AmBmstviNmmlmm .arasrwiy gM" gma p JtTr tftSwmjLHep PfftWBtaja. j- nfcTsunnwwpr3. , t--fcTSer-t44 JMWMM WlMMMWIMr' """"" "" - - - II I .- . ., ,,., - I M-M-, ,., ., ,, . .., .,. f.,.,M ..,,. ,, .... .. ,.. .111.1.1 -... !,.., .-, ..- . " '" niinHllalllMnlMlnMMHniHnHMnMMHMHMHM BBh flBBBl BBBH BBh BlBBl BBfl flBHBBflBBBllBBflflBBBBflflflflBJQBfei-- BBh BBTBB BBBB BH flBV BBI HnBBnHKfte. - w bbbj BBmBBBI BBBflBA BBh BBH BBBJ 'i M BBB1 BBH BBBI BBBBBB BBB BBH BBBb! jr& ,ia KSSiaiiHSnHkikn hbbbB bbbH bbbbbI bbbbbbbbbm bbbbI bbbbbI bbbbB i ilfiMJUin , ',' t. '& IHBBBflBBB0PP!!!v5mBBMPISmHBHBBlBBlBBBfi BBh flBT BH IbmbHH BH Bhhh bhH .JQt&i&fw&'Z. H9WsrLi!vJ3HIBiiB bbbbbI bbbbI bbbbbI bbbb1 bbbbm bbbbI bbbbbb bbbbH Jt3&G$$m-?? w?t- . ji" i'" "- .r-.v v, 1 1 fi-fjraBiBKiBwi bh b m h Bfl iBBHi BBBIHBIBIH JvBulSBBUBBBnilBi I i Box Butte County is Full of Opportunities Now Invest in Box Butte County, Nebraska, land and make quick returns ol from 25 to 200 on your investment. This year, from all indi cations, will be the best in the history of Western Nebraska. Cheap land will not last long and now is the time to invest. The land owners of the futuro will be the controlling class. Invest your spare and idle money where it will be safe and also make you big returns. ALLIANCE The Metropolis of Western Nebraska, is a thriving city of 5,000 inhabitants mKe$-mh' w&tinf v f - llP(aBBBii B7IJbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBbbV T?-.' rc ''PmS" "vaf JBBBBH PBBBBBBP .:' - n"9H fiBBBSBBBBBBBTrW-Xli, ' XvBBBBBBbI BmOBHjSiMBBBBnBBBnflBBBH bbIbbbbbbbbbIbbIbIkJbIbbbbI A l.KFEN S'l'uf BSBimfSiiHSmxililw?' Hfl8fc38?!KSWw5K WiBHB3HHKSHfe5A' 'BkbbBhIjbv BBBiBBBBBBlx,POl,il' te& 'Sb mflh . WaSISrr Mj fi9WBBK BBlBBMBBBBHBBgy''BfjjBfjHKw8 WWl-J, MwB!MM "' HfoSH'fiJ'V IWBBBbNbFHBBbI HB8flBRFpJBBBBRHHHHBHK BBMBBBBBBBBMHiBBflBBflflflflBBflBBBBBBHjBUffBBB HBJHK-SBaBBKffiBJBBBBBBlBBflBBBHBBBBBaB Wr 4ittftBBlBBBM BBBBBBBBllBBBBBBBBBBBIBBBBBBKBBBBIBBBBBBBifllpJB Rh VsfiflBBBBBBl If you will write us or see our agent in your lo cality we will be pleased to give you all the infor- mation you desire. This city is rapidly growing in size HERE ARE A FEW SCENES Land here is advanc ing rapidly in value and I jflH' SBBBfiBlBflBvlaraBiiBBBBBBBBVi. BBBBBBflBPMBBBBaiBflBflKflBBBflBBBl 3jM QHMfBJBHMBKBBBBBa One of our Public Schools J your opportunity is here. We sell our lands at one price to all. You can buy from us cheaper than of other dealers. Our expenses are lower. We have a reputation for honest dealing and fairness to all. Our satisfied customers are the best recommendation. Investigate. Write us for descriptive literature. 'W'N Tr; i ' ,v1BlaalHhBBBBBfa -A' - a iy y MJpffftOIHTw'TTrn iMnfnnP New Catholic Academy Costing $40,000 New Burlington Depot Costing Nearly $100,000 Pays " tftivfl" 1 The Work that T. &CO. 2it Box Butte Ave. Real Estate, Loans and Insurance Phone 558 c l ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE CO., NBBR rsmmmmr-" -mmmmmwi -sb- &mmmtrw mttmmr' WttWW-. 'if- r-. ItBff. iwiTr