8'rUo til rl'i Soctoty Official Publication of tKe City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western Nebraska. VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY, NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, MARCH 4, IU09 NUMBER 12 n w KEl'OUT OP THE CONDITION OF The First National Bank, CHARTER NO. 4220, At Alliance, In the Bute of Nebraska, Hi the close of Imslnoas. February 5, 1TO9. UKRonucrN, Ixjann ami (tlscounts ....$304,030 77 OvortlrufU.secured and unsecured.. COS 81 V, S. bomls to neouro circulation.... 60.000 00 tJ. H. IloniU to Recuro U. 8. Deposit 40,000 00 Banking bouse, furniture ana fix tures 10,000 00 Sue from National lianka (not rcero aentH). ...... 5,031 W Due from Stole and Pri vate Uanks and Danker, Trust Companies and Sav ings Ranks 07110 Duo from approved re serve nponts 01,550 h9 Checks and other cash -Items 1,038 19 Notes of other National Rank 2500 fractional paper currency, nickels and cents 302 32 Lawful money reserve In m bahk, viz: w 8ieclf J8.3M 75 LeKal lender notes ... 2.025 00 85,107 00 Redemption fund with U. S, Treas urer (5 pur cent of circulation)..., 2,500,00 Duo from U. S. treasurer otherthau ' , 5 per cent redumption fund ' '-t&0 Total ?553,33j'l I.IAUILIT1KS. Capital stock paid it $50,000 00 Surplus fund . 50,000 00 Undivided pro II to, less expenses ami taxes paid MM '! National bunk iiotosontstjiiHlliiK'.... W.IMO 00 , On the , Strength of this statement of our condition we solicit your business. . Supervised by the TT !. 1 c.. r.. .., wnucu catties uuvcui- ment. WOMAN'S CLUB TO BRING TO OUR CITY George Gilbert Bancroft, the Famous Psychologist, and Mme. Lewis, Vocalist and Impersonator. Due to State and Private nanus una lianKL-ry ... .. Individual deposits ttniiject .V. 10 to check 22sl.fiin 37 Demand certificates of du- IKisIt , S,100 2lt Time certltlcjUes of deposit 122,020 27 .United Suites Deposit.. . t0,0i00 'HW.frM 03 Total -...$533.335 71 State of Nebraska, County of Ro. Uutto, s. 1, a. IC. Warrick, cashier of tho alwve 'named bank, do solemnly swear that, this alxjvo statement Is trjiu to tliu lot. of my knowledge and belief. S. K. W.UUUt'K. Cashier. . Subscribed and sworn to Iwforo mo this .jllSlliitay of I'ebntary, A. D. 11W. " EUOENK RURTON. fjBAlJ Notary Public. , My comm sslon expires July 7th, lti2. CollliECTAttest: It. M. Hampton, i A. S. Rkkii, Directors. Chas. E. I'oitP, I lioardctf" Directors. Officered bv exper ienced bankers. "' Wide awake and pro gressive.;; Always courteous, al ways accommodating.' The First National Bank of Alliance CUT DOWN IN THE BLOOM OF MANHOOD Father Halbe Dies at Sisters' Hos pital, Hot Springs, S. D., Sunday Morning. Father Louis H. Halbcwas born z& years ago in the province of Rhineland, Germany, where his parents, sisters and brothers still reside. He was ed ucated for the priesthood, completing his studies and -being ordained in Gen oa, Italy. He came to the Omaha diocese about a year ago .ins, company with Father Peiper, who was ordained at the same time of the subject of this sketch. He was sent to Sidney, Nebr., where he was stationed till a few months since w.hen he was made assistant to Father Becker at Crawford. i About a month ago he contracted ty phoid fever, but continued at his work until prostrated about a week before his death, when he was taken to Hot Springs, S. D., where he was taken care of at the Sisters' hospital, where he passed awav Sunday morning at . 12:30 o'clock. Alliance Council Knights of Colum bus, under direction of Father McNa mara, arranged to have the funeral held here, the deceased being a member of this council. The remains arrived on No, 42 Tuesday, in charge of members of K. C. at Edgemont and a local com mittee composed of M. Landrigan and Simon Hagerty, and were taken to Holy Rosary church and reposed before the altar till the office of the dead, chanted by sixteen priests, and solemn requiem mass were concluded. Father McNa mara delivered an appropriate seimon jn English and Father Reusing of West Point gave an address in German. The other priests participating in the serv ices were: Father Becher of Crawford, celebrant; Father Bradley of Lincoln, deacon; Father Pieper of Constance, sub-deacou; and Father Carroll of North Platte, master of ceremonies,, assisted by Fathers Cassidy of O'Neill, Dolan of Chadron, Brennan of Ft. Robinson, Dobson of Sidney, Bryant of Casper, Sullivan of Elm Creek, Fee nev of Sidney aud Roach of Alliance. The choir rendered the beautiful, an cient Gregorian chant, accompanied at the organ by Sister Carnisia, J. A, Gnthiie and several of the priests com posing the choir. At the close of the services at the churCh theramain3 wereS taken totTO Catholic cemetery under escort of Al liance council K- C. to the number of 75 members, and interred in their last resting place. Six priests acted as honorary pall bearers at the church, the assistant or acting pall bearers being John Brennan, M. and D. Landrigan, J. B Kniest, John O'Keefe and F. B. O'Connor. l. DTif STr. t. , , & Just Opened First Shipment LADIES' SUITS nn" JACKETS Call and see these snappy garments. They are certainly beauties. NORTON'S FRANKLIN P. DAVIS. A,Wyj$aylCiKP&viSv Srej" our jity w Mr. Davis is manager and soles directorfor the famous psychologist, Georgo Gilbert Bancroft, and Mine. Lewis, noted singer, impersonator and reader. Mr. Davis completed arrangements with tliu Womnn's club for the appearance of the two noted artists in our oity March 20th. Dr. Bancroft will give his famous "Hoodoos, or Science of Spooks" Incture, a scientific discourse on psy- chic phenomena, a startling, mystifying and amusing as well as an educational , entertainment. ,. Mme. Lewis, who ably assists Dr. Bancroft, is a vocalist and impersonator; of rare ability and will give a hril iant and vorstitilt repertoire of vocal and lit erary gems, impersonations aud readings. 1 Thjs splendid attraction is being given for the benefit of the city library and 1 slioulu liave the hearty support of all good citizens. The I. ailics Auxiliary to the Brother hood of Railway Trainmen gave a pro gressive high live party last Monday evening at the residence of Mrs. U. N. Iloakius. There were 30 persons pres ent, an unusually large number. The ladies' first prize was won by Mrs. Car ter and the gentlemen's tlrst prize by Charley Tubus. The booby prize, con sisting of a tin- deck of cards, was won by Fred Tyler. After cards a delightful three-course lunch waH served which was much ap preciated by the guests. Another W. C. T. U. Entertainment. The ladies of tho W. C. T. U. did so nicely with their last entertainment that they have decided to give another on next Wednesday evening, March 10, at the I'lrst Presbyterian church. We are unable at the time of going to press to secure the complete program but give below a part of, the musical part being omitted: Music Invocation Hev. Vullow Tlio Martyred Moilicr ,...ElnaI)owmun Couvlct Joe ,.... Caroline Urigirs Music WlioStru-k thelilow Doris Haves JchHle's Gcmk! Night Krmn Ixnepeich Muxlc A Terrible Charge Dorothy Smith A Little Child Shall Lead Them , Alice Wusliburu Music Judges' DecUlon Admission, 10 cenlS. Busy as Bees. James Graham and his helpers are as busy as a hive of bees this week moving his grocery and meat market from the second door west of the post ofilee to the Ilumer building, formerly occupieU by Lock wood's furniture store, on the nortnwest corner 01 jjox nuue Ave. and Montana St. While the moving incurs a large amount of labor, he will no doubt bo repaid by an increase in business, as his new locution is an ideal one and he is plunning to put in a larger stock of goods. Mr. Graham has shown his enter prise and energy in building up a good trade and this move is but another step in the direction of enlarging it. The Mark of a City. One of the murks of a modern city is an up-to-date news stand and well stocked stationery store, and Alliance has this. , Miller Bros, have just such a place which is most conveniently loca ted next door to the post office. For futher particulars see their big ad in this Issue, Champions of Western Nebraska The high school basketball five of Al liance won the undisputed title of cham pions of western Nebraska by defeating the fast Sidney team on its own floor last Saturday night, Feb. 27. The score at the close of the game was 32 to 27. The game was the fastest and the fierc est that has ever been played on the Sid ney floor. The Sidney high school has been a close contender with Alliance for the pennant in the Western Nebraska Basketball League, and this was their opportunity to tie the percentages. At the close of the first half of play the score stood 15 to 14 in favor of Alliance. This half was marked by the fiercest playing with considerable fouling, the majority of fouls being called on Alliance. The crowd was on its feet all of this half, vainly cheering their players on to victory. At the beginning of the second half Sidney led off with two baskets, placing her in the lead. The small handful of Alliance rooters began to show symptoms of ner vous prostration. Instead of giving up, however, the plucky fighters from Alliance fought harder and by virtue of this again gained the lead. From this time on Al liance retained its advantage, and at the close was the deserving victor of a hard fought battle. Alliance went into this game in a some what crippled condition. Camille Nohe, who has been playing a star forward for the high school the entire season, was not permitted by doctor's orders to enter the game. Clare aiewmrter played in his stead, and his work was gilt edged. Seven, field goals are on the credit side of his ac count. Capt. Phil Nohe did star work in getting and passing the ball as well as in throwing foul baskets. Six fouls apd a field basket was his share of the scoring. Shay, who has never been outjumped by any opponent that he has met, played his usual strong game. Ten of Alliance's poipts are due to him. While the work of the Alliance guards does not show in the score, their strength is shown in the fact tnai our opponeis score is less man our own. Taylor did not allow his opponent to make a point, while Cecil Smith, play ing againstLobb of Sidney, who is the fastest and' the cleanest plaer qn the Sid ney team, held him to six baskets. Fif teen of Sidney's points were made on fouls. L. Wewhirter and Fred Carlson, both competent players, accompanied the team as substitutes In a brief review of the basketball season it will be a source of pride to the patrons of the high school aod to the citi zens of tlio town to know that of seven games played with the strongest teams of this section, the Alliance five has reaped a total of 315 points against 91 by our opponents. Ihis means that Alliance has, on a whole, beaten its opponents by more than three to one. Alliance has not met a single defeat. There remains one game to be played on the Alliance floor. This gams will be with Bridgeport, but the date has not been determined. All who are interested in the high school or in basketball should see this last game of the seaion. Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? Who? The Forthcoming Calico Ball A Safe, Sound, Strong and IlttPOIlT OK Til K CONDITION OP The Alliance National Bank CltARTKIl NO. M&7, ! " At. Allliinco. In tho Slato of XohruDktt, nt tlie clostxif business, Hob. 0, Ittiu, - UKNOUIIOHHI . ' . -.. a Loans uiul lllwoiint s . . , , .,$2i4S;$)li Overdrafts, socurml ami uiinocarod, SPiS.O.'i JSJMUXI a0.noo.fo 9 t v ,. . - " $ Conservative Institution U.. IkiikIh lohci'ttroclrciiliithiii. Hanking hutisc, furniture and Hx- tmiis , Duo from national Imiilcti (not .re-, wrvo aifi'iitsl . 4flt,ia Due from Statu Hunks unil Hankers TOIJW Duo from approved roatirre MKcillta aM05.tt. Chcoka aud ntlirrcnth Items ta,a Not' of other national Imnlis . 2fl5.H0 l'ructlouul paper currency nlcknlH and cents S1P.10 bAwnil, M"NKY lUsr.itVK in IUnK, viz: Hpeciu $i,oano l.iKal.U'ndcrtioU's. VM.W 12,lK"..ttO Redemption fund with U.S. treur- er 5 per cent of circulation), Total KE0H35 I.MMMTIEPl Capital stock paid In , $ fAOOO.OO Siiriiltih fund 15,000.00 Undivided protlui Itutit expenses and UiM'spiilil 4,021.70 National hatik notes outstanding. . . U'.fiOO.Oii Dun to Stutn Hun Ux and Hankers :!,103.lU tiidlvlduiil (1cwhUh hiiIi- Jcct to check Jaf,70i.4 Demand rurtltlciittm of do 4,IX)slt -,....., Wftt.7rt . ,Tfiiie,ciftiiio))lnofiisisitrioi,aj-ssiLc-4os 'Total - ...y r.KOH'iSS 7A8RJ If (135 00 STATU OP XKIHtAStCA.U.,. COI'NTV OK IlOX 1IOTTH. i v" I. 1. V. llurrlti. ciiHlilnr of tlio ahoro n 111 1 icd hunk, do xolutnnly iiweitr thai tlm above statouiont Is trim to tho host of my knowledge and belief, P. V. Hahiiir. fuslilcr, C'oniiwrr-Attuhfi ! M. KNimiT 1 P. K. )ltu,HTKN "-Directors. . P. Ht-rrKUiKisi I Subscribed mill Httorn to before mo this oih day of Pnbrnary, HHIS. 18HAI.1 11. !'.() 11. HN. Notary I'ubllc My Cimitnlsslbii expires I)ceenilK-rS7, It'll, Change in the Jollo Management. A change Mn tho iiHinngutnent of the Jollo Is announced, (J 11 ire A (Hidden beinjr the successors to II, Pardey. They expect to tiihe charge on Satur day of this week. The ucw proprietors say they will maUo tho show up-to-date nnd first-class In every respect, und they are going at It right, have ordered new films and arranged for a first-class, fonr-pleco orchestra. They promise an entertainment of clean pictures und songs, entertaining und instructive, and will without doubt be able to de liver the goods. Heing experienced in this line of entertainment, they under stand the business, and will give their patrons the worth of their money every time. Mistake Corrected. The 17th of March will be pleasantly observed in a social manner by St. Agnes court, Daughters of Isabella, with a grand calico ball at the opera house. Excellent music has been se cured and every preparation made for a jolly, social evening. Tickets are on sale for the dance and everyone who enjoys this kind of pleasure should not fail to attend. Put on your calico bib and tucker and go hence to enjoy the annivcsary of good old St. Patrick. Grand Exhibition of Good Things On next Saturday there will be a grand exhibition of two staple articles The Loose-Wiles crackers and Fern dale coffees. Representatives of these two staple brands will set 'em up to all visitors at tire Mallery grocery store on this date, and if you don't decide hat they are the best on the market, we are no Judge. All asked of the people is their presence to partake of these goodies next Saturday at Mai. lery s, tree ot charge. Miss McCorkle Entertains. Miss Inice McCqrkle entertained u few of her friends last Tuesday e veniug: tnuslu and an elaborate luncheon being the principal diversions of the occasion, We were partly hi error lust week in saying that there was no deuler in tombstones and monuments in Alliunce. Although tnere is no marble yard here, Sheriff VVlker Is agent for llox Hutte county for the Orand Island Granite .t Marble Works, and Is prepared to han dle promptly all business of that kind entrusted to him. He has sold a large amount of goods at Alliance and Hem- lugford und so far as we can learn, his customers are universally satisfied with his dealings. We recommend that any of the Herald readers in this or adjoin ing counties who wish to purchase marble or granite secure estimates from him before ordering, WHO? ATuiTcrystaTT :KREAMER& KENNEDY! DENTISTS. t ? ? J-Ofiice in Alliance National Bank Bllci T Over Postoffice. 4 4- f I Q 1 1 . . T7rt JkJJA 11 31,1 m'm We always give you the Most of the Best for the Least W. C. Hibbs, Mir. Phone 391. y $ 't ' V3 ti ?$ '1"" 'I DR. T. ALLEN, DENTIST Latest Methods That Cough Must Stop This U a bad time of the year to neglect 'i'her a co'd or cotitth. A couch easily lends into oilier and oflon iiuiih ei ions dir.eue$. You can easily cine am cougli,ith CHERRIPINE Nature's great cure for cough, bronchial hoarseness or cold on the lungs. JteiifqAA Painless Kxtrotlon ' 8a fe. Su ALLIANOE NEHKABKA GEO. T. HAND, M. D. CYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Glasses Fitted. -"-Vl