The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 22, 1909, Image 3

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Prisoners Taxen From Jail and
Strung Up in Barn,
Were Implicated In Murder of Deput)
United States Marshal Dobbitt at
Ada, Okla. Governor Haskell Or
ders Official Investigation and
Lynchers Will Be Punished If Iden
tifiedSheriff Unable to Find Clew.
Ada, Okln., April 20. Two hunurol
(lotoii.:lnc(l cltlzoiiB of Adn, practically
nil of thorn from tho bottor class, who
wore thoroughly disgusted with tho
Kind of "Juatlco' moled out to oifm
Innls In the smaller towna of Okla
liotna, took tho la,w Into tnolr own
Imnda nnd lmnRoil four inon for tho
murder of Deputy United States Mar
shal A. I Dobbitt. Tlio lynchers' vic
tims nro; J. U. Miller of Port Worth.
Tax,, rntt Ionian; 13. H nurroll of Dun
enn, Okln., ranch owner; .Tesso Wost
of Caiincllnn, Tex., ranch ownor; .Tou
Allon of Cniuullun. rnnch ownor. Wost
fought desperately. Tho others inane
i , no resistance.
Tho mob led tho four mon to a barn
n fow hundred foot nwny nnd stood
v them In n straight line.
"If you're going to hang mo, do It,"
enld Miller.
"Tho ropos," tho leader broke in,
nnd tho four unfortunate men wero
strung up, Junt before tho ropo was
plnced nbout his neck, Miller calmly
removed n diamond from his shirt
front and requested It bo sont to his
wife In Fort Worth. From his tlo ho
drew out a diamond scarf pin, with
tho request that it be given to Guard
McCarty for his kindness to him. Tho
mob then dispersed. At daylight tho
bodies of the lynched men wero cut
Missouri Preacher Kills Himself In
Remarkable Manner.
Bolckaw, Mo., April 20. Hov. J. II.
McCampboll, aged sixty years, pastor
i of tho Methodist Episcopal church
hero, while preparing to conduct tho
morning services, Blashed his throat
with tho razor with which ho was
shaving and cut off tho end of his ton
guo. When found by his wlfo ho could
not talk, but wrote a noto, saying ho
fenrcd ho would have to quit the min
istry on account of 111 h-vlth nnd his
frimlly would bo left Kl want. Ho
died thrco hours later.
Venezuela SettleB With Dutch.
Tho Hague, April 20. Under tho
settlement reached by tho govern
ments of Holland and Venezuela In the
mattter of tho disputes bctweon tho
two countries tho hitter agrees to give
the satr i fiscal treatment to tho lsJ
nnds ol the Dutch Antilles as is ac
corded the Wost Indian Islands and to
pay $4,000 damages on account of
Dutch vessols captured In the spring
of 1908. Tho Nothorlands engages to
prohibit tho Importation of arms Into
Venezuela and to return tho captured
Venezuelan const guurd vessels.
Roosevelt to Stop at Mombasa.
Mombasa, British East Africa, April
20. A cablo has been rccolved hero
from Theodore Itoosovelt, changing
his original plan not to stop lu Mom
basa on his way to tho much of Sir
Alfred Pease, on the Athlr river. He
hnB accepted tho Invitation extended
by tho Mombasa club to attend a' din
ner, nnd will Btay two days on the
const beforo going up tho country
Natives nro coming in to Mombasa
from nil pnrts of tho country to wit
ness the disembarkation of "tho great
white chlof."
Lake Seamen to Vote on Strike.
Chicago, April 20. At a meeting of
the lake seamen's union orders wero
Issued to tho seamen at all points
nround the lnkes to take a referen
dum vote on tho strike. Tho Chicago
men will voto tomorrow and" tho re
sults from tho other ports will bo
known by the end of tho week. Tho
marine firemen and the cooks have al
ready ncted nnd nre refusing to ship
on any boats controlled by the mam
bora of tho Lake Carriers' as3oc".ion.
Wright Wins Opening,
New York, April 20. 11. A, Wright
of San Francisco won the opening
gnmo of tho ninth annual tournament
of the National Association of Ama
teur Billiard Players at tho Liedor
kranz club. Wright's score was 400
points against 142 for Joseph Moyor
of Phllndolphin.
Slain by His Daughter.
Now York, April 20. John Wallace,
Blxty-flve years old, wns shot and
killed last night by Mb daughtor, Ag
nes. Tho motive Is not known defi
nitely, although the woman exclaimed
hysterically when sho waB captured,
"His cruelty killed my brother."
-, .T. Dawson .to Be Envoy, to Chile.
Washington, Aprfl 20. President
Taft sont to tho senate the nomlnntlon
of ThomnB C. Dawson to be minister
to Chile. Mr. Dawsou's residence Is
at Council Bluffs. He Is now minister
to Colombia.
Report on Train Accidents,
Washington, April 20. There wore
ISO rednle killed and over 2,000 in
jured in train nccidents In the two
months ending Deccember last, accord
ing1 to the report issued by the inter
eUie commerce commission.
Price of Bread Mutt Rise If Present
Ccndit'ens Ce-ntif tic. a jo, April l! Th wael mar
ket wM furnisn the fphtur new 'of.
tr.e wrk Whftl Is going to r-appun
In the whtst pit At Chicago i n mut
ter ot popular concern. Tho uouanecu
latlro consumer 1b H8ureti by Secre
tary or Agrlcultura WIlMtt that thoro
Is sufficient wheat In tlie country nt
normal prices to supply the dtnnnd
until tho new crop is marketed and
that present prices are artificial. On
tho other hand, Jnmes A. 1'ntten, bond
of tha bull pool lu Chicago, Insists
that the present prices ate nnturully
flxorf by the law of supply nud de
mand, if prices continue to senr a
general lnorsnso In price or n cutting
down of tlio alse of the loaf of bread
Is predicted.
1 t
Closes Dread Making Plant.
Columbus, O., April 20 The Colum
bus Biscuit company announced that
It liiul determined to closo down its
bread dopnrtment indefinitely because
of tho high price of l.our, mte to the
"cornor" in whent In Chicago. Tho
company employs forty men In Us
plant, which will remain closed until
the price of flour comes down.
Unltod States, England and Australia
In Small Gun Contest,
Washington, April 10. Under the
auspices of the National Itifle associa
tion, whoso headquarters nre In this
city, iltty of tho host shots with small
rlfloB In tho United Stntes will shoot
this wool; in the three cornorod match
between tho United States, England
and Australia for tho indoor champion
ship of the world. Tho shooting will
tako placo in various parts of tho coun
try. There will bo thirty shots per man
In strings of flvo nt soventy-flvc yards,
Tho conditions nro liberal, admitting
of any position, nny rifle of not over
.230 cnliber and nny nights not con
taining glass. Tho tro:.iy will bo held
one year by tho winning country nnd
then bo competed for again.
Washout Sends Freight Train Into
Ditch Near Grand Rapids.
Grand Rapids, Mich., April 20. A
wnshout Bent a Grand Trunk Height
train from Grand Haven into the ditch
one mllo west of this city. Three men
wero killed und one fatally Injuicd.
Tho dead: William Stoltz, engineer,
Fireman Ituncho; Fred' Qulnn, head
Tho injured; 'Roy Stevenson, con
ductor, fatally hurt.
All wore residents of Durand, Mich.
' -
Tried to Bribe Umpires.
Cincinnati, April 20. Tho national
baseball commission announced that
ns a result of Its investigation of
charges that nn attempt wns mnde to
brlbo Umpires Johnstone nnd Klom
during the Chicago-New York National
league games nt the Polo grounds,
Now York, laBt fall, proof has beon ob
tained that the attempt to brlbo was
made. Tho names aro kept secret.
Mrs. Castro on Way to St. Nazairc.
Port Union, Co3ta Rica, April 111.
Tho stoamor Guadeloupe? arrived here
with Sonorn Castro, wife of the for
mer president of Vonozuoia, on lionru.
She did not land, but oxpressed her
intention of proceeding to St. Nuznire
on tho steamer. Tho ex-presldont is
already on his way to that port.
Three Drowned by Capsizing of Canoo
Danvors, Mass., April 20. By tho
capsizing of a ennoo In Middlcton
pond, Victor llurgen, nutomobllo editor
of tho Boston Traveler, and Mrs,
Ernest Norton, wlfo of tho cashier of
tho Merchants' National bank of Bos
ton, nnd her Infant son wore drowned.
Cases AgalnBt Haskell Not Dropped.
Tulsa, Okla., April 20. United
Stntes Attorney William Gregory ap
plied to Judge Campbell for an order
cmnnnelllnu nnothor grand lurv to
hear evidence In the cases of Gov
ernor Haskell nnd others for alleged
land frauds In Muskogee.
Joan of Arc Canonized.
Rome, April 19. In tho presence of
3,000 French pilgrims, practically all
tho bishops of Franco, many cardinals
nnd family descendants of tho new
saint, the solomn ceremonies In the
beatification of Joan of Arc wore car
ried out In St. Peters.
Japanese Legislators Arrested.
Tokyo, April 20. Tho arrest of nlno
officers of tho lowor house of the diet
In connection with the alleged mis
conduct of the officers of the Japanese
Sugar company, Is stondlly growing
and more arrests among tho legislat
ors aro oxpeetod.
Tax Dodger Commits Suicide,
Marysvlllo, Kan., April It). Because
ho had not listed all his proporty with
the county tssossor nnd feared an In
vestigation might cause him to bo
sent to tho poultontlary, James Clark,
b wealthy farmer, drowned himself In
tho Blue rlor.
Washouts In Wyoming.
Ogden, Utah, April 20. Swolled
mountain streams, the result of the
recent warm weather, have caused
washouts on tho Idaho division of tho
Oregon Short Line noar Fossil, Wyo.
Mrs. Cummins Made President.
Washington. April 20. Mrs. Albert
1), Cummins, wlfo of Senator Cummins
ct Iowa, was olocted president of tho
National Society of the Children of
tho American Revolution.
Advance Guard Readies Gates'
of Constantinople,
Indications Are That Salonlkl Trs"
Victory Will 2b Blcec.ess-Ti.rAi. i
Foreign Office akca StrongDcnial
of Rumors Tl st Sultin Ht3 Aui.
cateo'snd la In Flight Palace Is Un
dcr Strong Cuard.
Constantinople, April 23.- The m-rt
Important feature of the Situation nt
the Turkish capital wna tho rtpo r
that Sultan Abdul Hamld had abdi
cated. It caused the greatest excit -ment
In the lobbies of parliament and
wns sprend with lightning rapid. ty
throughout tho city. A rumor of the
flight of tho sultan on n wnrs'alp fol
lowod closely on thnt of his audio
tlon, but neither could bo conflns" I
I.nrgo crowds gathered nt the Britis i
omhabsy, where, other rumors had it
the sultnii had tnken lefuge, and thin
hIbo wero scores of lnquiilos at ttu
Russian embassy concerning tho trut.i
of the rnmor that his majesty wrs en
der the protection of Russia on one o.
its gunrdshlps.
At both of theso embassies alt
knowlodgo of tho sultan's movements
was denied and tho Turkish foreign
office nlso gave tho strongest denial tc
one nud nil of the rumors. The abdi
cation of Abdul Hnmld, however, np
pears to bo not Improbable. It Is
feared that within n day or tw.o the
constitutionalists may accept as his
successor Prince Yussof Izzedln, the
eldest son of tho late sultan, who 13
second in lino, as they aro Btrongly
displeased with Abdul Hamld's atti
tude. The pnlnce Is under strong
guard and oven high officials wero
not permitted to enter It.
Tho constitutional forces have ad
vanced to tho gates of Constantinople.
They encountered no reslstnnco, nor
does any resistance seem likely, unless
it is at tho palace. The headquarters
of tho constitutionalists' army Is at
Doleagntch nnd General Husnl Pasha's
forces, which now number between 20,
000 nnd 30,000, occupy a rango of hills
nbout twenty miles from tho capltnl.
Every hour rclnforcoments nre adding
to their numbers.
Will Awsit Reinforcements.
It is not likely thnt tho entire nrmy
will rench tho cnpltnl for some little
time, as HubuI Pnsha nnd his military
advisors deem It advisable to with
hold tholr advance until they nro
strong onotigh to win access by over
whelming numbers. They hope that
tho so called reactionary opposition
will yield without fighting. The bring
Ing up of tho relnforcemonts Is under
tho direction of Nlazi Eey and Enver
Bey. The civil direction of affairs
continues at SalonikI, at which place
constant communication is maintained
with Constantinople. The '--- min
istry, under Edham Pasaa, been
inactive, excopt that n low pro aotions
hnvo been made to fill the nc ancles
caused by tho killing of officers, which
it Is estimated uumber 200. There
hnvo boon practically no preparations
so far as can bo observed to resist
the ndvauco of the Sa'onikl trco:s.
It Is nnnouncod offlclaVv that tho
deaths nt Adann during fie rioting
numborcd 700, among the killed being
many Turks. The tojegraph lines to
tho ptovlnces hnvo been badiy hiter
rupteu and 'otalls of the massacres nt
Adnna, Tarsus nnd other places are
Although tho rumors of the sultan's
abdication remained unconfirmed, they
seemed to produce a feeling of distinct
rollof In Constantinople, arid tho ad
vance of tho Salonlki army, which is
slow, but steady, makes the settle
ment of tho question of administration
n matter of hours. The general belief
Is held that the enveloping movement
will be completed by tomorrow. Tho
soldiers of the garrison appear to bo
thoioughly cowed' by the advance of
tho third army corps and the only
cause for apprehension is the attitude
of the fleet.whlch la held to bo doubtful
Izzet Pasha and other government
delegates who wore sent to confer
with tho Salonlkaii3 have returned
Izzet Pasha had a long conference
with tho grand vlzlor. All that can
ho learned of the conference is that
tho Salonlkans reiterated their de
mands already made and threnWnod
to sond their battalions Into the city
for the purpose of assisting tho author
ities in maintaining ordor.
The council of ministers is still de
liberating. Business of all kinds Is
practically suspondod and the civil
and military officials appear paralyzed
waiting for the outcome of events.
The consensus of opinion is that If
tho abdication of the sultnn is brought
about his overthrow and the proclnma
tlon of his successor will be made
peacefully. Many Turkish families In
the Stamboul qunrtar are leniovlng
from tholr abodes tq places of greater
safety, but in general the people, lu
view or the qopifng vgjit,$,.nre nwnlt
ing them philosophically nnd with res
f gnat ion.
Given Until 10 P. M. to Abdicate.
Paris, April 20. A special diapatch
from Constantinople says that tho
young Turks have given the su'tsn un
til 10 p. m. to abdicate.
Fire Destroys Cotton Compress.
Little Rook, Ark., April 20. The St.
Louis compress No. 2, with 1,200 bales
of "cotton Btored therein, -was de
stroyed by fire. Loss, $1,000,000.
v, tnwimiiBrjixw - yrinf?Tr'VTrftrlijHm mjprnifwp
Node's Bakery
and Cafe
for your Sunday dinner
We solicit your order for
Order on time
Short Hand & Typewriting
The full course learned in six weeks.
Only one hour lesson day or night. No
home study. Diplomas issued- Good
positions guaranteed. Most of my
former pupils nt Grand Island aver
nged over ioo words per minute in six
weeks. First lesson fiee. Phone 39.
Kindly call at Burlington hotel or tele
phone your address and I shall be
pleased to call on you.
Miss Cortez Wilson, teacher.
Painting, Paper Hanging
and Kalsomining
Phone 641 AJli,ance'
f V Cb t- A A t ,4, fth -a
it il il Tl- ij it-TjT
j g .v - . t- .11. iv . A.
tt -.- .. I . .
'1 I i
mjiv j j i j a
II) i'
IK mil J4IJ II B ill! ff
ti 8 B",6 I d
1 J HAWJ I JtlUIl fi
1 F. J. I
1 7
Sunlight Bacon . . .
Diamond C Bacon . .
Swift's Premium Bacon
Histletoe Bacon . . .
5-7 Rex Bacon . . .
Boiling Meat from 6 to
Fine Beef Steak at 12Yzc
Bologna, 3 lbs. for 25c
Fresh Side Pork, 10c per lb.
Lard in & ,. at 10 per lb.
Fine No. 2 Mams, 15c per lb.
Fine Rex Bacon, 16c lb.
J5 fJorned Beet, 8c per lb.
I Pickled Pigs Feet, 7c per
I. W.
New Goods
One lot Men's Shirts '. 25c, 35c and 50c
One lot Underwent, Mens', Women's nnd Child
ren's 5c to 25c
Table Linen, Mercerized, sjood quality, per vartl.
Bigr lot Muslin Ij4c
Calico, American print, high grade, nt jc per
vard. Lower grade 6c
One lot French Gingham, per yard 10c
All kinds of articles, Trunks, Suit Cases, Men's Shoes,
Hats, Cap:, Gloves; Man's, I-ndio', Missos'.Cliildien's Mosont a bargain
We have a large amount of Drawn Work which we
are closing out at a bargain.
Ferris & Essay
115 Box Bu e Ave.
The Pantorium
One-Half Block West
Ladies' and Gents' Clothing Cleaned and Pressed.
Hats, plumes, etc., cleaned. Work done promptly.
Charges Reasonable
1 Mikado Economy Steel
JlInu 1 Ransre with
16-inch oven
nigh Warming Closet,
Also Halleabie and Round Oak Steel Ranges
Meat Market
Phone 131
miss uusc v- neiniiui
Cashier and Bookkeeper
Joseph S. Saxton - Meat Cutter
?:. r r ir
losnnh Skttln . . llnlnlior
Julius G. Biikel - Sausage Maker
Jake H. Herman Stock Buyer
John B. Heimau Dehverynian No. i
Wra. C- Herman - Deliveryman No. 2
Prices tor this Week
in strips 20c,
. " 21c,
Swift's Premium Hams, 17c, sliced
Sale of
...,,., 30c, d,oc, 50c and 75c I
BELL, Prop.
of Brennan's Drug Store
- f
Hardware Co.
ii.a'iiSi.i"i.i'ii.iii.i" " k '
' . . . .. ,. . , , .. ,. .
sliced 22c
" 24c
" 25c
4 23c
10c per lb.
per lb.
in strips
' M-Hatezltlm&r
- Jrfie,.,.