ftw5fflTO' J" WWHIW W " Wi'W i' i i , Owing to the disastrous fire of last Mon day night THE ALLIANCE CASH SHOE STORE will remain closed until losses are adjusted. Watch this space for further par ticulars. JOS. MciSAMARA, Prop. Northwest Nebraska Teachers' Association : C r o a n Piano s I handle the line of Pianos that has the reputation of being the product of a factory that takes pride in its output CROWN PIANOS are made by the Geo. P. Bent Co., of Chicago The tone of CROWN Pianos is dif ferent from others. Come in and hear them. Will be pleased to show you samples. T. J. THRELKELD ALLIANCE, NEBR. -JJ The Teachers' Association held in Crawford last Friday and Saturday proved to be one of the best and most impoitant that has been recorded iu the history of this association. A large delegation of teachers, pupils and patrons from this county were in attendance, nearly all staying for the entite session. Supl. D. W. Hayes of Alliance was president of the association and much credit is due him for the excellent pro gram that liad becn arranged and for the general management of the meeting. The principal educators taking part in the program, aside from the best talent within the district, were State Supt. l. CBlshop. Ex-Supt. W. K. Fowler, Prof. J. L. Mclirien, director of Uni versity extension, Pros. J. O. Thomas of Kearney State Normal, Fres. W. H. demons of Fremont Normal, Chancel lor Davidson of Wesleyan University and Deputy State Supt. F. S. Perdue. Representative Chase of Crawford gave an interesting and instructive talk on "flow the State Normal Dill was Passed," On Saturday evening Newton Wes ley Gaiiies gave his excellent lecture, ' Heart and Brain Power," to a very ' appreciative audience that filled the I opera house until standing room was at ' o premium. I The Declamatory contest on Friday I evening was one of the best ever held ( in the northwest part of the state and i was perhaps the most interesting and largest, there being seventeen con testants. The Allianco Bchool was represented by Henry Krajecck, oratorical; Agatha Gregg, dramatic; and Beulah Smith, humorous. We were indeed proud of these representatives aud especially &&&&&gfc3ik S& gfegfe SSfo 1 JUST RECEIVED aSLUJ. rfU-q peaa?r Ad iSi Sib- Jh fr New Line Ladies' Tailored Suits SPECIAL SALE Ladies' House Dresses Kimonas sulsuce Livery Bam X. X. COTJJRSKY, Prop. (Stioccvior to C. C. Smith) v ONK ill tOK WEST tlF Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE F, V fciilNDEN and courteous treatment to all has won-for us the HUIl.tilNG. 'Phone excellent patronage wo enjov. Trv us. DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST 1'atnlcRu Extraction Luteit Method Bute. Buro ALMINOK - NKUHABKA KREAMER& KENNEDY;! f DENTISTS. when the judges announced that each had won a first prize. Tho judges in, the contest were Chancellor Davidson, Luther Mumford of Beatrice and Dep uty State Supt. Perdue. Ab near as we are able to learn the following are those who attended from this county. From Alliance were Mayor and Mrs. C. C. Smith, Mrs. J. Rowan, Mrs. D. Ellis, Supt. D. W. Hayes, O E. Phillips, Prin. H. H. Rcimund, Prof. Williams, T. V. Williams, Misses Strong, White, Ba con, MacHugh, Reed, Russell, Frazier, Scott, Alexander, MoLernon, McCoy, Briggs, Wirt, Roddy, Detrick, Kibble, Gregg, Smith, Nerud, Nation and a number of 'rah, 'rah boys representing the high school Heihuigford was represented by Pnn. Wrn. Deaver, Lew Lcavitt, Jessie Leavitt, Emma Nerud, Bertha Parkyn, Lillian Blanchard, Flora Godfrey and Mabel Crawford. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Supt. C P. Kelley of Rushville, president; Prin. E. M. Kendall, Gordon, vice president; Supt. Jennie M. Ellis, Chadron, secre tary; B. F.Story, Crookston, treasurer. Those chosen for the executive com mittee were D. W. Hayes, Alliance; C. L. Hopper, Rushville and E. J. Shutt, Crawford. State Declamatory Contest at Alliance. Office in Allianco National Bank Blk ! Over Postoffice. jf 'Phone 3gi --- inl.1.ltnfl..t. The executive committee of the Nebras ka State Declamatory Union has recognized PIANOS that satisfy The Pianos we sell are all Pianos of quality. They satisfy. Ask our customers what they think of our Pianos. Their tone cannot be equalled; their finish is excelled by none; their lasting qualities are known; every instrument guaranteed and backed by a responsible house. We have been selling Pianos for years and will continue to do so. We are proud of our line: Henry F. Miller Everett Haines Bros. Brewster Cable Kroeger Knabe Kingsbury Conover Dayton Marshall & Wendell Harvard We want to show you these beautiful instruments. Prices and terms to suit all. Every Piano selected with care. G. A. GRANGER COMPANY IDA M. ROSS, Manager m 4M s EGAN OPERA HOUSE BLOCK 'S 3B 3 -t -nv 3?" our city's importance as an educational center by deciding upon Alliance as the place for the annual state declamatory contest, May 7th. There will be twelve to fifteen contestants, four or five in each of the three classes, oratorical, dramatic and humorous, the declamatory cream, as we might say, of the schools of Nebraska. Besides the contestants, there will be quite a number of the leading educators of the state present, but the importance to Alli ance of the event does not consist princi pally in the number of visitors who attend. but in the recognition that is at last given to the city and this part of the state It will without doubt help to inform the people farther east that Alliance is on the map of the great state of Nebraska, and may henceforth be considered as one of its important school towns. Certainly much credit is due Frot. D. W, Hayes who lias done more than any other person to secure the recognition that has been due this part of the state, but which has not until re cently been properly given. The sale of tickets for the contest, which will be in the Phelan opera house, evening of May 7th, is in charge of the high school studepts. Up to yesterday morning more than 300 had been sold and the indications are that the demand for tickets will be greater than the capacity of the opera house. Those who wish to make sure of a seat will need to secure it early. Importance of Following Directions i The Herald takes the liberty of urg ing the importance of following prompt ly the directions given by Prof. Hunt, as director of the agricultural experi mentation that is being made in Box Butte county. This work lias been undertaken at a heavy expense to Mr. Newberry, who finances the enterprise, and also at n considerable sacrifice on the part of Prof Hunt, which he gladly makes because of his interest in north western Nebraska and his belief that this country is capable of great agri cultural development. This expense would not have been incurred or the sacrifice made had it not been that quite a number of farmers agreed to follow minutely on a specified amount of land the instructions given by the director. Wo volunteer these suggestions be cause we think we realize something of the importance of following directions promptly and definitely. For instance, tests have been made that prove that under certain conditions one hundred tons of moisture will evaporate from an acre of laud in 48 hours, one-third enough to produce a crop. One of the principal objects of experimentation is to ascertain the best method of con serving or saving this moisture. If it is desired to try a certain experiment and instructions are accordingly given to dogcertain work at a certain time, but the farmer puts off doing the work 48 hours, or even for one day, it is easy to see that much of the benefit of the experiment is lost. Wo are sure the farmers, who have gone into this work, will give Prof. Hunt their prompt and hearty co-operation if they realize the importance of the matter, and we make these sug gestions knowing that "a word to the wise is sufficient." Election of Officers Flour of Quality 1 The reason for the Increasing use of I OLD GLORY FLOUR Is that it meets the need of the housewife and baker, not use it try a sack. If you do 1 carry a complete stock of everything in my ne, and handle only the best quality. Cash prices are the lowest in the city. Phone 155 E. I. GREGG Imported and Home-Bred Stallions FOR SALE The next regular meeting of the Or der ofUhe Eastern Star. Allovah Chap ter Nfe. 185, will be held Tuesday night.April 20th, at which officers for the iH,',,T term will he elected. A full attendance is desired. Secretary. We Have Two-year-old Colts Weighing Over 180Q Pounds Call and Inspect Them Headquarters at PALACE LIVERY BARN SMITH & WILSON, Props ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA S r M, X t i fc--.v S