these bnttnllona begnn sending In
their submission to Mahmoud Scher
hot Pasha during tho night "and tb-i
whole of the troops protecting tho pal
ace gave their formal and uncondi
tional' surrender shortly after day
break. Nlacl Bey, who is called the hero of
the July revolution, Is now in com
mand of the garrison.
Sultan Abdul Hamld has been per
mitted to remain within the walls of
tho Yildiz Kiosk, where, in company
with his ministers, he had' waited for
the outcome of tho struggle between
his loyal troops and tho army of In
vestment, each hour bringing to him
word of a fresh disaster. It has been
stated, since victory rested with tho
constitutionalists, that tho sultan him
self gave orders to his men not to re
sist. Whether or not this is true, it
can bo safely said of tho troops with
in tho cnpital that they put up a stub
born resistance nt all points, and tno
losses on both sides aro exceedingly
heavy for tho length of timo tho en
gagement was in progress.
Parliament to Deal With Sultan.
A report of the commander in chief
ot the constitutionalist forces is au
thority for saying thnt the sultan will
bo dealt with by tho parliament and
that there will be an adequate Inquiry
Into the sovereign's alleged complicity
in tho recent mutiny. Up to tho pres
ent the ministry has not been dis
solved', but Constantinople and a num
ber of other places have been declared
in a state of siege.
Martial law prevails, and while
there Is somo uneasiness among the
people, order has been maintained
with a strict hand. The last garrison
to surronder was tho Sellmleh artil
lery barracks, in Scutari, opposite
Stnmboul. Four thousand men sta
tioned there, with a hundred guns,
threatened to blow tho city into ruins,
but General Schofket ordered up sixty
big guns and several batteries of ma
chine guns to positions wnlch com
manded' the barracks nnd tho cruiser
MedlJIeh stenmed out of range of tho
field pieces and prepnred for nctlon.
Tho commnnder of the barracks there
upon submitted.
Following Saturday's terrific fight
ing, the city took on an aspect of
strnngo quiet. Beyond n few scat
tering shots there was nothing to dis
turb the pence of tho city. Tho In
vesting troops wero reinforced, hov
ever, in the fear that the Yildiz gar
rison would rcmnin loyal to tho sultan
nnd continue the strugglo to tho end.
Fortunately iho officers In command of
these soldiers saw the hopelessness of
resistance and there was no opposition
when vnrlous commanders laid down
their swords nnd gave over their de
tachments to the strongly entrenched
"enemy." '
Latest Estimate of Number Killed In
Vilayet of Adana.
Beirut, April 2G. The situation In
Asiatic Turkey, is one of extreme grav
ity. How many thousands ha'a been
massacred cannot even be estimated,
because tho disturbances have ueon
so widespread that it is impossible to
secure details of the happenings dur
ing the past ten days. The latest esti
mate of thi number killed in the vil
ayet of Adana reaches approximately
25,000 and thousands have been done
to denth in the towns of other dis
tricts. The state of Bloge which sev
eral of the places experience have
brought the inhabitants to tne verge
of starvation and each day brings its
tales of further atrocities and the
depths of misery and despair to which
the savagery of the fanatics has
brought the people. Several warships
are now in these waters, but the dis
orders are so far reaching that tho cf
forts of the powers to restore norma,
conditions as yet have been bardl.
Sultan to Lose Throne.
Constantinople, April 27. The depo
sition of Sultan Abdul Hnmtd appears
now to be certain, and the 101 guns
saluting Mehmed Rechad Effendl as
the new ruler of the empire probably
will be beard before the next Selam
Ilk, on Friday. The dignitaries of tho
church care as little for Abdul Hamld
r.s does the committee of union and
progress, but the clergy are seeking
to curb the agitation of the enthusi
asts of the Mohammedan league. Sen
ators and deputies who have made in
quiry among the Ulemas find them In
different degrees favorable to the sul
tan's removal.
Two Thousand Slain.
London, April 26. Tho Standaro'a
Constantinople correspondent esti
mates that 2,000 men wero killed in
the lighting In the capital Saturday
and that tho losses were heaviest on
the side of the constitutionalists, who
did all Mm attaching and who offerml
good targets In the open.
Going to close out our entire
line of Pictures during; the next
ten days
Cash with order and no
exchanges allowed
Bring your money
Appiication for Liquor License.
Notice Is hereby Riven thnt .lohu .1. ltlorduu
lias Med IiIh petition as required by law with
tlio city clerk ti obtain a liquor llcenso to soil
Intoxicating malt, spirituous and vinous
liquors In tho building situated on lot 7. block
82. fronting on llov Hntte uveinio In the second
Ward of tho city of Allluncu, Nebraska, for
tho municipal joreudlnt! May 1U10. and that
I mi will ash that said llceuso ho Issued to blm
on the -nil day of May, 1UW, that holuK tho
regular inueiuiK or tno cny couueu u mo cuy
of Alliance. Nebraska. John J. Illordau.
Dated Alliance, Nebraska, April 14, WW.
Notice is hereby ithen that l.obert Campbell
lias llled his petition ns required by law. with
tho City Clerk of tho City of Alliance, Nebras
ka, to obtnln n liquor license to hell malt,
splritous and vinous liquor In the hulldlna
shouted on hot numbered II, Block numbered
28. original town of Alliance, Nebraska, front
ing on Hox Hntte Avenuo in the First ward of
the City of Alliance, Nebraska for tho munici
pal jearendliiK In May lfUO, and thathowlll
i.vlr t.lmt wild license bo Issued to him on the
4th day of May, two. thatr beltnj tho regular
meeting oi tne i uy uouncii oi me uny m Al
liance, Nebraska. Koiiekt t'AMi-nKLi,,
To Klnes V.Calvert, non-resident defendant:
You aro hereby no tilled that on the SUtli day
of March. 1WO, Maud Cab ert llled a petition
against ou In the district eourt of Hox Hntte
County. Nebraska, tho object and prayer of
which aro to obtain a db orco from you on tho
grounds of extreme cruelty, on the part of said
defendant toward said ntatntlir, without Just
, an so. and' that said defendant U an habitual
drunk rd. , ., ,
You aro required to answer said petition on
or before Monday, the 24th day of May, lttW
fp Apr.l5-4w Maui Calveiit, I'laintiff.
John A. llennewlt. Attorney,
First National llauk lliilldlng, Omaha, Nobr.
In tho District Court of Douglas County,
Nebraska. ... ...
In the Matter of the Application of Henry O.
Hubermann and John A. Ilennowlt, Ad
ministrators of the Kstate of Adolph u.
Ilubormnun, deceased, for Leave to Sell
Heal Kstate. ....
Notice 1b hereby given that, in pursuance of
tin order of the Honorable Leo hstelle. judge
of the District Court of Douglas (ounty. Ne
braska, uiade on the 12th day of March, 1WW.
for the sale of reul estate heroiuaf tor describ
ed, there will bo sold at public vendue to tho
highest bidder for cash tit tho frontdoor of
tho Court Houso in the city of Alliance. Hox
Hutto County, Nehraska.on the , th day of May,
1K. at tho hour of 2 o'clock r. M, the follow
ing described real estate, to-wtt: 'Iho North
west Quarter of Section 2, Township 28. Hauge
8, llox Hutto County, Nebraska fcald sale
will remain open for one hour.
Dated this lilh day of April. 11X.
John A. Hennkwitz,
Adminlstratorsof tho Estate
of Adolph H. Hubenuann, deceased,
fp Apr. lS-'Jw
Ptato of Nebraska, ( SB
Hox Hutto County, ("" mrx
In ho Matter of u e t state of ( liarles Mayer,
LlU "'norrj" County Judgtf'of Hox Hutto
county. Nebraska, hereby notify all persun
having claims and demands against the estate
Of Charles Majerthat 1 have set nd appoint
ed the 22ud day of October. 1009. ut 10
o'clock In the foreuoou.nt tho County Court
room In Alliance, for the examination of all
claims UKtilnsl the estate of said decedent
with u view to their allowance and payment.
AH persons Interested as creditors of the.
said estate will present thelrclalms to mo at
said time, or show causa for not so doing, and
Incuse any claims aro not so presented by said
time they shall be forever barred.
1'lils notice shall be served by publication
thereof for three consecutive weeks in the
Alliance Herald, a newspaper published In Al
liance, prior to the day of hearing.
Obciiuudir mv hand nnd the seal of said
court this letndaj of April, vm niu
IskaiI County Judge,
p. A I .
SEATTLE EXPOSITION. Very low excursion rates
for Pacific Coast tours all summer; the most interesting journey in the world.
TO THE EAST. An extensive scheme of excursion
rates to the Lakes, Canada and eastern resorts will be announced prior to lune i
MORE NEW LANDS. Judith Basin, Montana, on
the Great Northern road, j'ust north of Billings. Splendid chances of profit for
early buyers- Famous land just reached by the railroad. SUN RIVER, Mon
tana, n government irrigated tract near Great Falls. One of the best in the
country. BIG HORN BASIN, a new government irrigated tract of 15,000
acres near Garland, to be soon opened for filing; make an early location. Very
cheap round trip rates to these localities. Personally conducted excursions on
the first and third Tuesdays by D. Clem Deaver, General Agent, Landseekers'
Information Bureau, Omaha, Nebr. Either write him yourself or have your
eastern friends write him.
ROAD 49.
County Clerk's Ofllce, Box Butte Coun
ty, Nebraska.
To, James A. Hunter, Barney Pitts,
Nathan A. Rockey, George Carroll,
Carl W. Roberts, Isaac Rockey, Jacob
C. Oshorn, Julius Kaiser, Margaret
A. Stevens, John M. Kuhn, John
Armstrong nnd W. S, Armstrong.
The Commissioner appointed to lo
cate a road commencing at the quarter
corner between Sections 9 and 10 of
Township 28, Range 49 and running
south and terminating at the South
west corner of Section 10, Township 27,
Range 49, except that it vary from the
Section line as follows., to-wlt: Com
mencing at a point 1800 feet North of
southwest corner of Section 22, leave
the Section line and run Southeasterly
to an extreme of about 700 feet from
Section line and running on a curve
nrountl hill and draw on best natural
road bed, to intersection of Section line
at Southwest corner of Section 22; has
reported In favor of the establishment
thereof, and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in the
Couuty Clerk's olllce on or before noon
of the 10th day of June, 1909, or such
road will be established without refer
ence thereto.
April 13th, 1909.
fp. Apr. 22-5w W. C. Mounts, Clerk.
Will trade a hue automobile for laud
if suited. F. J- Betzold. i8-tf
Alliance, Neb.
L. W. WAKELEY, Q. P. A.,Omaha
Mow Law
& Young
Real Estate Brokers
Opposite Charters Hotel
Alliance, Nebr.
Will coma back to you If you spend It at
home. It is gone forsrer H you send It to
tha Mall-Order House. A elance through
our advertising columns will cite you an
Idea where it will buy tha most.