nfWfcttfcwwm 'Mu uai t'miM r ! r K V 1 sr l-s V Frlctlonlejj Empire All Backed by a Guarantee as Good as a Government Bond I have just received direct from the factory a CAR LOAD of latest improved 1909 Empire Cream Separators in the different Styles, Sizes and Prices, from $50.00 up. If you are thinking of buying1 a Cream Separator or have one to trade call and see me at the Alliance Creamery, f 1 also carry a complete line of REPAIRS for the Empire machines. W. E. SPENCER Gen'l Agent for Western Nebraska RED POTATOES We have a car of Red River Ohio Seed Potatoes that will arrive here about April first. Come and see us and give orders for what you want. The -. i, p Beal If You are in Need OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: A Majestic Steel Range A first-class Hot Air Incubator A De Laval Oream Separator A new Model A Wind Mill A first-class job of Plumbing Any kind of Tinwork Call on "T Phone 98 They carry THE GOODS, h ALLIANCE HOSPITAL GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE HOSPITAL STAFF Or. Bellwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to THE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. vfIPAlld PAQTAHPflnt 1 Plenty of tables Good, clean, linen Meals served promptly f WeTserve Try our noon dinner, 25c i Meals that Satisfy ' tom tuck. Prop. You know the kind of Separator You Want You'll Find it in the Quality Line of Empires Take Your Choice of Style, Price and Size RIVER OHIO price will be 1 TS Broth SVOVCSQuroTOS. and Prices ARE RIGHT 111 J v B Empire Disc NVs-fN SEED right. -A-. 3D. ZBTETW Al'CTIOXEEK ELLSWORTH, NEBR. Col. New has had 25 years' experience and is one of the most successful auctioneers in the northwest. Dates made at this office Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ...WOOD 'Phone No. 5. Alliance, Nebraska. 04 Al Wiker AGENT FOR Grand Island Grants i and Mark Works All kinda of Granite and Marble Tombstones and Monumeuts. Lower prices and less freight than from firms farther east H. NELSON, Painting, Paper Hanging and Kalsomining Phone 641 Alliance, Nebr. er SB Alliance Law and Order League ITS PURPOSE: T11 tjECunt: Knfurcssnutnt of Law.. Mnlntciiniiru of Ortltjr. Election of Utmost OniClnl. I'ulillrlty of Munlchml Matter. KColirmy of AilmllilMrutlotl. Promotion of Decency. ftuitiri-Mlim nf tliu l.uuinr Tradlo. . A (in'tttor ami CU'iinor OHy. Moruily MiUi-riiilly and Till siiiico iwtu for nt reirolur into anil tmiillsheraostimo no tviouilulUty tor any Ntutpnu'iita nmilo herein. LIQUOR SITUATION REVIEWED. The Iav ami Order Leaguo oC Al liance tools that the voters of Alliance mid tho peoplo living In sourround lug" territory are entitled to a rovlow of tho saloon situation In the city since the last election. The voters and residents of All lane decided lu Decembor, 1007, to mnko an effort at tho spring election to voto out the saloons. Meetings were held and organizations formed and the result was a majority of 105 votes against saloons. A mass meeting was called In tho City hall soon after the election to show tho voters that the city could not be run without license money. Tho saloon men stated that tho tempornnce oleinont was afraid to face them on this proposition. A number of the lenders of the temperance movement were at the mooting and proved to tho audience Uiat the city and sohool district could bo ran without tho mi loon money and tholr statements at the meeting have beon fully verified. The next move of the saloon, men was to refuse to rent tholr buildings or dispose of their stock of liquors. Four "Soft Drink" parlors were opened and soft drinks and low grade beors were sold. It was later proven that stronger drinks wore Bold over some of their bars. Tho temperance elemeut became dissatisfied with the situation and brought two detectives here to locate the trouble. A numbor of arrests were made and Uie prelim inary hearings wore before 'County Judge Berry. Among other testimony detectives stated that Carl Kaldel bought a num ber of bottles of whiskey for them nnc delivered it to them from Cook & Wilson, receiving pay for same. Kal del went on the stand and swore that he never received any money from the detectives and never purchased any llriuor from Cook & Wilson or any other person or firm for them. Tho detectives stated thot W. H. Cheney purchased liquors for them from William King and F, J Betzold. Cheney swore that ho did purchase aw deliver whiskey to the detectives, but that he did not purchase any liquor from F. J. Betzold. Ho also stated that he would give the same testimony If he was called In coni- inection with the William King case. As u result of this testimony Cheney jwas arretsed for bootlegging and bound over to tho district court. His I case Is to be reached at the next term ! of our district court. His bond was signed by William IKng and F. J. Betzold. Tho saloon men and their associ ates still defied the law and this re sulted in the calling of a grand Jury by Judge Harrington for our term of district court that met on Jan. 19th, 1900. The petition for this grand Jury was signed by seventy-seven of tho very best men of Alliance. When the salooni men and their sympathizers learned of this petition they were greatly excited and endea vored to frighten tho petitioners and other persons by telling thera that a grand jury would cost tho county from $8,000.00 to $10,000.00. Tho granc Jury cost the county about $1,050.00 and resulted In a largo number of indictments. If tho citizens of Al liance and surrounding territory wish the report of the grand Jury publish ed the Law and Order League will be pleased to publish it. Two liquor cases were tried at tho session of the district court, following the session of the grand jury. They were tho cases of druggist Anderson of Hemlngford and Queen Snow of Alliance. In the Anderson case one witness swore that lie bought one half gallon of whiskey from Anderson, but stated in tho trial that he told j Mr. Anderson it was for medical pur : poses. He wen,t to Ids room that night after giving the testimony and evi dently did not sleep well. The follow ing morning ho remained in his room until about eleven o'clock, or until an officer went for him at the re quest of the Couuty Attorney to ngalni take the witness stand in con nection with tho Anderson case. While on the witness stand he stated that he had mado a mistake In his testi mony the day before and wished to correct the statement. He then stated i that he had purchased one-half gallon, or whiskey from druggist Anderson of Homingford but that ho did not tell Anderson that It was for medical pur- l,osos- e further stated that he pur- v-miDCTi mo wiuttuuy ior me uoneiu or his threshing orew. Ho also stated that he did not sign tho druggist's register, although a signature ap peared on the register purported to be his. Detective Kendall swore that he purchased n number of bottles or liquor from druggist Anderson and thoro was other damaging evidence. Tho Jury brought in a verdict of not guilty In this case. In tho Queen Snow enso tho regu lar Jury panel was exhausted and the sheriff was ordered to call In more jurors. Ho brought two Jurymen to tho box who woro under tho Influence of liquor. The third man had boon n saloon, rounder and connected with gambling games In Alllanco. A ver dict of not guilty was the rosult of tin trial. William King and Ed. Reanlon plead guilty to the ohargo of Illegal selling of intoxicating liquors and transferred tholr "soft drink" parlor to Art Wlkcr for tho evldont purposo of evading tho law. Tho present status of tho liquor cases not tried tiro as follows; Q. 0. Smith, bootlegger, under In dictment by the grand Jury. W. H. Cheney, bootlegger, undor 'in dictment by tho grand Jury and bound over to the next term of our district court. Tho following porsons were also In dicted by tho grand Jury for tho Il legal sale of Intoxicating liquors and bound ovor to tho next tornt of our district court, to-wlt: Cook & Wilsoiii, Georgia I'almor and Noll Thompson. Some of tho above named law breakers are working to have the sa loons reinstated In Alllanco and evi dently expect to apply for a llconso if tho wets win. Tho Law- and Order Leaguo servos notice on thorn at this time that no presoa of immoral char acter; no person proven as an illegal seller of Intoxicating liquors and no person guilty of permitting gambling on his promises shall ever receive a saloon llconso in Alliance again. If a council and mayor are elected that will grunt tills kind of a person a license there are higher courts to ap peal to and this Leaguo proposes to make such appeal. The Leaguo wishes also to call the attention of voters of Alllanco and tho peoplo of he surrounding country to the decision that was rendered by tho supremo Court of tho State of Nebraska on Feb. 20th, 1900, which holds that all malt liquors are Intoxi cating and thnt a license Is required to sell low grade beors tho same ns for whiskey, high grade beers and brandy. The Leaguo believes that tho peoplo and voters of Alliance nro entitled to this rovlow of the liquor situation lu tho city and If any further informa tlon is desired, the league will be pleased to burnish It, - - . : Fathers, do you wish to legalize In stitutions by your votes thnt will cotv tlnuo this state of affairs In Alllanco Tho salon element have defied your votes and they have defied tho lawj have practically defied tho courts and still continue to defy the will of the people as expressed at the last election. If you vote to llconso sa loons you should be willing to furnish them your boys and girls. You take their license money, and they must have the boys and girls in order to continue the business. How many will you furnish? Tho Baloon men are on the run. Tho mass meeting held in the opera house Sunday evening showed how the peopl of Alliance stand. And they are gettln hopeless. Thoy see that the rolgn of saloons and their accompanying vices Is over with. Chancellor Davidson showed them that the financial side of the question is all in favor of iifl saloons as well as the moral Bide. Everyone admits that the moral side Is all In favor of no-saloons, but some men are hi It for tho money and they have beon deluded Into thinking that with the license money reclved fram the saloons the town Is better off. Chancellor Davidson showed them by actual facts and figures that thlH is all wrong and that as a monetary propostlon thoro should be no saloons jiurran tor tne unancellor. may we have more like him. Men whp are na afraid to tell tho ,truth. Now, you voters of Alliance who have been told that Alllanco was a poor business town last year because of having no saloons. If you will find that they will tell you that Al liance has been the best town for busl iiess this last year of any town in Western Nebraska. And one result of tills Is that practically every travel ing 'man who has Allance as his homo will voto the dry ticket this year. These "Knights of the Grip" know what they are doing They know wha good government means and they are going to vote the right way. HAVE YOU PAID YOUR PERSONAL TAX? Remember It Draws Ten Per Cent Interest Taxes are due Nov. 1, Personal taxes delinquent Dec. 1. Land-tax delinquent May 1. Interest 10 per cent from date of delinquency. Real estate advertised for sale the first week in October and sold' for taxes the first Monday in November. In all coin, inunicatious relative to taxes, please give description of property. Fred, Co. Treasurer, Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OFPIANO 416 Niobrara Ave. Phone 381 DR. O. L. WEBER DISEASES OF Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Scientific Refraction DR. G. W. MITCHELL,, Physician one Snrgeon I)y und nlghtc Ua Ofllconrcr Hoguobtir. Phone ISO. H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phono 300 Culls answered promptly duy and nlftht front oHlloo. oniWMt-AUIwu-e National Dank llutldliif? ovor tliu Post Otllco. DRTcrTirSLALE" WITH DR. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, II OJIEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SUKGIbuN Formerly Interne llomeonnthlc' II 0 p ft ul University of Iowa. Phono SSI. Odleo ovrr Alllanco Shoo Store Heildcncu Phono 251. DR. C. H. CHURCHILL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON (Successor to Dr. J. K. Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK OOlco hours 11-12 a.m., 2- p.m. 7:30-0 p.m. Office Phono 62 Res. Phone, 85 Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Bank Bidg. Rooms 4.56 Office hours, 10 to 12 a. tn., 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p, m. Office Phono 65 Res. Phono 16 & 18 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS ' (Successors to Drs. Froy .V llalfe) 17 and 18 Rumer Block Office Phone 43, Residence 20 AUG. F. HORNBURQ Private Nurse Phone 492 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer OFFICE PHONE 498 KES. PHONE 207 ALLIANCE, NEBR. WILLIAIYI MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE. NEBRASKA. EUGENE BURTON Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly becupied by R. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Bank blk 'Phone 180. ALLIANCE. NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. 1 Attorney at Law, A.JLJL.TA.TSCIZ, NEB. wTLC05T&BR6oSiE LAW ANO LAND ATTOKNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U. 3. Land Office is a guarantee for prompt and efficient service. Office In Land Office Ilullding. ALLIANCE NEBRASKA. THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Directors and Embalmers FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 498 RESIDENCE PHONES 207 and 510 GEO. W.MILLER GRADUATE PIANO TUNER Repairing- a Specialty Phone 605 507 Sweetwater Ave. J, N. Sturgeon S. G. Young Sturgeon & Young DRAY LINE (Successors to G, V, ZobeU Office Phone 139. Residence Phone 142.