j2ms9MMt!cx&e.z !S!SI!Ca!Si,S?e?:: ,-6.rti'3RffFW-'5r"- " JJ-t-:'""wwjyTi. - RaEafiKKwnttJTRWWW1 J. a McOORKLE, President ZEIEHIOIfcTTE 2B1 I. L. McOORKLE, Secretary Nebraska Land Company OFFICE OVER ALLIANCE NATIONAL BANK Alliance, Box Butte County, Nebraska '. r ( ; 1 Wonderful Opportunities for Investors TO ATTRACT THE ATTENTION OF INVESTORS AND HOMESEEKERS, WE INTRODUCE AN ILLUSTRATIVE DIAGRAM OF WHAT WE CALL THE "TliGei of DFortvm.e. yet let no one associate our business with a game of chance, there is no gamble in our METHODS YOU TAKE NO CHACE AVITH US. WE DEAL IN DIRT BUT WE NEVER MADE OR SOUGHT TO MAKE A DIRTY DOLLAR. EVERY INVESTMENT IS A SURE WINNER NO PATRONS OF OURS EVER LOST OUT. Look at the- Wheel below. At No. 8 on the left is shown the average value for an investment. Our wheel, like Time, 'never turns backward; forward with constantly accelerated force and speed it goes, and $1600 grows to $2000 a clean up of $400. Take No. 11:' Your money is in the whirl; you invested $2800, you pull out $3200. Investment in Box Butte County lands solid as rock. Certain as the rising and set ting of the sun Raw lands 1 and improved farms, b i g ranches a n d little ranches One Hundred T h ousand acres. Sales for part cash and ex tremely easy terms for balances. Fixed annual income to homeseek e r s from Insured Crops under contract guar a n t e e d by paid-up capi tal of $40, 000. Ask for plan. More than two hundred farms sold in last two years Reward in cash to any person finding one dissatis fied customer '. $ , ft-'f '? .:. '.''': P :' . 1 ( ' -- --. v--'5-; . . ' - . .; -'-v. .'.'.: ;-'.;i4.-..'.-v ..:.. v. rvW;---;- - ;-"-- :.' "" - 'Tn'V", l- -" .'.!' . '. ---V . V.-' :,; "A v . . ' o.; v ;":..' a,. . ,aaxa;aa . -a- '" V II'" Jill !! i fc J - , ' I'- .A " U . -,' sn yC VU W ' nV ' rf AX' " Authorized iNveameNT U-j l (t L 1 r "" T " vP. ,'xVv y 7 X - "n AA- i -v. v x "v, x xv o.- 1 ii v " x v "v. x v v. ' .,:, NT A I 4 T Nl : ::,; 7 ll Lll iTl 1 Ill llll MMWIIIIMIMMJl Investment in Box Butte County lands vastly profit able. Solid p r e. s e n t growth and assured future Dependabl e -ness of rain fall. Favor ableness o f climate. Fer tility and Pro ductiveness of soil. Reliable and growing mar kets. Trans portation fa cilities unex celled. As . great yields as else where from lands costing five times as much, of corn, wheat, speltz, alfalfa,, sugar beets, oats, hay, potatoes. Un surpassed in any part of ",s7s7":E3 3ivd:0"VE3 GTXaiEJ b-ajekezh: Investors will readily catch the idea. The first glance at the wheel shows the principle. You decide for yourself the amount of money you put in; you have your own say as to when to take it out. Your dividend will be 25, 40, 60, 75 or 100 percent the longer your money stays the greater your gain. You are "the architect of your own fortune.'' The manager of the Nebraska Land Company has lived in Box Butte County for twenty-three years. No man knows the country better. He is up-to-date on the value of every quarter section. He has bought lands and sold lands for his neighbors and friends, and placed investments and found homes for hundreds from other states and coun tries. The experience of all our patrons has been the same all have done well and are eminently satisfied. The facts as to the opportunities in Box Butte County are an unbroken succession of surprising revelations. You can drive a a hundred miles without crossing a bridge or a culvert. A 24-gang steam plow can start on one side of our Box Butte County and, for all of the lay of the land, can pull clear across to the opposite boundary line without lifting out of the ground; yet, our land is not fiat, but is everywhere tipped enough to provide thorough drainage in some, direction, In all our statements we guarantee the truth of every word. the United States in Ani mal Products; Wool, Butter and Eggs, Beef, Horses and Hogs ALLIANCE, our county seat, has a population of nearly six thousand. It has the second best depot on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy system; the cost of construction of this building was $100,000. A pay-roll of $6o, 000 a month goes to the railroad employes at this point. Our school facilities are unsurpassed the enrollment in the public schools is about 1000; the new high school building cost $30,000. We have here St. Agnes' Academy and a fine Junior State Normal Schook Good Churches of all denomina tions. The county has no indebtedness and has property values approximating Six Million -Dollars. We cheerfully and promptly answer all inquiries. Correspondence solicited from all who desire information. Applv to our Local Agent, or address NEBRASKA LAND CO. Alliance National Bank Building Alliance, Nebraska is I S-irZ