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About The Alliance herald. (Alliance, Box Butte County, Neb.) 1902-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 11, 1909)
Stnlo Historical Socloty The Alliance Herald, F1 Official Publication of the City and County. Largest Circulation of any Newspaper in Western. Nebraska. -z-ar- JiSJ VOLUME XVI, ALLIANCE, BOX BUTTE COUNTY NEBRASKA! THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1909 NUMBER 9 i i i. i '$& "4 v& I IS V 31- f I ' IJ !M '5 i i- 3 n MANAGEMENT Bank with the OLD R E L 1 A B v The success of a bank and the safety of the funds intrusted to it depend upon a judicious admin istration of its affairs. Every active officer of the First National Bank is a banker of long experience. Its Directors are well known men selected for their business abil ity and financial standing. The strength of this bank lies not alone in its largccapital, surplus1 and resources, but in the char acter and financial responsibility of the men. who conduct its affairs. The First National Bank of Alliance Capital, $50,000 Surplus and Profits, $53,000 The Farmers' Institute. The annual Farmers' Institute, on Mon day arid Tuesday of this week, was hold at an inopportune time on account of the storm that prevailed, It was hardly to bo expected that people, especially from the country, would attend during such weather. There was, however, a fair attendance the second day, and a splendid interest man ifested A part of the program was omitted, of course. Besides the music and readings by local talent, which were well received, O. Hull of Alma, Nobr., gave an address1 on "Soil Tillage for Small Grain," Prof. W. E. Hunt of Syracuse, Nebr, presented "Growing Potatoes;" H. D. Lute gave a talk on 'Improving the Cattle of Ne braska," and Miss Kauflman of Lincoln told "What to Cook and How to Cook It." It is impossible for us at this time to give a resume of the addresses as we would like to do, but we wish to mention two in particular aod call attention to their im portance, which, we doubt not, are of vastly more importance to the people of this country than is generally thought; namely, Prat. Hunt's talk on growing po tatoes, in which he gave valuable informa tion in regard to diseases of potatoes, and Mr. Hull's talk on soil tillage, with special referenced a tbe conservation of moisture. Doth of these addresses were not only re pleto with statements of scientific facts but were intensely practical. Before potato planting and crop grow- That Cough Must Stop This is a. Lad time of the year to neglect either a cold or cough. A .cough easily leads -into other aod ofton more tser ious diseases. You can easily cure any cough with . CHERRIPINE Nature's great cure for cough, bronchial hoarseness or cold 2" the lungs. - ' 3w ?- j j - - -" - ' - i- i --- -Mr- iw J 9 mfjB vrntm ing time arrives we wish to publish in Tho Herald some of the most important mat ters mentioned in these two addresses, but of course it will not be practicable for us to present to our readers in this way as full a treatment as they should have for those who are engaged directly in farm ing. Uoth Mr. Hull and Prof. Hunt strongly recommend that farmers of this section write for state and government bulletins, which give the results of ex tensive experiments and investigations by experts, and which arc sent free to those who apply for them. Write Congressman M. P. Kinknid, Washington, D. C., for bulletin on "Diseases of Potatoes" and other government bulletins, and Val Key set, Supt. Farmers' Institutes, Lincoln., Neb , for bulletin on "Spraying Potatoes" and other state bullatins. Memorial Mass. Annual solemn requiem mass for the repose of the souls of depcascd mem bers of the Knights of Columbus will be offered up on Monday, Fob. 23, 0 a. in., at Holy Rosary church. All members are requested to attend. II. A. Cowry, O. K. l It. (VConnoii, Fin. Secy. Those failing to see tho play, "Along the Kennebec,"" tomorrow (Fridny)night will miss a genuine treat, We always give you the Most of the Best fdFtfie Least W. . Hibbs, Mgr. GEO. T. HAND, M. D. EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Eyes Tested and Classes Fitted. HALF-PRICE Ladies9 and Misses9 Coats, Suits, Cravenettes NORTON'S A Safe, Sound, Strong and Conservative Institution ItKPOKT OK TUB CONDITION Ol' The Alliance National Bank CHAHTKK NO W57, At. Alliance, In the Stnto of Ncbruskn, at tho clwo of business Kub. 0, HHW. jiKsouncr.s: Loan unci illncontitH $208,878.11 Overdrafts, sccunil nnd unxecured if. . iioiHii to Hfcura circulation .... Hanking homo, furnlturo and fix ture Duo from national luinlis (not ro- serro iwionls) $ 404.1S Duo from Ktiito Hunks nnd Hunkers 700.80 Duo from unproved reserve ugcmta ftV,400.&! Chock nnd nthcrcRsh Items 02.55 Notes or other national banks , 2C5.W Fractional paper corrtuioy, nickels nnd coins 210.10 Law tut, Monby llKMKitvr. in Hank, vir.t Hpeclo $11,005(10 liCKnUcmlcrmHi'M, liWOO 12,110.00 lUxfctnpllon fund with U.S. trcasur- ir (5 pur cent of circulation) mhos 12,000.00 20.000.00 70,372 19 ' 02500 Totn.. ...1320,288.35 lilAniUTtES: Capital stock paid In 3 6OWO.0O Surplus fund 23,000.00 unuiviiiuu nruuui, lussmpenseHiinu tuxespuld 4.021.79 National hank notes outstanding. . . 12,600.00 Dun toBtnto Hanks and Hunkers S.108.PI Individual deposits nub Joct to check 184,7(11.84' Demiind eertlllciitw of tlo- PUSH. , J TinmeortlllritUwofdoposit 74,407.03 220,034.55 Total STATE OP NKIIUASICA,! ,. WJ),288.K tASICA,U4. 10TTB. f1'' m, ciislucr I. I. V. HarrlH. eiisliler of tho uIkivii- iinmcd lunik, do Milcmniv swear tlmt tho ulxivo statement I truo to tho foesiofiuy ktionk'dKO ami lMilluf. V. W. llAitins, CuMilor. CounKCT-Attest: R St. Khioiit I V. K. IloiJiTKN ' J-Dlrcctort. U. F. IIETTKMIEIM 1 HuUsorllied nnd sworn to before, mo this nth iltiy of Kobruury, I00S. . 18IJA1. H.F.C.HAN. Notary Public. My commission expires Deccmbor 7, 1011. Commercial Club Regular meeting postponed until Monday evening, - ''- 4, February 15 LLOYD C. THOMAS, Secretary EXCURSION RATES ON ALL LINES OF Men's and Boys' Winter Suits and Overcoats Great Slashing of Olothing Values . 1 Big Lot of Men's Suits that 07 Q C 5 sold up to .$ 15.00, now t7 i mUtJ ) co00fl)ceoaoeea) QSG)SOeCOQO04 S 1 Big Lot of Hen's Suits that dJT O C S S 1 Big Lot of Hen's Suits that rf C ff S sold up to $12.50, now tPJ00 I sold up to $10, go now at pOUU I 0 0 000000000000000000000000O000000000000000900C000000 00000000000000000&0000000000000006)00000000000C0 You can save now from $5.00 to $10.00 on a Winter Overcoat We must clean them out before the arrival of our Spring Purchases OUR LOSS WILL BE YOUR GAIN-WE ARE DETERMINED TO SELL THEH SZLvdZ-A-ILjIli -sxT-A-KIEIS FOB ZkEIEirsr - IT ID IB O "ST S CD E3 221 O TT 2S S Z O 2T Si.a:E3S Wright's Health . 2 Pairs Men's 2oo Pairs Men's sol- EXTRA SPECIAL Boys' Sweaters, Boys' 65c 5 Pairs Canvas Underwear, L25 Wool Sox for id leather $3 Shoes Boys' $2 Shoes, for 75c kind, now Knee Pants, Gloves for k,nd 89 H 25c at $225 l?ys $1.39 39c 39c 25c 1.25 Blue Flannel loo pairs Men's $4, Qfic Hen's high cut A good Any Boys' Cap Boys' 65c Shirts. 4.5o and $5 Pants, 27(J Shoes, 3.50 quality, Work Shirt for in the house, Hittens, now 89c $3.50 u'srt $2.50 39c 25? 39c Y?3 Hart, Shaffner & Harx Clothes Douglas Shoes Stetson Hats Manhattan SI