BBlt&feia5( km r n ir t - Miller Brothers News Stand Clips, Fasteners, Inkstands, Pencils, Etc. All of an PinADQ lvJrIx Candies of all kinds ALLIANCE GRADUATED NURSES IN ATTENDANCE HOSPITAL STAFF Dr. Beliwood, Dr. Bowman, Dr. Hand, Dr. Copsey Open to All Reputable Physicians. Address all communications to THE MATRON, ALLIANCE HOSPITAL, Alliance, Nebraska. First-class Views and Commercial Work ct-& Alliance Art Studio M. E. GUEI1E, Propr. Artistic Portraits a Specialty ALLIANCE. NEBR. Palace Livery Bam C. O. SMITH, Prop. (Successor to S. II. Dcsch) one ill tCK west or Good turnouts, strict attention to our business, THE NE V zuinden and courteous treatment to all has won for us the iiuilwng. 'Phone excellent patronage we enjoy. Trv us. Ff'cUo,"e" lmf" All Backed by a Guarantee as Good as a Government Bond I have just received direct from the factory a CAR LOAD of the latest improved 1909 in the different Styles, Sizes a Cream Separator or have one to trade call and see me at the Alliance Creamery. I also carry a complete line of REPAIRS for the Empire machines. W. E. SPENCER Gen'I Agent for Western Nebraska We handle a complete line of Office Stationery A Full Line of School Supplies of the latest jvi AfiATJlMPQ can be d most popular xY1vJZjU l dj found her the latest GET THE HABIT of purchasing your from us. New, fresh cigars, kept i fine, large humidor. Jobbers of Western View Post Cards OSPITAL Enlarged Portraits In Every Style & & j You know the kind of Separator You Want You'll Find it in the Quality Line of Empires Take Your Choice of Style, Price and Size Empire Cream Separators and Prices, from $50.00 up. I mHMMMHiMMBHHMHMHn Pens. i in our J2FMfei We guarantee to duplicate any Clubbing Offer of any subscription agency Wm. James, Exclusive Dealer in COAL & ... WOOD Phone No. 5. Alliance Nebraska. .a., id. :&t:e-7" AUCTIONEER ELLSWORTH, NEBR. Col. New has had 25 years' experience and is one of the most successful auctioneers in the northwest. Dates made at this office Empire Disc If you are thinking of buying1 -CENTFARE Judge McPherson Holds Mis souri Law is Confiscatory. Attorney Declares Decision 8ounds Death Knell of Low Fare In Every State Return to Old Rates Expected. Maximum Freight Law Also Hit. Missouri's 2-cont passenger fntoand ninxliuum Height rate Ijiwb woro nul lified by n iluclalon handed down In the district court at Kansas City by Judgo Smith McPherson of Hod Oak, la. As a result, It Is believed thero will bo a qutcl: return In Missouri to 3 cent faies, and Frank Hngermnn, for the eighteen companies Involved, as serts the decision sounds the death knell of the 2-cuut rato In every stoto In the union. Judge McPherson hold that both the commodity and the passenger laws wero confiscatory and unconsti tutional, and Mr. Hagerman declared that it is not conceivable that If tho "cent rato Is confiscatory In Missouri It tan bo compensatory in other states. The state, on tho other hand, de clared emphatically that Mlssoml's fight for lower rates would continue. Elliott W. Major, tho newly elected at torney gonoral, who succeeded Her bert S. Hndley to that otllco and was In court when tho decision was read, said un appeal would bo taken and that the present leglslatuto would bo asked to pass new rate laws that would stand tho test of tho courts. Governor Hadley mado a slmllnr state ment at Jefferson City. Judgo Smith McPherson, who ren dered the decision, Is presiding Judgo of the United States circuit court for tho southern district of Iowa. Ho sat through tho lengthy trial of tho case that has covered sovoral months tlmo and had worked diligently on his opinion for a month past. Ho left for Council Muffs, la., to open court there. "Tho question," said Judge McPher son In his decision, "Is whether tho traffic wholly within the stnte of Mis souri generally refened to In the evi dence ns local traffic, can be carried under the freight rate statutes of 1907 and tho passenger fare statute of 1907 nt such profit ns will give a reasonnblo return after paying expenses upon tho Investment, or whether such trafilc is carried at a loss or leas than such reasonable profit. The court has reached the conclusion that upon this question tho statutory rates fixed by either and both statutes aie not remunerative." VOIDSTWO Just tell 'em all you'll see what wmmmmmmmmmmMHmmmmmmmmmmKmmmmmmmmmmmm C0LBURN has to offer in PRICES before you buy in DRY GOODS, CLOTH ING and SHOES J. P. Colburtfs cash store wm jf You are in Need OF ANY OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: A Majestic Steel Range A first-class Hot Air Incubator A De Laval Cream Separator A new Model A Wind Mill A first-class" job of Plumbing Any kind of Tinwork Oall on Phone 98 They carry THE GOODS, 111 k OIL CASE NEAR COLLAPSE. Government Attorneys Told to Bring Proof of Rebating or Stop. The government attorneys In tho retrial nt Chicago of tho Stand aid Oil company of Indiana were told by Judge Anderson that unless thoy Introduced further proof sustaining their contention Mint tho oil company accepted a rebate from the Chicago and Alton railroad thoy might as well cease their efforts to convict. Judge Andeison, after considerable argumout from both sides, admitted tentatively tarlrf No. 1,203 of tho Chicago and Al ton and tariff No. -4 of tho Wiggins Fcrrj company. Beforo admitting tho documents lu this way tho court spoke of tho "fatal discrepancy" In parts of the Indictment against the Standard Oil company. "If tho government can furnish no further proof," snld he, "In support of Its contentions than tho tariff sheets alieady Introduced, it may as well stop." Judge Anderson agreed with tho de fense In that no evidence had been ad duced piolng rouuoctlon between tho Chicago and Alton rnllroad and tho Terminal Hallway association. "In tho ovont It Is proven that a Joint agreement existed between theso two railroads the Indictment would Bland," said tho court nt one point. "It might also stand If It Is shown Hint tho two companies offered conces sions " Attorney Wllkorson for the govern ment Insisted that his object In Intro ducing the tat Iff sheets of these two roads wns to show proof of publication and the Intent on the part of the de fendant. ' U. P. RECONVEYS COAL LAND Decides Not to Defend Suit and Settles With Government. A settlement has been effected by the secretary of the Interior of tho gov eminent suit against tho Union Pacific Hallway company, involving coal lands In Wyoming estimated to be worth $1,. fiOO.000. This land waB acquired by the company through what are known ns "dummy entries." The land' Involved aggregated 4.5G0 acres and after numerous conferences, the com pany decided not to defend the suit, but Instead reconVcyod tho lands to tho government and also paid neatly $30,000 in settlement for the coal mined from the lands. Besides recon veylng tho land and paying trespass damage, the company loses the $91,200 which was paid as purchase pi Ice for the lands This is ono of the cases Included In former Secretarj Garfield's letter to congress showing lands worth over $101,000,000 under Investigation or In litigation I 4th door south of Alliance National Bank 1 5VevesowTS)Yos. and Prices ARE RIGHT 111 :J Miss M. Ruth Taylor TEACHER OF PIANO 416 Niobrara Ave. Phone 381 DR. G. W. MITCHELL, Physician nno Surgeon Day and nlghterlla tjfllco over Doguu Htoro. Phono lSfc H. A. COPSEY, M. D. Physician and Surgeon Phono 300 CiilN answered promptly day and night from ,m.1.c,u.' OfHew! Alliance National Uank Unlldlng over the Post Ofllce. DRrCHASriirSLALa WITH DR.. BELLWOOD Special Attention Paid to Eye Work GEO. J. HAND, II O M I'. O P A T II I C i'HVSICI N AMI 8 U It G fi O N Koruirly Interne llomo.ipuhlc Io pftiil University of Iowa. Phone 251. Ofllco m or Alliance Shoo Btora Hesldpiicu Phona 251. DR.. C. H. CHURCHILL PIIYMCIAN AND 81' It 0 EON' (Successor to )r. 3. 1! Moore) OFFICE IN FLETCHER BLOCK Onicoliour-U-tSa,m.iSl p m. 7:30-9 p,m Office Phono 62 Res, Phone, 85 Drs. Bowman & Weber PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS First National Bunk Bide Rooms 4-5.(5 Office hours, 10 to 12 a. m., 1:30 to 4, 7 to 8 p. in. Office Phono 65 Res. Phone 16 & 184 Drs. Coppernoll & Petersen OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS (SuccestorN to Drs Trey &. Ilalfe) 17 and 18 Rutner Block Office Phone 43, Residence 20 AUG. F.HORNBURG Private Nurse 1 Phone 492 T, J. THRELKELD, Undertaker and Embalmer I OFFICE PHONE 49S I RKS. l'HOVR "ICtl ALLIANCE, NEBR. WILLIAM MITCHELL, ATTORNEY AT HW. ALLIANCE, NEBRASKA. I fcUUJCrNfcl BUK1UIN Attorney at Law Office in rooms formerly occupied by U. C. Noleman, First Nal'l Uank blk 'Phone 180. ALLIANCE, NEB. H. M. BULLOCK. Attorney at Law, AJL.LIA1SOIC, IVTCB. WiLo61T&TMb LAW ANI LAND ATTOHNEYS. Long experience in state and federal courts and as Register and Receiver U, S. Land Office is a guarantee (or prompt and efficient service. Office In Land Office llulldliifi. AM.IACK - NEIIKASkA. THE GADSBY STORE Funeral Directors and Embalmers j FUNERAL SUPPLIES OFFICE PHONE 493 I RESIDENCE PHONES 207 and 510 When a Plumber is Needed send for us. We have plenty of time now to attend to all classes of work This is not our bus season and it will 1 pay ou to have your PLUMBING. HEATING, FITTING. etc., attended to now before the rush of work begins. We aro thoroughly posted in our business and an order from you will promptly put all our knowledge anil skill at your service. The cost will not be great. w&j4i ii$qk JajrB 1 Fred Brennan fr?t