The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 01, 1909, Image 4

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    3lEi.. ir$ 9t v-iiWMkt -
Vt9W -fcf.
fr !
S Headquarters for
Chicago Daffy
Ofi C Q D Puzz
fIrclcss Call of tiio Republic Adopted Jn
Business Motonnan's Mlto For
Llr.colnliolo In (l:o
Choir Score
From Our chlraco Correspondent.)
.'i; of tlio thlng.1
Short Hand & Typewriting
The full course learned iti six weeks.
Only ono hour lesson day or night. No
home fitmly. Diplomas issued- Good
positions guaranteed. Most of my
forinor pupils at Grand Island aver
aged over too words per ininuta in six
wecj8. First lesson free. Phone 39.
Kindly call at Burlington hotel or tele
phone your address and I shall Ijo
pleased to call 011 you.
Miss Cortez Wilson, teacher.
jM jA
"pAtDtetl 'l;op miiniii cf Hip uulvurai."
a nmnclKJily cnllod th ill fated city
when It was nt Us liwv Tlio nroiistJrn
u? that theater In Tnormlua were the
mn't jwrfrct on enrt'i. The tirehltaet
got tho measurements of tho temple
from somebody, nnd he avers that tho
mencurciiipiit Ih correct. He Is going
to npply It to the first theater plans ho
turns out. Skeptics who do not want
to understand are having fun with the
urchlteet hy asking him how he can
carry around n din gram of sound
The more he tries to explain the move
the Bkeptlcs refuse to he enlightened.
Remember It Draws Ten Per Cent
Taxes arc duo Nov. t. Personal
taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Laud tax
delinquent May 1. Interest 10 per
cent from date of delinquency. Real
estate advertised for sale the first week
irt October and sold for taxes the first
Jrfonday in Novemher. In all com
munications relative to taxes, please
give description of property.
Fred Moi.luino, Co. Treasurer,
Notice of City Election
w h Ich puzzle
foreigners w h 0
come o or hero Is
tho way In which
w o a d a p t our
selves to thequoi-
tloii or topic of
the hour. And the
American always
aide of the nitra
tion. Chloagoani
are more noted fer
this sort of thing
than the cltlzcuu
of nny other town
hi tho country. A
fv days after
we had become
familiar with the
signal sent out by the White Slur
steamer Hepubllc, "O Q D." aild after
the horror feature had passed, tin sig
nal was taken up hy men, women and
children. When the collector called
with his bill the man summoned to
settle replied "C Q D." When the street
mendicant held out his hand the vic
tim giggled "0 Q D,f When the bail
iff touched n man for Jury duty the
man put up his hands nud muttered
"O Q D." Tags composed of the enbn
Hstlcs were worn on the lapels of
One man carried It beyond tho
limit when he placed upon the plate of
tho church for his offering a card on
which was written "C Q IV A musi
cian Is at work on 11 "C Q D" wnltz.
When the supplicant for tho lady's
hand and heart Is turned down he
gasps, " 'O Q IV for me." At last the
utreot car conductors have taken It up.
When they come for the nickel, In
stead of saying, as of aid, "Fare,
pleaho'." they announce "0 Q D." When
Hilly Florence was a star here tho
town went daffy on "P 1) Q." Now It
Is "C Q IV Our foreign cousins look
at us ns If wo were crazy. The for
eigners, however, have not yet been
touched by the contaglop.
.Wiv, I , ti.
t&rri I .'Jv.v.A
Short Stones
of the
- Stage -
There was n rumpus In the choir of
St. Jnrlath's church last Sundny. If
you don't know where St. Jurlath's Is
no matter. The tenor was rehearsing
-It was just before tho congregation
en me In and he
seemed to bo In
tent on giving
some pnrtlculni
note a twist
which grated on
the musical
nerves of the
choir master. The
tenor said he sang
It according to
Rcore. TI16 cholt
mnster said It
was not so writ
ten. He nlmnsl
put the tenor
In the Ananias
class. After the
service the choir
master told the
tenor he needn't
come round any
more. The tenor
appealed his case
to the priest. He
said the note was
written n sharp.
The choir master said It was written
natural. The priest called for the
An Investigation soon showed thnt
n hole had been punched In the score
just before the tenor note. It' made
the note look like 11 shnrp nnd the
tenor sung It as It looked. The tenor
was reinstated, but the choir master
gave It out thnt hereafter all scores
would be examined by him before the
singers opened their mouths.
admirers will envy the lucky
man who has won her for his
bride, Itussell Grlswold Colt of
Bristol, It. I., son of Colonel Sam
uel l Colt, president of the United
States Rubber company nnd several
times a millionaire. Mr. Colt Is twenty-six
years old and Is populnr In club
circles. He Is well educated and has
traveled extensively. Devotees of the
drnma will be pleased to learn that he
will not Insist on his wLVh leaving the
stage altogether, at least Just at pres
ent. It was about four years ago that
Miss Harry more announced her en
gagement to Captain Harry Graham,
Just tell 'em all
you'll see what
run tk.nou was he
Notice is hereby given that the regu
lar election will he held in the City of
Alliance- on Tuesday, April 6, 1900, in
the upstairs of Marks' hall for the First
ward, and in tho City Hall for the
Second ward, suid polling places to
open at 8 o'clock n.m. and close at 7
o'clock p.m.. of said day, and at which
thi following officers will be elected for
the City of Allinnce for the municipal
year beginning May, 1909, nnd ending
May. into:
One Mayor.
One City Clerk.
One City Treasurer, j
, One Councilman for First Ward,
One Councilman for Second Ward-
One City Engineer.
One Police Judge.
Two Members of.School Board.
t C. C. Smith, Mayor.
,.W. O. Uarnk's, City Clerk-
has to offer in PRICES
before you buy In
J. P. Cobum's
cash store
4th door south
of Alliance
National Bank
. Sealed bids will bo received from this
ilntn fMnrcli 12. Hlnlli tn Anril IK. Ulnl).
-..,,. r v.-,-,... T .., ....... --- --i 1
inclusive, hy the City Clerk for $tr,ooo list,
bonds, as voted nt special election, hem
Tuesday, March 0. lUol), in tho City of
Alliance, Nebraska, according to law.
Said bids will bo opened hy the City
Council at their-meeting on April 15,
lOoll. Hidders will bo required to fur
nish the blanks upon which said bonds
ure to be executed. Hight reserved to
reject any and all bids. A transcript
of thebo bonds may be hud upon appli
cation to the City Clerk.
V. o. Haunks, Clerk.
Hy order of City Council. In hussdon
March 11. Wot).
A little Incident a mere speck In
connection with the Lincoln centenary
looms up, ac
cording to tho
way you look at
it, In the great
pageant. The
flnauce commit
tee had asked
the public to
contribute. Tho
mite was Invited
to take Its plnce
along with the
mill lonalre's
check. A motor
man on one of
the south side
lines took his
hour off and
walked Into the
com in It toe's
room and la lit
down a dollar.
He seemed to Tin. moiohman's doi.
think that his i-ah-
dollar would not attract much atten
tion. Ho hesitated as he was about to
leave, and, turning back to the socio
tary, he said: "It ain't much, but I
was born In the same county as Lin
coln. When I was a boy 1 saw him.
Ho spoke to me once, and 1 always
remembered how kindly he did It. 1
Just thought I would like to add this
Thore were ' ninny names on the
and opposite 'some were large
amounts, but the inotormiiirs little
Btory was the only one that was given
out for publication.
An old time custom is about to be
revived by tho dominies of the Pres
byterian church of this city. In the irps
Hy lrtnreof anonlorof mIo Usucl by the
Oli-rk of tlio District Court ot llox fluu
Couutv. NehraxUft. unon a decree of fnrtclo.
lire rendered by snlil court In fwvor of John
(YKcefo, la mi action therein, wherein said
John O'Kift) U iiliitntltt and KoUert Curry.
Mrs. i.urry. vun 01 iiemuuuni. iinnuri unrry.
tirtt real umno uunown. nru ilofuiidunts, 1
will on Monday the ISUi day of Aiirll. ft, at I
o'clock I. M on said duy nttlio West door of
th rourthouvt in Alliance, Hox Hutto County,
Npbrasku, soil the following described roal nu
tate lo-vrit. Tin South i:ust Qimrtcr of.sforloii
,Towiishli io.ot ltautso llox Itutto Coun
ty, Xubraukn, at public auction, to tho hlKliait
bidder, for cusU, to sutlry said order or ule
lu the bum of 7W M.tuid costs taxed at f.M.IO.
ami Uixuh for tlio your iwm, taxed utl,5. and
nccruintt cost and Interest on Mild 75i K5, ut
ten percent pur annum from Kobruary 6, IWX
First publication March U, 1903.
al, wikeu, tsnornr.
William MrrciiKM., Attorney
for I'lalntlll
Unless ono who Is church Inclined
get one's bearings In Chicago one Is
liable either to become Involved In 11
row or be a witness to It. Now In
these days comes one with tho prefix
Hew his name Is not given hero, al
though the uamo has been printed In
the dallies preaching a mixed .gospel.
0110 which has a Scriptural basis on
whHi Is erected a business sermon.
IIo Is generally known ns tho merchant
preacher. A question of difference
sprnng up between the secular divine
nnd one of his members. It was about
money advanced for the purchase of
bonds of a proposed temple. The rum
pus got right Into the pulpit. The min
ister referred to It In his last discourse.
He Is reported as follows:
"That follow Is beneath my notice."
Tho term referred to the lnymnn In
question. The discourse continues:
"My sermon wns based on 'The Second
Mild Disciple.' Part of the text was.
'If n man nsks for thy cloak give him
thy coat also,' etc." The minister snld
that, as his father was born hi Ken
tucky and his grandfather In Virginia
and his ancestors before them came
from Scotland and Ireland, he found It
prQtty hard to live up to the text.
"Dr. told me," said the inerchnnt
cleric, "that the man (referring to the
'follow') nsked him If I were a danger
ous man, and the doctor told him that
I was a Christian gentleman, but that
I was an nthlcto as well and would
knock the daylights out of n man who
would crowd me." This language from
tho pulpit rather startled the congrega
tion. Hut thore was more to come. By
tho time the dear people recovered the
pastor, raising his voice another notch,
Inquired: "Say, would a little bug In
tho road stop an automobile? Shall I
bother with every dog that barks nt
my heels?"
Then the congregation wns nsked to
rise and sing while the deacons passed
the plates. Tho world must not un
derstand from this that It represents
the churches of Chicago. It Is worth
giving merely to show how cosmopol
itan wo are. If there Is anything that
tho world wants It can get It In Chicago.
16-inch oven
I Mikado Economy Steel (j
Kange wun Keservoir,
High Warming Closet,
Also flalleable and Round Oak Steel Ranges
Newberry's Hardware Co. '
,r.rnKT, iiAititVMOitc
at thnt time secretary to Lord Hose
bery. It was broken off. and though
reports have hlnce linked her name
with various men of distinction, both
Americans and Europeans, she appears
to have escaped being hit a second
time by Cupid's darts until recently.
Miss Hnrrymore. who Is a daughter of
the late Maurice Harrymore and Geor
glann Drew Harrymore, made her first
appearande on the stage In 1893.
Tho matrimonial experiences of tho
noted operatic prima donna, Cmma
Haines, would make material for 'a
very up to date problem novel. She
obtained a divorce from her husband,
the famous artist. Julian Story, al
though he wished to remain her part
ner for life and Is said to have fol
lowed her through Europe seeking a
reconciliation. Mr. Story has always
declared his former wife to be a wo
mau without reproach, whatever the
differences between them. Now the
lame of tlio girted singer 11ns uecn
LJRj mI 1 1
fffmiisSb jMKI III! 1
T 11 WWimsmWvm1
H 11 m JLfc-j' wri Trilmtfhnir rm.
Transfer Line
Household goods
moved promptly
and transfer work
solicited. Phone 1
Frank Wallace, Prop'r.
North American of Philadelphia.
t'hocnix of lilooklyn. New York.
Continental of New York Oity.
Niagara Fire Insurance Company.
Conneetieutt Firo
Commercial Union Assurance Oo
Jennanla Firo In-. Co
state,.? Omaha
Liverpool. London and Olob Ins. Co.
Gorman American Ins, Co., Now York.
Now Hampshire
Columbia Fire Insurance Company.
Philadelphia Underwriters.
Phoenix Ins. .. Hartford. Conn
Flreinans Fund Insurance Co.
Itoehester German Ins. Co.
Office I'D-Stalrs.I'lctclicr Illock.
j &mm
Public Sale of Jacks
Kiate of Ncbrnkku. Uox Hutto County.
To all pertxms Interested In the estate of
Charles Mayer, late of Raid county, deceased.
Yoo are hereby notified that on the lith day
ot March IWD. AuRUat Major fil;d liia ttitlou
In tlio county court of said county for hit
appointment as administrator ot tin) eotato of
Charles Mayer, late ot Mid county, deceased,
and that the same will bo heard ut the otliee
of the county Judpe In the city of Alliance,
in xald county on the idtli day of April, 1(109, at
the hour ot S o'clock in tho aiiornoou.
It is further ordered that nollcu of snld
hearing be ctven all parties Interested Intaid
entale by the publication of ttiU notice tor
three coiiboentive weeks In Tho Alliance Her
aid, a iiewnpaper printed, published, and cir
culated in sa d county.
Uated this mil day of March, 1909.
' I heal L. A. HtltBV,
fo..Mch.l8-3w County JudKO.
Uoyd ii Uarker, attorneys for ietllloner,
waybatk days tho preachers were wont
to visit the members of their congre
gations, .v minister was liable to drop
hi most any time except Monday, but
as- the city spread out the custom
staggered and tinally was relegated to
the class that used to be. One effect
of this was that the.members got n bit
lukewarm hi their social intercourse.
Koine had to be reintroduced when
they met. The ministers have been
looking into the reason for the cool
state In the church. Just what they
found out has not been told, but it has
been announced from the various pul
pits that in tho future the pastoral
visits to homes will be resumed. It is
believed that such visits will so wnrm
the members that they will get ac
quainted again.
To make one wedding cake, enough
for 000 guests, take ninety pounds of
sugar, S)00 eggs, &lxty pounds of but
ter, ninety imjiuuIs. of currants, sixty
pounds of raisins, sixty-two pounds of
citron, thirty-seven pounds of chopped
almonds, TJO pounds of Hour, one and
one-half pounds of spleo, llftcen quarts
of cognac, fifteen quarts of shorry
wine, three-quarters of a pound of bak
ing soda, Soak the fruit for ten days
in liquors. Mix for a week Tho cake
ought to be six feet high and live fcot
lu diameter at the base and ought to
weigh about a quarter of a ton Such
at the Checkered Barn
April 3, '09
Commencing at I p. m. sharp
10 head of Jacks, from 3 to
5 years. 1 draft stalfion,
1 1 years old. 1 one-year-old
registered white face bull
Thece aro Nebraska-raised Jacks and they
are well hroko. Terms are 10 mouths' time
01 Purchaser L-lv hl-a, unt.. I.,...
linr 10 per cent interest. 2 per cent off for cash
J. T.
Col. c.
HALE, Owner
L. Drake, Auctioneer
We are a great people for relics,
There Is an architect lu town who has
a measurement of the acoustics of the
Greek theater that was wrecked by
the earthquake In Taormlnn, that cut saw,
mentioned in connection with another
divorce suit, the proceedings In this
ease being brought by the wife of the
popular baritone. Kmllio Do Gogorza
She wishes a limited divorce and al
leges that her husband has a mad lu
fatuatlon for the great soprano, but
she does not charge any undue Inti
macy between them or blame Mine.
Karnes on account of the estrangement
between herself and Do Gogorza that
has resulted. Tho romance of Do Go
gorza and his wife and the letters that
have passed between them read as If
they might bo taken from an Ibsen
a cake was made and baked by n
caterer In this city for a wedding that
came off in Canada the other day.
Tho recipe is furnished by a caterer,
who allowed that tho cake would have
I to Imj carved with a Bword or n cross-
Captain A. W. Butt.
One of the prominent ilgurcs In
Whltn TTmiRo roromnnlos In tbo Tnft
regime nt the capl-J eastern menus write nun
tal Is Captain Arch-1
ibald V. Butt, the
president's military ,
aid, He uns a name
which has already
BUttff ested many
word plays to the
punsters among the
newspaper men at
Washington, but
the captain does not
mind being made
the butt of Jokes.
He was born in
Georgia In 1805, en
tered military serv
ice as a volunteer lu 1000 nnd became
a member of the regular army the fol
lowing year.
SEATTLE EXPOSITION. Very low excursion rates
for Pacific Coast tours all summer: the most interesting journey in the world.
TO THE EAST. An extensive scheme of excursion
rates to the Lakes, Canada aiul eastern resorts will be announced prior to June 1.
MORE NEW LANDS. Judith Basin, Montana, on
the Great Northern road, just north of Hillings. Splendid chances of profit for
early buyers. Famous land just reached bv the railroad. SUN RIVER, Mon
tana, a government irrigated tract near Great Falls., One of the best in the
country. BIG HORN BASIN, a new government' irrigated tract of 15,000
acres near Garland, to be soon opened for filing; make an early location. Very
cheap round trip rates to these localities. Personally conducted excursions on
the first and third Tuesdays by D. Clem Deaver, General Agent, Laudseekers'
Ttifnrmf linn Hnti 1 fittmlia VoKf I?iili a .....! 1.: r
....w......w.. u.uu, .im, m.i.. mici wine iiiiii yourseil or liavn vnnr
Copyright by
Alliance, Neb.
L. W. WAKELEY. G. P. A.,Omaha
Palace Liveiy IB
a, ran.
C. O. SMITH, Prop.
(Successor to S. U. Dcsch)
DL'ILDiNG. 'Phone
Good turnouts, strict attention to our business,
and courteous treatment to all has won for us tho
excellent patronage wo enjov. Try us.