isr-c-i.-iiitA ?tfi-twvss" JJjBtTt!!lPx3JA.''J Jt.-;fffiTTV:1'ifhiaamiliBI!yMry -' wwaw.jyy -- wyMifwrpw -, jiwm mwiMte.m t - giSHg A."M-1 4nUti I' I, I jjsa&pm Published Every Thursday by . The Herald Publishing Company. 1 A. Piehsok. l'r'H. I.mjyo (!. TiiouAr, Sec. John W, TnoMAB. Mr. JOHN W. THOMAS Editor J, B. KNIEST ..... Associate Editor Entered at the postoflice at Alliance, Nebraska, for transmission through the nails, as second-class matter. Subscription, $1.50 per year in advance. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1909. It looks now as though the water wagon will be the band wagon again this year In Alliance, Box Butte county is on the vcrgo of the greatest agricultural development in Its history. Real estate men-seem to realize this fact and are accordingly making ex tensive use of The Herald's advertising space and job printing department. Elsewhere in this issue of The Herald is a local in regard to a building to be erect ed by S. C. Reck for I. W. Herman. The lot on which this building Is to be con structed adjoins tho Phelan block on the south, Mr. Herman purchased it of T. J. and John O'Keefe for $3,000; they bought it last fall of Dr. Bell wood for $2,250 which was $250 more than he paid for when the city had saloons. Will the monumental prevaricator of the Crawford paper whose chief delight seems to be in slandering Alliance please sit up and take notico. Direct Legislation Open Letter from Mayor Smith SlTMffi 9 ji IWB0Ss0w (From Omaha Worhl-lfbrald) t The World-Herald regrets that the Nebraska senate has acted unfavorably on Senator Donahue1) .joint resolution for a direct legislation amendment to the constitution. This nowspaper be lieves lii government by consent of the governed. It believes that the people should rule. Accepting these as fundu mental principles, tho World-Herald believes that the people should havo nnd exerclso tho right of tho referen dum, that they may reject a legislative enactment which is against their wish es. It believes they should havo the right of the Initiative, that they may compel such legislation to be enacted as they desire. These things seem to us to represent the very essenco of democracy. They arc as truly democratic an the nomina tion of candidates directly by the peo ple in primaries, and tho election of senators by thot people They are squarely In lino with the demand of tho people of Nebraska for the right to elect their assessors, and the demand of the people of Omaha for the right to elect their tire and polieo commission ers. They are squarely In line with thi law which compels every public service franchise granted by a city council to be referred to the people for their acceptance or rejection. Wo realize that this question Is not, at this time, a party measure Neither the btato nor tho national platform of the democratic party declared In favor of direct legislation. Nor did tho re publican party take any stand upon the Issue. It Is Interesting, however, to note that, in the senate, four repub licans and twelve demount ts voted for the Initiative nnd referendum, hnd nine dtmocrats and eight rcpullcans voted against It. That Is to say, tho demo crats declared for It la the proportion of four to three, and the republicans declnred against It in the proportion of two to one. If tho people of Nebraska were irivtn a chance to express their wishes on this question, the World llerald bolleves that an overwhelming majority of the democrats, anil u sub stantial majority of the republicans, would record themselves as favoring the initiative and referendum. The nine democrats In the senate, In cluding the three from Douglaseounty. who opposed this measure were free to so as democrats and as honorable men. They were not pledged to support it and their parly had not asked them to Bunnort It But this newspaper Is convinced the time will soon arrive, not only In Nebraska but In the uatlon, when the democratic party will stand squarctoed and flatfooted on its own platform, "Let the people rule," and so will declare specifically In favor of the Initiative and referendum. Ohio, South Dakota, Oregon and Oklahoma already ,have it. Tho Kansas legisla ture this winter has voted to submit a direct legislation amendment. In none of the first mentioned states has the system been abused or resulted evilly. In all of them the people have shown a decided disposition to bo conservative, rather than radical, iu invoking the power which tho initiative and referen dum give them. The experience of these states prove abundantly that It is not dangerous to trust the people. Two years hence the World-Herald Iiodcs and believes that a democratic legislature will be elected in Nebraska pledged to submU to tho people of this ' state a constitutional amendment put ting the initiative and referendum into operation. To tho Voters of Alliance: Much has been written and more said about tho financial condition of Allianco both in a city senso and a school as compared wUli the wet and dry year. Acting in the capacity of mayor of the city of Alliance, both under the li cense policy and the dry town policy, I feel it my duty to criticise some few things that have been written. I no ticed in a letter in the Semi -Weekly Times that it was claimed that nearly $11,000 was derived from the license issued to the saloon during the year 1007. This is untrue. 5,600.00 was tho amount that tho city derived from the saloon business during tho year 1907. Again, the paper states that there was no permanent improvement made during the year 1908 on our streets. The administration intended that the improvements niado on our streets should bo the same during 1908 as igo7, even though we ran the city in debt. A claim is made that the city if run under a dry policy will soon be come bankrupt. The city of Alliance, Sn a financial sense, owes less than everbeforo since the water-works were installed in Alliance. A claim has been made that our streets are prac tically lagoons. While wo havo had more mud this year than ever before, it has not been confined to the city limits. The difference in conditions during the past year, it seems to me, have been so much better on our streets by tho absence of the old hangers-on who haunted our public streets to such an extent that our wives and daughters refused to go down the streets iu cer tain localties. for fear of being insulted or annoyed. This iu itself should be sufficient reason for continuing the present policy. The time has come when a man can easily take one side or the other. If ho would rather spend his money in the saloon than to pay a few extra dol lars for taxes he cau elect which he would rather do. For a number of years through the courtesy of the other members of the board of education, I havo been president of this board, and believe that I know as much about the financial condition of our, school dis trict as any man in Alliance or the dis trict. When the new high school was built 20,000.00 was voted for this pur pose. Wo found that it would require nearly ?i 0,000. 00 more to complete and furnish our new high school build ing, and we expected to be at its com pletion 7,000 or in debtbeond the bonded indebtedness. We vere agreeably surprised at the last regular meeting to find that it was less than one-half that amount It has been stated in our papers that for five days, this last winter, our schools were closed on account of the district being unable to buy the coal to heat these buildings. This is totally untrue and without foundation. If such a state of affairs had been allowed to exist, the better thing for the people of the school district to do, would be to elect a different class of men to run the school affairs iu this district, as to dismiss the school tor five days, would cost the district at least $300 in teach ers' salaries alone. A great deal has been said about the increased taxation last ycar with the previous year. I do not see as these levies weio made before the last municipal election, how a wet or dry policy could in any man ner effect the taxes for tho past year. No one is more interested in the schools of Alliance than 'myself. I have had children in the public school for the last seventeen years, and if I saw it would in any manner effect our schools, or thought it would be impossible to run them without this revenue, I should then be iu favor of another license year. Claim has been made that no one who was on the dry side of the ques tion had ever signed his name.. Having tried both sides of this question in an official capacity, I take pleasure in saying that this year I am for a dry town. Respectfully yours, etc C, C. Smith. A Beautiful Present FOR READERS OF THE LUANCEJiERAiD THE HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY HAS ARRANGED WITH THE MANUFACTURERS OF THE CELEBRATED PRES-CUT GLASS WARE TO MAKE A PRESENT OF A Seven-Piece Water Set CONSISTING OF A PITCHER AND SIX TUMBLERS, TO EVERY PERSON PAYING THREE DOLLARS OR MORE ON SUB SCRIPTION DURING THE MONTH OF APRIL Pres-Cut Glass although not as expensive as real cut glass is a beautiful imitation. It is having a big sale in the large cities. The set we offer as a present is valued at $1.50 but cannot be purchased from us at any price. We have just received a shipment of these Pitchers and Tumblers All to be Given Away Call at the Herald Office and see them First Come, First Served I NEEDS NO ADVICE John Pederson Replies to an Insulting Article by the Prohibitionist' At tacking Him. as they do or go to jail they must have only themselves to blame- I am fight ing only for what is niv right as a good citizen and doing so I do not need the advice of people who write ai tides at tacking me without having the courage to sign their name to the artiile. Yours truly, John Pedeoson. Will Build Business Block I. W. Herman, proprietor of the pop ular Palace Meat Market, aim a be liever In the beneficial effects of adver tising In The Herald, as will be uoticed by his large ads each Issue, has pur chased the lot between the Phelan opera house and tho Electric Light Co. olllce, and has let a contract for a tine one story building to be erected on the same. S. C. Reck bus taken the con tract and will build a modern, up-to-date meat market buildiug for Mr. Herman, work on the same to start at once. Tho building will bo equipped J with a fine refrigerating plaut, modern machinery, etc. In an.article published last week by those workiug for a dry town, I am roasted for advocating what means lib erty to those willing to abide by the laws as they are on the statutes. So far as I am concerned my life has been spent iu earniug an honest living by hard labor. I have always paid my honest debts and my family has never suffered by reason of my drinking a class of beer whenever I wanted to; neither has any creditor ever been given any uneasiness over any debts of mine. Myself and the nationality to which I belong believe in observing the laws and we a're all law-abiding citizens- We believe in personal liberty to driuk what we are able to pay for and let others do the same as long as no one is. injured by our actions. We are a liberty loving people, believing iu being houest with ourselves aud all others, and for this reason we work to prevent laws that aro calculated to take away the personal liberties of the people so that while enioviiiL' ourselves in an honest manner we may be law-abiding citizens aud at the same time rather than hypocrites who work for prohibition and then sneak around back alleys to get their drink. Among the leaders of this prohibition movement I know of not one who is a producer of anything, especially labor. All of them are hold ing positions that enable them to live from off the labor of those who do pro duce something and yet they have the nerve to publish that they want to teach me what is the right thing to do. The same article tells about the evil eftect of alcohol upon the physical sys tem and how it weakeus the mind. In a recent issue of the Chicago Exami ner, an eminent pnysician snows mat there is more poison used in the manu facture of tea ' and coffee aud soft drinks than there is in alcohol or beer and we believe he is right, for among the tea, coffee and soft drinkers of this prohibition movement is found some of Ihe weakest minds in tho country and especially those who are producing the kind of literature being published each week in the temperance column. It is strauge that no one is willing to sign his name to any of those articles so that one could get back at him right, but they are not that kind of people. If people believing in personal liberty' lay down and not fight for their rights and let those other people want ing to make laws' to make all others do Alliance Men and Women Reunite (From Pasadena, Calif., Daily Star) , One of the prettiest affair of the week was that at which Mr. and Mrs. A. Tiiplett of No. 535 South M.areugo avenue, were the charming host and hostess at their Iwme last night, in honor of their friends from Alliance, Nebr. The house, which is a most attractive one, was- a bower of flowers and ferns. Goldea California poppies were effectively arranged in bowls and vases about the living room, with a An Efficient City Treasurer Most of the voters of the city of Al liance are acquainted with C W. llren nan, a candidate for re-election for the otllce of city treasurer. Mr. lirennan bus efficiently filled this office for the past year, and has submitted a report of the city finances at every council meeting held during his term of office, which had never bee"n done before by any city treasurer. Mr Ilrennan la connected with the reliable firm of Fletcher Insurance I Agency, aud is-iu his office at all times during business- hours. There Is no question that Mr. Krennau 1 well qualified to till this responsible posi tion, and will give same his personal attention. We have nothing- to say derogatory of Dr. Copsey, He has been here but a few' years, and ndw bus a large- and lucrative practice, and he could not f give the city treasurershlp his personal attention, but would have to delegate this elective office to anyone he might see lit. We do not believe Dr. Copsey would neglect his practice to attend to an omce, wlucu combined witn city Wedding Anniversary. rich background of greenery, while orange blossoms aud 'California fruits J Water commissioner only pays 20 00 per month or 1140.00 per year. nlsn nlaved a oromineut part in tue decorations, the fruits being tastefully arranged. The evening was made most 'delight ful with music, a number of the guests being talented musicians. Mrs. Flera ming gave a charming vocal solo; Miss Roberta Miles also gave several de lightful songs. Miss Burlingame and Miss Olive Sosey each gave piano so los, which were enthusiastically re ceived, and Mrs. E. G. Morris gave several readings, which charmed her inarms. Manv old friendships were renewed while some delightfully new ones were formed. Later an elaborate collation was served by the hostess, who is famous for her delightful enter tainments Those present last night to enjoy the hospitality of Mr. aud Mrs. Tripiett included: Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Morris, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nutt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Norton. Mr. and Mrs H. F. Elinor. Mr. and Mrs. S. Preston, Mr. and Mrs. Noleman, Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Smith, Dr. and Mrs. G. N. Smith, Mrs. Minnie Ellis, Mrs. G. M. Burlingame, Mrs. Hill, Mrs. Winship, Mrs.-F. W. Reese, Mrs. H. H. Bell wood, Mrs. B. Fleming, Miss Ina Bell wood, Miss Edna Bellwood, Miss Eva Burlingame, Miss Roberta Miles, Miss Nora Jets, Miss Ada M. Post, Mr. Owen BellwooJ, Mr. Roy Bellwood, Mr. Claude McDonald, Mr. Fred Smith, Mr. Etou Fleming and Mr. W. Norton. wwww. " J. R. Taggart, one of The Herald's L Hyannis subscribers, made tins omce a call while in Alliance Tuesday. He has recently changed his address to Bingham, . . Now, Mr. Voter, do you want to elect a city treasurer who will give the city finance his personal attention or one who will delegate the otliee you have given him by your "Vote" to any persou he may, see (It, and thus be stow on auother, tho honor you havo conferred upon him. If you want the man who will give the city treasurship his personal attention, vote for C. W. lirennau. . w Mil. AM) Mil" U ZUIN. (tregi.r.v Zurn ami uife celebrated tlu ir iwenty-tliinl iiiurriuge anuiver sity on the 5iird of March. They were the first couple married in l.ox Unite county and are well thought of. Mr. Zurn is a candidate for the office of police judge this coming year. We show their pictures herewith. Finest Horses Ever Seen in Alliance Five of the lluest horses ever seen in Alliance are now In the Checkered liv ery bam. They are part of a carlord of horses being shipped to Victoria, B. C, by Mr. MeCledve, one of the most well kuown hore men iu the country. In a jam at Broken Bow one hor-e was killed and several of the othur in1n-.l T. M ..rl.... ... . LadieS ReCital, April 5thn"ued and afteV being taken" to . the Alliance Hospital was removed to There will boa Ladies' Recital at the I the Drukeliotel aud will leave for Vic opera house Monday evening, April 5. .toria, It. C,, Friduy morning. Program In an interview, Mr. McCieave stated Violin Solo Catnile iSohei tnat the horse that was killed Invocation. Vocal Solo Carolyn Griggs Reading, "A Voice from the Poor House". . , Mrs. Laing Reading, "No Saloons Up There".. , Mrs. Limn Quartette. Reading, "The Modern King" Mrs. Me whlrter Reading, "No. 25" Mrs. Ferris Vocal Solo '. Cecil Smith Reading, "The Cry of Today" Mrs. Berry Vocal Solo. Rutn Hagur Admission Free Final Game of Basket Ball The dual game of basket ball of the northwest Nebraska teams will be played on Saturday evening at the I Alliance High School gymnasium, be- tweeu the Alliance and Bridgeport Win, King's big red automobile is 110 more, having been caught iu a garage fire in Denver receutly. waft John Martin, sired by Allerton, ahorse Marcus Daly ottered 8100,000 for. The horses Include a Standard bred mare in foal with Star Pointer, Mrs. MoCloave's noted pacer, Sari Don, beluir taken I west for her use during the summer. ine uoteu Waverly Prime. tliohackn..v stallion that won first prize last year 12. tne sweep stakes at the Lincoln stute fulr, was also one of tho horses. WordTrBisliorjKeane. As a rft.ult of efforts to secure Right Kev. HMiop Ivonne. UUI.op of Cheyenne. tcom. here In 11.9 Interest ot lue tempurauco cauie wo are informed Hint tie U now giving a mls Mon I,, , uuoalo, N. YM and unable J co 1 he follow Inn message wa received from uim toduy: " llulfalo, N. v., Arjril 1 lavi B. K. Warrick, ' W" Allluuco, Nebr, VI1. succons. Not able to eouio. elil'-i'T nr' ,,1h'tal'ittoi."3w. eiM . U nell known huro for b SMa a muZ, in Alliance several muKOd wus bulovt Futhor MoNumnru. whoso kindly Ivsueda wruul iMltutiou gf welcome, eiprsod him Ml ; very sorry the U.J,Qp'uW Tno . uh lie U certainly uu ubJe mnn. -v. V1 In.' tfpr : 7 -. '-' 1 flMffftTfrff aT-... ftC!ti(tXt