Btnto UWorlotvl Society The Alliance Herald. Lzrest Circulation Official Publication of the City and County. V I any Newspaper in v-:srn Nebraska.' VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE. BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1909 NUMBER 19 t r i . C i i i " 1- i V 'i J7 T n' 1 fc .-J, (5 ft STRENGTH! Management T The success of a bank and the safety of the funds entrusted to it, depend upon the judi cious administration of its affairs. Every active officer of The First National Bank is a banker of long experience. The First National Bank is especially strong by reason of its large capital and surplus; and also the extensive finan cial responsibility of its stock holders. ' v -tL i Y Capital, jsurpfys, Fire, proof proof safety THE FIRST BANK OF GOVERNMENT, COUNTY, CITY SKREAMER& KENNEDY? DENTISTS. .- t i-Office io Alliance National Bank Blk A ; Over Postoffice. y . 'Phone 391. i. jX--XX- X--X--X--X-!--M"!--I-W"M- 1I1 11 hlhWnt 1 1 n i ' 1 llWlh t 1 r 1 1 This is a cash sale ALLIANCE U R I $50,000.00 $50,000.00 T and burglar deposit boxes NATIONAL ALLIANCE AND SCHOOL DEPOSITORY DR: TV ALLEN; - DENTIST Painless Unrnctlon r.:itet Method B.ife. .8ui ALL.U.NCK - NKUKASKA 11 1 IDAY. APRIL 23rd Remember the Opening DayFriday, April 23rd, 1909 Double Wedding A happy event took place Inst even ing at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Buchman on North Box Butte avenue, when Rev. J. L. Vallow pro nounced the words that united for life, as husband and wife, the destinies of two couples, Clyde H. Johnson and Miss Ina C. Green, nnd Daniel R. Davie and Miss M. Victoria Kohrman. A number ot the friends of the con tracting parties were present. The ceremony was at 8:30 o'clock, after which a sumptuous repast was served- These young people have many friends in Alliance who will unite with us in extending congratulations nnd best wishes. Mr. Johnson is a Bur lington braketnan, but has a claim in Sheridan county about 18 miles north cast of this city. He will resign his position with the railroad and he and his bride will take up their residence on the homestead. Mr. Davie is fore man of the stockyards here, and he and the new Mrs. Davie will reside in the city. Session of Box Butte Presbytery Rev. Dr. Bogue returned Monday from Valentine, where he had been in attendance at the annual session of the Box Butte Presbytery of the Presby terian church. Upon request of The Herald reporter he kindly furnished some information that we are sure will be of interest to our readers: The Nebraska synod is divided into six presbyteries. The Box Butte pres bytery covets the northwestern part of the state. It Is 70 mile wide, north and south, and 180 miles long, east and west, covering 12,000 square miles. A large part of this territory is sparse ly settled, but the work of the church is in a prosperous condition. Four new churches nave, been organized within the presbytery during tile last year. At tins session commissioners were elected to the general assembly, which will convene in Denver, May 20th. for a ten days' session, Rev. Cecil Phillips of Miuatare being the ministerial and OUR entire stock of Men's, Women's and Children's Shoes which were only slightly damaged by smoke and water during the recent fire, will be placed on sale at great ly reduced prices, commencing Everybody will expect more for their money at this sale than ever before, and they won't be disappointed. Our loss is your gain. Our entire stock will be sacrificed. Our store had just been filled with new, seasonable spring goods. The greater part of the stock was not damaged, but we realize that you will expect some great bargains in the shoe lines and we will make you prices such as will never again be offered in Alliance. Remember our shoes are all standard goods and recognized the world over as the very best on the market. Come early, as the real bargains we are offering can't last long L. R North of Bridgeport the lny commissioner. Officers of the presby tery for the ensuing yenr were elected as follows: Rev. Thos. Prico of Rush villo, moderator Rev. J. D. Burke, Bridgeport, temporary clerk; Rev. II. l V. Boguc, Alliance, stated clerk. EasternlttaT Officers Elected At the meeting of Alloyah Chapter No. 185, Order of Eastern Star, on Tuesday evening, the following officers were elected: Mrs. Emma Bcckwith, V. M.; Ira E. Tash, W. P.; Mrs. Mamie Matthews, A. M.; Mrs. Cora Lewis, Sec; Mrs. Helen Rowan, Trcas.; Mrs. Flora Gaddis, Cond.; Mrs. Anna Roup, A. Cond- The installation of officers will take place Tuesday evening, May 18th. Peter Rubcndnll, P. G. P., has been invited to act as installing officer. He was P. G. of this state when this chap ter was instituted in 1904 and issued the dispensation for its institution, and it has been a great pleasure to the members to invite him to officiate at the installation next month. At the close of the meeting on Tues day evening W. M -elect, Mrs. Bcck with, and the W. P.-olect, Mr. Tash, invited the members to partake of ice cream at Ilolsten's, which they did at the expense of the two officials-elect giving the invitation. The occasion was greatly enjoyed by all participants. In the Swim Again As announced in The Herald, the management of the Crystal, after the fire last week, telegraphed for a com plete new outfit and on Thursday eveniug opened temporarily in the Phclau opera house. It was expected that there would be a good attendance, and iu this no one was disappointed. Thcr&werc two perfornjanccsdurinR the evening. At the first the opera house was packed and n large crowd waited in the hall for the second, un able to gain admission to the first. On account of the crowd that blocked the entrance, the rear doors were open ed to make an exit for those who wished to leave after Jhe first performance SHOE F. M. KNIGHT, President. W. II, CORBIN, Vice Pres. No. Alliance National Bank Courteous Treatment. Accounts Solicited. Highest Interest Paid on Time Deposits. - W Capital Paid Surplus SSTAIways Money to Loan on Approved Chattel Security. DIRECTORS: F. M. Krigkt W. H Cotbln F. W. Harris f. E. Holsttn B. F. Battillwlin without waiting for the second. The gentlemen, who have charge of the Crystul, have spared no pains to make it first-class and up-to-date in every respect, and wo are pleased to see their efforts appreciated by the public. As will be seen by their an nouncement in this issue of The Her ald they arc still holding forth at the Phclan, with new attractions. That Cough Must Stop This is a bad time of the year to neglect either a cold or cough. A cough easily leads into other and ofton more Her ious diseases. You can easily cure any cough with CHERRIPINE Nature's great cure for cough, bronchial hoarseness or cold on the lungs. l4eUottOYV J 1 iV 1 -I maM. OAxqsCbM STORE F. W. HARRIS, Cashier. S. FICKELL, Asm. Cash. 5667 - H in $50,000 $25,000 Ni'm We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mir. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. Dr. Allen, dentist. Opera house blk. !A stitch in time saves nine." A 'firo and burglar proof safe in time will save n good many times its cost. Call up the Western Office Supply company and get particulars. 'Phono 340. ig-tf Pure Bred Poultry. Choice R. C. Leghorn cockerels for sale. Eggs 50 cents per sotting. Call or wiite Mrs. A. Gregory, Marsland, Nebr. 18-13W This is a cash sale wS