mM k hpiijH iHifMii iMMWIU r 1 ft - fc r r I V A Scene Box Butte County Farmers O'KEEFE and Landowners are becoming LAND prospercms. This year will be COMPANY - a record-breaker. Experimental O'KEEFE farming is being taken up under LAND the direction of an expert. Watch COMPANY our land increase in value. Now is the time to look over the land. Always glad to give information. O'KEEFE LAND CO. OS. MERCHANT TAILOR Charters Hotel Sing I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PEOPLE OF ALLIANCE and surrounding- towns that I have new spring goods and will also order from sample any fabric that may be desired which I may not have in stock. Now is the time to order. As many of The Herald readers already know, I am an expert workman, and employ the best of assistants. Anyone wishing- a - fine business or dress suit, made in the latest style, by up-to-date workman, should call to see me without delay. I GIVE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO ' LADIES' TAILORING Spring Suits made to measure in Latest Styles. Quality of Goods and Workmanship guaranteed. First-class Views and Commercial Work j Alliance Art Studio M. E. (JUi;ili:, Propr. Artistic Portraits a Specialty LU.Nrr, sr.nn of Prosperity ni.mmnninfii Alliance, Nebraska RCHOW 407 ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA Enlarged Portraits In Every Style j j j SKI Box Butte Ave. WE PRINT SALE BILLS AND PRINT THEM RIGHT OF House Passes School of Citi zenship Bill. Measure to Impose Occupation Tax on Corporation Capital Stock Ik Reo ommended Regulation of Publlo Service Corporations. Lincoln, March 30. Tho house pmscd what Is known ns tho Bryan School of Citizenship bill, oilglrmt Ing In the senate, and It now rods to tho governor for approval Tht bill was drafted by V. J Hrynn and It empowets the regents of the state university to establish n chali for Instruction on the dutlcH of citizen ship and good government The bill passed by a vote of 51 to 41 after four calls of the house had been made. The citizenship school bill was not passed without some difficulty, and then only with lust enough votes to make It a law On the first roll ca.l tho voto of Representative Hndflell was recorded In favor of the meas ure, although he was not present After announcement had boen made thnt the measure had carried, the at tention of the speaker waB called to the absenco of Hadsell, whereupon he required another roll call Mr Had seil was again absent, but Evans ol Hamilton changed his vote from no to yes, carrying tho bill with 51 votes, just enough to pnss It During the vote on the bill's passage n call of tho house wns twice resorted to to bring a quorum Into the chamber. Donohue Bill Causing Trouble. The Donohue bill, putting public service corporations under the con trol of the railway commission Is causing trouble a-plenty. It baa neon nttaoked by many of the Democrallc papers as a corporation measure. It nlready has passed tho senate and that body undertook to recall It from the house to reconBlder Its provisions The motion to recall the bill, how ever, was defeated, and It will be left to the house to decide on final action The bill Is still In committee In the house, and It Is not unlikely that the. sifting committee will permit It to He dormant until after adjournment The Benato passed a bill providing for public treatment of consumptives at state expense when they are uno ble to provide treatment themselves Tho bill now goes to the governor In the commltee of the whole tho house recommended for passage sen ate file No. 10, by King of Polk Tho bill provides for an occupation tax oa corporations amounting to one twentieth of the paid up capital stock to be paid tho state annually It has been figured that ttie llcenso or occupation tax levied would pro duce an annual revenue to the state of $100,000 to $200,000 Adding to Appropriations, Ninety-seven thousand dollars In ap propriations waB added to tho general maintenance bill by tho senate com mlttee of the wbol" above the figures of the senate finance committee, which carried an Increase of $321,000 ovei the bill as it came from the house The house bill carried an npproprla tlon of $1,065,128. Tho senate com mittee recommended changes, making the figures $2,280,418, and tho senate committee of the whole added enough to make the total $2,383,418 Appropriations will again be under consideration much of the week and the senate finance committee is put ting In some hard licks in an attempt to finish that work by Wednesday. Many state Institutions are clamoring for more money and tbe committee has a big Job before It trying to sat isfy everybody and still make re ceipts and expenditures balance. Freight Train Jumps Track. Plattsmouth, Neb.. March 30. Twelve cars of freight of every de scription wore scattered over the Mis t-ourl Pacific right of way at Union, near here, when freight train No 11 Jumped tho track Tho entire trair. with tho exception of the onglne and two cars loft the track Two tramps stealing rides were slightly Injured hut the train crew escaped unhuit The through passenger train from Omaha was stopped In time to pr vent It crasning Into the wreck Dies as Result of Hunting Acctdent. Valentine, March 2G A hon of Ed Ralya, living near Simon, Is dead as the result of a hunting accident I lf was In his boat when a flock of ducks appeared and hurriedly nttempted to pull his gun from the case, with th muzzle toward him. It was discharged In some manner, the entire charge striking him In the breast and causing almost Instant death. Saloon Fight at Guide Rock. Guido Rock. Neb., March 26 The temperance people of this town have decided to make a determlnud fight, in the coming spring election in an at tempt to close up tho place Th have nominated John Young of the State bank and Dr Read for members of the village board Both ar avow edly opposed to haloons Hangs Himself In Garage. Hastings, Nob, March SC William Brummell, dealer In automobilns, was found doad In his bachelor apartments over the garage here He wan ban? Ing In a noose made of the burlap coverings for automobilo tire Flnau ial difficulties made him despondent NEWS NEBRASKA KILLS NElQHDOR IN FENCE FIGHT James Jones Shoots Joseph Rowley and Officers Are on Trail, Grant, Neb., Mnrch 27. James Jones shot and killed Joseph Rowley In a quarrel over a division fence, which Rowley was removing. Tho murder occurrod about twenty mllos southeast of Oram nnd the offi cials of CIiiibo and Parkins counties started at once In pursuit of tho mer derer, who fled. Primary Fight at Omaha. Omaha, March 20. City primaries will be held tomorrow and ono of the hardest lights In tho history of local politics la anticipated. No less than suven candidates for oayor aro In the field, and everyone of them has madu a strong campaign Mayor Duhlmon, well known in Nebraska politics, and Ed K Derrymnn of the Jucksonlun c'.uo of Nebraska arc competitors for tho Democratic nomination to head the ticket. The Republicans muBt choose between Councilman Zlnunan and Joh.n P. Urocn. Three Auto Accidents at Ord. Ord, Neb., Mnrch 27. Three auto mobllo accidents have caused some ex cltement In Ord recently. Charles Prlen collided with a tree and nearly wrecked his car and was considerably Injured. George Parkins collided with a wagon load of hogs, upsetting tbe wagon nnd scattering tho hogs over the right of -way. Tho farmer who owned them recognized Parkins and forced him to pay a round sum for the damage. John Rntllff, Jr., lost his lamps and ran Into u ditch, wreck ing his car and Injuring two occu pants, Dies From Auto Fright. Grand Island, Neb., Mnrch 27. Mrs. Charles Stolle, wlfo of a prominent farmer near hero, la dead ns the re sult of fright caused by an automo bile of Mrs. Walters being driven so near her team as to cause tho horses to run away. Tho horses were finally stopped without damage but Mrs. Stolle, who was accompanied by her son and daughter, becamo unconscious and nover recovered. Tho fright Is believed to have caused a cerebral hemorrhage. Joseph R, Webster Promoted. Lincoln, March 27. Joseph It. Web ster, appointed to be assistant attor ney in tho office of tho socretary of the interior, Is a pioneer resident of Nebraska and still claims Lincoln ns his home, although employed In the government service at Washington for a number of years. He was attorney general of Nebraska In tho early days of the state, and has been a leader In the councils of tho Republican party since tho closo of tho civil war. Three Men Confess to Holdups Lincoln, March 29. Lincoln police ofllcerB were advised by officials at Hellovllle, Kan., of the capture at that place of tho throe men who Thursday night held up a Lincoln street car ctew and robbed the conductor. Tho watch taken from the conductor wns found in their possession. Tho men admitted their Identity and said they wero the same persons who held up a car at Omaha the night before the Lincoln robbery. Mangled by Stalk Cutter. Seward, Neb., March 29. Will Bus boom, living near Pleasant Dale, met with a terrible accident while riding on a stalk cutter. The team ran away, throwing him In front of tho machine and dragging him some dis tance. HIb left leg was broken bo low tho thigh, his right leg above the ankle and tho right foot nearly sev ered from the leg. He Is very 111 from the hurtB nnd loss of blood. North Platte Valley Teachers. Bridgeport, Neb., March 29. The North Platte Valley Teachers' associ ation has just completed a success ful annual meeting. The association decided to come to this city next year. W R. Pate of Sidney wan elected president nnd II. H. Relmund of Alii unce, bi'iietary. In the Interscholastlc debatc- Sidney carried off the hotioia Prisoners Start Fatal Fire. Gonova, Neb., March 30. Two pris oners confined in tht county Jail here started a fire some 11 mo during the nlgnt, supposed by accident, and one wab found dead from suffocation and the other In a serious condition TIih Identity of the men lnut not boon learned They wore arretted Tot drunkennesb F. W. Miller Found Dead In Room. Lincoln, March 27 Prad W Miller of Palls City, Neb, until tecently dap. uty sucretnry of state for a number jears, was found dead In a room at tbe Royal hotel He had locked him self In the room on Wednesday and the exact time of his death is uu known. Ukoa Hay ward Back From Washington. Nebraska City, Neb., March 27 William Hayward, wife and son have returned from Washington. He con firms the report that ho has declined to accept several positions In govern ment depaitmonts at Washington Dies at Age of 100. St. Paul, Neb.. March 27 Mary Blazezyk, aged 1U0 joars Is dead- She was the oldest person in Howard coun ty She was born In Poland In 1&09 and has llvod with relatives In this state tbirty-flve years Gotch Throws Italian Wrestler. Omaha, March 27. Frank Gotch de feated John Porrelll last night In two straight falls, the first in eleven cin ules and the second in a scant ten minutes. The Italian was hopelessly QUtClkhbC'd. NAVAL DEBATE IN COMMONS House Refuses to Express Lack of Confidence In Government, London, Mnroh 30 By a strict par ty vote of 353 to 135 the houao ot commons refused to express lack ot confidence In the government' naval policy The motion on which tho notable debate hinged was proposed by Arlhur Hamilton Leo, Conserva tive member of tho house from HantR. It sets forth "that In tho opinion of this hoiiRO tho declared policy of his majesty's government respecting tho Immediate provision for battleship of tho newest typo does not suffi ciently secure tho safety of the em pire." Tho result of tho voto on tho ques tion waB expected but tho debato pre ceding It was ono of tho most mo mcntouB tho liousc has listened to for years. Tho assembly of diplomats and peers testified to Its International as well as domestic importance A. J. Balfour nnd Mr Loo accused the cab inet of Incompetency and demanded that eight Dreadnoughts bo laid down Immediately. Premlor Aaqulth and Sir Edwnrd Grey, secretary for for eign affairs, reproached their oppo nent for mnktng a parly question ot the most vital matter of tho country's foreign relations. Secretary Groy'B speech, was by far tho most notable contribution to tho debate, because of Its remarknble can dor. Ho dwelt upon the diplomatic aspects of tho BrltlBh-Germnn rival ry and tho hopelessness of expect ing nny cessation of the race for or mnments and ho predicted eventual European bankruptcy, If It continued. LONE ROBBER HOLDS UP TRAIN Masked Bandit Forcds Conductor to Collect Plunder From Passengers. A mnsked train robber hold' up train No. 9, the Lincoln-FaSrflold local, on tho Burlington In Nebraska, forced the conductor to carry a 6ack through the passenger conch and collect trib ute from the passengers nineteen women nnd two men which ho pock eted nnd dropped off tho rear end ot tho train. When the onglneor was nearing tho creek, a mile east of Fairfield, ho saw just ahead a red signal and ho stopped the train as quickly as possible. Tho train had not como to u standstill ba tons a man wearing a white mask over tho lower part of his face swunff aboard between the smoker and tho passengor coach next behind. Con ductor Berry stepped out on tho plat form to see what the stop was made for and ho looked Into tho business end of a largo revolver. Tbe man behind tho gun gave tho conductor a sack and ordered him to go nhcad of him and collect from tho passengerB all of their vnluablos. Con ductor Berry did as he was hidden ana' collected from the ptiBsengors $200 In ensh and seventeen watches Tho bandit took the plunder from Mr, Ber ry, dropped off the rear end of tho enr and disappeared In the darkness. RACE CLASH IN INDIANA Five American Miners Wounded by Hungarians at Bogle Mines. Terro Haute, Ind., March 30. Five American minora are known to have been wounded, one of them perhaps fatally, In a'rnce riot at tho Bogln mines, north of Jasonvllle. The battle started when Hungarian miners opened fire upon n delegation of Amer lean miners who went from Jason vllle to warn the foreigners to leave the mines The Hungarians are barricaded In one of their Iioufps nnd rre surround ed by several hundred Americans armed with revolvers and shot guns. The Hungarians nre armed with old army rifles. ii i i ii - Cracksmen Blow Depot .Safes. Bnrtlesvllle. Okla.. March 30. CrnckBmen dynamited safes In tho Santa Fe depots at Caney, Kan., twenty miles north of here, and at Dewey, three miles north From the first safe 5104 In pennies was taken. There wns no money In the safe at Dewey, but the robbers carried ott two sacks of mall. , Thirty Drowned In Russian Floods. St Petersburg. March 30. DIs patchos received here from Radom, In Ru!"n Poln-i. tit (bat thirty porc-. f"M bren drovnrd by tho flocdr Th er '.V ' ' has roohed Im- hv t v!nt l- - 1S12 Flf""! 'ir' in Mic ' i-,,, of Rd"i"i ' rhnir-rd. Flro Wlprs Out Lumber Yzrd. Trinidud, t'olo.. March 30. A fire which broke out In the yard of tho Continental Tie and Lumber com pany at Cimarron, N. M destroyed the planing mill, a storage house and a large quantity of lumber. The loss Is estimated at $70,000. ' Train Goes Through Burned Bridge. Eaglp Pass, Tex.. March 30. Four trainmen were killed when a Mexican Intel national freight train fell through a burned brldgo near Hidalgo. Mex It is believed the bridge was burned by incendiaries. Joe Gans Has Consumption. Dener. Maroh 80. Joe Gans, the former world's champion light weight pugilist, has developed tuber culosis of tbe lungs and may never again be soon In the ring. Death of Governor Cosgrove. Governor Samuel O. Cosgrove of Washington died at l'aso Robles, Cat., of Bright's disease. I