The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922, April 01, 1909, Image 3

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In responso to repeated ilomands. coming from everv wellon o'.J'""
States. Mr. Bryan will conduct a vigorous Campaign of Education t ""'B" Hi
Commoner, ami nsstst In tho orpinlMtlon of "An cauwUloiml club In cvnry
precinct." These clubs will promote the work of educHtlon anions the voters
on all political (mentions nnVrtinK the American people.
To advance this tsdurntlonul plan, onch Issue of The Commoner will con
tain a special article on some pertinent political subject. deslRneil to J'ront. In
an Instructive wav. authentic historical Information, to Rive valuable st-UlHtlenl
data, to carefully analyze tho opposing arguments, and to discuss their ap
plication to present-dar conditions. ....ii i,
Tho following subjects, nnd others, upon which nil Americans should bo
accurately Informca. win uo aiscusscu;
tltlirr Come
ni.i. -..i.. .ni .rr.j vnii fnnil nt nnlltlral Inffi! mutlrin for nnv citizen
regardless of party nmilatlon. provide excellent material for nil ""?""?
economic questions, nnd will be a veritable compendium of politics for schools
and debating societies. v
The Commoner, to start this campaign of education, nnd to place tills
series of articles in the hands of as many voters as possible, will give IU3R.
and express prepaid anywhere In the Un ted States, the following splendid
iTurlfTMiJ-MlietluWiii It iwcl ineiiMlivmnniJU'oiini nnviiiK
iki IlnpcrlalUmt Colonmnsini -aiib luniiHonntoiiiirii ni-
mi Hecnll of 1'ubllo Oltlctnl) Conimlitlon Form of (iiivjrnmnit
tit lent Tlie Trmt mientioni iinnin " murrain
iratlomi Foinihr Kleciion oi Bcuaiorai iiicoiuo .
Tho Life and Works of Abraham
Lincoln Six volumes, 2,000 pages,
Sound In red cloth, gold back stamp.
Introductions and special nrtlcles by
Theodore ltoorevelt. President Tnft,
Governor Hughes. Henry Watterson
nnd others. Full blographv, anec
dotes, tributes, early speeches, fa
mous IIncoln-Douglas debntes In
full, later speeches and Important
ndrtreinpH. all presidential speeches
mid state, pnreia. This flno set
neatlv puckea In box sent KHfcE and
express prepaid to nnyono sending
10 yearly fmbrlpt!on at the regular
yeirlv subscription rate of $1 each.
The Old World and ItB Ways
Mr Bryan's own book, describing his
tour around the world and Journeys
through Kurope. His Impressions
nre highly Instinctive, and entertatn
ing Contains 57G Imperial Octavo
pages, over 200 superb ongrnvIngH
ftom photographs taken or procured
bv him. Richly bound In extra
English cloth, gold side ana baclt.
regular selling price $2. Given FREE
for club of live, nnmei at $1 each.
Regular S3 half leather edition, for 7
name: regular $4 full Morocco Edi
tion, for 9 names.
Bryan The Man An Impartial
portrayal of hta personal side, gath
ered from actual Incidents in his
home and public life, political cam
paigns, nnd world tour. Mr. Bryan
at nn editor, us a farmer, as a
humorist, as a lecturer, nt a soldier,
in tho pulpit, etc.. etc. Handsomely
bound In green cloth 191 pages, beau
tifully Illustrated. FKEK for club of
three names a $1 each.
Letters to a Chinese Official Mr.
Hi j 'tn's reply to tlrn famous "let
ters From a Chlneso Ofllelal." A
superb vindication of western civil
ization nnd Ideals In answer to un
attack on the religion, standards nnd
purposes of our race. Selling price,
GG cents. A neat volume of 36 pages,
aiven FRISK for club of two names
nt Jl each.
Start this week amonit your friends and securo these books FREE, nnv
or nil of them, for a llttlo easy work. It's not hard to secure subscribers
for The. Common"!-. It Is taken by people of nil parties, and contain de
partments of Interest to every member of the family. Educational clubs
will be organized In overy county, and many will stibrcrlbe In order to
secure Tho Commoner's Course of Study. Theso nrtlcles and other special
features will well repay the subscriber, nnd anyone muy be proud to have
the books which we offer FREE, in their library. ....
Securo and send lit your subscription lists at once, nnd state what book
or books vou desire sent to you. Your own name may bo Included In any
list, nnd a renewal subscription will count the same its a new one. Any
boy or girl can take advantage of this offer. Make remittance by post
ollico money order and address THE COMMONER, Lincoln. Neb.
To secure any or these books you mutt out out this ad., Including name
of paper below, nnd send together with your order. gr
of all descriptions
for any part of a
house or barn.
Dierks Lumber & Coal Co.
Phone 22
D. Waters, Mgr.
Her Accomplishment! and Her Stand
as a Woman Suffrage Advocate.
Prominent ntnoug tho society wo
men of Now York who nre waging n
cnmimlgu lu bchnlf of woman .suit rage
Is Jlrs. W. Bourko CoeUrnn, wife of
the eloquent Deiuoerntle congressman
ami daughter of the former governor
general of the 1'hlllpulues, Henry Clay
Ide. As Miss Annie L. Ido hc wns a
fmorlte among the Filipinos when her
father was lu resilience In the Is
lands. When she married Mr. Cock
ran, who was a widower, about two
years ago he tool: her oa a wedding
tour which lucluded ninny foreign
countries, among them Egynt and the
orient. Mrs. Cockran Is n member of
the board of directors of the Kqual
Franchise society, of which Mrs. Clar
ence 11, Mackny Is president. It was
this society which was prominent In
the proceedings when the suffragettes
stormed Albany recently In behalf of
the Hill-Toombs 9111ml suffrage resolu
tion proposing an amendment to tho
state constitution by striking out tho
word "male" from the clause defining
the qualifications of voters.
Mrs. Cockran. who Is a woman of
much ability and many personal
charms, recently dellncd her views on
the suffrnge as follows:
"I am a believer In equal suffrage for
men and women. The fact that both
my parents wore strongly In favor of
the universal franchise may have had
some lulluence In forming my own
conclusion In this respect, but It Is also
true that I have never heard any ar
guments against it which sounded at
all convincing. All my more mature
observations have served to confirm
my earlier Impressions. A woman Is a This every one concedes, and
It seems to mo it should bo conclusive
of the question. As a citizen she musf
bear her full share In defraying the
expenses of government, nnd therefore
she should 'have some voice in the se
lection of officers who will expend th
proceeds of" taxes io which sho con
tributes nnd of representatives who
frnme the inws which govern herself
her property, her homo nnd her country.
"I do not believe any one doubts thai
women as voters would be nt least nt
cons, lent louti as men In exercising the
The MortoaQe of Tennessee on War
The fact that I.uke H. Wright has
been succeeded by a of his own
state. Jacob McQavock Dickinson, In
the post of secretary of war lias crcnt
ed nn impression thnt Tennessee hns n
sort of mortgage on thnt position In
the cabinet. Mr, Dickinson may bo
said to represent two states besides
Tennessee, for he was born In Missis
sippi ami in late years lias spent much
of his tltno in Illinois, being general
counsel for the Illinois Central rail-
r- -,,- i
from a Reliable House
We have the BEST of everything good to eat
Our Prices are Right
Yours for a square deal,
4 D. Rodgers
road and having had Ills headquarters
for some tlmo In Chicago, However,
ho was graduated In 1S71, when twen
ty years of age, from the University of
Tennessee, at Nashville, was admitted
to tho bar of Tennessee and was mar
ried In 1870 to Miss Martha Overton
In Nashville, in which city ho has
maintained a home. Ho has served on
the supreme bench of the stato and as
an assistant United States attorney
general and was also counsel for the
United States before the Alaskan
boundary commission. He was presi
dent of the American Bar association
In 11107 nnd 100S. Like Secretnry
Wright, ho has been classed 'as n Gold
Judge Dickinson's friends say his
most striking characteristic is Ills re
mnrkablo administrative power. Ills
thinking Is straightforward. He sees
through the details of a proposition.
His next point of strength is hard
work. A few years ago a complimen
tary dinner was given htm in Nash
ville. Tho invitation enrds bore a do
sign representing a ladder showing his
steps to prominence. Tho Inscription
wns. "He "Works Whilo Others Sleep."
Special Announcement to Cattle-Raisers
Delivered to any stations iti
Nebraska, Wyoming or
South Dakota- $1 more for
Nebraska cattle to River.
We are now selling White-faced and Short-Horn Pan
Handle Steers; yearling, one, two and three-year-olds,
in lots of from ioo to 5,000. Our prices range as follows:
Yearlings, $19 to $23
2-year-old, $24 to $27
3-year-old, $29 to $32
Deliveries from May 10 to June 10
11 1 A 4- O A. A- 1
Swe can sen tnese siuers on iimu ai o pcrccui wuu gouu
Come' and see us now to be sure you get your cattle
Aatlims Sc
1 (looms 18 and 19, Rumer Blk. Alliance, Neb.
i mfflMMTi f fla t,f l T MMr, wi
;-v ..vv
Buy Your Fieino of the
Henry F. Miller
All are high - grade instru
ments. Call and see
The G. A. Crancer Company is in the piano business in Alliance to stay. Our line of
pianos has a reputation that cannot be beaten and we have many satisfied customers in
Alliance and vicinity. .
The reason you can buy a high-grade piano from the G. A. Crancer Company cheaper
than from other firms is this. We have much less expense than other companies. We
do not carry a great big stock of costly instruments in our local store but we simply
carry samples of the different makes and we are not paying thousands of dollars out in
commissions on the pianos we sell but we sell direct to you and save you from one fifty
to one hundred dollars on each and every piano. This means a great deal to you and
if you want to verify these statements all that is necessary is for you to call at our
branch store in Alliance.
We want your business. We are here to stay and you may be sure that you will be
given fair treatment and assured satisfaction.
Haines Bros.
Marshall &
Prices to suit all pocketbooks.
Easy terms for those who
wish them
H UllHIllULII IdaH. Ross, ilanager
-lliarLce Bxa,n.c:b.
USTesrt HDoor to tlxe Toll