The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 08, 1909, Image 4

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Pubtlitied I3Tery Thursday by
Th KeraM Publishing Company.
F, A. I'ikhnon. I'ri . Uwra P, Thomas, Hoc.
John V. Thomas. Mgr.
J, B. KNIEST Associate Editor
Entered at tho postofllce at Alliance,
Nebraska, (or transmission through the
malU, ai second-cUss mntler,
Subscription, per year in advance.
Lot's nil got together ami statu!
for Alliance
Will tlio editors of papora hi neigh
boring towiiR that have been slaudoriug
Alliance kindly take It back?
Says tho Gordon Journal; Tally ono
for Governor Shallenberger. Ho placed
his veto on tho Gates bill which pro
vlded for permission of saloons at Fort
Lnat week The Herald said It looked
like tho water wagon would again bo
tho band wagon In Alliance, but wo
can't sometimes most always tell. Tho
beer wagon is tho hand wagon.
Wo firmly believe, that tho series of
articles which Tho Herald bega.n pub
Hulling last week on experimental farm
lug in Dox llutto county will ha worth
much more to any farmer in this coun
ty who rends it than tho price of the
paper for a year-
Tho. vote of Alliance compared with
& venr ago indicates an Increase in
population ot Ruoug 350, one ot ttio
Crawford papers has been publishing
the absurd statement that this city do
creased 1,000 since tho saloons were
voted out a year ago. Hut a discrep
ancy of 1,250 isn't much for a member
of the-Annnnias club.
Northwestern Nebraska does not
claim to bo a groat corn country yet,
although wo are coming to it. Accord
ing to tho Oshkosh Herald, the Oshkosb
Lumber company recently shipped a
car load of corn out of Deuel county
to an eastern market. This speaks
well (or this part ot the state when the
large amount of corn that is used in
home consumption is taken into consideration,
Every citizen of northwestern Ne
braska, whether$farmer or business
man, should keep posted ott tho agri
cultural development of this country.
We know of no better way to do this
than to follow closely the work being
done this, year iti Box Uutte county
under supervision pf Prof. E, V. Hunt,
The editor of The Herald will, during
the spring and summer, furnish an
occasional write-up of this work to the
Twentieth Century Farmer; other
papers will also probably make soma
tueution of it; but the most completo
description will be found each week in
The Herald's department, "Agricultur
al Experimentation in Bos Butte County-"
It you have neighbors who are
uot now subscribers to this paper, you
will confer a favor upon them by call
tag their attention to this matter so that
they can subscribe and get the benefit
of these articles- We uro printing
some extra copies, so that a limited
number of uew subscriptions can begin
with this number.
It is a truism that wise men some'
thatw change their opinions, but fools
uevttr. It is no reflection on a man's
judgment if he changes his opinion ou
the question of licensing saloons. There
are arguments on both sides, but of
course those, on one side or the other
predominate, lu towns and cities where
the no-saloou policy has been given a
tair trial it has. so far as we kuow,
pwvtu nulversally satisfactory. U is
not unoommuu for men who have been
strongly in favor of higu license policy
to ohango their opinion and favor the
iiQ-atoou polloy when ouce it is giveu .
u thorough trial in their own tovvu or
oittf. There are good, level-headed
business men in Alliance who have
lion estly believed that, to license a few
saloouj here would be better than to
try tQ prohibit tha sale of liquors.
The city election Tuesday marks an epoch, not
only in the history of Alliance but also, because of her
commanding position and the influence that naturally
goes out from here, it marks as well the beginning of
a better condition for northwest Nebraska. Although
the city goes wet, a campaign has been inaugurated
that we predict will not 'end till licensed saloons
will be an institution .of the past here. For some
years past it has been apparent to the student of history
and current events that the doom of the licensed saloon
in America is sealed. Slowly but surely the temper
ance sentiment of the country has been gaining force,
and whether we desire it or not, the time is not far
distant when it will predominate in a majority of the
states, and eventually in the nation as a whole. The
state or tho city that wishes to be truly up-to-date
will be found 'in the van in this movement. V
They call it a "prohibition wave,." but strictly
speaking it is not. There are thousands upon thous
ands of people who do not call themselves prohibition
ists, who do not believe in absolutely prohibiting the
use Of intoxicating liquors as a beverage, they believe
in leaving to the individual conscience the question as
to what each shall eat or drink, in short they do not
favor "sumptuary legislation" in the abstract; .but they
are tired of saloon domination. Fostered by a licence
system that has created a liquor monopoly which is the
most powerful in politics and the most arrogant of any
trust in our land today, the allied liquor interests are
not content to attend to their own business and the
matters that directly affect it, but would if they could,
and do where they can, dictate in matters of legislation
and public policy that ought to be left to the people or
their untrammeled representatives;
"The State" is the name of the official publication
of the Nebraska brewery interests. In a recent issue
it published the following editorial:
Nebraska mint get away from all populist ic and pa
ternalistic droams like tha initiative and referendum and
tho Sink bed-sheet hill. When tho republicans "wrepted
control of state government from the populists, they put a
stop to all such vagaries which had during populist su
premacy marked Nebraska as a fool's paradise. Upon tha
sdveut of a rojuventcd domocracy inado radical by tha in
fusion of pqpulistic serum, we sco tho state made odious in
tho minds of eastern men whoso opinions arc worth much
to Nebraska financially and commercially. If our demo
cratic legislature shall continue to mako tho state the butt
1 of ridicule tho country over, the best minds' of the nation i
will wipe Nebraska off the map until our people show signs
of returning sanity.
Tell us, please, what right the brewers' official
organ has of interfering in these matters ? The in
itiative and referendum are designed to give the people
who are the. sovereigns in a republican form of govern
ment the right to pass upon matters that affect and con
cern them: but the beneficiaries of the license system
fear to trust to the people as a whole. They can more
easily accomplish their designs by dealing with a few
than with the many. The principal champion of the
bill for the initiative and referendum was no less a per
sonage than William Jennings Bryan, whose personal
influence in Nebraska is acknowledged by opponents
as well as by supporters to be incomparably greater
than any other man; and yet that bill was defeated by
a democratic legislature. Why ? Don't blame the
democratic party; it would no doubt have been more
overwhelmingly defeated had the political complexion
of the legislature been republican.
Mr. Bryan while personally an abstainer from the
use of intoxicating liquors, has always been liberal in
his views on the subject of personal liberty, so liberal
in fact that he failed to receive the votes of thousands
of ultra temperance advocates that would otherwise
have been given to him. He has publicly as well as
privately expressed, himself as in favor of the Slocum
high license law of Nebraska; but the influence of his
example tends to lessen the consumption of alcoholic
beverages, especially the poisonous kind sold under the
license system; the lineaments of his coutenance sug
gests temperance. Conservative advocates of personal
liberty are pleased with his attitude and are willing to
grant him and others the privilege which they ask for
themselves, and that is the right of individual, personal
choice in matters pertaining to private life; but the
liquor trust, not content with the profits that come from
u moderate demand for their goods, would crush if pos
sible not only those who would put them out of busi
ness by legnl process, but also those whose personal
example if universally followed would leave them with
out customers.
The writer has always been an admirer, of Mr.
Bryan. Although he voted the democratic ticket for
the first time last fall, he had previously, as a populist,
voted for the Bryan presidential electors. In our home
at Omaha last fall were five children, from nine to
seventeen years of age, all boys and all enthusiastic
"Bryanites." The Bryan sentiment in that city was so
overwhelming that they supposed it was so elsewhere
and of course naturally were confident of his election
to the presidency. Appearance seemed to indicate that
three or four votes would be cast for him to each one
vote oasc against him. Even Jmcn of
mature years and judgment beliovcd
ho would receive u majority in Douglas
county of two to one. He did receive
a majority there, but what a paltry
mnjority It tvns compared with the sen
timent there wan for htm during the
campaign. In Now York City ho re
ceived ovations never accorded
any other tnnn In tho nation's metrop
olis. The multitudes of that great city
believed in htm, admired htm, wanted
to Hce htm made president of the United
fcitatcs, If the money and tho influence
of tho liquor Interests had Wept out of
tho fight, ho would have swept Greater
New York with a majority that would
have given him the state.
Much has been Said and written as to
what caused tho defeat of Bryan, with
tho tldo of popular sentiment 80 over
whelmingly In his favor. After all the
causes have been enumerated aud
summed up, it remains an evident fact
that tho deciding factor was the li
censed liquor oligarchy,
Hut'wnlt. Tomorrow Is another day.
There'll bo a reckoning by and by.
Richard L. Metcalfe, tho celebrated
editorial writer, formerly of the Oma
ha World-Herald but for some time
past on the stall of Tho Commoner, a
conservative of conservatives on the
liquor question, who has never been ac
cused of being a "prohibitionist" or
"temperance crank", has 11 correct esti
mate of tho situation. In tho article
from his pen which we are publishing
in this Ibsuo of Tho Herald under tho
heading, "Tho Future of Democracy",
he says: "I know, too, that right hero
in Nebraska there are enough demo
crats who are in favor of doing away
with tho liquor tratllcto make It n dif
ficult matter to have tho democratic
party espouse the wrong Mdo of this
question. One bugle blast would call
these democrats to arms for tho pret
tiest battle that has taken .place in
tunny u day."
All right, Mr. Metcalfe, tho bugle
blast has been sounded. Now let tho
merry war go on.
The Future of Democracy
of them being avowed opponents of the one example set by these men when they
It was tho Herald editor's good for
tune to attend the state convention of
Democratic editors, held at Lincoln,
March inth. Richard L. Metcalfe, the
well-known writer who gained a wide
reputation as managing editor of the
Omaha World-Herald but who is now
a part of the editorial force of Mr
Bryan's paper, The Commoner, read a
paper on the subject, "igio and 1912".
In this paper he handles a question
that has come to the front and which
must be given consideration, and in
handling this question he does so in
such an unbiased and unprejudiced
manner and With a knowledge of the
subject so accurate and thorough that
it is indeed refreshing to read it, espe
cially in these times when there are
those on both sides of the question who
try to settle it with clamor instead of
Following is the paper read by Mr.
Metcalfe at the convention:
One would be better able to discuss fu
ture campaigns if the liquor question were
out of the way. In my view it is idle to
discuss American politics without giving
some consideration to the part the liquor
question may play. In the first place the
public is treated to a great deal of bun
combe from both sides of that question.
A great noise has been made concerning
the help either of the two great political
parties is alleged to have received, in Ne
braska and elsewhere, from the liquor ele
ment. It has been charged that at last
election the democratic ticket in Nebraska
bad the support of that element. But we
remember that it has also been charged
that two years ago the republican ticket
was elected by the help of the liquor deal
ers. A great noise has been made because
two democrats, who were conspicuously
affiliated with the temperance forces, gave
their support to the democratic ticket in
the last campaign white at the same time
that ticket was looked upon with favor by
the liquor element. On this point it is
"six of one and half a dozen of the other".
I have noticed that the leaders of the tem
perance forces in Nebraska have had the
habit of looking upon candidates for state
I offices through the spectacles of the partic
ular political party to which they happened
to belong. It may y. that they have
learned from actual experience that neither
ot the l a great parties has a right to a
monopoly on the label of "temperance"
and that neither has a right to a monopoly
on the label of ''whiskey". Men who ap
peared to be greatly wrought up because
two democratic temperance leaders sap-
ported the democratic ticket daring the
last campaign, never seemed disturbed by
the fact that in 1000. in 1004 and in 1906,
vrhen the republican state ticket had the
support of the Kqnor interests ef this state.
some of the most distinguished republican
temperance leaders were found working
for the-same ticket that was being support
ed by the honor forces. And it is likewise
true that when, in 1907, both of the oppos
ing candidates en the state ticket Jadge !
Reese and Mr. Leaws were stalwart 1
Temperance men, the mest ceaspicueus
officers of the aati-saloee leagee visited
various places in Nebraska ad charged
Mr. Loomts witk being the candidate of
the Uquor element. The face was that in
that campaign there was absolutely no
choice, between the two candidates, both
liquor traffic. I do not say these things
for the idle purpose of critising any one
but in order that in the examination of
this subject as it may affect us in future
campaigns, we may have a clear under
standing of the situation in the beginning.
In my opinion the temperance leaders in
Nebraska would aid their cause materially
ittheydidnot require more at the hands
of democrats than they do of republicans.
Charges concerning past campaigns will
be found of little avail because an honest
statement of the situation would show
that it is a case of the pot calling the kettle
black. It is true that in Nebraska as else
where the democratic party has often been
called the whiskey party, But in Nebras
ka, as in other states, it is no more entitled
to that label than the republican party, for
it has often been the case that while the
democratic party was called the whiskey
party the republican party was getting the
whiskey votes. And it has been the rule
that among the officers of the anti-saloon
league in all the state campaigns, whatever
the attitude of the liquor element might
be, democratic temperance leaders sup
ported democratic candidates and republi
can leaders supported republican candi
dates. I think some of the conspicuous repre
sentatives of the antl-saloau league in
f Nebraska would contribute to their own
peace of mind and to the cause they repre
sent if they did not seem to make it a
point to attack every one who happens not
to agree wirh thorn. It has been my ob
servation that great causes suffer rather
than advance when their advocates build
a reputation for heated personal attacks
upon their fellows who may not see things
exactly as they do. We have the right to
expect from the advocates of temperance
dignified argument and manly appeal rath
er than the diatribe that belongs (if indeed
it has any place at all) to the speech of
those who have a bad cause.
The imnortance of this question, at this
time or in future campaigns, is not and
will not be due to the charees or the
counter charges of democratic or of repub
lican temperance leaders. The figure it
will play in our politics will not depend
upon the heated exclamation of the radical
who finds nothing but the saint in the man
who agrees with him and nothing but the
sinner in the man who differs with him.
The figure this question wil play in our
politics does not depend upon the diatribe
of men who are republicans or democrats
first and consistent temperance leaders
later, and who, being utterly inconsistent
themselves, demand, in heated language,
that other men purge themselves of incon
sistency. The figure this question will
play in our politic does not entirely de
pend upon its emotional or its moral qual
ity. I call your attention to the fact that
so long as the slavery question seemed a
purely emotional question (as it was al
ways a moral question) Garrison was
dragged through the streets of Boston with
a rope around his neck and the abolition
ists were derided, even in the north, as
"long haired men and short haired women".
It was when the question assumed the pro
portions of an economic qnestion that men.
who had not been stirred by emotion or
actuated by the pnrely moral element, re
cognized it as a qnestion that mnst be dis
posed of and, as history records, it was
settled .and settled right as all questions
will, in the end. be settled.
Men who imagine that the liquor ques
tion as it presents itself to the American
people is a mere recurrence of the emotion
al or the moral qnestion which made
Maine a prohibition state with varying
and perhaps unsatisfactory results, fail to
make careful investigation of the present
day situation. Sobriety is demanded in
all commercial circles. Railroad man
agers forbid the nse of intoxicants by
train men and other employes to whom
the lives of passengers are entrusted and
the railroad men themselves are learning,
as individuals, that they are better off
without the nse of intoxicating liquors.
It is a dangerous experiment for the com
mercial traveller to invite his patron for a
drink; and the commercial traveler, as an
individual, is learning that the thoroughly
sober man gets the best out of life. There
is not, today, the drinking at political
gatherings, or at state legislatures, or in
congress, that there once was- Asfndi
vidnals, men, regardless of political preju
dice, are learning that sobriety is the best
policy. It is dawning upon business men
that the saloon is not a necessary adjunct
of commerce and that the brewery and
distillerr are not essential to the business
interests ot the country. Taxpayers are
learning that it is not good business policy
to license, for a comparatively small sum,
the operation of a great criminal cost pro-
ducing system like the liquor dispensary
and at the same time tax themselves heav
ily ta par the bill. Fathers are learning,
just as mothers knew when "they felt, for
the first time, their first bora's breath"
! that the saloon as an institution is 'an ene
my to the borne, and in this light the
liquor question is rapidly pressing itself
apon the attention of the American people.
I have no sympathy with the attacks
made a poo individaaU who happen to be
esgaged is the liqsor besiness. I know
aatesg them many good men, kind fathers,
faithfet hsshaads and trne friends. Some
I ike best Mssperaace lectures that have
ever been given have bedn administered
by bar leaders te reckless patrons. And
it is the fact, also, that sobriety is demand
ed aaweg bar tesders. I think you will
Had amefig this class of men that temper
ance in the nse of drink is the rule of the
asajerity while total abstinence is the
t practice of a considerable and an ever in
creasing number. I believe in following
rpfnssR to take their own medicine. I think
the man who spends the day behind a bar
listening to the prattle of erased drink men
is entitled to the sympathy rather than the
condemnation of his fellows. And I think,
also, that when we are tempted to engage
in personal attacks upon the individual we
ought to remember that we and our fathers
and grandfathers are responsible for the
business in which these men are engaged
and aim our shafts at the system rather
than at the men ourselves and our ances
tors among them who are responsible for
that system.
I would not undertake to say just what
the result of this contest would be, say in
Nebraska. I think I can see clearly
enough that the contest Is coming. I do
not kriow either what the position of the
two great political parties will be on that '
question. I decline to take it for granted
that the. action of any member of a legisla
ture states my party's position on tljat
question. I decline to take it for granted
that the vote of republican legislators in
favor of a bill which they new was doomed
to defeat, proves their party's position on
that question even any more than it
proves the real position of all the members
who voted for the measure. I want to
read in the platform of my own party, as
in the platform of the republican party,
the position of each organization upon this
question. I know that in Nebraska the
republican party has, as often if not often
er than the democratic party, had the
support of the organized liquor element.
I know that it was the organized liquor
element, controlling four democratic votes,
that gave a republican senator to Ken
tucky. I know that in all the pivotal states
in the union, during the last campaign, the
influence of the organized liquor element
was thrown to the republican national
ticket even though in some states its influ
ence was given to the democratic state
ticket. I know that the growth of the
temperance sentiment in the democratic
party has been one of the remarkable facts
of recent history.
When you talk about making a temper
ance party out of the republican party I
cannot see how you can overcome the grip
which the great special' interests of the
country have upon that party and it has
been my observation that, as a rule,
special interests fight shoulder to shoulder. ,
It may be that in a few states of the
north and the west you may line up the
democratic party as a liquor party, but I
cannot see how you are going to transform
the democratic party of the nation into a
whiskey party until you can overcome the
great temperance wave now spreading
throughout the southern states. Men who
smile at the suggestion that the democratic
party may become the leader of the tem
perance sentiment should remember that
when all the southern states go dry it will
be but a logical result that temperance
delegations will be knocking at the door of
the democratic national convention. And
who will say tbat.when we have a "Solid
South" on this great question the demo
cratic party will have passed under the
control of the breweries and the distilleries.
I know, too, that right here in Nebraska
there are enongh democrats who are in
favor of doing away with the liquor traffic
to make it a difficult matter to have the
democratic party espouse the wrong side
of this question. One bugle blast would
call these democrats to arms for the pret
tiest baitte that has taken place in many a
day. Make no mistake about the growth
of this sentiment among the rank and file
of democrats everywhere. They may not
be well represented in the legislature but
they will be heard from at the primaries
and at the polls and their right to the
title of "democrat" cannot be questioned.
From early boyhood I have been "a
hewer of wood and a drawer of water" for
the democratic party. Long ago I learned
that, theoretically, it stands for the best in
society. As one who loves it for its splen
did principles I want it to become practi
cally, as well as theoretically, of service to
mankind. I have four boys whom I hope
will become faithful defenders of demo
cratic doctrine. These are four democra
tic reasons why I want the democratic
party to be true to itself when the great
battle shall begin. These are four busi
ness reasons why I want my party to lead
along the lines of truth even though it
mean, temporarily, defeat.
I hope that in this somewhat frank dis
cussion of the great question that is com
ing before us, I have not given offense to
any one who may differ with me. I hope
I have not left a scar upon any heart.
But, as a democrat speaking to democrats,
I will say that if it be the decree of fate
that my party free itself from the system
that is responsible for the blood of mad-,
dened men, for the sobs of grief-stricken
women, for the tears that have stained the
pallid cheeks of little children, then as one
democrat I say and in all teverance
God speed the day of democratic deliver
aece and God bless the the New Declara
tion of Independence!
We are sure you will like our Bread
for its wholesomeuess. Nutritious and
made from the purest materials sci
entifically put together and baked to a
makes anything to order. We please
others, we will please you.
' -S ,'t "-' I