I:jjiau.;y.:, Box Butte County School Department l I HEfllNGFORD HERALD. mM,mf,sm,LmiM is&!$gb&m OKA E. PHILLIPS. COUXTV SUPEKINTIADENT. EDITOR i HEMINUFORD. HOX HUTTE COUNT. NEIL. MARCH 2?. lOOO. 3 Cl ll! AAITll T IYFl W F i HEMINUFORD, HOX HUTTKJ COUNT, NEIL, MARCH 25, IOOO. !' i R n ;.. i " rf - . r 't - Miss Flora S. Godfrey again resumed her school duties iu district No. 57 last week after a six weeks visit at Wash ington, Iowa. Mrs. Ella Wciiner of Harrison began a three months term of school In the Fosket district west of Canton Wednes day of last week. Miss Amy llrown Is teaching1 her first term of school in the Kluknid dis trict west of Alliance. That she Is giving excellent satisfaction is the re port from the patrons of the school. That the Mnrsland schools are doing well was noticed during a visit there recently. Miss Annie Kennedy teaches the eighth, ninth and tenth grades and Miss Nina Nation the first six grades, there being no seventh grade. Snpt. U. W. Hayes of the Alliance city schools is boasting of having the nicest otllco of anv superintcndent.ln Nebraska. The school hoard recently purchased a fino velvet rug for him and wo believe with hhn that his ofllce is second to nono iu the state. Miss Eva Wilson elosed u successful term of school In Dawes county recent ly and is now finishing a four months term in the Skinner district West of Alliance. Miss Mattie Kingsly began this term but was compelled to resign after teaching six weeks on account of sickness. House lloll 'J30 provides that the county superintendent shall furnish all necessary supplies to schools of the county unit district officers, and that tlie same shall be paid out of the general fund of the county. This bill was passed by the committee of the whole In the 'House and ordered en grossed for tlie third reading. Miss Marie Hansen, who was com pelled to close her school in the Davig district shortly after Christmas on ac count of an attack of appendicitis, underwent an opperation in the M. E. hospital in Omaha and is now able to resume her duties in the school room, beginning Monday of Inst week. Miss Etta Carter has been teaching there during her absence. Miss Anna Beaumont began a three months' term of school In the Canton school Dist. 31 last week. Miss Ileau mont just returned from an extended visit in southern California and says she Is glad to get back to work. She had been teaching second grade in the Alliance schools for the past two years. Miss Kathcrine lloddy having taken her position when she left for Califor nia. This district should consider themselves fortunate iu securing so able a teacher and now we will expect to see those three eighth grade pupils pass the examination in May. No definite legislation regarding state aid for weak districts can be giv en at this time except that House Roll 123, asking for an appropriation of $75,000 has been passed by the House and referred to the senate. All proba bilities are that this appropriation will pass ulthough all school appropriation bills seem to be knifed by tlio senate, to a considerable extent. The bill has beeDamouded somewhat, and now lim its the districts that can receive state aid to those which contain nine sec tions or more, and lowers the amount of school to five months insteati of seven. This makes a more equal dis tribution of the" money than that pro vided In the bill last year. School oflleers In several districts throughout the county should notice whether or not grading Is needed around the. school iiouse. During the thawing weather the past three weeks we nolleed that from one to three fee,t of water stood around some school houses which made it impossible for the children to get in or out of the school house without getting their feet wet. District No. 1 1 seemed to be iu the worst condition in that respect as the water stood under the school house making the school room damp and chilly School directors, it will be a saving to the district in the end to have this grading done as it will greatly preserve the school house, and besides, the sanitary condition almost necessi tates its being done Northwest Nebraska Declamatory Contest Supt. D. W. Hayes, superintendent of the Northwest Nebraska Declama tory Association, which convenes in Crawford April 0th and 10th, has plans fully matured for the. largest district association ever held iu northwest Nebraska and from towns engaged the Indications are that It will prove to be of the greatest value to teachers of this district. In addition to the best talent within the district the following persons have been engaged to appear on the prp gram: Dr. Win. f. Davidson, chancellor of the Nebraska Wesleyan University; Dr. A. 0. Thomas, president of the Kearney State Normal School; State Superintendent E. C. Illshop; A. A. Reed, inspector of accredited high schools; Prof J. L. McBrien, director of University Extension; Deputy State Rev. J. V. Clark, M. A. S., to Lecture Under Aus pices of High School on Astronomy. The noted astronomer, Rev. J. V. Clark, of Kan sas, City, Mo., will give a lecture in the new assembly room at the high school Friday night, March 26th. Below we give the synopsis of his lecture: THK PLANETS Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, The Earth, The Sun. We understand that this lecture will be very inter esting as well as instructive. Rev. Mr- Clark states that the price of admission for all public school children will be fifteen cents and to the public twenty-five cents. Music will be furnished by the high will go to the, .school. Superintendent V S. Perdue; and New ton Wesley Unities. Every teacher In llox Hutte county should attend this meeting and no school board should refuse to give their teacher permission to attend. It has been arranged to hnv the early morning train stop at Intervening towns between Alliance and Crawford for the benellt of those who wish to go and be there for the entire session. Monthly Reports are Important i Most teachers have been very prompt lu sending iu the monthly reports, but a few, we fear, have neglected the matter somewhat. Now this is very important, especially w r th close of the school yeur, nud'l wish that every teacher would get the repoit mailed lit the earliest possible moment after the close of the month. Tills will' enable me to check up the ""tidance of the pupils and see tha; 1 are nttending the required number of days, which is the principal use of the reports. Doing Business There are men who do business and do business, but J. C. McCorlde, manager of the Nebraska Land-Co., is one of the men who do things when it comes to real estate business. He has been a resident of this county for more than a score of years and knows the country "like a book." Those who deal with him can safely depend upon his judgment in land values, and the in crease in his business is one indication that confidence in him and his dealings has not been misplaced. He leaves to morrow for eastern Nebraska and we miss our guess if he does not round up a nice bunch of business on the trip. A Great Enterprise ' C. A. Newberry has arranged for ex tensive, practical, scientific, experimental farming thij year that will, we believe, be an eye-opener to the natives as well as to those easterners who think that Alliance and Uox Butte county are "away out at the jumping off place, "wherenothiogcanbe grown without irrigation. This work will be under the direct superintendence of Prof. E. W Hunt, agriculture lecturer for the Nebraska State University. The Herald editor has personally ar ranged with Prof. Hunt for data each' week during the spring and summer from which a series of articles will be published giving an account of the progress of the work and an accurate description of how it is carried on, The first of these articles will be given in the next issue of the Her ald. D. B. Jencks of Chadroti was here on business today with the local land office. Mary and Winnie Egan returned Monday from Hyannis where they vis ited at home over Sunday. They are attending school at 'the Academy in Al liance, ..ww We regret to chronicle the fact that Geo. Burke, who has been superin tendent Birdsell's chief clerk for so long, is about to leave Alliance to accept a position at Sheridan. Ed Marks and wife gave a dinner in his honor last Monday evening. Dr. Copsey made a professional visit to Hyannis the fore part of the week. Herbert Butler is nov night assist ant in the Burlington agent's office. E. A. Watson is now proprietor of the Ridgell Bowling Alleys in the base ment of the Reddish building. A bouncing boy arrived at the home of Claude Lester on Monday of this week. Mr. Bolte and daughter, of Water loo, Iowa, are in the city paying their son Louis a visit. Mr. Bolte is in the real estate business, being interested especially around Aberdeen, S. Dak., and speaks very favorably of Alliance and surrounding country- Miss Bolte will remain in Alliance, having secured a position with Drs. Bellwood & Slagle. Today the whirligig of time marked off fifty-one years for J. C. IVcCorkle. Nearly half of them having been spent in Box Butte county entitles him to membership in the old settlers' club. If you have land or real estate to sell, I can sell it if the price is right. If vou have nof bepn nblp to rliannsn nf it, it may be that vou have not sue I ceeded because you have not listed it j with the right man. Write me and I 1 can sell it. Address Walter Johnson, Ord, Nebr. 1 he MOON school orchestra. Part of the receipts Hemingford Happenings. Bert Laogford went to Crawford Sun day, returning Monday. Father McNamara, from Alliance, went through here going west, Sunday, accom panied by his brother's little daughter. Mr. Pitman is hauling lumber this week. Lizzie Walker is out visiting with Mrs. B Shepard this week. Miss Bertha Parkyan went to Alliance Friday to visit ber sister, Mrs. Hayes, until Sunday. Gene and Lee Rustin came up from Lincoln Sunday for a visit with relatives and friends. Mrs. Enyeart and Mrs. Bylthe went to Alliance on business Monday. Agnes Ferguson closed a successful term of school in the Keislcr district Friday, leaving for her home in Scotts Blufls Monday. Dr. Eikner went east for a couple of wogks Monday. Roj; Hlckey and family returned from the east Saturday much pleased with their trip. Jim Evans went to Bingham, Saturday, to work for a couple of weeks and his wife went to Marsland to visit with her grand parents during his absence. M. Hutton moved his office across the street into Everett's building last "week and has also moved into his new house. I. Hockey went to Alliance on business Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Burleigh went to Lakeside for an outing Friday. Mrs. B. Jackson, from Pine Ridge, was seen on our streets Saturday. Mrs. Strong returned from her trip east Sunday. Rachel Brown is clerking at Bushncll's at present. Mr. and Mrs. Eikner returned from Al liance Thursday. Mrs. B. Johnson went to Alliance on business Thursday and came back Satur day. Robert Hunter came up from Alliance Saturday going out to the ranch for a short stay. Mr. Hindman and family returned from their trip east Saturday. A relative of Charley Ball stepped off the train Saturday for a visit. Jim Potmesil returned from his trip east, where he went several weeks ago with a car load ef horses. Will Annen is hauling hay for Norbt Frohnapfel at present. Quite a number of scholars from the country came in to take the eighth grade examinations. Among those seen were Etta Micheal, Ethel and Will Kiester, Mabel Peitree. Mamie Gasseling, Agnes and Lena Annen, Tom Manion and Rosa Carroll. Mrs. Redman, sister-in-law of Mike Butler, who has been here for a visit, went home yesterday. The Hollinrake boys were unloading their engine Tuesday. Sherman Wright's engine was unloaded the same day. , . Mr. D, E. Lynch, road master, and ,M. O. Joder, train master, were here Monday looking up a location for the Central Lum ber Company. K. L. Pierce and Everett went east Sat urday. Mrs. Roy Hickey went to Alliance Tues day to take treatment for her eye's. Miss Nellie Curry is clerking in W. W. Norton's store at present. A. H. Pierce is building a new bouse in the south part of town, Mr. Middlecofl died ot consumption Friday. Funeral services were held at his home in Sioux county Sunday. He was buried here Monday. MARSLAND. F. R. Bellamy and Miller have just re ceived a new stock of goods. The people of Marsland and vicinity have all laid in a large supply of coal purchased from the wreck at three dollars per ton. Dr. A. Gregory made a business trip to Crawford. Mrs. F. R. Bellamy returned from Hot Springs, S. D., Sunday last. Mrs. Lee Gregory of Belmont visited at the home ranch, also visited friends in Marsland this week. Mrs. Woodie's little daughter has been quite sick the past week. The Dr. reports her improving. One case of smallpox is reported in Marsland and several people are exposed. Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Burns made a business trip to Deadwood and returned in the storm. Geo. Gregory and wife were among those from Marsland who were favored with an invitation to attend the twin birthday party at Belmont. Geo. Gregg, wife and daughter, S. M. Trussell, wife and son were among those who attended the mask ball. Mrs. G. Keudric'Ks is still at Hot Springs taking medical treatment. Lee Gregory of Belmont was at Craw ford one day this week having dental work done. Pete Hunsaker is on the sick list and has been for some time. 1 There was the largest crowd at the mask I ball that has been in Marsland for years. , It was the most comical event of the Tom Hunsaker is very sick. He wishes 1 to dibcart town life and will soon move on , his claim. , Dr. Willis accompanied A. Roads to Hot bprlogs, b. V. tor an operation. Dr, I: N. FROHNAPFEL HCMINOr-ORD, NEBRASKA Livery JtAAAlA Funoic and Feed J llllllll! ( in connection iA Ay it 1 'I BVPsSK AlllUIUU C5 Ty m Erto&iftfUKffifrnfAr Walker made a succesful operation In just fifteen hour's from the time they left Marsland, Our school at Marsland is doing fine work this year. Miss Annie Kennedy is teacher. Miss Kennedy will have exami nations for the'eigth grade this week. The school in Trussell district ia re duced to three pupils and they say tho prospects are that they will have to get an assistant teacher to finish this term. Mr. Richie who has been in one of our eastern hospltats for several weeks, is re ported as failing The twin birthday party at Belmont was a pleasent affair. March 9th was the thirty-seventh birthday anniversary of Agent Leo Gregory and Merchant Frank Dehil, both of Belmont Mrs. Gregory and Mrs. Dehil decided to have a joint surprise birthday party for their husbands. There were many invited from Belmont, Crawford and Marsland. Link Lowery and wife havo moved ft 0111 Angora to Alliance and will make this city their place of residence. Tho last of the International Har vester force has gone to their new lo cation in Crawford. Many of them hated to leave and there was much leave taking but they are not far from the metropolis of western Nebraska now and will undoubtedly visit our city often. Several placed their names on The Herald lit so as to get nil tho news of Alliance. A deal was consummated the latter part of last week whereby Miss Inico McCorklo becomes the owner of the Sorrel Thompson residence. Mr. Thompson is going to move to Hoi drcge, Nebr., where lie and his brother will enter into the grocery business. We understand that the property has been rented to Dr. Mitchell for the period of one year. We 'wish to acknowledge our appre ciation of Prof. Phillips' kindness in assuming charge of the Herald's Box Butte county school department. Since we becamo acquainted with him we have admired his spirjt of enter prise, and we aro delighted to have his assistance in giving to our readers a department that will be of so much benefit to the educational interests of the county. Notice Sealed bids will bo received from this date (March IS, 10o9) to April 15, lOoD, inclusive, by tho City Clerk for 84.r,ooo bonds, as voted at special election, held Tuesday, March 0, Wo9, In the City of Alliance, Nebraska, according to law. Said bids will bo opened by tho City Council nt their meeting on April ,15, luou. J t meters will be required to fur nish tho blanks upon which said bonds are to be executed. Right reserved to reject any and nil bids. A transcript of these bonds may be had upon appli cation to the City Clerk. W, o. Baiwks, Clerk, By order of City Council, In session March 11, lOoO. Notice of City Election Notice is hereby given that the regu lar election will be held in the City of Alliance on Tuesday, April G, igoo in the upstairs of Marks' hall for tho First ward, and in the City Hall for the Second ward, said polling places to open at 8 o'clock a.m. and close at 7 o'clock p.m. of said day, and at which th5 following officers will be elected for the City of Alliance for the municipal year beginning May, 1909, and ending May, 1910: One Mayor. One City Clerk. One City Treas'urer. , One Councilman for First Ward. One Councilman for Second Ward. One City Engineer. One Police Judge. Two Members of School Board. C. C. Smith, Mayor. W. O. Barnks, City Clerk. LEGAL NOTICE State of Nebrnsku. Itox Hutte County. To all persons Interested In tho estate of Charles Mujer, latu of said county, deceased. Yon are hereby notified that on the 12th day of March JfW, August Mayor filed hi petition in thu county court of Mild county for ids appointment us administrator of the estato of Ulmrlea Mujer, lute of xsltl county, deceased, and that thu same will bo heard at tlie otllco of the comity Judice In the city of Alliance, in said county on tho mth day of April. HKW, at tho hour ot 2 o'clock In the afternoon. It is further ordered that notice of said hearing bo given all parties interested In nald estate by the publication of this notice for three consecutive weeks in Tho Alliance Her ald, u nowfpaiHT printed, published, and cir culated in su d county Dated this I'.'th day ot March, 1WP. Lkai.1 L. A. IlKttnv, fp.Mch Is 3w County Judge. Moytl A. Murker, attorneys for petitioner. COL IV. M. Auctioneer Hemingford, Neb. Makes a specialty of stock sales. Mat ters pertaining to general auctions carefully attended to. Dates for sales may be made at The Alliance Herald office. Satisfaction guaranteed fliiNliir aa with Hearse u u I , S&S W VW' W Wr3 W I HAVE lnndseckers coming by the score in a short time. If you want quick sale and good terms come to me. Will sell JyOur tract, no matter whether large or small, ; $ " . Hemingford is located in" the central part of Box Butte county. Reached by good roads from all directions. The ideal place to trade. I S, .VN,vAVvvA So Sal H. L. Bushnell's Store Has Commenced We have Prices and our Customers are Pleased cn" laAWWWSsAWW WvsAA'vr- M. HUTTON Bargains in Real Estate INSURANCE WRITTEN We now have a $2,500 Clothing Stock which we can exchange for land HEniNGFORD, NEBR. ANTON UHRIG Dealer in Hardware, Saddlery and Implements Just getting In two cars of all the latest improved John HEMINGFORD, NEBR. R Uflll V WITH ii'ii WWWWP ring AT ftIIHI.fr fr. the Goods, are Right Deere implements & S Js