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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (March 25, 1909)
i,,,JU33jSi&li-M rjLJ .C- AAAAlMAAi y OPENING SPRING SALE ' ? J 3:.H,W-$:K'HK - 5 i-T.-7 af J NfeJ 5 X M i i Veils and Veiling AH new designs and latest patterns WIIWI IH I HP W I Ribbons All the new shades and colorings I x V M ILLINERY COMMENCING Laces See our line at 5c and 8c yd. CORSETS S 7 i x 1 7 New numbers in W. B. Hipless Models WEDNESDAY, TTH $i, $1.25, $1.50 SPECIAL SALE Heatherbloom Skirts 8 .J MARCH 24- REGAN'S OPERA HOUSE BLOCK I NEW LINE OF I WAISTS t I TAILORED I SKIRTS I Lace Hosiery I Silk Hosiery I Colored Hosiery i 4 4 4 4 s JUST RECEIVED NEW INVOICE Muslin Underwear I One-piece Silk Dresses I Princess and Empire $ Styles i.i:fiAi. notice. In tlio County Court of Hok Uutto county Ncbrnaku. , In the matter ot tlio eatMo of tJustnf Jensen, deceased. . BHito of Nebraska, . TiriStnKfeCounty.r ... . To till persons Interested In iho entitle of fluntrtf Jeusi'ii. dwUHwlj you arc hereby notified Hint on tlio 10th day of March, 1IW, Kolmrt (Jriiliam, executor, of tlio OHtnto of unslaf Jensen, deceit Red, tiled In Mild court Ills final account us ull executor, and that ald final account will l hoard on tlio9mtduy of April. WW, at tlio Hour of it) o'clock a.m. ut tlio county court rom In the cltyof AlllniHC, In Mild comity! and you nrv hereby el -ed to appear at tho time and place uhorodeslKtiii'Ml. and show cauho. If any hucIi exist, why said account nhoulU not bo allowed It is lii'Mby ordered that wild Robert (Iruliuin. executor, Rlvu nollco to all pemotm interested In snltl entitle by caualiiBU copy of this order to 1h published In Tho Alliance Herald, n uewhpaper printed and published In said county, for three succeshlvo weeks prior to the tlute set for hearing. Dated thU 10th day ot March ldou. L. A. IIEIIUY, Iskai.1 County J u!?e, fp. Mch. U-3w " IXUAI.NOTICE' In tho County Court of llox Hutto County, Nebraska. In the matter ofthu erJatu of K. Walter Herrlck, deceased, ftute of Nebraska, I Box liatto County, f " , To nil persons Interested In tho estate of E. Walter Merrick, deceased. You are hereby notified that on the 10th day ot March, 1MW, Eugene llurlon, udmlulstrator, with tha will annexed, of tho estate of K. Wal ter Herrlck, deceased, tiled in Mid court his llnal account as iild administrator, with the will annexed, and that said llnal account will bo henra on the SnU day ot April, IW.i, at the hour ut 10 o'clock a.m. ut tho county court room In tho rlty of Alllaiico, In said county; and jou are heichy cited to appear ut th? lime and place alHivo designated, mid show cause, If such exists, why said account should not be allowed. It Ik hereby ordered that Mid Eugene. Ilnrton, administrator, with tho will annexed, jilvo notice to all persons Intercnteo In Mid es tate by causing u copy of this order to bo pub lished In The Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and published In said county, for threo Miccenslvo weeks pi lor to the date set for hearing. Dated this 10th day ot March. 11TO. Iseai. 1. A. Ilr.imv, fp. MiMi.lKlw County .linlge. 1.KGAI. NOTICE In tho County Cotut- of llox Hutto county Nubntska. In tho mutter of tho estate of Luinlii A. Herrlck Uuceaiied. Htate of Xchtuska, t . Box Hutto County, C To all persons interested In tho estate of Lavlulu A. Herrlck, dnceuscd: You are hereby uotllled that on tho 10th day of March, lftnt, Kuueiie Hurtoa, uUmlnl trutor of thii estate of I.avlnla A. llerilek, deceased, tiled lu said court his llnal account as said administrator, and that said timtl ac count will be heard on the 2nd day of April. 10ut. at tho hour of 10 o'clock n.m. at tho coun ty court room In the city of Alliance, In said county ; and jou are hereby cited to appear at the time and place above designated, and showcauso, if such exist, why said account should not bo allowed. It K hereby ordered that said hUKene llurton, administrator, ulve notice to all person Interested lu said estate by causing a copy of this order to bo publUhed lu'iho Alliance Herald, a newspaper printed and publish! In uid county, for three mio cessive weeks prior to tho date sei for hearing. Jmru villa iuiii uj til ..larcil livy, 1'. A. HtllUY. . K'5,l1 . County Judge, fp. siikkiits sali: Hy vlrturo of au order of sale issued by the flerk of llie District Ctinrt nf Box Butte County. Nebraska, uiou a deoiee ot foreclos tiro rendered by said cuurt In faor ut John O'lfeefe. In au uothm therein, wherein alt .toliu U'Kerfo Is pluluttir and Boliert furry, Mr. Curry, wife of defeiulaut, HtU-rt Curri tlrtil real name uiikuowu. are defendants I will on Monday the ltli day of April. 1K"., at 1 'cluck 1. M. on uid day at the West door ot thet'Oiirthoustt Hi Alliance Box Butte County tsvurat.iii, mui iiiu iiiuuniuj,' tn..M:riueii real es tate to-wit: The South Kust Quarter of Stsuhui S5, Township 3I.or Bailee 50,lu Box Uutto Coun ty, NeblusUa, at public auction, to the highest bidder, for cash, to satisfy said order of sale In the sum of 732 K, und costs taxed at SH to, and tuxeo for tho year llo,s, (axed utl 51. und ucuruitiK cost and Interest on said iTcCsi. ut ten percent per annum from February 5. Htm rlrst pillillciitlon March II, iWX Au WlKKU.thuriir. Wii.i.iam IiTClii.l.l., Attorney J3-SW lor I tutnurr. HPK '9Hf- 'r EW S OF NEBRASKA Bank Guaranty Bill is Now Ready for Governor. When a Plumber is Needed send for us. We lmve plenty of time now to attend to all classes of work This is not our busy season and it will pay you to have your PLUMBING, HEATING, FITTING, etc., attended to now before the rush of work begins. We are thoroughly posted in our business and an order from you will promptly put all our knowledge and skill at your service. The cost will not bo great. Fred Bre n nan HOLSTEN'S Headquarters for CHOOL UPPLIES TABLETS NOTE BOOKS COMPOSITION BOOKS NOTE PAPER PENCILS PENS, INKS CHALK CRAYONS COLORED CRAYONS ERASERS and PAINTS RULERS GIVEN AWAY AT HOLSTEN'S Public Stenographer Commercial Club Room Basement Phclon Opera House Blk. Typewriting, Shorthand Reporting, Mimeograph Duplicating, etc-, done correctly and promptly. Bartos Bill Limiting Dividends of Stockholders Recommended for Pas sage Dlers' Garnishee Measure !s Passed by Senate, Lincoln, March 23. The house con curred in the senate amendments to tho bank deposit guaranty bill, which has the effect of passing It, and it now goes to the governor. It was one of the bills in which W. J. Bryan took a personal Interest and has been a source of extended debate throughout the session of the legislature, now Hearing a close In addition to provld )ng for the guaranteeing of deposits, It makes important changes In the banking laws of the state. Representative Taylor of Custer county was the only member to make serious objection to a concurrence In the senate amendments to the bank guaranty bill. He objected to mak ing the Initial levy one Instead of one half of 1 per cent. He declared the "tearing down of the bill was done Id the Interest of national banks" and said' it had been "so trimmed down that national banks will have no edge over state banks." Graff of Cuming, who reported the bill, was the princi pal speaker to oppose Taylor, When Graff Anally moved that tha senate amendments be concurred In, tho motion was adopted by a vote of 53 to 43. Tho bank bill formed the chief source of Interest in both branches and a number of senators were on tho house floor during the deliberations over the amendments. Tho measure will he In Governor Shallenbergor'a hands today and probably will be signed by him without further ado. Limit Dividends cf Stockholders. In the senate a bill C3 recommend ed for passage which prevents stock holders in stock life insurance con? panics accepting more than S per cent dividends, or bonuses In lieu thereof. Senator Bartos of Saline county fathered the bill, for which he made a strong tight. He cited figures to show conditions that had been un earthed in large life insurance com panies and was able to carry his point. The hill will probably be before the senate for passage before tho week ends. Senator Diers' bill providing for the lowering of the exemption of wages from garnishee proceedings from 90 per cent to 75 per cent was passed by tho senate by a vote of 21 to 9. How- ! ever, the bill as amended provides that no one's wages shall he subject to these proceedings except for debts contracted for the necessities of life. The senate committee of the whole rocdiiinii-jided for passage the bill to prohibit meichauts using trading stamps or premiums of any kind as an inducement to trade. A fine ot from $25 to $100 is fixed for violation thereof. Appropriation Bills. A number of the appropriation bills wore placed on the general file of tho senate on recommendation of the finance, ways and means committee. The hills provided for appropriations of $70,000 for a building at the feeble minded Institute nt Beatrice; $3,000 for Improvement In tho state flsli hatcheries nt South Bend, and $5,000 for Improving the same In Cherry county; $50,000 for library at Peru; $50,000 for wing to chapel and gym nasium at Kearney normal; $75,000 for weak school districts. Just tell 'em all you'll see what ws mnmvi m TELL CONFLICTING STORIES Two Boys Under Arrest at Alma for Dillon Murder Differ. Alma, Neb.. March 23. The prelim inary hearing of George Crltzer and Ben Heddendorff, the two boys under arrest charged with the murder ot William Dillon of Stamford, will not be held until Friday. The boys tell conflicting stories of the crime and it will remain for the preliminary to determine the truth of their statements. Dillon was buried today at Stamford. A feature of the affair was that while hounds were on the trail of the murderers both boys were with the crowd following the dogs. Later the sheriff believed there was reason to suspect the boys and caused their ar rest, Ho kept them apart after their arrest and secured from each an en tirely different story It has been learned that Crltzer purchased a re volver at a local hardware store. Both boy.s have been staying at the home of Heddendorff during the absence of the tatter's parents In Iowa. Charged With Poisoning Stock. Osallala. Neb.. March 23 Ducello and Charles Henry, neighbors In the North Platte valley, had a lawsuit, In which Ducello was beaten. The tatter now has caused the arrest of Henry ot: a charge of poisoning his stock Two horses, two cows and a number of hogs have died from poisoning and other horses were made sick since the lawsuit and Henry caused his arrest. Henry charges that ho caught Ducello putting salt and parls green in alfalfa hay belonging to Henry. Ducello Is In Jail. COLBURN has to offer in PRICES before you buy in DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING and SHOES J. P. Colburtfs cash store 4th door south of Alliance National Bank Pollard Returns to Plattsmouth. Plattsmouth, Neb., March 19. Form er Congressman E. M. Pollard has re turned home from Washington and will, it Is stated, supervise tho re. establishment of tho Plattsmouth Evening News and assume editorial control of the paper. Low Rates Worth Notng To Pacific Coast: Only $25.00 during March and April. To Big Horn Basin and North Platte Valley: Very low homeseekers rates; only $25.00 from Denver and Colorado to Big Horn Basin Gov ernment irrigated lands. G-o early. Summer Tourist East: Plan now your sum mer vacation trip back east to the old home. Write us about excursion rates that will be in effect during the summer. Seattle Exposition, Summer of 1909: Daily low circuit rates; best chance in years to make the coast tour. Cheap Homeseekers Rates twice a month from east toy our locality. Inform your friends white mi: nut, RATES, information, etc. J. A. Clark Doing House Cleaning. I wish to announce to the people of Alliance that I am again dojng houso cleaning in the good old way. Don't forgnt p 'villi your lace curtains. Phone 506. J. A. Ci akk. 13-w lilBBI ill F. L.SKALINDER,Agt., Alliance, Neb. L. W. WAKELEY, G. P. A.,Omaha Palace Lively Barn C. C S31I '"1-1, Prop. (Successor to S. II, Dcsch) one ni ok west oi Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, rilE N- .iiinden and courteous treatment to all has won for us the itfli.i) .0. 'I'lione excellent patronage we enjov. Trv us. r 1 y kl. "aBK-r ?? - -."